[Admins]: Searching For Experienced Admins!

MR_GREEN99's Avatar MR_GREEN9912/8/13 7:59 pm
8/16/2014 9:33 pm
MR_GREEN99's Avatar MR_GREEN99
We need server Admins! Hello. I'm MR_GREEN99 a Developer for Athminia. We are short on an Admin for our server a few other positions. I've decided to ask you, the public for assistance!

Athminia is a new server being made. We have experienced Developers and staff. The server has many worlds. Including: PlotMe (Creative), Survival (Calm world), Factions and Exclusive (RPG/Role Play). We need someone who can have the drive and determination to support our cause and wishes when developers aren't online. People who care.

A bit issue our team has recently came across would be the loss of our Website Designer. If you have strong talents with websites and a good creative side let us know! We need a new Website Lead.

[center][b][u]For you application you'll need to include[/u]:[/b]
[color=#FF0000]- Name
- Age
- Location
- Experience (With support providing this true if possible)
- Interests
- Strengths
- Something cool about you[/center][/color]
- How much time would you spend online?
- Do you have Skype? iMessage? If not, tell us what social networks you have access to!
- Are you good at website design?

[size=150]**If you are interested in becoming an Admin on Athminia, Send you applications here:[/size]


Thank you,
Posted by MR_GREEN99's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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08/16/2014 9:33 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
Currently updated thread!
01/04/2014 7:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
WopPvp's Avatar
Hi my name is Jared, I am from the US and my IGN is gissi007 and age is 15, skype jared.franco3
Do I have a mic yes
how good am i at building 7/10
how good am i at redstone 10/10
PLugins 10/10
Groupmanager 10/10
Perms 10/10
I am applying for Staff this server because I would love to be apart of the community.
There are loads of good reasons for me Help protecting and helping players out.
My Experiences of being a staff member:
I have loads of experience of being a staff member for all these reasons listed:
Helping players, Monitoring players, Answering questions, Being kind, Stopping people grief, and helping staff etc.
Staff ranks I have been: Helper, moderator, Admin, and owner on 1 server.

What can I do to help this server:
I can do help this server with loads of complicated and basic things such as, plugins watching and helping players.
I can be on the server 8 hours a day, and more on other days.
I will give 100% to this server .
Sometimes you will come across people that spam and curse which I don't tolerate, this is because I want to give all players GREAT experience on this server.

How good am I with perms and plugins: 10/10. I have had 2 servers before which I have owned And cost me $20 A month, I had to setup everything by my self then I recruited staff.
I can do perms for staff ranks and for player ranks.
How good am I with WorldGuard + Worldedit, I am really good with these they save a lot of time and hastle.
I can do almost anything involving perms, PermissionsEX, Plugins, Building etc.

What would be my Best rank and why?: My best rank would be Moderator and Admin, the reasons why are because these ranks you have to be trusted and experienced.
These ranks also show that you are loyal and protective over servers, and you will do anything to stop griefers and ddossers.

how mature am i 9/10
I am really mature when it comes to servers, this is because it is respecting everyone.
How trustworthy am i 9/10
You don't know what age group will be playing this server too so being mature isn't hard at all it is being professional.
I have laughs all the time but if they are rude I will keep them to my self.
Maturity is what everyone should have.

Being respectful:
I love being respectful because you get it back too.
This server has a load of respect towards staff members and players, this is good for new players that join.
Experiences:I am good at plugins and more, There are some weeknesses but I can make them strong I can help this server with perms plugins and more
What would this mean to me:
This would mean a lot to me this is because this Seems like a great server, And hopefully lots of great players and staff.

Thanks for reading my app Hope the best. P.S I will be on a lot.
01/04/2014 7:34 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
If you'd like staff, please EMAIL!
12/29/2013 10:12 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
FC_Mercury's Avatar
Name: Enrique
Age: 14
IGN: FC_MercuryEL7
Skype (ok if no): PM Me if I'm accepted.
Position: Admin
Why you want to be staff:
I might go biased here, again.I am mature, I am respectful, I am smart, I am actually experienced in these roles unlike 60% of players that claim they are. I have above average redstone skills thanks to Biospark ( crazy redstone genius)I'd have to rewrite the application to tell you why I should be picked. I also try my best to get on everyday, and when I'm staff, I like to show everyone why I earned it by demonstrating them, not just for decoration. I am actually helpful for players, whether if it's just a nooby problem like how to register, or a more complex in ending an arguement, I will be there and provide them with my experience.
Apart from moderating, I also write helpful articles for people. One of my recent ones was for the popular server MC-WAR.COM. I'll leave the link below and see for yourself, hopefully this will help you decide if I am the one for this rank.
I am also fluent in Spanish. I can understand Portuguese, sometimes French and Italian. I am kinda experienced with Latin (I love biology, and animals are classified with latin names, so I learned them). I say these because the more languages you know, the more people will feel comfortable with you. If you speak Spanish in Minecraft, any Spanish speaker will befriend you, they gain trust in you, and that is important for a moderator.

As for treating with Rule-Breakers, I probably have one of the more rather complex ways in treating them. I am willing to listen to what they have to say, and sometimes I can be sympathetic though the situations are limited. Nevertheless,I firmly believe in the WKB system of moderating. That stands for Warn, Kick, Ban.
Should the player be caught in the acts of hacking, I would firstly warn them in a appropriate yet demanding manner. Accidentally, or on purpose does not matter. Screenshots, video, or any other methods of capturing the game will be used for evidence of misbehavior. Normally, some players will stop here, therefore saving him from a ban. Then comes kick. If the player has been warned 2 or more times and yet has followed orders, I will kick the player from the server. The kick serves as intimidation, and if not stopped by a warn, sometimes they stop here, unless he is doing it for excitement or for his own amusement. Finally, the last step is Ban. I really tend to avoid this, but if the player seems to test my limits, then I will put a limit to him. I would temporarily ban him if allowed, and evidence and the story will be submitted to owner or someone of a similar rank, so they can have a final decision in the consequences of the player. I never perm ban, as I feel the need the case should be discussed with other admins or owners to reach a final decision.
When can you be on: I can be on mostly daily everyday. School may be a limit, and if possible, I will inform you if I cannot. My Timezone is CT USA fyi.
What makes you suitable for this position:
I'd feel like to explain this, I would have to reiterate my whole staff application. To put it in short sentences, I feel I am suitable because I am experienced in this class, and I am mature enough, responsible enough to handle this than your average "Joe"

What can you do for the server:
Well, lets start with the obvious.

I will be ensure that all rules and policies issued by the Owner, will be enforced efficiently and fairly. I say fairly as most staff tend to let it slide when their co-workers do something agaisnt the rules. Fairly also goes with my message to treat everyone equally, friends, newbies, staff, players. Your age, sex, ethnicity, religious beliefs, will not matter to me, I will treat you fairly. Unlike some staff I have, sadly, witnessed, I will not discriminate you if you talk in some foreign language, I will not tell you "This is America, speak English", I will not treat you as if I were still living in the past, when races were boundaries to others. Even though somebody has obtained greater 'powers' than another,they are still equal at the core. This is effectively me acknowledging that I would not abuse my responsibilities.

Not so obvious.

I will be damn glad to assist, improve the server in wherever it needs. I will help the players when they need a trustworthy mature player by their side. I'd also contribute in building, as it is something I enjoy to do.

Apart from ensuring everyone's experience is good, I am good at possibly, almost, anything in Minecraft that can be done in game. That includes redstone, to which, I myself have written an article dedicated to one of my more unique mechanisms. This is the article which is currently still have yet to be edited by others but me http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorial ... tone_Lamps
I am also good at building, though, you may not like my style if you prefer the overly used "valuable blocks" in a symmetrical pattern. I try to be minimalist yet detailed.
My builds
Note the last link was build entirely in survival.

I am also working in a redstone influenced project called Redstone 21, it is expected to be released February 2014. http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/redstone-21/

Past experience (put your past experience servers on if you have been staff on a server):
On moderating,I am familiar with moderating servers, and I'm used to being asked to be staff for a server due to my maturity, character, and intelligence. I was first a Co-Owner in a server my friend made, which I believe, maybe biased, made a excellent staff at that important and powerful rank. The server, I believe, has shaped my character. It showed me you shouldn't mess with your powers, and that "Character summons rank", and I have tried to pass on that message to other moderators and servers I visited.

I was then assigned Moderator at a survival server called Modembug, which, sadly, has shutten down due to the Owner basically, lost interest in solving the many problems it had. I have evidence here http://imgur.com/a/05TdZ#0 , though it may not be the best, as plugins to color code ranks was not working as mentioned somewhere in the chat message. After it shut down after 2 good years, I played on other servers, as a regular player. Here, I looked for the first time in a while, how important it is that you trust a staff. How important, as a staff, that you should gain automatically a players trust when he needs help. I went through, once again, a coming of age in moderating.

I was then a moderator on both Switch PVP, and SquirrelCraft. Unlike previous servers, I wasn't assigned, hand selected by the staff, but I applied via Planet Minecraft. I applied to SquirrelCraft, a warming community between the staff, it's just a smile being there. It is still in Beta, and it is down temporarily. My statement can be supported here http://imgur.com/a/83vqC . It is another story at SwitchPVP. Like SquirrelCraft, I applied in PMC. My first task was to build a Christmas Themed spawn for them, I gladly accepted the task, and was determined to make it with all my building experience. I builded them a spawn, a new logo with a modern look, a charming setting that welcomes the players, boy was I excited to see their faces. Unfortunately, all my 7 hours of work was denied, by the Co-Owner. He insisted in a different style, one that is so common it is unoriginal. I was irritated, but I said to myself it's his server, and he can do whatever he wants. One of his friends, EpicToeJam, had op, and he decided to abuse his powers to grief the spawn. Naturally, I banned him, no warning. I took screenshots of the grief and send them to the Co-Owner. Let's just say the Co-Owner didn't like my action, he repetively argued how I was abusing my powers, which irritated me. I have resigned in my own will, and I will never look back.

I am currently a moderator on SquirrelCraft and was an Admin on Minechaos. The owner didn't really like how I tried to have a bond with our new players, as a way to persuade them to come back. I also did it because it limits my powers. I can claim I was an admin because of this http://i.imgur.com/gF9Nme9.png
The ip will be provided if accepted.
12/29/2013 9:02 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
darkceed's Avatar
My name is Adam Beckstead, I am 17 years old and my IGN is darkceed and looking for admin/mod/whatever you want me to be! My Skype is Adam Resher. I have had many (8) server experiences on being admin, (4) moderator, and I have been a helper on one server. I would like to begin by stating the fact that I can be an awesome admin!
Here are the rules and understanding of what I think an I go by when I become an admin. 1st, BE RESPECTFUL! 2nd, Do the duties/rules the owner applies to the server, and 3rd, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS but listen to the other conversations at the same time!! As I am an admin I am the person who takes responsibility for the server. It may be that the server is running from their machine, or that they simply have jurisdiction over a remote server, or in some cases part of one. I know that I have "THE POWER" of the server and can do practically anything to it, but I go by the rules and will make an awesome admin.
When I become moderator I go by these rules, 1st, listen to the head moderator, admin and owners. I do not have all the power of the server and respect that "calling" to the admins and owner(s) and expect that from them! 2nd, Help other players at all times! If they have any questions about the server, I answer. 3rd, look for server plugins and "fiddle' with them to make the server at its BEST!
I really do try and make the server at its best, I will be helpful to your server no doubt, but I just want you to take with you after you read this message is that I really know what I am doing. I will help as much as I an and be on as much as possible. Choose wisely and message me the IP. If you have any questions or concerns contact me at email at beckstead.adam@yahoo.com
12/29/2013 8:56 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
12/29/2013 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXF33L5N0P41NXx's Avatar
12/29/2013 7:15 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
ze2026's Avatar
- IGN:zeus2026
- Age:13
- Location:us
- Experience (With support providing this true if possible)I have made permissions,kits for other servers like diamond craft and rage craft.
- Interests:Helping server grow and being part of staff!
- Strengths:Permissions,organizing,advertising,making kits,helping people.
- Something cool about you: i am really great with permissions i have my own dev team called ProDevs
12/29/2013 7:04 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xiitoxiic137's Avatar
check your email
12/29/2013 7:01 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xiitoxiic137's Avatar
IGN: xiitoxiic137
Reason for applying: I am looking for a server that i can be dedicated to and play a lot on.
Age: 16
Timezone: eastern
Rank applying for: Head-admin admin or co-owner.
Experience: I am owner of my own server toxic-craft. I am admin on 1 server currently. I have been co-owner on 4 servers admin on 2 and owner of 3 servers.
What i will do if i get one of the ranks above: I will buy the server a host and pay for it monthly making the server 24/7 and giving it a custom ip of your choice. I will most likely do this if i get head-admin or co-owner.
Maturity level: 10-10 i do not mess around when it comes to being staff on a server i make sure that there are no briefers and if there is a griefer i make sure to get rid of him or her immediately. I make sure that players enjoy their time on the server and treat others nicely.

If you have any further questions for me please post on here or email me at xiitoxiic@yahoo.com

Hope to hear from you soon ~xiitoxiic137
12/29/2013 4:26 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
12/10/2013 2:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
12/09/2013 8:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
12/08/2013 9:37 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Yakuri's Avatar
- Classified, I Go By 'Exile Or Muffinz'
- Mister_Muffinz
- 15
- Washington (Not DC)
- Mob Arena/Arena's Or Detailed Builds
- Plugins (Not Permissions) Counseling people [Helping those with problem problems] & determining, bluffs, greifers & hackers.
- Not a very Social person, So will not disclose.

My Experience -
Myself, i have owned 27 Publicly hosted servers. I usually know what to do in certain situations where others wouldn't, including i'm a very fast reactor and worker. I can almost master any plugin given, other than WG/Permissions. Sometimes i may tell bluffers, hackers & griefers from those who truly stay. One other bonus is i am one that tries to bond community bringing all closer & making them all friendlier.

if any other details are needed then just PM Me.
12/08/2013 9:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheNewMinecrafter's Avatar
TheNewSqeaker- Name
ThatOneGuy- IGN
14- Age
Indiana- Location
Owner Admin Moderator- Experience (With support providing this true if possible)
Video GAmes- Interests
Keeping people under control- Strengths
i play skyrim- Something cool about you
12/08/2013 8:49 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
IP has not been released to the public yet.
12/08/2013 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ItsJorden's Avatar
[quote="MR_GREEN99"]We need server Admins! Hello. I'm MR_GREEN99 a Coder for ChaoticPeace Public. We are short on an Admin for our server a few other positions. I've decided to ask you, the public for assistance!

ChaoticPeace Public is a new server being made. We have experienced Owner's, Coder, Admins and Mods. The server has many worlds. Including: PlotMe (Creative), Survival (Calm world), Factions (Chaotic world), HungerGames, and Parkour World.
We need someone who can have the drive and determination to support our cause and wishes when the Owner isn't online. People who care.

[center][b][u]For you application you'll need to include[/u]:[/b]
[color=#FF0000]- Name
- Age
- Location
- Experience (With support providing this true if possible)
- Interests
- Strengths
- Something cool about you[/center][/color]

[size=150]**If you are interested in becoming Staff on ChaoticPeace Public, Send you applications here:[/size]


Thank you,
- [Coder] MR_GREEN99
ChaoticPeace Public[/quote]

What is the server IP anyways???
12/08/2013 8:30 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ItsJorden's Avatar
Please check your email.
12/08/2013 8:04 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MR_GREEN99's Avatar
If you Could send emails that would be great.
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