Need Staff and Developer for my server

lexon98's Avatar lexon9811/16/13 11:38 am
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11/17/2013 9:23 pm
heyyoitsjayo's Avatar heyyoitsjayo
Hey guys I have just made a Minecraft server and have been Getting plugins and building a bit but it has dawned on me that I am missing one essential thing..... Staff
so to solve this problem I have decided to make a forum post for server recruitment I will be recruiting 5-10 Builders 5 Mods 3 Admins and 1 or 2 Developers:

Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10:
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10:
Skype: (Required)

Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10:
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10:
Skype: (Required)

Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10:
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10:
Skype: (Required)

Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10:
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10:
Skype: (Required)

For this rank you must earn my trust and I will give this to 1 or 2 people that I believe this is right for so post your applications down below!

PS: IF any of you guys have an idea for a server theme don't hesitate to post it below it might even help you get a rank if I like it!
Posted by lexon98's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter

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11/17/2013 9:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
heyyoitsjayo's Avatar
Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10: 10
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10: 10
Skype: jrsminecraftskype0315

Your name: My name is Ronald Esguerra, but I would like to be addressed as Jr.

Your age: I am thirteen years of age as of March 15.

Your Minecraft username: My IGN is heyyoitsjayo.

Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): I do not have any bans on any Minecraft servers. I follow rules where ever I am. I generally think overall I am a respectful person to everyone I met, everywhere I go.

Do you have any bans on our servers? (If so, explain. If you have had a successful ban dispute, please provide a link):
I do not have bans on the server nor on any other servers. As stated before, I follow every rule on every server I go on.

Past administration or moderation experiences: I used to own a couple servers, but unfortunately they had to close down due to memory shortages. On my server, I saw people hacking, spamming, and abusing other players. I have banned/kicked/temporary banned players that were not abiding by the rules. Therefore, I hope this foreshadows that I like to help others who are generally good or that I like to help others that need help in becoming a better person inside and out. On Delta/MC whenever I see people spam, block glitch, etc, I always tell them to stop because it's not setting a good example/role model for other players especially the young crowd. I want to take the role of the people who shows what's good and what's considered bad on the server. I was Jr. Mod on this server (Club-mc.com). I was admin on Eclipse (ip: mc39.serverminer.com:25713).On these servers, I did some things like kick people for spamming, using hacks, and abusing other players. Also, I help people on the forums with their application and tell them how to improve it and make it better for future applications. I want to use these skills that I have used before on the server to make the players better. Thank you.

How would you punish players for breaking the rules?:
I know the commands that are usually used on servers such as /kick, /tempban, and /ban. First of all, we should make the server more friendly to kids. For this question, I will be saying different scenarios and what I would do.Stalking/Harassment/Spreading rumors - a few warnings then ban temporarily for a few days.

Cursing or Cussing/Saying Inappropriate Things- one warning then temp-ban for a few hours.

Discriminating someone for their differences - few warnings then temp-ban for a few hours.

Caps/Spam - few warning then kicked from lobby/game

Advertising - warning then kicked from lobby/game

Using glitch/bug to their advantage and not telling mods - kicked from game

Block glitching - immediate kick (kick message - Don't block glitch)

Breaking boats as specators/Escaping maps/lobby - warning for future references/kicked immediately.

Argue/Flame Wars and not stopping when mod said stop - temp-ban.

Using alternate account to benefit you - alternate account and IP address are banned.

Misleading people - warning not to do that

Hacking (BSM, anything that benefits players) - Immediate ban with proof.

Hacking (can't tell) - recorded and put on youtube to let other people see.

(If a ban is necessary, proof will always be provided.)

Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?:
Getting the chance to help others would be a thing that I could do the best. I believe that I am more mature than other people that have the same age as me. Being 13 years old, people would expect me to be obnoxious, and careless. I find myself to be the complete opposite of an average 13-year-old. I always get my homework done before I do anything else. School/getting an education is really important to me and my parents. It captivates and shows that I'm responsible and trustworthy that I'll get whatever done. I show people that I'm reliable. All my life, I have been taught to always have a positive attitude towards myself and others. My parents and my friends have the biggest impact on my life and the choices that I make.

I feel like being a moderator is like being a coach to help others become more successful and brighter. I want to show that 13-year-olds are not always bad. Ever since, I had Minecraft I couldn't stop playing it. It usually takes all my free time. I should use this time to not only play minecraft, but also help to contribute to what servers I play on. I don't like wasting time since life is short. At school and online, I always help people with their homework, their channel, and their social life. I want to help people that aren't getting a lot of attention at home and make them feel like someone needs them. People need to help others/players to make everything more equal. It isn't fair when people are hacking/cheating. Also, children play this game. We need to make this game more kids-friendly. I heard people on other games such as CoD cuss and say bad things to other players. We need it so that kids are also able to play the game. The generation in the U.S. aren't showing good examples to the younger crowd. I feel like we need to set the example that will inspire players to act very well.

In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?:
If I were to join the team, I feel like I can add a lot to it. I can help others in different situations and when they don't know what to do. Helping others is a major key in what kind of maturity you have. You should be able to communicate to others. I have notice that my mod friends, get more friends since they get mod. I am always open to get new friends and getting to know them. Having more friends is a good thing that shows that you're good with people and socially acceptable. Where ever I am, I always make friends along the way.

Also with helping others, I can also help build maps and help give my opinions when they need it. I am very artistic and very smart. I have gotten a good grade on my state tests that I get every year. And, I have directed and been in many plays. I love to build and make things that look very good. I might not always be perfect, but I can always try my best.

If one is getting bullied, I can always help them get back up on their feet. I am very accepting and I do not discriminate against others. No one should deserve getting bullied no matter where.

Do you have the ability to record video?:
Yes, I record with ScreenFlow and I have an iMac. It is very easy to start recording by the push of a button. I have just bought a new router so uploading usually takes up to an hour. Also, I edit with ScreenFlow (also a editor), Final Cut Pro, and iMovie. I know how to edit with all these so it should be a breeze.

Do you own a microphone?:
Yes, I have a Blue Yeti microphone. It costed $100. That's not always cheap, but I usually find a way to get it. My computer has a high-quality mic built into it already also.

How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?:
I now have school. I can go on : weekdays 4pm- 9pm and weekends : 9am-9pm. These times may vary, but this is the usual.

Where are you located? (Time zone):
I live in Arizona. Our time zone is Mountain Standard Time/Arizona Time.
11/16/2013 12:41 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Warrior
CrispyMC's Avatar
Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10: 9.5
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10: 9
Skype: itz_tomz123
11/16/2013 12:37 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
brandanisawesome28's Avatar
Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10: 10
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10: 9
Skype: (Required) Brandaned

I will just add some extra information

In game name : GoochMoot

Age : 13

Gender : Male

Timezone : AZ US

Country: US

What Position Do You Want To Be?: I would like to be admin

Do you have Skype?: Brandaned

Email: goochproductionz@gmail.com

How long have you played Minecraft ? : 1 1/2 years

How long do you play a day?: At least 2 hours

Are you an staff on other servers ?: Natoncraft EnchantedCraft (Shut Down) mc.mcpro.co(Ip) and many others.

Do you know experienced in plugins? : I am experienced in using them but not making them

Do you know anything about coding?: I have made one plugin but it didn't work out so well but I am learning how to code.

Have you been ban in other servers before ? : Just once but it was someone else who wouldn't take the blame and I got unbanned.

Why do you want to be an Admin ? : I want to be staff becuase I want to help players and make the server more popular. The biggest reason is to help and make players happy but I still will do my duty and ban if I need to. Normally I give players a second chance but if they mess up its a ban.

What responsibilities you think you will have when you are chosen to be ? : I can definitely keep track of what every player/staff is doing. I am pretty good at catching hackers or cheaters by mods, because if you watch them closely, they will do particularly strange things with how they move and mine etc. I think I am capable of being this rank from all the experience I have had on other servers.

Thank you for viewing this and have a nice day!
11/16/2013 12:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
lexon98's Avatar
11/16/2013 11:48 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
chomper777's Avatar
Experience with Minecraft on a scale of 1-10: 10
Experience with Moderating on a scale of 1-10: 10
Skype: chris22470
Planet Minecraft


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