yourdailyepicgames's Avatar yourdailyepicgames11/29/13 3:01 pm
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11/30/2013 7:35 pm
IronDiamonds's Avatar IronDiamonds

Hello guys! I am the owner of McCreeperBoom server and we are abit short of staff. We will accept you as staff if we believe you are good enough. In Order To Be A Member Of Staff You Must Have Played on The Server For A Total of 10 Hours Plus, You can check it by doing the simple command "/ar check". Please comment the answers. If you are not chosen immediatly dont worry, we will keep you in our list, and we will choose the person who has played and helped the most. Thank you.

Here is the form you MUST fill out.
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In Order To Be A Member Of Staff You Must Have Played on The Server For A Total of 3 Hours Plus, You can check it by doing the simple command "/ar check". Please comment the answers.

Here is the Form you MUST fill out.

For more information email us at support@mccreeperboom.nn.pe

Name (IGN and First Name):




Best Traits:

Worst Traits:

Maturity Level (1-10):

Why are you better then other applicants:

Will you get players for the Server:

Will you be on at least 20 minutes/day?:

Have you been banned on a server/servers ?:

If so which one/ones ?:

Do you have any relatives (in case they use your PC sometimes) ?:

Why do you want to be staff on this server ?:

What makes you different from other players ?:

What plugins are you experienced with ?:

How many servers have you been staff on ?:

On which servers have you been staff on (list the IP's) ?:

Is there an easy way we can contact you(Like Skype) ?:

Please Comment The Answers.

Normal IP:
Custom IP:


REMINDER: Invite people into the server and get a quick $2500
Just ask your friend to mail an admin who sent you!
Posted by yourdailyepicgames's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior

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11/30/2013 7:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
IronDiamonds's Avatar
To be honest, i was on the server for about 2 hours straight, maybe gone for about 5 minutes every now and then, and no one came on. Not even staff.
11/30/2013 10:58 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior
yourdailyepicgames's Avatar
Iron diamonds, your Aplication is very good! We are thinking about accepting your appliaction. You talked alot about a playerbase but to be honest we dont really have much of one . It would help if you could send the word about this server to a few of your friends , I will PM you if your accepted. ( Your most likely accepted )
11/29/2013 3:23 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
IronDiamonds's Avatar
Hold my application until i have played for the number of needed hours on the server. Also, your server is down? Its hard to play 3-10 hours on the server if its down.

IGN: IronDiamonds

Name: Zoey

Age: 15

Country: Pennsylvania

Timezone: Eastern

Best Traits: Patience, humor and self-control.

Worst Traits: I have Aspergers Syndrome, and Short-term memory.

Maturity Level (1-10): 7

Why are you better then other applicants: Yes, I used to run a small server of our own, just for fun. It had a small player base but none the less I acquired many beneficial skills.

Will you get players for the Server: Maybe.

Will you be on at least 20 minutes/day?: Yes, most likely more.

Have you been banned on a server/servers ?: Yes. When i was younger, for being childish.

If so which one/ones ?: Only a few, but i do not know the IP's.

Do you have any relatives (in case they use your PC sometimes) ?: No relatives that would use my PC.

Why do you want to be staff on this server ?: Well obviously I want to minimize the amount of rule breaking and create an enjoyable experience for the whole player base. But more to the point I would like to become moderator/admin to help and encourage new players, provide them any assistance they may need, and generally aid any player in any way they require in a polite, respectful and accelerated manner. Finally I would like to help relieve some of the stress of the other staff members by being active and helping consistently.

What makes you different from other players ?: I could bring my commitment, I would try me very hardest to provide players with informative and helpful answers to all their queries, I would do this frequently to make sure all players have an enjoyable experience. Also because of my previous experience I have a great understanding of appropriate sanctions and the best means to deter rule breakers, by simply making fair unbiased decisions. Also I have high amounts of time and patients, which I think would be essential when helping players come to grips with rules and any problems that have.

What plugins are you experienced with ?: Random Plugins.

How many servers have you been staff on ?: Atleast 20, currently none.

On which servers have you been staff on (list the IP's) ?:

Is there an easy way we can contact you(Like Skype) ?: PMC Messages go straight to my phone, otherwise you could use Kik Messanger, (A mobile app.)
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