RavineMC 1.6.2 Minecraft Server! | Looking for staff

Lexigall123456's Avatar Lexigall1234568/11/13 6:30 pm
1 emeralds 666 6
10/4/2013 6:12 pm
Rygar14's Avatar Rygar14
Hello! My name is Alexis and I am the owner of RavineMC. If you want to apply for staff, come on the server and ask for a book to apply. Please make it very detailed and over 5 pages.

Fill out this forum in your book:

Why do you want to be staff:
What will you bring to the server:
Maturity 1/10:
Extra Info:

Please make it long and detailed.

Posted by Lexigall123456's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd

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10/04/2013 6:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rygar14's Avatar
Age: I and 14 turning 15
Name: Derrick Doyle
IGN: Rygar14
Why do you want to be staff: I want to be staff because i love help servers love making players/people help and like to make players to enjoy the server and love to meet new people and make them happy.
what will you bring to the server: i will bring all that i have like: helping players when they need it, i will be nice to players and will not grief the server or raid, i will do all i can too help the server when it needs it, it will make sure too listen too the rules and will make sure outer players are too.
Maturity 1/10: 1/8 or 1/9
Gender: male
Extra Info: I get off at high school at 2:25 Eastern Time so i can get on the server ate 2:45 my time and be on 24/7 so i can be on allot and help when needed and i have fun too be around, funny, nice to players/staff, i don't you staff to be mean or unfair, and can do anything that is needed on the server up to my highest (as much as i know what to do like redstone and plugins so on so on)

Hope you guys like my post and hope you guys can maybe let me be staff and i hope you guys have fun
09/07/2013 4:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Cupthatsme's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: (dont like to give, call me Cup though )
Why do you want to be staff: The server I usually go on is down, and on that server, im building a CTF arena. I am aiming to become a better builder, so i feel, might as well help give a minigame to another server.
What will you bring to the server: Any builds you want
Maturity 1/10: usually 7-9 depending on who/what I'm talking to/about
Gender: Male
Extra Info: Hope you will admin/op/give-me-commands/trust me to build/etc.

Also it seems like right now the i cant connect to the server. Is that just me?
08/16/2013 11:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
InfiniteAmmoII's Avatar
Thank you! <3
08/16/2013 11:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
InfiniteAmmoII's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: Tim
IGN: InfiniteAmmoII
Why do you want to be staff: Becuase I LOVE helping others out and having some power Plus, I bet ya the owner is a BOSS
What will you bring to the server: Redstone devices, happiness, non-hackers, fun!
Maturity 1/10: 4/10
Gender: Male
Extra Info: My favorite game is Minecraft. I have always wanted to be staff on a server. Like a head admin or something.
08/16/2013 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ViceChronic's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: Jeremy
IGN: 3FireFlame
SKYPE: vipurhi
Why do you want to be staff: Im tired of admins that are ASS HOLES! I want to be diffrent and WAY more friendly!
What will you bring to the server: Players, Firends, Happiness and helpfulness XD
Maturity 1/10: 8/10
Gender: Male
Extra Info: I hate people that fake there application and say they are friendly! I have been an admin on my brothers server! I would love if some gave me a chance!
08/11/2013 7:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
awesomeface2000's Avatar
im joining now!

ign awesude101
Planet Minecraft


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