iBushy1's Avatar iBushy18/16/13 10:09 am
8/17/2013 7:14 pm
MrStealthDog's Avatar MrStealthDog
Hello. Me and my friend recently created a new server.
We need some guys to
-Help configure & install plugins, as well as generally making them work correctly.
-Designers/builders to help design and build spawn
-Moderator advisors (mute & jail) Guys who can help advise moderators and admin on punishments. General moderator and support
-Admins We only need a few to help govern the server and moderators. Will do administration tasks.
-Managers Work with the two owners to help keep everything in order.
We may need more people to help. If your interested in ANY roles please Pm or comment, and ill get back to you with the ip.

Posted by iBushy1's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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08/17/2013 7:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MrStealthDog's Avatar
In-Game Username: MrStealthDog

Age (optional): 16

Time (how much time you can spend on us per day): Weekdays I will average around 5-6 hours, whereas on weekends + holidays I will be able to play much more often ( 7-8 hours daily)

Mic (yes/no): Yes I have a mic and thus can use applications such as Skype + Team speak if necessary.

Experience: As well as having a staff position on multiple different types of servers in the past (Roles such as Admin/ Staff manager/ Moderator/ Chat mod etc.) I have also owned a lot of servers in my time. I believe due to my being a previous server owner, I have a rather unique edge over other applicants. Furthermore, I have had these staff roles on all kinds of server e.g Minecraft Mondays, Justonemoreblock.com, and Dayz.

About you: Well, Im 16 years of age, Male, From US(Texas). Im very sporty but on the other side of the scale I have a long love for computers/gaming. I think online communities are great and I love to be apart of them. Even when I will not be able to be on the server, I will be exteremly active on the forums, And I pride myself on that fact.

Strengths: I have always considered myself a very professional player, and I can assure you that I will uphold this trait on your server, Despite this, Im always ready to have fun with the players on the server when nobody is braking the rules, and that is something I will constantly trying to stride for. A community on the server that is free from rule breakers so that all players on the server can enjoy their time playing.

Weaknesses: I am not afraid to admit that I do not have many weaknesses but my one weakness is handling players stupidity. This will depend in what mood I am in, 90% of the time this will not matter, however rarely I will get annoyed with players being obnoxious and stuck up. But I can promise you will never have a problem with me if i am accepted. I hope I have proved to you I am trying to be honest here, and not just giving the typical 'I am the perfect staff member and have no weaknesses'.

Skills: I pride myself on how active I am on both server(s)/Forums(website), I am very good at handling any situation that could be annoying people or breaking the rules. I basically, tick all of the boxes needed for a good moderator/admin/GM.

Other: Contact information -
Skype: Tannerfowlersimac
Email: tbfowler@gmail.com

I really do hope I am considered as an applicant to become staff on your server, please contact me on Email (preferred) or Skype.

- Thanks !
08/17/2013 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lopjug's Avatar
Real life name: Bob

In game name: Lopjug

Age In real life: 15.5

Rank you're applying for: Any rank, if anyone should choose it should be you.

What will you do if you get accepted:

How long have you been playing this server: 0 days

Past Experiences: I've been moderators on 10+ servers. Admins on a few, and I've helped my friends run servers.

Skills with Redstone: It's my pastime, i can make almost anything

I am an experienced minecraft player, i've been playing for 3 years, I am pretty experienced in world edit. I also love building large things, ex. castles. I also am pretty experienced in modern building. I see this as a great opportunity to get more experience and help out a new server.
08/17/2013 6:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
toooraww's Avatar
Im very good! I wanna help bad! add me on skype edgarm123
my ign is toooraww
08/17/2013 6:46 pm
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
Plaguerider's Avatar
I would like to be a Admin or mod! my IGN is: PlagueRider
08/17/2013 6:30 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Taco
ussrcolbert's Avatar
Hi, i would like to be a moderator or admin in your server if your wondering if i have ever been a moderator before, yes but the server is shutting down

My In Game Name is: TomahawkChops

Please get back to me as soon as possible,

08/16/2013 10:48 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
Mudkip's Avatar
I'd love to help as moderator.
My In Game Name is _Synnc_.
Please PM me as soon as possible.
08/16/2013 10:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
0Jonesy0's Avatar
Hey id love to help out as a admin or moderator
please PM me or add me on skype jarydjonesy
08/16/2013 10:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
eWizardGaming's Avatar
I'd love to help out as a Mod/Admin! My IGN is Ellis_the_wizard
08/16/2013 10:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PMCBudder's Avatar
Hello my name is Mike Id Love to help out on your server. My IGN: iBudderking
Skype: jaschrupp (It should say iBudderking on top). Im Really good with plugins and designing I would Like to apply for Head-Admin if not already taken. Im goin to have a great time on your server. My Email is mikecoons27@yahoo.com to contact me, thx
08/16/2013 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Network
Progamer763's Avatar
Hey I'm interested! I'm a coder and my ign is master067
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