✪->->New Thread! RPG Project <-<-✪ Brand New Art, Unique Lore, Custom Terrain ✪ Looking for Talented People! Builders/Helpers/Lore Writer/ Etc

DracosisDimensions's Avatar DracosisDimensions2/8/18 5:41 pm history
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5/13/2018 3:52 pm
DracosisDimensions's Avatar DracosisDimensions

Please listen to this while reading our post. We feel it allows your imagination to truly run wild.
Track 1
Track 2

Typeform Link For Builder Applications :D
Typeform Link For Our Helper Applications :D

Apply for both on Our Discord Server :D
Or Down in the comments!

Spoiler - Text Version If The Image Fails
Here at Dracosis Dimensions, our primary goal
is for you, the player, to have one of the
best RPG experiences that you can have in
Minecraft. We aim to provide the best user
experience, and the most immersive roleplay feel ever. We are proud to be a
non-profit organization, and aim to be the best roleplay server ever!

Lore Summary
Lore Summary:
Dracosis Dimensions is a Minecraft roleplaying / RPG server that is set in an original fantasy universe with four main empires that players can join. Each with its own unique religion, reputation, sub-divisions,
technology level, territory size and wealth level,
the empires are expansive- both in content and lore.

- Our goal in developing Dracosis Dimensions is to create
a lore and content-rich Minecraft roleplaying / RPG
server with an original fantasy universe. With many important
characters, events and stories from the universe of
“The Chronicles of Zionth II”, there will be more than enough to delve into for the roleplaying aspect. But that won’t be the only part to the server, as there will also be plenty of RPG aspects incorporated into the original universe.

Interested so far? Got questions we didn't answer? Want to help improve the project but don't have the time to help build or test? Feel like keep up to date with all the latest information? Join our Discord with the link provided below or follow us on twitter at dracosis.com/twitter

Typeform Link For Builder Applications :D
Typeform Link For Our Helper Applications :D

Our Discord Server :D

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and getting this far! We understand it's a lot to be amazed by ;) We look forward to seeing you on our Discord!

~ ConcealedElement - Founder of Dracosis Dimensions LLC.

Lore Snipet
Dracosis Dimensions is a Minecraft roleplaying / RPG server that is set in an original fantasy universe with four main empires that players can join. Each with its own unique religion, reputation, sub-divisions, technology level, territory size and wealth level, the empires are expansive- both in content and lore. There will be various conflicts between empires as well, as peacetime is short within this world. There are various races that inhabit each empire as well, from elves to humans to orcs.

Not all races are what you may think they are upon the first thought either. High Elves are excellent engineers and inventors, whereas the typical High Elf is thought to be more suited toward magic and wizardry. Orcs are not incredibly brutish and are instead warriors bound by a code of honour. Even Dwarves are not the same- they are skilled in creating magical constructs of various advanced types and technological levels.

The world is begging to be explored, with many lost and hidden locations and buildings to find and to take and strange, unusual creatures and monsters to battle. There are dungeons just waiting to be conquered and looted. There are various climates, landforms and terrain types to walk upon and to even claim as your own. Venture through expansive cities and settlements, or just take a walk in mother nature- this world is yours to explore, claim and defend.

In addition to exploration, claiming and settling, discovering and making relations with one another, players must also take the role of their own character and play in the server as if they were who you are impersonating. The essence of roleplaying is the essence of the server.

Now, what are you waiting for? Enter the Dimensions! - Zionth Lead Lore Writer

These are some images of our terrain. Purely for hype purposes.

Spoiler - Legal Notice
Due to the nature of our work, and the lore we are using, all our work has been covered by The Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA for short. This is to protect our work from being stolen and to keep our inspiring author's novels from being leaked or stolen without permission. Therefore by joining our server and our discord you automatically agree to these terms and forfeit all rights otherwise.

This won't make any difference to you or restrict you in any way as long as you don't try to steal, leak or otherwise share our lore or anything on the server without explicit written permission.

Sorry for the Legal jargon, we just don't want to see everyone's hard work gone to ruin or waste because someone has spoiled the fun and shared, leaked or stolen any/all of our content.
Posted by DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect

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05/13/2018 3:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
With our major city we’ve been building nearing completion, stay posted for new updates and pictures to showcase its glory. Nearly two cities complete. 2 left to build. Then we will be opening to the public.
Korniest Dan
04/21/2018 12:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Korniest Dan's Avatar
Ooo, just noticed you guys added a new thread design :), also, are the 3D models shown in the post actually models we will be able to see in-game?
04/22/2018 4:00 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Some of them will be included, yes. Plus even more than what's displayed :)

We even have some 3D models for food ^^
Korniest Dan
04/24/2018 5:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Korniest Dan's Avatar
Is there a link to those models too? or are those still in-progress/not available to general public
05/13/2018 3:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
They are still in progress however they may be made public when complete. I’ll keep you posted. However these models will go on top of the conquest resource pack we’re currently using to build.
04/16/2018 7:20 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Chaz's Avatar
woah the thread design looks well made for sure!
04/14/2018 5:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
New Thread is now Live! Hope you like our design! We've spent countless time editing and tweaking it just to get to this point. If you've any feedback please let us know here in the comment section!

Our awesome hand-drawn art was created by an amazing artist known as Matrix. Check him out on twitter using the link below if you're interested in his work or services!

Matrix Twitter
04/14/2018 5:25 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Complete thread overall in progress. Please standby for all new art, banners, and images.

We will also be posting new updates tonight including further lore snippets. Since the slum city, we were building is finished, here is some insight from a lore perspective below.

Due to the vast amount of people crammed into the ever shrinking city of Alderas, the ground itself has become tainted and polluted from all the "working class citizens" living here. (Peasants, they're peasants). Elavius' Empire, being ruled by a compassionate Emperor, utilises the latest technology available (and affordable), to offer all of the "working class citizens" more dignity and thought than other Rulers would; because of this each house is fitted with a albeit very basic, but functional waste system, which is disposed of through the sewer system of Alderas. (Although it is still utilising steampunk technology so the seweage is pumped out of the city). The slum town also offers a communal bathing facility where citizens can safely bathe, and take care of personal hygiene concerns. This facility is also fitted with public toilets.

Alderas is an evergrowing industrial city, bursting with new ideas and constantly requirign further space to accomodate buildings, resources and facilities. The population is constantly on the uprise with new faces appearing every week by land or sea. However the space is limited, this means that every inch available has to be used and expanded upon. The slums is the worst area for this, with dark, dingy alleys, poorly lit walkways and houses, at night the slums can be a literal maze to navigate. We have tried to accomdate that sense into the slums as much as we could. Every building is a breath away from another. Many houses are small, tightly packed, and run down. Time has taken its toll on these poor structures, many with more holes than a fishing net. Not all of these structures were built to be safe, or to last. As a result of this gravity has swiftly brought its hammer down upon several houses, causing the ground beneath them to sink, sliding the houses off the sheer cliff face.
04/10/2018 9:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
------------ Update 4/10/18 ----------------


We are currently working on the slums of Alderas city, which can be seen here:

As of this update, we are still looking for builders! If you are interested, head to this link:
Builder Application
04/09/2018 4:22 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Chaz's Avatar
Is there any plans for any kind of videos so we can see what it looks like? You know like announcement trailer or hype trailer?
04/09/2018 6:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Currently, we are working on a "hype" trailer which will show the architectural aspect of our server.
Korniest Dan
04/07/2018 1:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Korniest Dan's Avatar
is there a release date for this server
04/07/2018 2:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Currently, there is not a set date for when Dracosis Dimensions will be released.
04/03/2018 8:39 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
LegionOfBliss's Avatar
how long has this server been in development?
04/04/2018 4:50 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
The server and its content has been under development for nearly 6 months now. That includes, our website, forums, artwork, lore content, and buildings. However, we've had help from a lot of awesome masters of building.
04/03/2018 12:28 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
------------ Update 4/2/18 ----------------


We've decided to post weekly updates to keep you on the top of your toes in excitement! This week we have finished the port for the city of Alderas, which can be seen here:
Port of Alderas

If you would like to partake in our journey to create Dracosis Dimensions a complete roleplaying / RPG fantasy survival server, you can still apply especially if you are a builder who is interested!

Builder Application
03/29/2018 8:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
We've just added in a gallery of pictures for everyone to view the terrain. This gallery contains OVER 100 pictures of different times of the day. We hope you enjoy the beauty of them. All were taken on the server, using only shaders. Courtesy of Kornilius one of our Moderators we hired earlier on this year.

Terrain Images
03/27/2018 3:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Hello again! Here bringing any onlookers updates about our project!

This is one of four Capital cities we're currently building, the city's name is Alderas, the capital city of Elavius' Empire. Elavius is currently the leading world superpower in terms of technology. This is mostly to do with it being home to many High Elves(Aldrimine), who are incredibly smart, adaptive, creative and orderly beings. Due to this High Elves spend vast quantities of time making brilliant technological advancements within Elavius. From the first Airships to the harnessing the use of electricity and steam power, progressing them into the dawn of an industrialised civilisation.

Elavius, although in a medieval setting, is currently leading the world in its technological advancements, and because of this, Elavius has a very steampunk feel to it, with houses, factories and even basic public transport utilising steam power. Many buildings such as factories or landmarks such and Giant Clocks (Like Big Ben in London) have distinguishing features such as machine clogs or steam exhaust pipes. Here are just a few pictures below. Although we will be using Conquest, these pictures were taken in the default resource pack for people who like to see raw unaltered images. All builds are first made in our flat world so we can design it and create it, then we paste it into our designated area, then begin to fill the city piece by piece, slowly merging it to one piece of art.

Click Below to view our images.

Images Here
03/24/2018 3:15 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
CmdData's Avatar
Been in this group for very long, highly suggest applying if you have the skills! Applying doesn't take more than 15 minutes!
03/26/2018 4:41 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Chaz's Avatar
Couldn’t agree more. 👍🏼
03/24/2018 3:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
It’s 10x easier than doing your taxes! Plus it’s free to apply! No signups required either:D
03/11/2018 2:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
We're proud to announce we have just taken on a highly experienced and capable in-house plugin developer; as well as a promotion within our ranks for all their hard work. With a professional build team working on some masterful builds for us, it leaves us here at dracosis to take on some builders and lore creators of our own. We are still additionally hiring users as helpers, however as of this moment, they lack actual responsibilities and sense of purpose, other than the exploration of the server, advertising for us, and breaking the server so we can fix those nasty bugs and glitches which everyone loves to abuse. Sorry!

We will also soon be replacing these thread designs with an amazing dungeon themed thread design with gifs, animations and even...FIRE :O!

From everyone here at Dracosis, we hope you stick around for further updates. If you'd like to join the discord and help out or lurk in the background to see the updates yourself, go to This link here. To join in on the fun. Remember to apply for the builder role if you're interested in helping development. Looking for skilled medieval and fantasy builders specifically. Lore writers please feel free to apply below our team leader in this sector will reply with your results.

03/01/2018 3:34 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Hello Users of Minecraft Forums, once again I am here to bring you your daily digested update on everything "Dracosis Dimensions".
Today we have invested in custom models. Our server will include over 100 different models. Nearly all 3D, (exceptions being like the odd food item like fish). All We also have custom 3D models for our Bosses and monsters we will be implementing (Additionally from the default Minecraft mobs).

We would also like to announce that we are now taking applications for Lore Writers to join our team. Our Lead lore writer Zionth has set these following requirements

Lore Writers Should be:

- At least 13/14 years of age.
- Must have a broad mind, able to think on a large scale basis, for large chunks of detail at once.
- Be highly creative, and passionate about writing.
- Genuinely interested and intrigued by the lore, urge to improve and further its development.
- Honest. We don't need anyone who cannot be honest and straight with their thoughts. Good or bad we can't improve without feedback and help.
- Ability to work amongst a team of other writers with ease.
- Have access to a Gmail account (for Google Docs).
- You do not need a mic, but Discord is also necessary for communication purposes.

Anyone successful will be interviewed by Zionth himself. Good Luck!
If Interested Apply Below! :) Thanks!
03/01/2018 4:12 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
We’re proud to be welcoming Liamw7 & Kornilius to our staff team as helpers! Still looking for skilled builders who meet our high standards!

02/26/2018 4:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gam3Mak3r's Avatar
As a staff members perspective, i have been helping for awhile. Everyone that will be joining is greeted by the staff and will have tons of fun upon joining the server.
02/26/2018 5:07 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Still looking for more talented builders and useful helpers. Apply now using the type form or pm your discord tag and we will add you.
02/19/2018 6:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
New Logo made by PoppinDesigns. New Thread design (by Khyree) added for the Helper Applications. Which are now live might I add. ^^ Feel free to leave any feedback on this thread down here in the comments. We would love to hear how we can improve our thread, and make it more appealing!
02/17/2018 1:04 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Elf
Karthsteel's Avatar
I've been with this team as the lead lore developer and I've made the whole universe for it so far, and I don't regret it. Great team and I'm sure this project will go far.
02/18/2018 5:39 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Thanks for allowing us to use your books Zionth. We will help take them to new heights :)
02/11/2018 2:09 am
Level 1 : New Network
TheaZolomon's Avatar
What about us that dont have discord HUH WHY DONT YOU CARE ABOUT NON DISCORD USERS?!!!!!!!!
02/11/2018 4:49 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the users who don’t have discord! We have created a secondary a solution that should prevent such users from being excluded as potential builders. Hope this helps

Click me! Solution is here.
02/09/2018 8:58 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
We've had a lot of positive attention so far! We would like to thank everyone that has currently applied while welcoming opportunity for others to apply! :D
02/09/2018 1:02 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Chaz's Avatar
That’s a nice thread design! Love to see slick designs like that!
02/09/2018 7:50 am
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
CmdData's Avatar
Been working with this chap for a few months now, really nice to work with! Definitely worth trying to apply!
02/09/2018 5:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
DracosisDimensions's Avatar
Thank You for the kind words WatchBOT :)
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