Moderator Application [ Factions ]

TBDFreelance's Avatar TBDFreelance6/29/14 8:42 pm
1 emeralds 195 7
6/29/2014 10:11 pm
TBDFreelance's Avatar TBDFreelance
I am recruiting two moderators for a soon-to-go-public faction server. The server will be going public in 3:15 hours from the time of this post, and I require two moderators on the opening. If you wish to apply, fill out the application below and post it on this thread.

All Fields Required
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Have a Mic?:
Reason For Applying:
How You Can Benefit Us:
Maturity (1-50):
Moderation Skill{1-50}:

You will be contacted via skype if your application is approved.
Posted by TBDFreelance's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage

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06/29/2014 9:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
xXCodeBossXx's Avatar
Name: Cody Commandeur
Age: 15
Skype: MinecraftDuo99
Have a Mic?: Turtle Beach P11's
IGN: xXCodeBossXx
Experience: I have been moderator on 2 other servers whom ran out of funding to continue their great success.
Reason For Applying: I believe that everyone has something to contribute to a server, Therefore the more people who are running a server become more successful as everyone has a different idea and can input it to make the server have more unique features and overall be different and successful
How You Can Benefit Us: I can benefit by removing the trouble makers such as hackers griefers spammers etc. I will deal with the person in an appropriate manner and apply the correct punishment to the player (mute, jail, temp-ban, ban, etc.) I am also a fairly good builder and have experience with staff positions.
Maturity (1-50): 48 (I like to have a joke now and again to lighten the mood, But when in a serious situation i will be mature)
Experience{1-50}: I would say 42 (Every has something to learn that they don't know about the certain server they are applying for)
Moderation Skill{1-50}: 46 (As previously stated no-one is perfect and we all have our faults that we need to learn and conquer)
06/29/2014 10:11 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
TBDFreelance's Avatar
Check Skype for an Interview
06/29/2014 9:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kaos_Octane's Avatar
Name: Chandler
Age: 14
Skype: Octane Gaming
Have a Mic?: Yeah
IGN: TH47_D34D_6UY
Experience:I have owned 3 Minecraft servers, been an Administrator on 7, and I have been Mod on countless servers.
Reason For Applying: I am bored, and want to help someone out with his or her server.
How You Can Benefit Us: I can benefit the server by helping the new players that come onto the server, and assisting the Owner with anything he or she needs. I can be on a lot of the time, and when I am not on, can be contacted through Skype.
Maturity (1-50): 46
Experience{1-50}: 49
Moderation Skill{1-50}: 43
06/29/2014 9:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
TBDFreelance's Avatar
Check Skype for an Interview
06/29/2014 10:11 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
TBDFreelance's Avatar
Approved for a Trial Position
06/29/2014 8:48 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
TeamCraft-Robbie's Avatar
Skype:(ill tell you if needed)
Have a Mic?:Nope
Experience: I have owned a successfull network, moderated for several servers and am admin on two.
Reason For Applying: I am purely here to give a helping hand to someone who needs it
How You Can Benefit Us: I can moderate your server and if you feel its right, i can do everything and anything that you need.
Maturity (1-50): 45
Moderation Skill{1-50} 47
06/29/2014 8:51 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
TBDFreelance's Avatar
My apologies, however a mic is required for good communication amongst staff.
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