Need Builders, Admins, mods and more!

zacattack45's Avatar zacattack455/7/12 4:38 am
5/8/2012 1:10 am
BrenjukuLove's Avatar BrenjukuLove
Hey guys, my server is in need of some server staff! We need all sorts of people from website managers to builders! There are 11 server staff spots available!


1 Co-Owner (that can pay and manage our website)
1 Head Admin
4 Admins
1 Head Moderator
4 Moderators

Heres the app:

Why you want to be staff:
Hours a day:
Skype (yes/no):
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos:

The server is a white-list one but here is the ip if you get accepted:
Posted by zacattack45's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger

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05/08/2012 1:10 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
IGN: Brenjuku
Age: 20
Country: USA
Position: Admin
Why you want to be staff: I have plenty of experience being an admin so I know how to use worldedit & all of the other admin mods. I am really good at role playing if that makes any difference xD I am also a helpful person and I am a really fun person to be around ;D I also made the websites for the other servers I was an admin on
Hours a day: I'm on for most of the day.
Skype (yes/no): Yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: Of course! i have been in a youtube video before but I don't have the link sorry :3
05/08/2012 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
stacker14's Avatar
Why you want to be staff:I want to be on the staff because i enjoy helping server's and making sure people are playing fairly and according to the rule's of the server.
Hours a day:It really depends because somedays I may be busy, but i will get on alot.
Skype (yes/no):no sorry
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos:Sadly I dont have the equipment for that.
05/07/2012 12:18 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Shawneel's Avatar
IGN: Shawneel
Country: England
Position: Moderator
Why you want to be staff: I want to be staff because, I want to learn new skills, and hopefully this can be done via this server.I also want to make some new friends to work with well together. I'm not gonna lie I have little experience, but I am willing to learn.
Hours a day: About 6 Hours on weekdays. All day on most weekends
Skype (yes/no): Yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: Of course.
05/07/2012 11:06 am
Level 25 : Expert Miner
Frostburn's Avatar
IGN: Nitesh45
Age: 15
Country: UK
Position: Admin or head Admin
Why you want to be staff: I am staff on many servers and I know exactly how to use all commands and science I have a bukkit server I have used many many plugins I can deal with things very quickly and smoothly I love giving a welcome to everyone and I know what to do if someone is mis behaving, Dont mis use my powers because I like to take care of things calmly and just talk to everyone on the server and have fun chats
Hours a day: 13
Skype (yes/no): Yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: Totally
05/07/2012 11:03 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
loserino123's Avatar
IGN: loserino123
Age: 13
Country: England
Position: Admin or head admin
Why you want to be staff: i would like to be a admin because it awsome being a adminon a server and i would like to be one and i would help u alot if u let me be a admin on ur server
hours a day: on weekdays i will be on from 4:30pm-9 or 10pm
Skype: yes
We like to have fun so would u be able to assist in Youtube videos: yes
05/07/2012 9:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EpicDom's Avatar
IGN: Epic_Dom
Age: 15
Country: England
Position: Moderator or Admin
Why you want to be staff: i would like to be helpful to members of the server. i enjoy being part of a team and having respect
Hours a day: about 5 +
Skype (yes/no): yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: yes
05/07/2012 8:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sme11ycheese's Avatar
IGN: Wii_on_Mii
country: North Wales
Position:Admin or mod
Why i want to be staff: Because ive never had the chance and would like to help out
hours a day: 2 hours
skype: yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: yes
05/07/2012 5:52 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
WadsENT's Avatar
Age: 24
Country: Denmark
Position: Builder
Why you want to be staff: Id love to help in the creation of something new, really.
Hours a day: 6-7 Hours
Skype (yes/no): Yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: Yes
05/07/2012 5:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FTWmCsWTF's Avatar
Age: 20
Country: USA
Position: Admin
Why you want to be staff: I love helping people out and making the server a fun place to be.
Hours a day: 5
Skype (yes/no): yes
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: yes
05/07/2012 5:14 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
iownmc's Avatar
Heres the app:

Position:Head Admin
Why you want to be staff: becuase i like helping people
Hours a day:when i get home to about 8+ (i get home at about 4 o/clock GMT)
Skype (yes/no):no but i can still help the people in the server
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos:i cant record but i can link on my youtube page (15 subs) and i can build and have fun
05/07/2012 4:47 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
zacattack45's Avatar
05/07/2012 4:45 am
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
Hebb's Avatar
IGN: DanielHebbard
Age: 13 (14 in one month)
Country: UK, England
Position: Head Admin
Why you want to be staff: I really would like to help your server and i have ALOT of experience with the role of staff and a ton of experience with plugins i have been admin on 6 servers, moderator on 3 and co-owner on one i know how to handle the "griefer" situation so i will be very much happy to help it depends if griefing/raiding is allowed if its not then thats even better! so i hope you choose me
Hours a day: when i come home from school im on for 6 hours
Skype (yes/no): yes, but not a microphone
We like to have fun, so would you be able to assist in YouTube videos: yes

Im here if you need me
Planet Minecraft


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