Pericula - Needing Builders, Staffers, Developer, Beta Testers

EnergyMagick's Avatar EnergyMagick12/13/20 11:29 pm
12/17/2020 9:00 am
Papa Enny's Avatar Papa Enny
Hello there, Planet Minecraft!

My name is Frisk (or at least, that's what I go by).

I'm working on opening a server, but am in need of people to assist me in starting out.

I do not know what sort of server this will be, yet -- I'd like to see what people want! As a beta tester, you'll help us in shaping the server into whatever it will become.

I am in need of Builders, a number of staffers, and a larger number of beta testers. I may need a developer as well. For the time being, things will be kept small, and the server will remain whitelisted. The server may be opened to the public in the future, depending on what it is turned into, and where players want to go with it.

If you are interested in joining, feel free to join our Discord and sent in a simple application to join. I'd love to have you!

Posted by EnergyMagick's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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Papa Enny
12/17/2020 9:00 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Is this Premiun only and does it contain mods,What version
12/15/2020 8:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
EnergyMagick's Avatar
Boop! Bumpity bump.
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