My account hacked? and my server "abused"

Camulos's Avatar Camulos6/24/11 9:53 am
1 emeralds 210 5
6/25/2011 12:29 am
Camulos's Avatar Camulos
My account was hacked last night (so i thought but not sure if it isn't a illegal log in or hacked something or other, i just don't know) and main town destroyed. I was able to turn the server off before it got to bad. but it all started with a few poeple with an i in front of all there names. When the 3 of them left "minecraftchick" and "deadmau5" logged onto my server. now im obvisouly skeptical about all this especially when "notch" logs on a few minutes later.... Well i had already noted the i characters ip address's and noticed "notch" had the same ip as one those "i" characters. Well they all "left". I logged out left the house and all of a sudden im getting emails saying hey whats going on "we're banned"

So thankfully a friend was able to log on and shut the server down before they destroyed even more then they already had. At this point i changed all my passwords for everything on seperate machines and my android phone.. Well i woke early this morning and was happenign to be looking at the console and i saw iKryptic online tryign to world edit ... when it didnt work he logged off.. and immediatly "i logged into the game" ... So i took the server down..

anyone have any idea on what could be happening? and why people can log on my server without being logged into minecraft.net?
Posted by Camulos's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Dragon

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06/25/2011 12:29 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
Camulos's Avatar
News on the Server hacking:
The hacking was done by a group of kids who are starving for attention and Who happened upon a "trick" they used to gain access to any username They 1st logged on as Notch and MInecraftchick and then figured out they could log on as my username and gain access to my rank etc.... So any Server Owners out there... who dont have they're server "online" in server.properties then id jump on that very quick. I didnt know about this setting since i rent my server from a company who doesnt allow access to server.properties since we could change port #'s etc.. Soon as i found out about the difference between "offline and online" i requested the change and now my server should be secure again.. Any and All damage done is gone .. My daily server backup file took care of it all.. other then a short tiem in between Sorry for this drama and Thank you all
06/24/2011 11:16 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
Maybe someone ballzed it up?
06/24/2011 11:14 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
Camulos's Avatar
Ya its a rented server that i pay for. Im told there is an online and offline status? where you have to be logged into minecraft.net with a legitimate game login to log on to my server
06/24/2011 10:24 am
Level 20 : Expert Mountaineer
B34ST's Avatar
Umm, if your server is like hamachi the only thing you can do is change the ip address, if it's payed for, contact your provider. I hope this helps.
06/24/2011 10:16 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
Camulos's Avatar
well apparently my username is all lowercase but when "i logged in" last night i was told my 1st letter was capitlized and thats what made my mod suspicous ... so someone people are logging into my server with a hacked username (game etc.. shrug) and tripping up the server or something
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