NewServer - Recruting All Kinds Of Staff - Admins, Mods etc!

Itz_Calzy's Avatar Itz_Calzy6/4/15 12:21 pm
6/4/2015 4:56 pm
HaveFunPeace's Avatar HaveFunPeace
I am making a new Minecraft server! We need all kinds of staff members and are recruiting for around 15-20 people! We need loads so it would be great if you could leave you application down below with the following format

Skype or TeamSpeak:
What are you applying for:
Why do you want to be staff:
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones:
Ever been banned on a server:
What are your qualities:
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day:

We also need YouTuber so leave a link to your channel, note, you must have a descent amount of subs.

This is going to either be a Factions server or a Mini-Games!

Thanks! Callum!
Posted by Itz_Calzy's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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06/04/2015 12:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hekktic's Avatar
Age: 13
Name: Hekktic
Skype or TeamSpeak: mysticalbirdy (Skype)
What are you applying for: Head-Moderator
Why do you want to be staff: I have recently gotten back into minecraft and am looking for a server to occupy
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: Ive owned my own server called CreeperCraft, admin on a server called Cookiecraft, and Moderator on an old server named Aggressioncraft
Ever been banned on a server: Yes, but only for false accusations
What are your qualities:Im very good with plugins, server moderation, and server management
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: over 1 hour and 30 minutes guaranteed
06/04/2015 12:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
I really like your application! Welcome to the team, I will add you on Skype now!
06/04/2015 12:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
deenbayside's Avatar
Name: IGN is craysteve102 my real name is Zack
Skype or TeamSpeak:I use Skype and it's Swagmunch
What are you applying for:Manager Mostly but if i don't get it ill get admin
Why do you want to be staff:I want to become staff on the server because i like doing things that are fun and unique like helping servers. I also want to become staff on the server because i have a lot of time in my hands and i want to use a lot of it on your server so i can help it grow into a big popular server
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: RealmsOp, RealityOpFactions United Factions MineSuperior And thats only the ones that were recent
Ever been banned on a server:Yes i got banned for trolling about 3 months ago and i learned from my mistake
What are your qualities:I am really good at managing servers and making it grow, I know what the players want and need in a server and i want to share it with you. I know how to control staff and make it so they do their jobs as good as they can without abusing or breaking rules because that will get them punished.
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day:I am able to play 5-7 hours daily on the server
06/04/2015 12:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
I like your app! Welcome to the team! Ill add you on Skype for now!
06/04/2015 12:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Creeperslayer675's Avatar
Age: 15
Name: Creeperslayer675
Skype or TeamSpeak: creeperslayer675
What are you applying for: Administrator
Why do you want to be staff: Because I am a hard working, loyal, active and friendly person who would like to stop rule breakers and make your server the best it can possibly be. Because I don't do the job for rank, or authority or to show off. I do it because i believe in justice and that any rule breakers should be dealt with and punished to whichever choosing the Owner prefers.
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: I have been staff on many servers and been every rank on servers ranging from CosmicCraft, OceanCraft, BeastCraft and i have Owned 2 servers that were called CreeperCraft and EnderCraft
Ever been banned on a server: Yes but it was by hacker that i was trying to stop
What are your qualities: leadership, persistence, integrity, helpfulness, co-operation and kindness
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: 5-6 or more
06/04/2015 1:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
Good ap! Your sadly only going to be helper! We have enough mods and we have enough admins! You will be able to work your way up to admin and maybe ever higher!
06/04/2015 12:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gamerbro21's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: Gamerbro21
Skype or TeamSpeak: Gamerbro21 (Skype)
What are you applying for: Mod
Why do you want to be staff: I want to be staff because minecraft has been losing my interest lately and I need a server I can work on and have a nice community to talk and play with.
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: I have been many ranks on a server called DarkPrison such as Mod to Co-owner (The server stayed up for 2 years but went down because the owner quit.) One other server called TownyHavan i am a OP.
Ever been banned on a server: Yes I was once, a long time ago helping a friend get more players on his server I was banned for advertising. Haven't done that again.
What are your qualities: I am good with helping people on the server, helping staff members, working with others, and taking care of problems that are going on the server, so basically server moderation. I can do some other things but depending on what they are i will try my best.
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: Definitely more than a hour a day. One thing though about my schedule is i'm gone 2 days once every week.

If you accept me I look forward to working with you guys
06/04/2015 1:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
Good application man! Welcome to the team!
06/04/2015 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeemuch's Avatar
06/04/2015 1:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Creeperslayer675's Avatar
Nothing about my app?
06/04/2015 1:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeemuch's Avatar
Dude just wait you'll be fine.
06/04/2015 1:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeemuch's Avatar
So am i not gonna be in? Not that I'm complaining.
06/04/2015 1:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeemuch's Avatar
So am i not gonna be in?
06/04/2015 1:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
You will start off as Helper
06/04/2015 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeemuch's Avatar
ok Thanks
06/04/2015 2:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_Thane's Avatar
Age: My current age is Fourteen. Sorry if you were looking for something above that age, I sincerely apologize. I will be Fifteen in almost 7 months, and then I'll be fifteen... obviously.

Name: My name is Ryan. A little introduction to myself, I am in 8th grade, 9th next year, and I enjoy playing minecraft. I started playing Minecraft in the year, 2011. So when I was 10. But after 2 years of building, and building, I found there was more importance to minecraft than just building. I found many servers that needed a lot of help, so I helped them. Most of the time, I was Head-Builder, Head-Administrator, Administrator, and most of the time, a high ranking situation. But that's not the point. I don't think the rank matters, as much as your job. Your responsibility is what you're supposed to be worried about, and you must do your job well, with a lot of experience coming with it, which I will discuss more about down below.

Skype or TeamSpeak: I do not have any, and I prefer to keep it that way. Reason for that being I don't like communicating through Skype, for I find it a waste of time, and I do not like team-speak because of the long process it takes to set up something. I apologize for this inconvenience, but if it's strongly/highly recommended, I'll setup a Skype, just for that reason though. But let me warn you, I have a broken microphone, so it doesn't work and I'll only be-able to communicate through chat. Once again, my apologies for the inconvenience.

What are you applying for: I am applying for Head-Administrator, Administrator, or really anything. But since I really have nothing to do anymore, and nothing to put my experiences through, I want a big responsibility I can take, and use well. Now, before you call me power-hungry or anything, I would like to say something. I do not do this for the rank, permission, power, and fame. No, I do not. I am applying for these ranks because I need a big responsibility to take on, and I need to put all of my experiences, to the test and really help this server grow, and conquer everything in it's path, but not alone.

Why do you want to be staff: I would like to be staff for the listing reasons, I am a non-abusive Staff member who takes his responsibilities seriously. I know what I am doing, and I make sure I am doing that job well, making sure every action I will do, is well though through. I am cautious about my decisions, and I make sure that they are the right ones, too. I am non-abusive, and I do not use my power's to abuse the responsibilities I am given, nor do I use them to the advantage of myself, or others. I know that abusing my power as a staff member is wrong, and I make sure that I use my permissions right. I do not look down upon players just because I'm a higher rank. Anyone who thinks that, should take their resume somewhere else. I look at it in this perspective. I am just another player with a different prefix and a few permissions, and responsibilities. I also have many talents, due to my experience of holding high-responsibilities throughout my past Minecraft years. I am capable of building professional buildings, due to my experience of Head-Builder on many servers, and I know many plugins well. Like PEX, Group manager, World edit, voxel sniper, and such. Reason being I am highly trained with those, because of the many server's I have been a high-ranking on. But, I am always lending a hand to both player's and staff. If a player has a question, or has something to report, I respond ASAP. And if a staff member has something he needs support with, I support him all the way, unless it's something he is restricted to do.

Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: I have been staff on a great many servers, listing, "Realize's Minecraft Server, Guppy Galaxy, MK Craft, and many more to list.

Ever been banned on a server: I have never been banned on a Server, besides the time where an Owner was on a rampage, due to being threatened by a DDoSer, and an abusive Administrator, besides that, no.

What are your qualities: I am a professional builder, I show good leadership, I work with others well, I know what I am doing, I'm respectful to all, courteous to all, and I am always willing to lend a hand.

How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: Probably about 5 hours. I have all summer too.
06/04/2015 3:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Itz_Calzy's Avatar
Absolutely amazing Application, Ryan! The server will be up in about 3 or 4 days so I will definitely contact you when it will be up! You will be Admin, the Head-Admin is already took but if it wasn't then you would be it, amazing application though
06/04/2015 2:40 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
xArshi's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: NeonAssassin123
Skype or TeamSpeak: NeonAssassin123
What are you applying for: Mod
Why do you want to be staff: Because I am a very nice guy that protects many servers, I am a great builder, and I do not tolerate Disrespect or Swear.
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: MonkeyCraft Creative
Ever been banned on a server: No
What are your qualities:
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: 3 hrs
06/04/2015 3:59 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheRealICT's Avatar
Name: Michael a.k.a TheRealICT
Skype or TeamSpeak: Both

What are you applying for: Youtuber Status lol

Why do you want to be staff: I really enjoy making and editing youtube videos so I would really like to create a promotional video for your server

Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: I was but it's been a while so I couldn't tell you off the top of my head

Ever been banned on a server:Nope

What are your qualities: I would like to say that I am good at editing youtube videos and creating artwork in photoshop

How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: Well since I would be making videos on there so I would come on probably 3 to 4 times a week and let you guys know when I would be recording. The amount of time I spend on the server would differ depending on what kind of video I would be making so maybe 2-4 hours at a time.

You can find a link to my youtube channel in my forum signature
06/04/2015 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
HaveFunPeace's Avatar
Age: I'm 15.
Name: Georgia and my IGN name is HaveFunPeace.
Skype or TeamSpeak: Sorry, I don't have one. I can PM you my email though so you can contact me that way or if you have OovoO then I'll give you my username.
What are you applying for: Moderator.
Why do you want to be staff: I wish to help the community and make it a better place.
Have you ever been staff on any other server? If so what ones: I've been mod on one server but it was closed down due to the owner not being bothered with it and deciding to delete it.
Ever been banned on a server: No.
What are your qualities: I am great on a team and I cope well under stress.
How long will you be able to spend on my server per day: 4-5 hours on Mon-Fri, but on Sat-Sun I can play 6-8.

-- Georgia.
Planet Minecraft


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