[Admin] Recruitment: Searching for Veteran Admins

MR_GREEN99's Avatar MR_GREEN998/16/14 4:41 pm
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8/20/2014 7:05 pm
MR_GREEN99's Avatar MR_GREEN99

------------------------- Join our Team Today! -------------------------

Interested in being apart of a new next generation Minecraft server? A Server that will bring in hundreds of new online users each day; that has an outstanding and organized staff structure? Than Athminia is yours to discover.

Hello there. I'm MR_GREEN99, a known Veteran and Developer of Athminia. Athminia is a huge server complex looking to expand and grow with beside the guests and trusted members who support us. Athminia has not opened to the public yet, but has a very experienced team that is currently constructing the server contents. Athminia has asked me to come to you, the public, our future community; for assistance, we are looking for Admins. Our criteria is listed below. If you think you fit the role, please contact us. Our email will follow under the criteria description.

Admin Criteria

- To be an Admin you must have past experience with the role (or one of similarity).
- To be an Admin you must be talented in at least one of the REQUIRED fields (website design/building in game/in game management)
- To be an Admin you must be 17+ of age (some exceptions depending on player analysis)
- To be an Admin you must have overall good attitude and litterateur.
- To be an Admin you must be willing to take on large tasks without complaints.
- To be an Admin you must be able to take a troublesome situation and turn it around creating a positive and all around beneficial outcome.

- Visual proof of building skills and quality (photos/screenshots).
- List of positions you have obtained in the past and reasons for wanting this position.
- Application must contain a detailed list of strong-suits (talents).
- Answer the following questions about yourself:
What time zone do you live in?
What country do you live in?
How long have you played Minecraft for?
How much time would you or will you spend online?
Do you have Skype? iMessage? if not, what social networks do you have?

Please construct your own application form. When you have completed it please send it to us at athminiastaff@gmail.com. If you have anymore questions please comment below or email us.

Thank you,
Posted by MR_GREEN99's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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08/20/2014 7:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
If you wish to receive a more detail plan about the servers plans, please email us an application and questions:

08/16/2014 9:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
Submit if you're looking to become an Admin!
08/16/2014 8:33 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
In the future please reframe from posting applications on the message feed.

Thank you,
08/16/2014 7:25 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar

Could you please send your application via email.

Thank you.
08/16/2014 7:24 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
Thank you for you messages, Can you please search for our regards within your email inbox.
08/16/2014 6:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dr_Destructer2's Avatar
This may not be the exact form for a application you were looking for but honestly it takes to much time to make as good of applications as I do so plz skype me if yo have any questions

Name: Andrew

Age: 15 I know im a bit young but very mature and would make a great addition to na server

IGN: Dr_Destructer

About Me: I am a very experienced player in minecraft playing for 3 years. I am a fun and energetic kind of guy who will stop at nothing to help people. As a long time member of the online community I know how much of a pain people who grief hack swear and make the game not fun for anybody can be so I am Passionate about letting everyone who joins your server have a fun and memorable time.

Skype: live:andrewt015

Experience: I was the head admin and OP on a server that once used to thrive which had at least 15 people on at any time and about 30 people during the peak hours of the day. Unfortunately the server was shut down about a month ago because the owners left for collage. I am very skilled in all commands including OP commands, World edit, Factions, Creative, and much more so I would require little training.

Do you know nodes: yes nodes have to do with permissions and other stuff.

Rank I want: preferably a head admin or admin but if you need a co-owner with my experience and personality I believe I would make a good co owner.

More about me: as mentioned before I am a very dedicated player devoted to making minecraft a fun and enjoyable game for all players as it was meant to be. I can be online about 3 hours or more a day. I believe with my experience I can provide many things for the server and together we would make a great team. And thank you for reading and your consideration. Also please don't hesitate to add me in skype to talk or answer any further questions.
08/16/2014 6:31 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
ianwilling's Avatar
I have sent an Email. Let me know if I am missing any information.
08/16/2014 6:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
ianwilling's Avatar
Email Sent
Surfing X Gamer
08/16/2014 5:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Surfing X Gamer's Avatar
Hi there, my name is Katie, otherwise known as SurfingXGamer and here is my application why i would like to be allocated the role of admin.

Age: I'm 13 (almost 14) although you request for 17+ I am very mature for my age.
Maturity: I would say I'm 9/10 out of 10, since I'm really mature, I know what's good and bad and how to react to most and every situation I have a lot of patience so i can listen to others and help and guide them!
What I can offer to you: Well I'm a YouTuber!( SurfingXGamer) so there for as well as helping you out on the server I can advertise for you, I'm growing a strong amount of subscribers after only 5 months of YouTube (legit).
Experience's: I've been admin on 2 other servers however both servers went down due to lack of commitment by owner. I have been moderator on another server however they didn't update the server so i no longer have access to it .
My quality's:
- I love helping others out, i find myself a really helpful person.
- I'm always happy so when someone's down i can brighten them up and and them happy
- Once again I'm a YouTuber so i can record on here and advertise for you
- I always follow by rules and never complain
- I'm very logical
- I love to create things weather its from arts and craft or from my imagination to Minecraft.
- I'm constantly thinking of ways to improve once again to help others out

Here are the questions you asked:
What time zone do you live in? Im in the timezone GMT
What country do you live in? I live in Britain however i stay up late to interact with other people from other countries.
How long have you played Minecraft for? I have played Minecraft for about 2 and a half years (ON PC) then I played Minecraft on Xbox ever since it was introduced on there.
How much time would you or will you spend online? I am online atleats 5 hours each day. If not more on weekends.
Do you have Skype? iMessage? if not, what social networks do you have? I have skype, email and imessage and facetime Tell me your skype and ill add you

Finally Here is a final bit about me:
1. Im a girl gamer
2. I do have a xbox so i play a variety of games
3. I am a tomboy you could say
4. My personality stands out and i like to call myseld Unique!

Thanks for you time in reading this post, I hope I get considered and thanks once again, its much appreciated
- Katie (AKA SurfingXGamer)
Planet Minecraft


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