=New Server= Hiring Staff

HouseEveryWeekend's Avatar HouseEveryWeekend7/30/15 3:40 am
1 emeralds 278 8
9/26/2015 11:22 am
bananaclanmember's Avatar bananaclanmember
Are you looking to be staff on a server? Well your in luck! We are looking for a few mods, helpers and the first 5 get to apply for Admin! Good luck!
Remember to put the port!

Posted by HouseEveryWeekend's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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09/26/2015 11:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bananaclanmember's Avatar
I would like to become an admin/mod, I am a prefect at my school, so I know how to deal with responsibilities. I would ensure the rules were followed and that everyone had fun. I view admins, owners, co-owners and mods as a team who do the best they can to ensure the happiness of everyone in their server. The reason I am applying is so I can help everyone in the server. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me them. My IGN is:bananaclanmember
07/30/2015 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alexcarty's Avatar
Im on the server
07/30/2015 10:32 am
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
KarmaPolice's Avatar
alexcarty and sero are both accepted. Please join the server asap!
07/30/2015 10:07 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
SeroGualtiero's Avatar
Skype for more info: SeroGualtiero
07/30/2015 9:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alexcarty's Avatar
Name*: Alex
IGN: alexcarty
Age: 15
Gender*: Male
Country: ireland
Skype*: AlexFTW
Position you are applying for: Admin
How often and long can you play?: I can up to 1-7 hours a day
Why you want to join our staff team: I believe that everyone deserves a chance, including the worse of players. So understanding and communication is key to any situation being handled. I believe over the years i have gained the skills that it takes to become a Co-Owner on 2 servers. Although this may seem bad I can tell you that its not. I have my downfalls, I have my moments of Helping the serve rout alot, and I have my moments of Really happy if i get this. But being experienced, I know how to deal with these moments in so many ways. I believe I can make the server a better place with me around as Admin.
What you can bring to the server: I was Co-Owner,Head-Admin,Admin,Mod, and JR Mod
Past experience: i have minecraft for 5 years now and i have been Co-Owner on a server then it got shut down
Why should we choose you over everyone else?: Because i could be loyal to the server help out people and If they are bad with the rules i could help them and i will break rule breakers and hackers
Tell us about yourself: Im 15 years old i had minecraft for 5 years now and i know all the commands and stuff like that i know a bit of coding and i love playing minecraft
Anything else you would like to add: Thanks for this
07/30/2015 7:41 am
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
KarmaPolice's Avatar
YourGoogleNightmareThe spawn is covered in lava and no one is on. So I will apply here. I am applying for Admin or Mod. I feel like I would be a great addition to the team because I am usually always online and I am also very helpful to the community and very polite and mature. I always give respect to anyone even if they may not deserve it. I would be a great help to the player community as well because I would attempt to make the server as fun as possible for the players. If any of my superiors tell me to do something I will get it done. I always listen to anyone that needs help instead of ignoring them hoping that some other staff member will help them. My past experiences I have been an Admin on a Herobrine/Minigame server and a helper on a survival/minigame server the Herobrine one we pulled in about 1000 players online a day and the survival was not as much because it was a new server. I would very much appreciate it if you accepted me and gave me a chance because if you do, I will not let you down. I would be a great addition to the team, and the community as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day.

Accepted! Please join the server! (We cleared up the lave btw)
07/30/2015 5:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
YourGoogleNightmare's Avatar
The spawn is covered in lava and no one is on. So I will apply here. I am applying for Admin or Mod. I feel like I would be a great addition to the team because I am usually always online and I am also very helpful to the community and very polite and mature. I always give respect to anyone even if they may not deserve it. I would be a great help to the player community as well because I would attempt to make the server as fun as possible for the players. If any of my superiors tell me to do something I will get it done. I always listen to anyone that needs help instead of ignoring them hoping that some other staff member will help them. My past experiences I have been an Admin on a Herobrine/Minigame server and a helper on a survival/minigame server the Herobrine one we pulled in about 1000 players online a day and the survival was not as much because it was a new server. I would very much appreciate it if you accepted me and gave me a chance because if you do, I will not let you down. I would be a great addition to the team, and the community as well. IGN: Flameboy1234 Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day.
07/30/2015 5:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FrozenVortekz's Avatar
hi my names Alex and i have been looking to be a staff i am happy to awnser any questions that you ask me. I would like to be an admin or a mod. I have experience as i have been an admin on a server called gloobtube a mod on a server owned by theopthunder. please choose me i am very mature but at the same time not. on a scale from 1 to 10 im probally 7 in maturaty. I am also a good redstoner but not great. I also love building thank you. P S. my ign is Frozenvortekz


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