SerpentCraft - Looking for mods/admin

borellus's Avatar borellus1/5/13 2:38 pm
1/6/2013 4:40 am
BlackSw0rdsMan's Avatar BlackSw0rdsMan
Our server is a pretty new one and it's popularity is slowly but surely expanding.

What we are looking for:

1 Admin
1 Moderator

You can either pop an application on here or email me at [email hidden] DO NOT come on the server and spam chat asking.

The info we would like from you.

Where you're from:
Any experience you have:
How you think you can help our server:
How often will you be online?
Are you willing to get involved with server events?

Please bear in mind that both me (The owner) and our head admin are both 24 so we are looking for people 18+ and possibly a little older.


Posted by borellus's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/06/2013 4:40 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
BlackSw0rdsMan's Avatar
Name: Jon smith jayxavdeath
Age: 21
Where you're from: Fisher indiana
Any experience you have: I own 2 server and I am co owner of 3 I am mod on 6 admin on 4
How you think you can help our server: I will advertise and an and jail greifers I will also make vids and attractions
How often will you be online? 2 hrs a day maybe
Are you willing to get involved with server events? I will be there and ready to help
01/06/2013 3:55 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Noragamii's Avatar
Name: Niall Johanson
IGN: Scyxx
Age: 16
Where you're from: Malaysia,Was born in Ireland.
Any experience you have: I Used To Be A' Part of A' Server Called 'BOUNTYCRAFT'.
I Was A Moderator On 'Bounty',
Until Me & The Server Owner Got Into A Fight.
I Never Liked Being A Mod On 'Bounty, Because
The Owner, 'heavyman2030', AKA, 'Bossifly', Restricted Us
Moderators & People Who Helped ALOT, From Many Things.
I Was Never Affiliated With The Servers Wrong Doings Such As
DDoSing Other Servers For There Own Amusement.
How you think you can help our server: I want to help people in need,and I feel that being is a great responsibility because I like helping people.I like helping people with their Minecraft problems and sorting out issues and disputes. I am loyal, mature and experienced.This is the first server that I've ever been in Minecraft and have found it to be a wonderful community filled with awesome individuals. I had some really cool adventures and experience and would like to give back to the community by helping out as a moderator. I believe that I have what it takes to contribute to a wholesome, fun experience for everyone by enforcing the rules and helping everyone that needs my assistance.It has a special place in my life because even just for a few minutes, I can get away from the hassle of real life and live out an adventure which I can only dream of. It inspires creativity and brotherhood amongst factions and other players as well. It fosters the spirit of comradeship and houses a network of people who are able to form lasting friendships.
How often will you be online? Weekends 3-6hrs Weekdays-1-2hrs
Are you willing to get involved with server events?I would love to.I also love to help.
01/05/2013 9:55 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Prince
KitMcCombat's Avatar
Why should you be Staff?:I can help alot and I can be a trustworthy person and i never lie and I can be loyal to all members to the server and I can be the best you need me to be and I can help with plugins and I can help with any problem you got with anything when your not online I can be online. I have past experience with 2 servers that i was owner on. i have been admin on many servers and mod on countless servers.
Applying for: Staff
how long can you be on:I can be on for about 5 hours a day and Sometimes 7 on weekands
Thanks for the Consideration and Time.
01/05/2013 9:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
StanDaMan809's Avatar
Also, the spot I want is Admin.
01/05/2013 9:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
StanDaMan809's Avatar
Name:Stan Grullon (IGN)StanDaMan809
Where you're from:New York
Any experience you have:Yes. Been playing minecraft since Classic.
How you think you can help our server:I have been staff on many, many servers for my strict, yet fun personality. I can play a game with no problem, but if you hack, I'm not playing.
How often will you be online?I can be every day for like 2 hours.
Are you willing to get involved with server events?Yes.
01/05/2013 9:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Rhys_The_Firewolf's Avatar
Name: (IRL) Rhys (INGAME) firewolfman
Age: 19
Where you're from: America, Illinois
Any experience you have: Once admin, Twice moderator.
How you think you can help our server: I'm experienced in /npc commands, world edit, and on a scale through 1-10 i'm an 7 on building skill, with or without world edit. I also can help the server by being active, and helping resolve issues/problems and generally just help out people.
How often will you be online? Every day, if not every day, then every other day.
Are you willing to get involved with server events: Sure, I'd love to-but really I'll help out with most server events but it depends on what the events are that you have in mind.


Thanks in advance for taking this application in consideration, and I hope I fit the requirements, and look forward to meeting you guys, (that is IF I get the chance to meet you,) and I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to look over my application.
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