Need an owner for My Main server!

greenjet's Avatar greenjet9/28/12 11:32 pm
9/30/2012 10:08 pm
littledemon628's Avatar littledemon628
hey guys, im the owner of mine fox hosting, and recently i'm busy managing my other servers that i host, so i need some one to take care of my main server, i need some one responsible,patient or mature, knows what their doing, and that have experience.... i hope to hear from you guys, Thank you
~with awesomeness Mine Fox hosting
post your application here in this order!
<name> (can be ign or skype)
<about you>
<why your perfect for it>
< what experince do you have>
<can you be awesome?>
<any refrences>
<your avability>
<any info i should know about you>
the more you ahve the better TY!
Posted by greenjet's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer

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09/30/2012 10:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
littledemon628's Avatar
<name> (can be ign or skype) IGN: lttledemon29 skype: littledemon62801
<about you> I am 11 im hilaious as i am told, I have amazing minecraft related stories to tell and want to be a owner!
<why your perfect for it> Everyone I meet seems to love me I dont know why and I think a lot of people would be happy to hear I have a server o my own X)
< what experince do you have> I was admin on 7 servers and mod on 4
<can you be awesome?> is that a question? I thought you knew the answer be now... XD
<any refrences>
<your avability> I will be amazing for your server I am not very familiar with plug ins but i know /nick /mute /kick /ban /tempban /marry the mob desguiseplug in I forgot what comand it is tho... I dont know world edit but want to learn.
<any info i should know about you> nothing else really... :3
09/29/2012 2:53 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
bobgangster101's Avatar
~with awesomeness Mine Fox hosting
post your application here in this order!
<name> (can be ign or skype) Tyler, tylergovern1999

<about you> Hey, Im 14 and pretty mature for my age!

<why your perfect for it> I think im perfect for this server because ive had a portforwarded server with 50+ people on it but then i realized it was bad for my computer so then i had to stop it. I really cant pay for it so i really would love this!
I like to be very neat so the spawn and server will be very neat.

< what experince do you have> Ive ran my own server for about 3 weeks. Been Co-Owner on 2 servers, Admin on 2 servers and Mod on 3 servers. Have been playing minecraft for 3 years now.

<can you be awesome?> Yes i can be very awesome. I am funny and think most things are funny. I think this would be awesome!!!!!

<any refrences> Not really

<your avability> 2-6 hours on weekdays, 3-8 hours weekends
<any info i should know about you> Very mature, Neat, Kind, Responsible, Respectful, Trustworthy, Funny and alot more.
09/29/2012 12:38 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
globdom's Avatar
<name> (can be ign or skype) IGN: globdom
<about you> I'm an average, mature 16 year old who loves to help out. I'll do almost anything to help another person out because I enjoy everyone having fun!
<why your perfect for it> I'm perfect for this positions because of my staff experiences. This is a wonderful opportunity and I am a reasonable choice for this position due to my time in Minecraft.
< what experince do you have> I've been an owner 3 times, a co-owner 5 times, an admin 9 times, a mod 6 times, a V.I.P. 6 times, a head-admin 5 times, a tech-guy/dev 8 times and a host 6 times
<can you be awesome?> Yeah, Cua Ima BAWSS Brohaha
<any refrences> I'm sorry but I can't provide any references because I no longer have contact with them after their servers have shut down
<your avability> I'll be available 2-7 hours per day and I'll be available MOST of the time to see you
<any info i should know about you> I'd love to help out on your server and having me would benifit it. I'll make your server famous due to advertising to special people ik that'll make a positive difference in your server. I'll build, advertise, get donations, recruit and anything else you want me to do to help your server thrive. After owning multiple servers, I know what it takes to make a server successful so I hope i can make your successful

Thanks for reading my application!

09/29/2012 12:22 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
nightaye's Avatar
Chasteeness (skype username)
I'm personally not a staff member on any server now due to the fact that I've cut down on the amount of servers I've play on and the amount of time I've played on minecraft, only because I got bored for a bit and decided to take a rest. I do pla
<why your perfect for it> Well firstly you can check my past pmc posts, i've helped many other servers without the want of rank (in fact I asked for nothing in return) and I also have good past experience as listed below. My friends can also help manage the servers if needed.
< what experince do you have> From memory I've ran 3 servers in the past however they were all in the beta version. I did configure all the plugins so I have decent knowledge unless the codings have changed. I've been admin, co-owner, builder, tech developer countless times.
<can you be awesome?> Yup
<any refrences> My pmc subscriptions (if they remember me as it has been quite a while since I;ve helped them.
<your avability> Mostly available unless I have to study and if needed you can contact my friends if they are on the server.
<any info i should know about you> Haven't been banned and my sister can help out a lot with builds and server managing as I've trained her in the past.

Thank you and btw I don't know what you mean by being owner of your main server as in taking all responsibilities to run the server or so forth. Please respond to me.
09/29/2012 12:19 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
greenjet's Avatar
thanks for the replies i will post here when ive chosen!
09/29/2012 12:17 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ice_Asian's Avatar
My Ign: gunhoe or Cotamatic
-I have good experience as staff (head admin and mod) but I am not dedicated to many
servers, therefore I'll have more time for this one if you allow
-I seriously want this position so badly, and i'm not just sucking up to be op. I love building, am good with world edit and commands, and I like being social with other players! But I also dispense justice if I need too
-Can I be awesome? I think I should leave that for you to decide XD
-I can be on a few hours every day
-I am 15, very mature and fun :3 I live in Minnesota
Thanks for your consideration, I really hope you choose me. You won't be disappointed!
09/29/2012 12:15 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
3Thunder's Avatar
let me know ur asnwer through replying or pming me


and if u reply or pm me could i get the ip also
09/28/2012 11:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
3Thunder's Avatar
post your application here in this order!
<name> (can be ign or skype)Donkey_Destroyer
<about you>
im am right now
1 co-owner
1 admin
<why your perfect for it> im am perfect for it as i also want to help anyone out i can
i also love to have contest
< what experince do you have>
1 co-owner
1 admin
<can you be awesome?>yes i can i try to be it all the time
<any refrences>
<your avability>i will try to be on as much as i can means 3-4 hours daily
<any info i should know about you>
the more you ahve the better TY!
i also dislike people who swear at people and hack
2 of these server im admin and op arent on right now coz owners not been on so ill have lots of time for this server
09/28/2012 11:41 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
3Thunder's Avatar
My ign is: Donkey_Destroyer
I would like to help serversout as much as ican
I am a great builder if I am flying or on creative
I love to build farms(Mainly Wheat Farms)
I am good at attack defense battle strategies
ill love to help new people out
I'll also help advertise on planet minecraft

im am right now

1 co-owner
1 admin

on 3 different servers
09/28/2012 11:38 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
greenjet's Avatar
well i dont pay for my server because i own the company that hostes it XD
09/28/2012 11:37 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
greenjet's Avatar
post your application here in this order!
<name> (can be ign or skype)
<about you>
<why your perfect for it>
< what experince do you have>
<can you be awesome?>
<any refrences>
<your avability>
<any info i should know about you>
the more you ahve the better TY!
09/28/2012 11:36 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
globdom's Avatar
I think I'd be a reasonable choice. I've been an owner 3 times, a co-owner 5 times, an admin 9 times, a mod 6 times, a V.I.P. 6 times, a head-admin 5 times, a tech-guy/dev 8 times and a host 6 times.

Any donations we'll splite the profit i hope. So if someone donates 40 dollars, the server costs 14 dollars so immediatly 14 dollars goes to you. There's 26 dollars left so we split 13 each.

I'm 16, mature and I love to help out


09/28/2012 11:34 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
3Thunder's Avatar
i would really want help u let me know if i need a application
09/28/2012 11:33 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ice_Asian's Avatar
I would love to! Please let me know what I need on my application.
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