[1.9]Minecubed SMP Whitelisted (Mindcrack/Hermitcraft like)

Kenified's Avatar Kenified3/2/16 1:29 pm
3/11/2016 8:55 am
WombowCombow's Avatar WombowCombow
About Server:
Minecubed SMP is a vanilla server started because i couldn't 't find server i enjoyed playing on. Either it got griefed or shut down. That's why i started Minecubed. We are a small community, we do lots of things together, but i want to expand community because we don't have as many people playing as we used to. We also will start on a new world!

Before we get to the applications, there are some rules that we expect you to follow (breaking some of these will result in a immediate ban with no exceptions):
  • No mods that give you an advantage in vanilla, this will result in ban (e.g. X-ray, fly hacks, ect.)
  • Don't grief other players, will also result in a ban.
  • Don't take any other players items unless they give you permission, can also result in ban.
  • PVP is allowed but don't be annoying! You can PVP as long as both sides agree.
  • Pranks are allowed as long as they don't grief anything.
  • You are expected to be active.
  • You need to be at least 14 years or older.

Application (make it as detailed as possible so we can see you tried):
  • IGN (in-game name):
  • Country/Timezone:
  • Age (14+)?:
  • Skype(You can PM me the skype):
  • Do you have Youtube(Not required)?:
  • How much time will you be spending on server?:
  • Why do you want to join Minecubed?:
  • What do you hope to achieve on server?:
  • Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better:
Posted by Kenified's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer

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03/11/2016 8:55 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
WombowCombow's Avatar
Dont apply anymore.. this dude left this site, 100% sure
03/10/2016 2:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Xymphany's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): Xymphany
Country/Timezone: Canada EST
Age (14+)?: 20
Skype(You can PM me the skype): Xymmphany
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Yes
How much time will you be spending on server?: 1 - 5 times a week
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: I have played on a few smp servers myself but none of them ever worked out. I like what you have set out for this server and it would be great to experience it with this community. I love playing with other players and I would also like to make videos on the server. I have been searching for a mature place to play similar to mindcrack and hermitcraft and this just might be the best thing I have com across.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: I hope to be able to collaborate with other members, building farms, bases you name it. I would build community farms/shops as well as build my own base somewhere on the server as well.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: I am 20 years old as stated above. I am a full time student so I could be busy from time to time. I am Canadian so it gets quite cold and I would have more of an excuse to play on the server. I love video games, they are a big passion of mine as well. I do not know really what else I should type but I hope you read this and consider me for your server.
03/10/2016 1:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Azwrayth's Avatar
IGN: Azwrayth
Country/Timezone: Romania / Europe/Bucharest
Age ?: 18
Skype: first.demion96
Do you have Youtube?: Nope. But i am going to start a channel after i will give my PC an upgrade.
How much time will you be spending on server?: Alot, because i am looking for a survival server that i can play with my friends.
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: As i said before, i am looking for a server with a lower amount of players cuz i hate when there are alot of peeps that grief the map and stuff.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: To be honest, i want to be known for my building skills and at the same time for my honesty.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: Well there is not much to say. I am a friendly and helpfull player, i don't like griefers and flamers, they are annoying. I am fun to play with and i love Architecture. If you want to know anything else about me let me know.
Best regards,
03/10/2016 1:43 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
WombowCombow's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): WombowCombow
Country/Timezone: UTC +02:00 - Grecce
Age (14+)?: 13 in 1 month and 4 days 14
Skype(You can PM me the skype): tehcaptaincake.ftw
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Not yet
How much time will you be spending on server?: A lot since i'm playing only on Hypixel
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: Well as i said before my only server is Hypixel and a lot of times its getting boring so i want a survival server to play with other players
What do you hope to achieve on server?: Well i want to have fun - build and do things with other players
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: Im 13 (in 1 month 4 days i will be 14) My computer broke so i bought a new one but i lost my microphone so i will buy 1 in 3 days from now and i love puppies
03/10/2016 1:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xWithered's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): xWithered
Country/Timezone: Norway, CET
Age (14+)?: 14, 15 in a month
Skype(You can PM me the skype): themvp.off
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: I have (xWithered), but I'm not very active on it. Maybe I will start posting LP's on the server.
How much time will you be spending on server?: Multiple hours daily.
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: Because I want to play on a 1.9 survival server with multiple people, without hackers and without getting griefed. And because it's more to do on a multiplayer server.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: To have fun, in a big group, and to build original builds that I can be proud of. I'm also realy into UHC, so it would be cool to join an UHC with the other members.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: My name is Jakob, I'm from Norway, and I like to do things on the computer. I've been playing Minecraft a lot, since beta. I like both building and grinding, and achieving goals in the game. I also like building farms and redstone constraptions. Outside minecraft, I like to listen to music, and hang out with friends.
03/06/2016 3:11 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Michaelmm401's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): GentlemanWhale
Country/Timezone: U.S. Central
Age (14+)?: Yes, i am 16.
Skype(You can PM me the skype): will PM
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Nope but if needed i can give it a go.
How much time will you be spending on server?: I have alot of free time and am available most days, so i van spend around 2-3 hours on everyday.
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: I want to join minecubed because i want to be able to explore 1.9 and just be able to grow within a community.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: I want to be able to build alot of community things, I would like to think im an okay builder , and thus would like to contribute alot to the aesthetics of the server.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: Im still in highschool and im realtively shy. I love me some puns and really dry jokes for some reason. I really like building and have been playing for 2 years. I spend alot of my time primarily playing mobas or just watching netflix.
03/06/2016 10:30 am
Level 25 : Expert Unicorn
MarvinWZ's Avatar
03/05/2016 10:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Coolie2's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): Coolie2
Country/Timezone: USA/EST
Age (14+)?: 15
Skype(You can PM me the skype): Coolie Coolster
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Kinda but nothing big
How much time will you be spending on server?: Several hours a week ranging from 6-10 depending on my schedule.
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: I have tried to play on SMPs before, however they usually end up being empty or just the owner gives up on it. I am a huge fan of both Mindcrack and Hermitcraft and have always wished to participate in a small, well knit community like it with things like bases and a central town with plenty of stores and buildings. However I have not yet found one that has had members who wanted to put in the dedication to create such a community. Thats why I hope this will be that kind of community for me.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: I hope to mine, build a base, public buildings and games, a shop, and interact with other players in entertaining and fun ways. I hope to be part of, but also help grow a community that might grow to be as well knit and developed as Hermitcraft or Mindcrack.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: I enjoy playing many games such as Terraria or TF2 however Minecraft has always been my favorite to consistently play. I enjoy playing minigames on the big servers, however ive always liked playing survival and mining and building for hours. Not much else besides that
03/05/2016 3:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
peepsibabes's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): Peepsibabe
Country/Timezone: EST
Age (14+)?: 15
Skype(You can PM me the skype): Peepsibabe
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: no
How much time will you be spending on server?: 5 Hours
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: I was looking for a white listed server just to play survival on.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: Build a lot of things legit. Meet a lot of new friends on this server, And mostly have fun!
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better I Live in canada, Im from Australia. Minecraft is my favourite game, I love to play minecraft with friends or really anyone. I Love to build, Im really bad at redstone. Ive been playing minecraft for 4 years now.
03/05/2016 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Justinnuke1's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): Justinnuke
Country/Timezone: America, Pacific Standard Time
Age (14+)?: 16
Skype(You can PM me the skype): jman19995
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: I am seriously considered it I have done stuff in the past I need my desktop fixed. Ive had some minor problems.
How much time will you be spending on server?: it depends on the day it could range from 30 minutes to 6 hours.
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: Ive really been looking for a small group of friendly individuals. I like helping people with builds or doing projects together like mob farms. Building cities and cool structures.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: i hope to achieve a friendly community that gros over time from 5-15 with youtubers and pals just having fun.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: I am 16. I have been playing minecraft off and on now for about 2 years and before that I constantly played for 4 years. After the 2 years I never really found a server that kept my interest but I feel this would do it. Ive never experienced it but I have been watching hermitcraft a lot recently and really enjoyed it. I am a very friendly person. I love helping with builds or going on mining adventures with a couple people and just forming the terrain to our liking. Thanks for the consideration
03/03/2016 6:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Meowpop123's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): MrLuigiRPG
Country/Timezone: EST
Age (14+)?: 12, 13 in 13 days
Skype(You can PM me the skype): jbevis.bevis
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Yes, MrLuigiRPG
How much time will you be spending on server?: Atleast 3+ hours per day
Why do you want to join Minecubed?:I want to join Minecubed SMP because i was just recently kicked out of a SMP for argueing with the owner about a stupid rule they added, i want to join this in hoping this wont be the same problem and i can spend a long time on this server, collaborating.
What do you hope to achieve on server?:I hope to achieve many of my redstone designs and work with other youtubers.
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: Im from florida, iv been playing since alpha, and i love minecraft.
03/03/2016 5:08 pm
Level 25 : Expert Unicorn
MarvinWZ's Avatar
03/03/2016 2:37 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
Kenified's Avatar
03/02/2016 2:55 pm
Level 25 : Expert Unicorn
MarvinWZ's Avatar
IGN (in-game name): MarvinWZ
Country/Timezone: GMT +1 , The Netherlands
Age (15+)?: 18
Skype(You can PM me the skype): MarvinWZ
Do you have Youtube(Not required)?: Nope
How much time will you be spending on server?: Serveral hours daily
Why do you want to join Minecubed?: I really want to join a mature SMP server again. I've done this before and I've really enjoyed it every time. I really like to build a base and a spawn city with buildings where everyone can add to.
What do you hope to achieve on server?: A great time, Maybe make new friends, Learn new redstone builds and general a fun time
Tell us about yourself so we can get to know you better: I'm a redstone orientated builder and I love to put as much redstone in my builds as possible. I've played minecraft for over 5 years now and I still enjoy it as much as first. I'm a pretty good builder and a very good redstoner. I also like small communities playing together.
03/02/2016 5:12 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
Kenified's Avatar
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