Need dedicated staff

cllerj's Avatar cllerj2/9/14 4:58 am
2/9/2014 6:36 am
MagicMash's Avatar MagicMash
Hello Planet Minecraft! I need staff for my new server Crushingpvp! So apply away I suppose.



Why I should choose you:

Your knowledge of survival:

Willingness to help others:

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:

Past experiences:




Why I should choose you:

Your knowledge of Factions:

Willingness to help others:

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:

Past experiences:




Why I should choose you:

Your knowledge of all game types:

Knowledge of World Guard:

Willingness to help others:

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:

Past experiences:




Why I should choose you:

Your knowledge of all game types:

Knowledge of World Guard:

Willingness to help others:

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:

Past experiences:

Servers you have been Admin on:

Have you been banned:

Posted by cllerj's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer

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02/09/2014 6:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
MagicMash's Avatar
I have changed the application just to let you get to know me better and some extra information about who I am, what I would do in some situations, and just some needed info
What position I would like: Admin
Age: 12 (Dont worry, I am mature)
Name: Ashali
IGN: MagicMa5h
Skype: magicma5h
Timezone: GMT (England)
Why I would like to be Admin on the server: I'd love to help this server out, and by helping it out I mean helping the server out as much as possible on all levels, such as advertising, building, perm set ups, player help, general help and helping the lower staff ranks. I love helping servers out, and catching every opportunity that comes by with both hands.
Why you should pick me:I will treat everyone the same. No matter if they are the owner or a new-comer, I will treat them the way they are meant to be treated, with respect and kindness, and if they are a new player they can expect a hearty 'Welcome to the server (Insert Name Here)!' from me. I will be considerate towards them and if they ask for OP/ Staff/ Items/ Game-mode etc. I would tell them "Sorry,no, because to get Staff, you have to be a active player and have a good application. Also the owner would have to discuss it with the rest of the team". Or in other cases say "Sorry, but you are not allowed ---- because you are a new player, and if you continue to spam the server asking for ----, you will be kicked"
Experience: I've ;
Currently owning a W.I.P server
Owned/co-owned a server Twice
Been admin on 1 server
Currently Assitant (above mod but below admin) on 1
Currently mod on 2, but been mod on 3
Currently admin on a server
Currently Builder (who gets OP) on 1
Will these (current) staff ranks get in the way of how active I am on the server?No, because I spread ,my time equally, and if I cant be on the server on a certain day, I will inform you over skype telling you why I cannot be on the server for that day(s)
Maturity (/10): 9.5/10
Plugin knowledge (/10): 9/10
Building skill (/10) : 8/10 (Im alright at building, but not the best)
If you need any proof, ask me, I'll give you the IP to the server I'm OP on
What would I do if a player is saying that someone hacked the server: Firstly, I would tell them to calm down, or to stop spamming. Secondly, I would ask them what the players IGN was. Thirdly, I would ask for any proof, screenshots etc. Fourtly,A) If there was proof, I would ban/temp-ban the player caught hacking under the certain circumstances Fourtly B) If there was no proof, I would say I will pass this onto the owner or higher member of staff so they can take the right actions to deal with the situation.
What would I do if I see another member of staff abusing powers If a higher staff rank was on at this time, I would tell them. If you were available on skype, I would tell you their IGN and to come on the server ASAP. If there was no-one on and you were not available, I would temp-ban them for around a day until you come on to sort it out. I would take a few screen shots so that you cann have alook at who,when, where and how the were abusing their powers.
What would I do if someone was spamming the server: Its depends what they are spamming. If they are spamming a server IP, It would be a instant temp-ban for however long deems fit.If it was something else,I would firstly politely ask them to stop. Secondly I would kick them depending if they stopped or not. Thirdly if they came back on and started spamming, I would temp-ban for a day. After that they start spamming it would be a ban
Hours I would dedicate to this server: As many as I could, and hopefully 2+ every single day
Will I abuse my powers?; Of course not!
Thankyou for reading this application, and I hope you take me into consideration
02/09/2014 6:22 am
Level 1 : New Network
derpywerpy119's Avatar
Applying for survival moderator


Why I should choose you: I have a will to help people and i want everyone to be happy and no one sad. if someone is sad i try to help them and i will not abuse my powers

Your knowledge of survival: Griefers lurk around every corner. Griefers are bad. If people want to be peaceful then they should be allowed to live in peace

Willingness to help others: Over 9000% I want to help people and stop griefers from upsetting people who took ages to build their houses.

Time you're able to dedicate to the server: I am not able to dedicate much time apart from holidays and weekends. But with the time I have i will try to be on as much as possible

Past experiences: I have been a mod on a server and an admin on a server

Skype: Sorry I do not have a skype
02/09/2014 6:02 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sak234isepic's Avatar
IGN: sak234, ChevyRayner

Why I should choose you: I will not abuse my power as moderator and will help the people having troubles

Your knowledge of all game types: I am good in survival and can do anything in creative

Knowledge of World Guard: None but I can find out about it

Willingness to help others: I will help others no matter what situation they are in. I used to play on a 1.5.2 servers and I was rich and was always giving people money

Time you're able to dedicate to the server: I will be able to dedicate 2-5 hours a day.

Past experiences: I have been a mod on a server then the owner decided to shut the server down.

Skype: Don't have it and can't get it.
02/09/2014 5:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tad02's Avatar
Admin Application


Why I should choose you:You should chose me because I am not like the applicants.I am Respectful and am Very serious when its comes to keeping things safe from very small things to big things like this and I would be a perfect role model for other staff member and normal players and will get the job done no matter how long it takes.

Your knowledge of all game types:I am pretty solid on all game types.

Knowledge of World Guard:I am ok on world guard but I wouldn't say I am perfect.

Willingness to help others:My willingness to help others is me trying to help at any given moment and see if I can help with any of their needs and trying to make them think they can ask me about anything and I will help in-game and they won't think they're bugging me.

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:1-2 hours on weekdays and 5-6 hours on weekends.

Past experiences:I have had 16 numeral experiences as co-owner once,head-admin twice,admin 7 times,mod 4 times and helper once trial-mod once

Servers you have been Admin on:Most of them are down but only 3 are up and I will tell you then on skype accepted or not.

Have you been banned:No.Never for the 2 years I have been playing minecraft.

02/09/2014 5:51 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
TheWaySir's Avatar
motoredge2I've edited the application a bit if you don't mind.

IGN: Motoredge2

Knowledge of World Guard: I've been staff on lots of servers and I've used this plugin a million times (not literally of course). I know all about /region define etc.

Let's start off, with saying, I'm not here to "help your server" because I think it's "a great server that deserves help." Wait, did I really just say that? Yes, I did, because I'm trying to earn your TRUST. Am I going to lie to you on this application? Of course not, it's an application, you are NOT supposed to give out fake, or untrue statements. I'm here to tell you, I'm wanting this position for the RESPECT. I hate permissions. I really do. I love playing the guy who befriends all the admins or owners, and becomes the "real hero" of the server, who is loved by everyone. Unfortunately, in today's society and maturity of players these days, that is NOT the case. You see, the past of my Minecraft experience yhas been disrespect, hatred, and "cyber-bullying" if you will. Nobody, ever deserves that. At all. So then I started to apply. I applied, applied, applied, and I got ranks. I become Moderator several times, but to tell you the truth, I purposely never became an Admin. But once i started a server on my own and learned some plugins like Chestshop, Factions, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials. I excel in perspective, and understanding. I am also, incredibly confident. You want someone that will improve your server, not just "help" for the first four days and become one of those "attatched" admins thinking he's the man? This is it. This will be it. The fact of the matter is, I'm different. I am a very rare breed of "staff hunters." And yes, incase you were wondering, I am, myself, a staff hunter. But I do it, because of the Respect, remember?

Now that you know a little bit about myself, lets start with what I will be doing, on your server.

I am the disputer. I dissolve arguments, I dispell fights, and I resolve, any single thing between any player. And I do it, with experience. Remember how I was a Moderator on several servers over the past of my years of Minecraft? Well I learned a thing or two. I KNOW, how perspective works. I KNOW, how consequences should be made. You ask of me any scenario, and I will solve it. To my standards, or yours, I will take care of it with justice and balance. I'm not kidding, I'm literally an expert on how to do this. You want someone who can take care of your server and actually "help" it like others propose? You do it with me. Not with some other kid just trying to nab a spot on your "Guard" list. And i also know a couple of plugins so i can help you with ranks etc
And lastly, a few things about what I do to make people like me.

I am a smart person. You don't think so? Listen to this, and really, just hear me out. I have figured out, how to make someone stick to your server and just find so much endless fun, they can't bare to get off in their freetime. It's all about: Attention. Let's just say, you are a user, no rank, no anything. You go on a new server. But, aside from the "WELCOME TO THE SERVER!!!" lets say you are put upon unnoticed. Nobody talks to you, pays attention to you, helps you, talks to you, you're just... invisible. How long do you really think you'd want to be on that server? It'll get boring real quick, won't it? Now, lets say you're in the same scenario. Same "WELCOME TO THE SERVER!!!!" cheesiness, but this time, people actually care about you. You are joked around with (in a good way) and you are noticed by other players, namely because, the staff seem to care about you. They play around, say funny things with you, and actually pay attention, to YOU. Feel like you got somewhere where people like you? Well now you do. Welcome to "knowing how to get people to stay on your server." I am a very observant person. I figure out people's personalities, and I do my best to correlate to their personality so that they, somehow find things in common with their relationship with the staff! Even though this is going to sound like I'm just glorifying myself even further, I'm so expertise in this area that I know how to evolve my personality for each, and every server I go on. There are literally 3 people on minecraft. 1st, the smart, intelligent one that uses periods to make himself look all "fancy" and "brainy". 2nd, the shy one, that seems to do stuff on his own, minding his own business, kind of seperating himself from everyone else to work on his build/objective. And 3rd, the roudy one, who tries to make ridiculous jokes that don't even make any sense and likes to grab attention. I know, how to change my personality to suite every single one of those kinds of people. Got shy people on your server? Treat them with space, but let them know that you know they're in existence. (If you get what I mean) But look, long story short, I know, exactly how to make people find interest in me. And I'm Confident in what I do.

But, it is this, that makes me, me. Now, I REALLY DO APPRECIATE if you ACTUALLY took the time to read the whole thing. Yes, it was treacherous, but typically, you don't find this in people. You don't find... this devotion. Knowing me for 20 minutes, how do you think you know me now? (If you read this whole application)

You know a lot. And you know well. I deserve it. Because you aren't going to find very many of me.

Thanks for your obvious consideration.

Skype: Motoredge2

LIES! LIES! You copied Talben12 (idk what's his name i don't remember) app!

02/09/2014 5:49 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xtom9's Avatar
Afraid? What's there to be afraid of? I'm just concerned that you may troll the server and be a waste of time to the server owner.[/quote] Dude go tell your lies to someone else. Its not nice to make up stuff about people you destroy their reputation.
02/09/2014 5:43 am
Level 1 : New Artist
fj4ccc's Avatar
I've edited the application a bit if you don't mind.

IGN: Motoredge2

Knowledge of World Guard: I've been staff on lots of servers and I've used this plugin a million times (not literally of course). I know all about /region define etc.

Let's start off, with saying, I'm not here to "help your server" because I think it's "a great server that deserves help." Wait, did I really just say that? Yes, I did, because I'm trying to earn your TRUST. Am I going to lie to you on this application? Of course not, it's an application, you are NOT supposed to give out fake, or untrue statements. I'm here to tell you, I'm wanting this position for the RESPECT. I hate permissions. I really do. I love playing the guy who befriends all the admins or owners, and becomes the "real hero" of the server, who is loved by everyone. Unfortunately, in today's society and maturity of players these days, that is NOT the case. You see, the past of my Minecraft experience has been disrespect, hatred, and "cyber-bullying" if you will. Nobody, ever deserves that. At all. So then I started to apply. I applied, applied, applied, and I got ranks. I become Moderator several times, but to tell you the truth, I purposely never became an Admin. But once i started a server on my own and learned some plugins like Chestshop, Factions, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials. I excel in perspective, and understanding. I am also, incredibly confident. You want someone that will improve your server, not just "help" for the first four days and become one of those "attatched" admins thinking he's the man? This is it. This will be it. The fact of the matter is, I'm different. I am a very rare breed of "staff hunters." And yes, incase you were wondering, I am, myself, a staff hunter. But I do it, because of the Respect, remember?

Now that you know a little bit about myself, lets start with what I will be doing, on your server.

I am the disputer. I dissolve arguments, I dispell fights, and I resolve, any single thing between any player. And I do it, with experience. Remember how I was a Moderator on several servers over the past of my years of Minecraft? Well I learned a thing or two. I KNOW, how perspective works. I KNOW, how consequences should be made. You ask of me any scenario, and I will solve it. To my standards, or yours, I will take care of it with justice and balance. I'm not kidding, I'm literally an expert on how to do this. You want someone who can take care of your server and actually "help" it like others propose? You do it with me. Not with some other kid just trying to nab a spot on your "Guard" list. And i also know a couple of plugins so i can help you with ranks etc
And lastly, a few things about what I do to make people like me.

I am a smart person. You don't think so? Listen to this, and really, just hear me out. I have figured out, how to make someone stick to your server and just find so much endless fun, they can't bare to get off in their freetime. It's all about: Attention. Let's just say, you are a user, no rank, no anything. You go on a new server. But, aside from the "WELCOME TO THE SERVER!!!" lets say you are put upon unnoticed. Nobody talks to you, pays attention to you, helps you, talks to you, you're just... invisible. How long do you really think you'd want to be on that server? It'll get boring real quick, won't it? Now, lets say you're in the same scenario. Same "WELCOME TO THE SERVER!!!!" cheesiness, but this time, people actually care about you. You are joked around with (in a good way) and you are noticed by other players, namely because, the staff seem to care about you. They play around, say funny things with you, and actually pay attention, to YOU. Feel like you got somewhere where people like you? Well now you do. Welcome to "knowing how to get people to stay on your server." I am a very observant person. I figure out people's personalities, and I do my best to correlate to their personality so that they, somehow find things in common with their relationship with the staff! Even though this is going to sound like I'm just glorifying myself even further, I'm so expertise in this area that I know how to evolve my personality for each, and every server I go on. There are literally 3 people on minecraft. 1st, the smart, intelligent one that uses periods to make himself look all "fancy" and "brainy". 2nd, the shy one, that seems to do stuff on his own, minding his own business, kind of seperating himself from everyone else to work on his build/objective. And 3rd, the roudy one, who tries to make ridiculous jokes that don't even make any sense and likes to grab attention. I know, how to change my personality to suite every single one of those kinds of people. Got shy people on your server? Treat them with space, but let them know that you know they're in existence. (If you get what I mean) But look, long story short, I know, exactly how to make people find interest in me. And I'm Confident in what I do.

But, it is this, that makes me, me. Now, I REALLY DO APPRECIATE if you ACTUALLY took the time to read the whole thing. Yes, it was treacherous, but typically, you don't find this in people. You don't find... this devotion. Knowing me for 20 minutes, how do you think you know me now? (If you read this whole application)

You know a lot. And you know well. I deserve it. Because you aren't going to find very many of me.

Thanks for your obvious consideration.

Skype: Motoredge2
02/09/2014 5:35 am
Level 1 : New Artist
fj4ccc's Avatar
Do not accept xtom9. He was accepted as co-owner on my friends server then banned the owner and left.
02/09/2014 5:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xtom9's Avatar
02/09/2014 5:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xtom9's Avatar
Your making up stuff cause you are scared I will become staff
02/09/2014 5:44 am
Level 1 : New Artist
fj4ccc's Avatar
Afraid? What's there to be afraid of? I'm just concerned that you may troll the server and be a waste of time to the server owner.
02/09/2014 5:48 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
TheWaySir's Avatar
What what wait!

Tom have been a mod on my server, he was always opped, he never did anything wrong, he kept working on the server all the time when me (supervisor (higher than owner in the server)) weren't on, he was so good, he tried helping me in some stuff that's nearly impossible, Tom DOESNT do that, Tom is a good person.
02/09/2014 5:49 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xtom9's Avatar
Hey dal! Thanks for backing me up
02/09/2014 5:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xtom9's Avatar
IGN: xtom9

Why I should choose you: I am an extremely loyal person. I can dedicate all my time available to this server and I am good with keeping chat under control, using plugins and building. I have built spawns, hubs and warps for a great deal of servers and I would have stayed with them if it had not been for them shutting down. I am willing to start out as a small rank no problem at all. I like to build medieval and fantasy builds. I would say that my building skills are 8.5/10 because let’s face it. Not everyone is absolutely amazing at building. A drawback for me is that I have a bad computer. I get about 30 fps and thinking about it now it doesn't seem so bad. I am very good with plugins because I have had my own server and done a great deal of work for other servers. I am very good with Core Protect, World edit and Group manager but I can code any other plugin just tell me. I am good at catching hackers and monitoring chat I can also manage the configurations and do anything that is time consuming for you as well as do anything the owners tell me to do.

Your knowledge of all game types: I am knowledgable with Plotme, Survival, Factions, Kitpvp and skyblock.

Knowledge of World Guard: I have a good knowledge of World Guard

Willingness to help others: An administrators job is to help others so I am willing to help others.

Time you're able to dedicate to the server:
Weekdays: 1-2 hours
Weekends: 8-9 hours

Past experiences: I have been Owner, builder, moderator, administrator and co-owner on many servers. I have had my own server too.

Servers you have been Admin on: They are all inactive that is why I am applying here.

Have you been banned: Yes about 10 times I think.

Skype: kian.azadehdel
02/09/2014 5:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Smudgey98's Avatar

IGN: smudgey1998

Why I should choose you: I can bring a fresh personality to the server, and keep the chat have a natural flow whilst getting to know every player at a personal level. Although i come across as friendly when conflict arises im quick at resolving what problem there is with equal punishments, if needed

Your knowledge of survival: Ive been playing minecraft for many years and have become very knowledgable on almost every aspect of minecraft. But if it comes building im quite good at med-evil, also love redstone contraptions

Willingness to help others: I love to help people, I spend a large majority of my time on a server helping others with even the most simple of tasks

Time you're able to dedicate to the server: I spend around 5 hours a day of MC, so id spend all 5 on your server with the players

Past experiences: Ive been a Mod on various servers, Admin on 2 and Builder on many more, As building is what i primarly do on server.

Skype: mcgruber_is_beast

Thanks for reading,
02/09/2014 5:22 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Pony
SmiteKing's Avatar

IGN: XxepicoxX

Why I should choose you: i have a lot of plugin knowledge and command knowledge i never abuse and i am very mature (im 19) i have worked on many servers and have been staff plenty of times

Your knowledge of all game types: im good at all gametypes other than towny, that one is new to me but im learning it on another server

Knowledge of World Guard: 8/10

Willingness to help others: 10/10 i love to help people which exactly why i am applying now

Time you're able to dedicate to the server: 5-8 hours a day usually around 12- whenever

Past experiences: other than the tons of servers i have been staff on um nothing XD theres nothing other than that

Servers you have been Admin on: TrinityCraft GhostPVP NectusCraft HereldinCraft InfernoCraft RiftwalkCraft Jug-Gaming Mythic-Peace VerinCraft

Have you been banned: Once for accidently griefing on a server that i didnt know was against griefing

Skype: Antonio.Tyler (will say smiteking
Planet Minecraft


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