shaaarks's Avatar shaaarks1/20/14 1:26 pm
1/30/2014 10:30 am
TheBlazeRuler450's Avatar TheBlazeRuler450
SERVER IP: thefriendzone.mcpro.co


Disclaimer: Staff positions are for MATURE and MOTIVATED people. This means, if you are particularly young and inexperienced, PLEASE DO NOT apply! Thank you!

How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof:
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY:
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker:
How would you benefit the server?:
In your own words, explain what maturity is:
Tell us about yourself:


Posted by shaaarks's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist

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01/30/2014 10:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheBlazeRuler450's Avatar
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:since 1.0
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: i am co-owner on a few servers (i can give you proof by adding them to the call)
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY:(quite a bit, but more on weekends)
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker:ask them a few secret questions of mine then say sorry. bye (i may ask you if you are online) then BAM gone
How would you benefit the server?: i have a good eye for hacking details(i sadly use to be one)
In your own words, explain what maturity is: how you act as in sexual jokes and some other shizzat
Tell us about yourself: gamer, energetic, funny, but serious when i have to be
01/30/2014 10:23 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
HunterDominic's Avatar
Age: 18
IGN: BallOfPanda
Skype: N/A, Dont have skype
Name: Hunter
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: No clue, Probably 5-7 months.
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: Admin on s18.hosthorde.com:25656 and moderator on MountPixel. (Forgot the Mountpixel server address, I am still currently an admin on s18.hosthorde.com:25656)
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: One hour and thirty minutes, two hours on weekends.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: I give them 2 warnings, then either kick or ban depending on what the rule was, then If they do it again, they get a ban or ip-ban.
How would you benefit the server?: I could help to stop rule-breaking or I could build, and I think that I would be a nice addition to the server.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: Being mature is being responsible, not playing around, being serious, being a role-model.
Tell us about yourself: My name is Hunter, Im 18, and I think that I would be a nice addition to your server.

Since I don't have Skype, can you just reply? Or should I just log onto the server and ask you? Or you can PM me on PlanetMinecraft.
01/30/2014 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fantomsniper's Avatar
Age: 14

Country: United Stated

Skype: Fantom_ _sniper

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: since 1.5.2, idk how long that has been

What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: I have been admin on two other (private) servers. I don't know how to prove it.

How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: about 1 to 2 hours

Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: When I come across a rule breaker, I need some kind of proof he/she did what they say he/she did. Then, I handle the situation accordingly to the rule broken.

How would you benefit the server?: I believe I would benefit the server with my creations, I can build almost anything you tell me to, and I try to be friendly to everyone I meet.

In your own words, explain what maturity is: Maturity is being able to have fun when available, but being able to change to a "take-charge" kind of person in an instant. Maturity is respecting people and their creations, and not going around destroying them with TNT.

Tell us about yourself: I love to game (pc), I believe Minecraft may be my favorite, I also play Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Nether, Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, and Left 4 Dead 2. I will try my hardest to be on the server every to every-other day. (I help dad a lot, so there may be some days I can not get on.)
01/22/2014 1:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
chapsal's Avatar
Age: 14
Why do I want this position: I want to be in this server and an admin because i think I am suitable for this job. Why I think this is because I am an experienced person with minecraft and servers. I have been playing minecraft for 5 years straight
Experience: I am a builder, Mod in 3 servers
Contact information: skype: ja7d0n email= jaydon.han@gmail.com
How much time can I dedicate to the server?: 4 hours a day
What are my skills: i know all commands (almost) and I know how to control servers
What plugins do I have experience with?(Please Include some of the commands of that each use)= world edit //set //cut ,
What is my experience with GroupManager?= I have no experience
What commands would I use as a admin: jail,ban, msg, mute, kick
How would I deal with:
A Griefer: i would ban
A Spammer: I would kick and give an warning
A player who just joined: I would welcome them
A person who says they are from Planet Minecraft: mute them

What rules do I think a server should have: I think there should be no griefing, no swearing, no spamming, no hacking
What can I bring to the server that no one else can: I would bring a server where everyone is happy and with no complaints
How would I describe myself in three words(Explain why those words best suit you): Generous, kind, a leader

01/22/2014 12:04 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
RamboSlasher's Avatar
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:2009
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof:Well I wish could I been staff on lot's of servers but I haven't been playing minecraft for a month so I am not staff on any servers.
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY:1-7
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker:Firstly of all I hope there isn't any rule breakers but here is what I will do 1. Warn that he/she is breaking the rules and would ask politely to stop. 2. If he/she keeps braking then rules I would simply kick them warning them "Please stop braking the rules if this goes any further I will have to ban you" 3. Then if he/she carry's on it's just going to be sad since they can't play on the server (P.S I mean I am banning them)
How would you benefit the server?:I will show hard work and loyalty. I could bring full respect to the server and help with anything needed.
In your own words, explain what maturity is:I am the sort of person that is serious about work I can be fun/funny at times when I am in a good mood but I am a really active person.
Tell us about yourself:I believe you should select me because for starters, I don't mess around with things that need to be done. I am very easy to talk to and am very good at answering questions in a simple to understand way. I pick things up fairly quickly which means I can spend less time trying to learn things and I can put more time and effort towards the server. I am online from 1-5 hours a day so you know that if you select me I can be on enough to moderate well. My maturity level is high compared to most of the people who play minecraft. I am fun to talk to and you can generally trust me with your life. I punctuate well and act professional, which is needed if you want to run a professional and popular server. I don't see why people abuse their powers, which is why you won't see me going around banning people at random or coming in on my wrecking ball to destroy structures. I am fairly good at building and can also help you in this area if you need it. I can use group manager set groups also do permissions.
01/21/2014 11:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Iamrisen's Avatar
Age: 14

IGN: Solitarygroup (Rise )

Country: USA

Skype: Zen.zielke

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Before I could crawl... Nah, in all seriousness i have been playing since seananners were calling creepers, exploding pen15s (about 3 years)

What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: I made a private server with my friends, which has now been closed down, but while being the owner I set up minigames and etc...

How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: As much time as I got. Around 2 - 3 hours.

Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: First I start off with a warning, since nobody is perfect, if this later induces more rule breaking, I will have to ban 'em.

How would you benefit the server?: I would be an asset to your server, due to being able to enable a chill environment, yet a concern over what is right.

In your own words, explain what maturity is: Maturity is the ability to stand up against those who would do the server harm.

Tell us about yourself: I am a 14 y/o Sophmore, and I love playing Minecraft and snowboarding. I am a chill dude, that you would sit down and watch boy meet world re-runs.

Thank you for looking over this application
01/20/2014 10:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TeamTawalas's Avatar
IGN:(None) I have a se7ensins (Kurruption)
Country: USA New Jersey
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: For atleast 2 years, ever since minecraft xbox came out.
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: Used to be an Builder and soon became an admin on an old server ChumDaddy but it closed, I have no proof but have contact to the owners and mods. I do have a few video proof from this one youtuber if it was still up, but like i said all the old owners are avalable to talk.
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: Weekends an be from 9 am to 11pm with some breaks every here and there but alot of time. Weekdays can be from 3:30 pm to 9pm on average schoolwork may effect.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: It depends how bad. cursing i may mute them or warn them but i can be semi strict. it is more of what the owner wants me to do. if he wants me to to strict or fair.
How would you benefit the server?:I can put in alot of time, i am creative in building, i get lots of ideas for minigames and pluggins. I also can bring some people to the server and advertise alot on forums. i am good with handleing situations and overal can cheer people up.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: This is a big undefinable for me but i can give examples, Rage, cursing, name calling, also if a faction is raided, complaining for unreasonable things and other things a common little kid may do, not saying i do not like younger kids or "squeakers".
***I have alot more to say, if you need to know, i can be verbally interviewed on skype...Please take that into consideration. Really*** (sorry for the misspelling if so, i am writing on a phone right now.)
01/20/2014 10:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TeamTawalas's Avatar
About myself: I am very good at attempting to make peace or calm down one who is ragging. I am very logical and can do some graphic designs. I am overal a great person to be around. I dont discriminate or call names.
01/20/2014 9:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I_galaxy's Avatar
IGN: _Nockback_
Country: USA
Skype: I_galaxy19
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 2 years
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: no
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: 1-3 hours
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: If hacker I would banned. If spammer or being rude to other players warn them then banned them.
How would you benefit the server?: I am a good builder and would like to help your server grow.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: I am pretty mature I don't get in trouble a school and listener and don't try to cause problems.
Tell us about yourself: I am 14 years old and is in 8th grade. I love sports I play basketball, football, and track and in my when I can I play minecraft. I get straight A,s so I guess you could say I am smart.
01/20/2014 8:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Iamrisen's Avatar
Age: 14
IGN: Solitarygroup
Country: 'Merica
Skype: Zen.zielke
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Alpha.
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: *Closed Down*
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: A couple hours.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: Mess with them, see if they meant to do anything they were not suppose to. From their I will Mentally asses their side, if they aren't a bad person I will let them off with a warning. If it happens again I will release an eternal firestorm on them... and kick 'em followed by a ban, and then if things were to escalate an acount ban, and then an ip ban.
How would you benefit the server?:
In your own words, explain what maturity is: Having a stranglehold on the differences between good and bad, and choosing the best option.
Tell us about yourself: I live right next to a ski/snowboard resort, love to party. I love pie, I mean LOVE pie. The best pie in my opinion has to be either a well-made apple pie or a cherry pie.
01/20/2014 6:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Eternal_Ninja123's Avatar
Age: 15
IGN: Etrnal_Ninja123
Country: United States
Skype: lucassgaming
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Three in a half years
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: Only two can only remember the ip for one its "mc.muffincraft.co:25674
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: 5-6 Hours a day during week days and 9-10 on weekends
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: I first give them 1 warning and if they breka any others rules i temp ban for 24 hours after that i perminatly ban. If its a minor rule like no caps i correct them if it continues its a mute for 6-12 hours.
How would you benefit the server?: I'd benifit this server by bringing a mature playing inviorment and being as helpful as possible.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: Maturity is when one knows how to act ones own age and or act more mature than they actually are. Also, knowing how to spell and not loss ones tempor.
Tell us about yourself: I'm layed back know how to spell not too smart with books smart but other than that im smart ha!
01/20/2014 2:06 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
bean1008's Avatar
cooleos4Age: 12
Country: America.
Skype: Do i really need one?
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: Well ok then ive been a builder for a server that never really bloomed. Kinda sad if you think about it. :/

How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: 2 hours least 5 hours tops.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: 1 Warning. next a kick. next a temp ban. (maybe 30 min ) then a longer temp ban. next an even longer ban. Really still bro? Enjoy the perm ban.
How would you benefit the server?: All i can say is i would be able to help people even more if i had staff powers.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: Maturity isn't like "I can play CoD ) its being committed truthful honest and hardworking.
Tell us about yourself: i'm in 7th grade i play minecraft almost always (Stupid school -.- ) Im a major geek. Im a major whovian. i'm terrible at art. i'm an ok builder.

oops. heres a smaller version.

01/20/2014 2:05 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
bean1008's Avatar
Age: 12
Country: America.
Skype: Do i really need one?
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: two years and counting.
What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: Well ok then ive been a builder for a server that never really bloomed. Kinda sad if you think about it. :/

How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: 2 hours least 5 hours tops.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: 1 Warning. next a kick. next a temp ban. (maybe 30 min ) then a longer temp ban. next an even longer ban. Really still bro? Enjoy the perm ban.
How would you benefit the server?: All i can say is i would be able to help people even more if i had staff powers.
In your own words, explain what maturity is: Maturity isn't like "I can play CoD ) its being committed truthful honest and hardworking.
Tell us about yourself: i'm in 7th grade i play minecraft almost always (Stupid school -.- ) Im a major geek. Im a major whovian. i'm terrible at art. i'm an ok builder.
01/20/2014 2:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zurtel_'s Avatar
Age: I am 15 years old
Country: United States
Skype: minecraftzurtel
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 3 long years!
What other servers have you been staff on? I ran my own server called "Zurtel PvP" which had around 15 people on most of the day. I cannot show prove as the server doesn't run anymore, but I can assure you that i'd be a great help to any type of staff on the server.
How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: I can devote around 3-4 hours a day on the server every day.
Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: Give them several warnings to not break anymore rules, and it if continues, a kick/ban will happen.
How would you benefit the server?: I can devote a lot of time to the server, and donate if the server gets big enough. I am great with plugins, moderating, and coming up with ideas of any sort
In your own words, explain what maturity is: The process of growing up and showing responsibility to others and yourself
Tell us about yourself: I am a 6''2' boy. I am a freshman in high school and play basketball and football. I love video games and eating lots of food! I consider myself a leader and role model to lots of my friends in real life and on video games!

Thank you for reading,

01/20/2014 1:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ethan_56's Avatar
Age: 14

Country: Oregon

Skype: creeper_god

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 1.2.5 2 years

What other servers have you been staff on? Please provide proof: mc.diamondpvp.com and mod on many more have no proof all of them went down

How much time can you devote to the server PER DAY: 4-6 hours

Explain your thought process when you come across a rule breaker: If it is a hacker first tell them to tern them off then if he keeps hacking tempban him for 1h then if still ban hammer

How would you benefit the server?: I would really like to join a help this server out a keep it on its toes and be here when it gets the 100 user online and knowing that I made it possible

In your own words, explain what maturity is: One to ten I am a seven and a half. I can be fun and joke around but when it comes to keeping the server strait and on track I am real in that place of mined.

Tell us about yourself: I like baseball, in the eighth grade. And my Skype is creeper_god
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