New Prison Server 24/7 Hiring Staff

babyslilprince's Avatar babyslilprince3/9/14 8:17 pm
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3/9/2014 8:24 pm
XxGman21104xX's Avatar XxGman21104xX
New prison server a-z hiring new staff and looking to expand its community come join us!
Posted by babyslilprince's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer

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03/09/2014 8:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
XxGman21104xX's Avatar
Hi my name is Gavin
Age?- 21
Maturity Level- 10/10
Time Zone- EST
Previous experience?- Promoted from SrAdmin to Owner on one server also used to be Moderators on a few other servers but closed down due to lack of donations :/

Your Minecraft IGN: gman21104

Past experience:
• Defiance
I was an Administrator (after being promoted from being a Moderator) on a survival server. Although my friend was the Owner, I earned the rank myself. The server allowed me to gain moderation experience. I did everything associated with kicks, mutes, and bans. Sadly, the owner was forced to close the server due to the lack of donations.

Also owned a server before.
[SirAdmin]on another server
How would I would punish people for breaking the rules?: I have wrote this small thing on what I would do if a player did something like this.

A user calls another by a racial slur
Personally I would say "Please stop". Then if they did not listen I would say it one more time. If the other user is saying back to the same user that started it I would punish the user that started it because I can understand the user who got called bad words feelings for the attention for replying back to the user who started it. If that user said it the third time I would just kick him from the server. The user join's back in and does the same thing I ban him depends on what he said. The bans would be 1 day(s) 2 days(s) or maybe a week if I get permission from the Owner of the server depending on the situation. Of both of them are calling each other bad things I would do the same to the other person who talked back to the user who started it.

A user makes homophobic remarks
If a user makes homophobic first of all I would say this is not appropriate for the server. Some children play Minecraft and what would there parents say if they start using the terms "You're Gay", Or some thing to his/her mom they would say Minecraft hmmmm, nope my child if not playing on that server or not the game because just one!! Person ruined it for the child and which makes you a bad influence. So if a user does say homophobic I cannot stand that I would just kick them. Second time they join the server and say something homophobic I would just ban them for a day or two, matters what they said in chat. To someone specific or to everyone.

A user is accused of hacking
If a player is accused of hacking I would stay calm and say do you have proof? If they said "Yes" I would say Send it to me on something like Skype or I would Pm them and say "If you see it again Screen Shot it or Record it". The user can post it on the forums or just directly go to any staff member available I would perfer the Owner in this if he's on I would contact him? But if I did found out he really was hacking I would just ban him because it's not fair for someone hacking and getting items by cheating and the true people get there resources by skill and hard work and the person who was hacking I would ban them because I cannot trust them because 99% chance that they would use it again. Ban them for about 5 days depends on the type of hacks Xray mod 1 week, Fly 1 week, Nodus any other hacked client I would contact the owner if the case is very intense or important because the user may get banned permanently.

A user spams chat 12 times with a link to their own server
I would say in caps for "NO ADVERTISING" just once because I know that other players might go to that server so I would just say please leave the server or get banned if you spam you're server again because this server is not for you to spam so you can steal our players that's not fair. Then if he refuses I just simply ban him for his misusing the right for him playing on the server. If you want to advertise go on some other server not this one so I'd ban him simple. Advertising is not a joke if someone wants to advertise go advertise somewhere else.

Why do you believe you are you qualified to be a moderator?: I believe I am qualified to become Moderator because i'm a mature players who enjoys helping out players when they are stuck. I would spend allot of time just on the server and helping all players out when they need it. I would always answer a question from any user. I am experienced what it is like being an Owner/Admin on a big server like this. It's not easy but if you pick me I feel that I could make is much easier. If I am selected for Moderator I am willing to resign from my rank on other server so that I could spend more time on this server.

Do you have the ability to record?: Currently right now I don't reason for this is because my usb port that I have for my mic isn't working to good. After Christmas hopefully I will have my new computer so I will be able to record.

How much time will you spend on the server everyday (make it realistic): On average I could spend up to 3-4 hours a day. But on weekends I could extend.

My experience: I have lots of experience when it comes to staff, having owned my own server which was very popular i, aswell as being staff on many servers and even Co-Owner on many servers, I am very good with your server plugins and can really help out with the server I know what to do when I see rule breakers..Punish them.

What I will do as staff: I will keep your server clean with no spammers, no hackers and make sure everyone is having fun and not feeling abused by any other players, i'll make sure everyone follows your designated server rules and respects them, I am very good at finding and catching hackers which is a big bonus to all Legit players I know what to do when there's a close call.

Why pick me? (Other info): I do not abuse my power and I will mostly be in PvP and many Mini-Games playing legitly on your server I do not give out items and I do not admin abuse as that's just wrong and promotes the wrong sort of atmosphere on your server.
ALSO: I have descent grammar and I try my best to do good and be nice to players. I'll never hesitate to help a player if they are confused, and I will always follow rules and i WILL pick favorites, BUT I will ban them if they go against rules and I have permission
I think you should pick me because we have much experience and lots
to offer. I am always fair to the players and take their suggestions
into consideration. After talking it up with someone of a higher rank of
course (co-owner/owner). Because I am so fair I am highly loved by
the community. I also hate hackers with a burning passion. If caught
hacking they will be kicked and sent with a warning. If caught again,
they will be kicked and sent to a person with higher rank. I also tend
to stay very active as we both are on ALL the time after school. I also
tend to meet your expectations and would love to do anything at your

Why Would I Like To Be Co Owner: Well, Of Course There Are Many Reasons. But Lets Cut To The Chase. Anyway, Owning A Server Is Not Easy! And I Realize That, With All those people swarming you and messaging you asking random questions over and over again. To Tell you the truth, it gets pretty annoying. But If You Allowed Me To Be CO. I Dont want you to worry about a thing. I will first off, get people to ask me all the questions and you can sit back, relax, and drink a cup of juice while eating chips. Anyway, I feel like your server has a lot of potential and it could be even bigger than it already is. Thank You!

My Prior Experiences: Well, I Actually Have A LOT of Experience. Let me Explain, I Am A PRO at Plugins. By Pro I Mean I can help you with a plugin that I do not even know. Group-Manager Is My Strongest plugin point and I can help you with any type of group manager problem that you have. If You have any plugin problems, Please feel free to ask me anything you please. Anyway, Please keep My Experience in consideration especially since it is one of the main parts of an application! =D

What would I do if I got CO:
I would try my best on helping out the community and with the more abilities/powers I get, I will use them wisely and not abuse them. I would also be able to help out the community much more then my state right now, making them have more fun and not have to worry about people cheating. This is the best server I have played on and I think I have fit in with the community and get to know much more people everyday. I think so far people that I know a lot and have become friends with like me and how I work with other people, regarding to their actions. If I get mod I will try to help the other mods as well, so they don't have to rush on the person they are currently helping. I will use my powers given respectfully and not abuse them. I know went to be serious and when I can joke around a bit with friends or new comers that would like to fit in with the community. I don't rush people when they need help but I take my time and make sure the person gets every bit of helps him/her needs.

My Skills And Talents: Well, I Am A Professional At World Edit. I Can Build Massive Structures and buildings easily with //wand. One of my favorite things to build is a PvP Arena. PVP Is A Main Part of the server so I can make you any pvp arena that you would like. I Also Have A Talent At seeing in players perspectives. I Like to think what the player feels. I know that they wish that they could be staff, or they wish that they have staff, but I never brag, and I never want to make enemy's. I want to be friends with different players and make friends.

Hackers: Minecraft was not made for hacking in PvP. It is meant to PvP Legit and fight people in a fair way. I don't exactly start hating on hackers, but i pretty much think to my self, i give these hackers warnings, And If they are all like, You are a stupid Moderator and stuff I will just ignore and ask the owner or someone else for help. Also, I Can Tell The Difference between a hacker and you probably can too. Force Fielders usually hit back words -.-. And then they claim they are not hackers. Man, Its kind of offending. But If you make me Trusted, do not worry about a thing, I will make sure that you will have no worries about hackers and I will handles situations as fast as I can. Thank you.
I also just want to say I have now becoming alot more active on now then before since school is getting much easier and im home earlier so ill always be on at least once a day [probably more]
How Long Have You Played Minecraft: About 2 and a half Year And Still Counting! Loving It!
I always try my best to come on as much as possible and preform to the best of my abilities each and every time. With the additional features as a Mod, I feel I can use these tools for the better of the server, and not because of a want of power. We have added a feature that Admins once were able to use and this is to enable and disable arenas. If this tool is working properly, I can always have tournaments at a particular time to keep our players satisfied at all times. This goes back to why I am all about the server, and not myself.

As everyone can see by my signature, I always tell myself to never give up, so if this application is declined, I will not take it the wrong way at all and I will keep trying until I reach success. I really hope with my activity and my time spent as Trusted on this server, I know I am ready.

Everyday when I am on the server I stop and take a break to look at the forums. If I am out and about somewhere I would bring my phone with me to stay updated on the forums. I'm really active on the forums everywhere I go I always look at the forums. When player is stuck ill help him out and if there is a argument ill try my best to stop them. I always report players if they break rules on the server and I also warn them that if they do it again I will have to report them.

Do I have any complaints on me? Lets be honest here, my record is perfectly clean. I have never been banned or kicked on any server I have played on. You could ask many people if I try my best and they would say yes. I always put 100% effort in for whatever I am doing. I have gained lots of respect from many players which I have earned by helping players on loads of servers even if I am not part of the staff. If anyone does have any complaints or problems with me, then please do feel free to PM me or /mail me so I can resolve our problems, or improve on the feedback you have stated.

Why I should become a CO
Lets be honest, I don't deserve Moderator more than any other that apply. But, I have all the skills needed to complete the job. I work hard, do my best and try to always have a positive attitude. That's all I can do, and I plan on keeping that up. There is a pride in being Trusted, but to become mod is a different level, to be mature, and be able to do you're job. That's all that counts to me.
This may be a long application, but I feel that I should give the most descriptive app possible, to see if I am worthy of the rank. The server was my first ever server and becoming part of the staff on this outstanding server would be a dream come true. From watching these players how they act across the server has given me valuable lessons.

About my activity, I think most players will agree that I am very active. I am constantly on making sure people are following the rules and answering everyone's questions. I would say on average per day that I at least online for 3-4 hours. I used to be a bit more active than that, but its currently track season and I can't be on as much as I used to. I have rarely been playing hunger games because of the fact that if I were to do so then I wouldn't be able to see the global chat and help players. It would be nice to get mod and be able to do both at once .Being active on any server is a key part in becoming part of the staff team and I would consider myself an extremely active player. People may think that I just focus on playing in the arenas and not moderating chat. This is definitely not the case as I am constantly moderating chat even if I am currently in a game as I am willing to sacrifice my own life in a game to ensure this server becomes a more fun and enjoyable gaming environment. Whenever a staff member is online I am very consistent in moderating the chat by aiding and warning players that are breaking the rules to help make their job more manageable and so they can focus on more serious issues that may be occurring at this time. However, there are certain times of the day when the are no staff currently online, therefore I resolve this issue by reporting the rule breakers on the forums. When new players join the server I give them a friendly welcome. By allowing me to become mod would enable me to catch rule breakers, while no other staff on making the server an even better gaming environment.

To me, dedication requires 3 things: Activity and Maturity, which I mentioned earlier, but also the right mindset. Having the right mindset to help others on the server is what truly makes up a staff member. Becoming a moderator is not just about getting /fly or /ban. Although useful perks, the true and most important reason especially to me is to give back to the community in ways I may not have been able to before. I want to ultimately give players the same wonderful experience I have had this past year.

Future Plans
My Future Plans for the server will I tell you if I got accepted I have a pretty good Idea. =)

My timezone:
Well, I'm from Ireland, therefore my timezone is extremely different compared to the many other staff, in fact there's generally a 5-8 hour difference between my timezone and the current staffs. Therefore I believe I can often be on when many American staff find it hard to get on due to them being asleep. This then allows me to help when hardly any staff are on

My maturity and age:
Well, I'm 21 and I'd like to say I'm rather mature and responsible, this can be shown in the fact that I am currently staff on a few servers as well as being staff on many servers in the past. This portrays in the fact that with great power comes great responsibility. Furthermore staff are often looked up to as a role model in a sense, therefore If I can portray my maturity it can only further help the server.

If I do or do not get this spot I promise to always continue my work of helping the server in any way i can and I would also like to thank all of the server community and especially the staff for giving me a great minecraft experience and for all that has yet to come!

How I try to help out in game and on the forums:
While in game and on the forums I try to help out any way I can, whether giving them numerous warnings and reporting if necessary, also in game if the chat is somewhat chaotic I always try to cool it down to make it a safe and enjoyable environment for all to play! I also try answer any questions on the forums If I can, whether this be answering a question about a plugin or about the hunger games in general, also I try to report anyone on the forums if needed. Therefore if mod I could take the extra step and therefore answer reports as well as help anyone in game to the best of my abilities.

About me
I think you should know that I’m a mature guy that love people and the job of helping. I love to make jokes (Making laugh people goes here too ). Also I think it’s important for you to know that I know a little bit of coding like HTML CSS and PHP. I’m not telling that I’m a WebMaster but only a WebNovice. I think that by the name you should know it quick what it means. I’m also on Teamspeak a lot of time per week
The thing I love the most on minecraft is that it brings people together. A server is a place were friends meet and can play together, and where new friends are made. I have made new friends by myself from all over the world who also play on this server, and we play together frequently. It gives me a good feeling when I can help making the time someone spends on a server a great time or when I can help someone with I problem he or she has. I am a very good moderator - I keep my head cool and I can easily solve conflicts. I do well in school, my education is a priority to me. Additionally, it takes a lot to get me angry. As for why I should be picked instead of the others, I think that I am funloving and lighthearted. I can understand other people's views and why they do what they did wrong. I think overall that I would be firm with the rules without being way to pushy, while also being personable. Most importantly, I love playing on the server and I think helper would make my experience better by dealing with people who break the rules and also being able to make times of others on the server more enjoyable!I really love the server, and i would love to help you guys out. I am very mature and think i could make a very big difference and be a big help to make this server great. You should pick me over someone older than me not only because i am at a very high maturity level, but as a young person, i can understand kid's problems easier than someone older. I get people because when i first played minecraft I didn't know anything either.I have a rather slow internet connection, so I may have issues at times. This hasn't proven to be a large issue in the slightest, however. I am quite a social person, so it's easy for me to make friends. I enjoy talking to people, and I enjoy hearing what they have to say, which would include things from suggestions, to how their day went. However, if friends that I happen to make break rules I will not hesitate to correct them, and treat them as any normal member.

Thanks for reading my application
Have a nice time on the server
Planet Minecraft


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