>>>SlayersPvp<<< Staff Needed!

Babyportal69's Avatar Babyportal697/22/15 6:16 pm
7/23/2015 1:14 pm
Mchonos99's Avatar Mchonos99
Hello Owner of SlayersPvp here and I am here to let you guys know that we are a starting out a Faction minecraft server we need MOST staff including BUILDERS! So far the ranks we don't need are; Co-owner, Head-Admin! we are a hosted 24/7 server but with 3.5 gigs of ram and unlimited slots with very little lag!

Staff Application

In-game username:
Location and Timezone:
How long have you been playing Minecraft:
How active are you on Skype:
Previous experiences as a staff member:
What makes you a worthwhile staff member:
Why we should choose you:
Preferred Position:
Extra comments(Optional):

If you have further questions feel free to add me on skype:


To apply just leave a comment on this thread with the correct/valid format

Advice to your application:

-Add good details don't make it short!
-Have good grammar

And that's about it you may continue applying good luck!

>>Server ip is <<
Posted by Babyportal69's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Network

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07/22/2015 6:30 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Dccash_Jacob's Avatar
In-game username: dccash12
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: USA 6:28 Pm
How long have you been playing Minecraft 2-3 Years,:
How active are you on Skype: All the time
Previous experiences as a staff member: I have been staff on many servers as you should know me :p
What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I am a dedicate staff member people can talk stuff about me all over the internet but that does not stop me from applying for staff you should know me BP its dcc
Why we should choose you: I am a very active player depending on what rank i am offerd I do (most of the time) respect everyone unless they start to make me mad
Preferred Position: Possible mod/admin? What ever fits me well
Skype(Optional): you should have me
Extra comments(Optional):
07/22/2015 6:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 6:32 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
chancepointer's Avatar
In-game username: chance_pointer
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: USA, Central Standard TIme
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.5 (When redstone first came out)
How active are you on Skype: Very
Previous experiences as a staff member: I have been a mod/admin on some servers, and I have owned my own server at one point.
What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I love to guide new players, meet new people, and at the same time, enforce the rules. I am a very dedicated person, so I will be on your server as much as possible.
Why we should choose you: I am friendly, mature, and fun . I love to grow/help out small Minecraft servers, and I love being part of a community.
Preferred Position: Admin/Moderator
Skype(Optional): chancepointer
Extra comments(Optional): Thank you for reading! I hope I get picked
07/22/2015 6:33 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 6:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
In Game Username:AtomixPiggy
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: Singapore, GMT+8
How long have you been playing minecraft: I have started playing minecraft when I was 11. In 2012
How active are you on Skype I get on Skype mostly everyday
Previous experiences as a staff member:I have experience owning and running a server, being admin on servers, handling and maintaining(configuring, testing, and using) plugins, as well as adding detail to builds. I can do just about anything you need me to do. I also have experience running forums, gaming communities, and other sites of the like.
I used to be a Helper on Factions Blue , It was a really great learning experience and the staff of the server are great, dedicated people. This means Im not new to the way TheArchon runs the server and I'm familiar with everything it takes to become an Archon staff member. The reason i decided to resign the last time i was a staff member is because of the fact that a lot of my friends on the server stopped playing, the holidays came around and I didn't have as much time to play and didn't feel like I would be able to put as much effort into the server as I was doing before. But now I've found a new passion for the server which doesn't involve my friends, or any distractions. With TheArchon being as it is I feel I can make new friends, have even more fun and therefore be more dedicated to the job. I hope you would consider taking me back onto the team where I feel I belong!
I can also configure plugins and code. Just a little bit. I can also build Nether builds. I have managed a server before and I know how the servers works and all I have been Co Owner on WolfCraft until the owner was being immature and banned me and my friend which were staff members. We were also Head Admin on OP Network. Which got shut down after 2 months.
What makes you a worthwhile staff member I am great around players and can word things easily for anyone to understand from all ages of the players of this server. I have been staff on many different servers so i understand how these servers run and the rules etc and i pick up on things very easily. I am flexible with the rules so I am not too strict which would lead to players disliking the server staff and myself, but I don't allow players to break rules more than once as everyone should get a second chance unless their actions are beyond second chances. I am great around people and am able to help advertise this server to increase the population. I can also help to prevent DDOS, I know this is a common threat to servers. I will find out who did it and perm ban them. I can also deal with rule-breakers
Why should we choose you I would love to keep peace on the server and due to my overall opinions nothing will really phase me as an insult, but I will gladly accept something along the lines of harass and appropriately take the steps in not having it happen again. On-top of this, I will spend a vast amounts of time on the server, so I would be ensuring chat safety in case no other staff are on or are AFK.I have much experience in moderating (chat and activities going on). I am knowledgeable of the commands used by a chat moderator and can solve player issues quite fast, either it be an argument, question or harassment. I am capable of accomplishing these tasks without the use of a command in many cases.
Preferred Position: Staff Manager, Admin
Skype: jeffersonlam1
Extra comments: Nope
07/22/2015 6:45 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 6:42 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Longest App I ever made
07/22/2015 6:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Ranger
KaoticSmoke's Avatar
In-game username
I am 14, I will be 15 in 3 days
Location and Timezone
How long have you been playing Minecraft
I have been playing minecraft since 1.2.1
How active are you on Skype
I am always online on skype whether that be on my computer or on my phone, if I don't answer, I am either asleep or doing something important, I will always respond when I get done.
Previous experiences as a staff member
I have been an Owner 2 times, an Admin 1 time, a Developer 3 times, and a Mod 6 times.
What makes you a worthwhile staff member
I am always active, I will be able to be on almost every day until August 10th (When school starts again). I am dependable. If I start a task/project, I will always work on it until it is deemed impossible or I finish it!
Why we should choose you
You should choose me because I will not be on once or twice a day, I will be on as much as I can, I will work my hardest to finish the projects I am gives/faced with. I will make the server enjoyable to the players with whatever I can. I will talk to the players and help them arround the server if it is needed.
Preferred Position
Plugin Coder/Developer, but I can be placed wherever
Note: I will only be able to talk on skype with my MIC between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm

Extra comments
Here are some of my previous plugins I have developed for the public. Others I have done, I cannot share to the public due to contracts and not giving details from other projects

07/22/2015 6:57 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 6:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
CowMan37777's Avatar
In-game username: xXVortexPvPXx

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Location and Timezone: USA, EST

How long have you been playing Minecraft: 4 Years

How active are you on Skype: Pretty much every day, I'll be on.

Previous experiences as a staff member: I used to own 1 server and I was Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Admin, Moderator, and Helper. I am very good with commands and I know how to use and how to install plugins.

What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I am a fun person and love to have conversations with members. But when Force needs to be applied I drop the act and get on the problem. I know what to do in situations such as dealing with Cheaters or just a person spamming in the chat. I am always willing to help someone that needs it and I am just an overall nice guy, greeting and answering questions whenever possible. I love to interact with everyone anyway I can. The experience I have had prepares me for the job that I need to do and I am always ready, I play about 4-5 hours on weekends and 2-4 hours on Weekdays. Unless I have something important to do or something personal/family related. Loyalty is one of my big traits. I always stick with people till the end, if I work for that server that's the only server that is a priority to manage.Furthermore, I have great people-skills and can think outside the box, and not just be a 'ban-machine' or someone who sticks to the rules religiously, like adhesive or whatnot. I of course will reinforce the rules, but when circumstances apply by which an educated and informed decision has to be made, I am confident I can make the right one. I feel like I could bring lots to the community too. If you think there's anything I left out or avoided in my app, I will be happy to quench your thirst for knowledge, and talk about my app! Also, I just wish the server luck regardless, as I really like the atmosphere and potential it has. I hope that my application receives fair consideration and the right decision is made, whatever that may be!

Why we should choose you:I will help players out if it is needed. I am very flexible so if the server has a reset or staff demotion I can handle it. I love helping players out if they are having trouble with anything like commands or what to do. If a player is using a hacked client I will ban them from the server. If someone is spamming and IP I will clear chat then I will mute them. If a player is being mean to others I will give him 1/3 warnings by kicking him and if he doesn't stop I will mute him for 10 minutes. If a staff member is hacking or abusing I will either take screenshots of it. I am also very loyal and I will be dedicated to this server. If I ever get money I might buy something off this server to help it grow.Furthermore, I think that I would be a great addition to the server staff as I am often online when there are no other staff members online, allowing me to fill that gap. I have been given a few staff positions on other servers in the past and hope that I could achieve this role on the staff team.Firstly, I feel I would make a great addition to the team and I really would like to enhance the server community. Also, I believe I have what it takes to maintain a staff position on this server. I have had a notable amount of staff positions on previous servers, and have only recently picked up MC once more

Preferred Position: Head-Admin, Admin

Skype(Optional): CowMan377

Extra comments(Optional): Nope, just have a great day, and thanks for reading!
07/22/2015 7:00 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 7:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BusinessClone's Avatar
In-game username: BusinessClone
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: British Columbia, Pacific timezone
How long have you been playing Minecraft: around 3 years.
How active are you on Skype: Not active since I don't have skype but PM me for my email!
Previous experiences as a staff member: I have been staff on around 10-20 servers. I have loved all of them but I have quit them because there was practically no joy in being a Jr Jr helper.
What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I love being staff on any server and every server. I love helping people and setting people straight by warning them or banning or kicking when the time is right. If you ask any of the server owners that I have been staff on they will say that I am a very loyal and respectful calm staff that can soothe problems and encourage players to be better or not to quit.
Why we should choose you: I love minecraft and everything about it. My two four year old kids love it too. I help them learn about the physics of minecraft too. I Feel like I could help SlayersPvP a lot with my skills and great personality. Minecraft is a great game that builds architectural skills and to express people's unique feelings.
Preferred Position: Mod, Admin
Skype(Optional): N/A
Extra comments(Optional): If a player is hacking with PvP I will try and fight them and if they truly are hacking I'll die and I will ban them after with a reason in chat. I hope that this awesome server will be the BEST I've ever played on. PS. I can screenshot with ease and I can also record.

Thanks! -Clone
07/22/2015 9:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 7:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chief__Executive's Avatar
IGN: Chief__Executive

Skype: Yes I do have Skype, i will message you it for safety reasons

AGE: 17

Why you would like to join the team?: Ultimately a Admin should epitomize the ideals of good moral character. Selected to represent the server, a helper should be respectful, patient, trustworthy, and knowledgeable regarding the intricacies of the server. As an older player, I feel I have been mature in my conduct and demonstrate these qualities.

My conduct on the server is ideal for a admin, conduct worthy of a staff member representing, i will reate players and staff with respect, minimizing trash-talking and personal insults. While I do understand the appeal of trash-talking, I generally have tried avoiding it as much as I can, defusing situations with wit and humor or by writing comprehensive, coherent thoughts, especially when dealing with sensitive subjects. The few times that I have gone overboard, be it excessive flaming or insults, I apologized profusely. Speaking out rudely is not something I commonly do, and I make amends if I do go overboard. I find if I refrain from flaming, players are more willing to approach me, trust me, and ultimately respect me, all feelings a player should have towards a staff member. I feel as if I am a respected member of the community based on how I have acted (a nearly impeccable mute/ban history), and as a result I feel as if I were a helper I would have an air of authority and command the respect from the player base.

What makes you different from others?: As a admin , I would be expected to set aside my activities in my faction to patiently help players on the server. Throughout my time on on your server I have always been willing to help players on the server with no real benefit of my own. Many players trust me a great deal, and as such seek me out to middle man a trade or inspect a base defense; players that are even enemy’s or rivals trust me enough to help them with sensitive subjects. I have tried my best to prevent issue while serving as a middle man, and I’ve never let either trade partner down. I have been sought out by new players asking for help, and I’ve patiently answered their questions and directed them in the right direction. There have been times when a player sought me out for help but I was unable to help them at that point in time. Rather than simply ignoring the player I had them seek out another player/staff member, or asked them to message me on the forums. Oftentimes players ask for help in main chat, and I am more than willing to help them… if there is no staff available/online actively helping at that point in time. During peak hours players ask questions all the time, but it seems the resulting spam from players AND staff wanting to help was greater than the occurrence of the original question. While I understand and promote the desire for other players to help others, I generally let the staff online handle the global chat questions to help limit the spam, unless I am sought out specifically. When no staff are present, I have been more than willing to help any player speaking in global chat as much as I can. While currently many people seek me out because of my name, as a helper all players needing help would be able to more easily seek me out, and as such I would be able to assist a greater number of people. I feel as if I have had a positive impact on the server and its player base. I started off with no real understanding of the server-exactly like a “noob”-and slowly learned about the server from the staff and other experienced players. I feel as if other experienced and older players forget what it was like to be new to the game, and as such are unable to empathize with newer players. When a new player joins the server with no understanding of the gameplay, they need heartfelt advice and guidance to help them on their way on the server; such guidance should be provided by a humble player who remembers what it was like to be unlearned in the way of factions. Many times I have provided an inexperienced player with key information regarding wealth, defenses, cannons, as well as providing hard to earn items such as armour, tools, TNT, and spawners, setting them up for success on the server.

What experience do you have with servers?: I have been staff on 4/5 servers which have been a great journey for me, I am a very active Member and a experienced staff member, the best so far has to be a factions server i was co owner on i also owned a faction server so i know a lot about plugins and more, im hoping your server will be the best next.

What could you bring to the server?: I could bring Respect and alto of happiness and also I like to help people and make their experience in to a your server, more amazing and fun

Anything else you want to add?: Nothing, I just hope I will become the future Admin! D

- Thank you for reading,

07/22/2015 8:10 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Ranger
KaoticSmoke's Avatar
This isnt the application posted in the forum...
07/22/2015 8:45 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
Denied incorrect format
07/22/2015 7:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Beastheboss's Avatar
In-game username: Justintyler9
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: I live in America and eastern timezone
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing on minecraft for about 4 years, Proof? Well, in beta there was no Emeralds, Just plain old vanilla. It was the most fun times I ever played on minecraft. It was so cool
How active are you on Skype: Im really not that active, Sorry
Previous experiences as a staff member: Well, I was a mod on noobcraft.net but then got deleted by a new owner. I was another mod on Omega.net but got ddosed sadly. Then I was a co owner / owner on goldcraft.net. It was also ddosed. My old server from 2013
What makes you a worthwhile staff member: Well, Unlike all the other staff from servers I was staff on, Im a really cool and nice guy to be around. I also know a lot abut the servers so I can easily help them, or direct them to where there supposed to be. I never abuse, I rarely ever have to use the command /ban. I always like to keep the server running and not bore anyone. I love doing what that takes. Also I know a few development codes up my sleeve, Yet they are really not that good. I am also a worthwile staff applier because im not getting jealous of the people who are getting the staff positions. If I don't make it, Hey that's fine it really does not matter in my mind. But deep down its saying it does but hey, Accept me accept me, deny me deny me Also , my loyalty level is highly up. I am always nice to people and never say bad thing that may hurt there feelings, Always nice and positive things. I also am really active on servers. I can stay on a server all day long then go see my friends late at night. It all works out, So keep in mind my schedule works if you accept me from my application.
Why we should choose you: Oh boy, You should choose me because, As you may see I don't stop I always keep going. You should also choose me because im a really good builder as well, Not saying im the best of the best, Its just I like to build and I call myself good. You should also choose me because I don't have to use any type of commands to stop someone from doing something they are not supposed to, I just like to calm them down, and that may calm me down. For example I might say ''Hey what is a matter?''. Another reason why you should choose me is because I am responsible of any type of admin you give me I will never ever do this command only if needed ''/temp ban or /kick''. Another reason why you should choose me is becuase I maintain balance and go all the way to victory if you know what I mean
Preferred Position: My preferred position is Moderator or head moderator
Skype(Optional): Sorry, personal
Extra comments(Optional): Nope I think I said enough
07/22/2015 9:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 7:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ShadowTheReap77's Avatar
In-game username: ShadowTheReap77
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Location and Timezone: Florida, USA EST (I am currently visiting California until August 15)
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years.
How active are you on Skype: I am online almost everyday.
Previous experiences as a staff member: I've never applied for staff.
What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I believe i am a fun, nice, likable person who could enforce rules and such.
Why we should choose you: Because i like to help people and I'm not fond of people breaking rules.
Preferred Position: Admin
Skype(Optional): essjay626
07/22/2015 8:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 8:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
master067's Avatar
Staff Application

In-game username: master067

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Location and Timezone: Illinois, USA | Central Time Zone

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Approximately 3 years. Since 2012.

How active are you on Skype: I'm on most of the time. I am available mostly on weekdays Monday thru Friday.

Previous experiences as a staff member: I started my own Minecraft server called Elitecraft, which was a Factions/PVP server. Co-Owner of a server called Withercraft. Moderator on two servers, Roguecraft and DemonPVP. Admin on a server called LegendaryPVP and Helper on FatalityPVP. I consider myself to be very talented with commands and plugins. Especially with PermissionsEX .

What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I am a very energetic and fun person to be with. I am very conversation friendly and I love to help players with their questions or concerns. I know how to satisfy the needs of all players and I am willing to help them at all times. I will never leave a player needing assistance unattended. I will tend to their needs at any time. I'm very smart when facing problems in the server. Such as, players using hacked clients or xray. I know how to deal with the situation. I will not go straight to banning them. At first, I give them a warning or a temp ban but, if they shall continue to use these cheating methods, I will go straight to severe punishment. Banning them. I am usually on most of the time and can be a very active staff member. I won't be like those other staff members who apply for a position and end up abusing their powers they have earned. I am a very loyal person. I am also a very creative person, I can help bring and create new things to the server not seen in any other faction server. I am very confident that I can handle being a part of your staff, and trust me, I will not let you down.

Why we should choose you: You should choose me, because I am very good with the players. I am mature, so I won't be one of those people who complain and whine if something doesn't go their way. I can help new players with anything they need. I can show them how to use the factions plugin and the basics of our Minecraft server. I am very good at detecting hackers and x-rayers so, I will be able to clear the server of those cheaters. You should choose me, because I am very active. I can be on almost everyday unless, I have to deal with personal stuff. I will be answering players questions, helping new players get into the factions plugin and the Minecraft server, muting advertisers, banning abusers and hackers, and being a nice and helpful person to everyone.

Preferred Position: Admin/Moderator

Skype(Optional): lance.aa.lot

Extra comments(Optional): Thanks for reading my application! I hope you pick me as one of your future staff members.
07/22/2015 8:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 8:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BusinessClone's Avatar
baby? My app?
07/22/2015 9:30 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
T00xFasTxFoRxYoU's Avatar
In-game username:
My Ign is TheGaelicPotato.

I am 15 years of age.

I am Male.

Location and Timezone:
I'm from Ireland. GMT +1 (Irish Summer)

How long have you been playing Minecraft:
I bought Minecraft during the 1.3.2 update so 2-3 years.

How active are you on Skype:
I have it on my phone so I'm always able to respond.

Previous experiences as a staff member:
I use to own my own 3 servers. They all ran for 3 months except the first which went on for only one. I wasn't getting donations and I don't earn enough money to maintain a server so I let it die and never renewed it. I was also Helper on a server called Desteria which averages 1000 players daily but I quit due to Major State Exams plus the Owner was very unfair and I fell out with him, that's why I haven't reapplied. I was also a developer on some servers, helping with plugins and permissions but I am a bit rusty as I haven't done it in quite a while but I could learn if needed.

What makes you a worthwhile staff member:
I can handle players very well, I am able to sort out problems that may occur. I talk in my school and other schools around Ireland about suicide and give them advise on how to deal with suicide. I am also very good with moderating chat and keeping it clean. I also like to help with server related problems if I can and player problems.

Why we should choose you:
You should choose me because I am very experienced with servers and player management. I am very honest and friendly and try to welcome everyone. I am a very interesting person with a lot of interesting stories to entertain people about my life. I am active a lot of the time and I like to help out. I think I am very well suited for a Staff position on the server and I will be determined to help the server grow into a nice community for players to have fun on.

Preferred Position:
I'll take any position for now.

My Skype is cav-the-beast
07/23/2015 11:00 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/23/2015 11:31 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/22/2015 11:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
master067's Avatar
Hello, this is master067. I recently applied and got accepted. Just want to tell you I changed my IGN today and it is now LanceuhLot. Thanks again!
07/23/2015 12:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mchonos99's Avatar
In-game username: mchonos

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Location and Timezone: USA, Central

How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft for about 3 years, I know a lot about factions because that is mainly what I play.

How active are you on Skype: To be honest, i'm not on Skype very often. The reason is because I haven't needed to be. If I do get to be a part of your team than I would be on my Skype a lot more often so I could be there to help any staff that needs it. I hope this doesn't deter you from picking me.

Previous experiences as a staff member: I have been a Head-Admin on 1 server, and admin on about 5 servers, a Moderator on 6 or 7 servers, and a helper on 2 or 3 servers.

What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I can be on very often, because it is the summertime and I have nothing going on for a couple of months. I not only love to help the server stay protected, but I also try to help the players on the server have a fun and enjoyable time while on the server.

Why we should choose you: I have a lot of experience with the commands of some of the higher up staff and I could help you guys build shops, parkour tracks, mob arenas, and more if you really want me to!

Preferred Position: Admin

Skype(Optional): Bchonos

Extra comments(Optional): Good luck with your server! I hope you have fun with it, regardless if I get chosen as staff.
07/23/2015 11:33 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/23/2015 11:56 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
SeroGualtiero's Avatar
Gender: Male
Position Applying: Mod/Admin
Skype: SeroGualtiero

As the servers Mod/Admin I can bring experience, safety, and peace among the players to the server by using something as minor as a temporary mute to something as large as a ban if needed.
I can provide help in buildings, Insuring the rules are followed and help make the server a better place.
Your server sounds interesting, and the position that requires filling sounds just right for me
I think I could benefit to the server because I am an empathetic and understanding person, who knows how to be firm. I believe in fairness. I think all these qualities would be a great asset to any server.

Past Experience: Been Admin on 2 Servers. (Servers Closed)

I'm available most of the time late at night western time, and the afternoon most days. I hope you review this comment with sincere consideration.

Thank you for the polite offer.
07/23/2015 12:00 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Babyportal69's Avatar
07/23/2015 1:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mchonos99's Avatar
When I joined, someone put me as an Owner rank, and than banned me. Could I get an unban please?
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