
Leonidas8227882's Avatar Leonidas82278824/16/12 2:54 pm
1 emeralds 1.1k 185
5/7/2012 3:06 pm
luuknieboer's Avatar luuknieboer
Official thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/113 ... ecruiting/



- Screwing up during battle or on a mission will destroy your honor -

- Never attack your Comrades -

- Never steal from your Comrades -

- Never Disrespect your Comrades -

- Put the word "Gods" in your application -


Generals - Great warriors and strategists. They lead the Spartans into battle.

Captain - These men take orders from the Generals and lead groups of Spartans.

Lieutenant - These men are second in command of the Captains in-case they die.

Spartans - Elite warriors with deadly skills.

Hoplite - Heavy Infantry who have moderate skill.

Peltast - Recruits and Light Infantry. These are men in training.

Engineer - These men are experts at making cannons and other siege equipment. They are also good builders.

Hunter - Resource gatherers.

Children - These children at age 7 have started training to get into the army.

How to rank up and what you get:
In order to rank up, there is a test on Friday which you can take. There is also one on Saturday and Sunday. You can also do great deeds or prove your a great pvper by slaughtering the enemy in a raid. You also get stuff for ranking up.

Peltast - Iron set, Iron sword

Hoplite - Iron set, Diamond sword, bow, 32 arrows

Spartan - Full Diamond Set with enchanted diamond sword, enchanted bow, 64 arrows.

However, in order to maintain this cycle, we will need donations in materials. If you go mining, please donate some of your materials to keep this cycle running and the clan strong.

Spartan Army

Generals (Max 2) - Leonidas8227882

Squad 1

Captain - spartansoldier8

Lieutenant -

Spartan -

Spartan -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Peltast -

Peltast - luuk3338236

Squad 2

Captain - N/A

Lieutenant -

Spartan -

Spartan -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Peltast -

Peltast - LordofNight2

Squad 3

Captain - N/A

Lieutenant -

Spartan -

Spartan -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Peltast -

Peltast - sirdudeliness

Squad 4

Captain - N/A

Lieutenant -

Spartan -

Spartan -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Peltast -

Peltast -

Engineer Squad

Captain - N/A

Lieutenant -

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Engineer -

Engineer -

Engineer - gunsrawesome

Engineer -

Hunter Squad

Hoplite -

Hoplite -

Hunter -

Hunter -

Hunter -

Hunter -

Hunter -


The Military Acadamy for Children and Military Ranks. This is a place where people train to gain rank as well as hone their skills and gain honor. Children Training will make them Peltasts while Peltast training will make them Hoplite. Generals are not listed for they are hand-picked.

Click to reveal
Captain Training:

Lieutenant Training:
Lieutenant -
Lieutenant -

Spartan Training:
Spartan -
Spartan -

Hoplite Training:
Hoplite -
Hoplite -
Hoplite -

Peltast Training:
Peltast - sirdudeliness
Peltast - LordofNight2
Peltast - luuk3338236
Peltast -

Children Training:
Child - gunsrawesome
Child -
Child -
Child -
Child -
Child - PurplePlatypunk
Child -

Spartan Honor List

Each Spartan Member's Reputation

+ 5 reputation means your a good man

+ 10 reputation means your honored by many

+ 15 reputation means your famous among your clan for your good deeds

-5 reputation means your not that great

-10 reputation means many hate you or you have failed many times

- 15 reputation means nearly the whole clan hates you and you've failed a ton of times. This usually means soon your going kicked from the clan.

Spartan Reputations
Click to reveal
LordofNight2 - +2
spartansoldier8 - +5
AndrewSherman - +3
luuk3338236 - +1
sirdudeliness - +1

Current Spartans

There is inactivity checks weekly.

Click to reveal








Server Ip: Mc-monolith.com

Server Forum: Mc-monolith.com

Teamspeak 3 Server - zbit.nwdigits.com

Training Server (Don't go on it unless asked to)(We do not own it): survive.havenmc.net

Entry Test to get into the clan.

1. IGN:
2. Do you want to be in the military, a hunter, or an engineer:
3. What is your Timezone:
4. Country:
5. What is your age:
6. Do you have Teamspeak 3:
7. Any Suggestions:
8. If you are a Spartan or Engineer, can you wear the required skins below (need better one for Engineer):
Posted by Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

Create an account or sign in to comment.


05/07/2012 3:06 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
luuknieboer's Avatar
i was gone for a few days. sorry i've forgot to say that.
so that's why i was inactive for a week or so.
05/07/2012 11:16 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
loserino123's Avatar
IGN: loserino123
Do you want to be in the military etc:millitary
What is your timezone:UK
What is your age: 13
do you have teamspeak and skype: i have skype but i dont ave teamspeak well my skyppe name isnQuickScope2585
Any suggestions:maybe
If you are a spartan or a engineer then can you were the required skin: yes
05/07/2012 11:05 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
This clan is now closed and dissolved. If you want to know where I'll be, contact me. If I ever make a clan again, I will most likely create an empire but if that fails I won't do anymore clans for a long time.

Why is it dissolved? Every single member except for 1 or 2 are inactive now. Nothing is left.
05/06/2012 3:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Basically, after we moved out of that mining operations base (just 1 hole in the ground and 1 room), 70% of the spartans became inactive. Then in the new Obsidian base it was like 2 to 4 more became inactive so now it is really just me, lordofnight2, spartansoldier, and you.
05/06/2012 11:02 am
Level 48 : Master Answer
Refined_Malachite's Avatar
What's happened to the spartans?!?
05/05/2012 9:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Dtd, we are basically 80% dead now. There are only two other members left besides me in this clan. I am most likely going to dissolve it now. There are only 2 members left (besides me) and one of the 2 is nearly inactive. If we dissolve (which will most likely happen), the remaining members are going to be on LordoftheCraft most likely.
05/05/2012 8:25 pm
Level 24 : Expert Prince
dtddwd96's Avatar
Leo i need you. Halcyon somehow was allowed to exploit an claim my house and blast into the base. Our base is trashed and we are now homeless. We need people help attack. I can provide all iron armor. Plz help us, check forums for updates.
05/04/2012 8:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Only if you want to but just having a clan and talking about meeting and stuff is sort of Meta-Gaming. It would not be good for us to go onto rp servers....
05/04/2012 8:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
So... are we staying on LordoftheCraft.net?
05/04/2012 5:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
It was a temp kick cause the server makes the faction lose power if someone is inactive for a week or more. Btw guys, Im requestiing everyone move to this forum so that it is easier for me: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/113 ... e__st__120

Also, I'm going to make it so you can be in the military & have a civilian job!
05/03/2012 9:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Denied. You need ts and you forgot something.

Everyone try to meet ingame on LordoftheCraft on Saturday at 7PM GMT.
05/04/2012 2:32 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Refined_Malachite's Avatar
Why am I not in the spartans anymore? I told you I'm going to Israel for 12 days.
05/03/2012 8:08 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ashtoomoo's Avatar
1. IGN: ashtoomoo
2. Do you want to be in the military, a hunter, or an engineer: military
3. What is your Timezone: EST
4. Country: canada
5. What is your age: 16
6. Do you have Teamspeak 3: no
7. Any Suggestions: not realy
8. If you are a Spartan or Engineer, can you wear the required skins below (need better one for Engineer): ya
05/03/2012 8:02 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
I kinda feel the same as you Lord. Though I have been on there longer and it is hard to get stuff, it pays off. It also isn't that hard to get accepted as long as you actually read and put effort into the application.
05/03/2012 5:07 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
...I REALLY want to stay on the Lord of the Craft server. I just got accepted and am joining it, I've been looking forward to it for a while, and i really like it. I am going to stay on this server.
05/03/2012 3:32 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Hmm. I guess so... Got one that has humans, dwarves, undead, and elves? One in which we can create a town or guild inside?

However, before we do so, everyone plz say your opinions.
05/03/2012 2:08 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
spartansoldier9's Avatar
well leo

i think we should start with a other rp server that is less popular as this one, yes this is an awesome one but almost impossible to join so i thought we should try to join a less popular and easier to join

pm me what you think

05/02/2012 12:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Oh, just fyi for the application into the lordofthecraft server:

Power-gaming: Means doing unrealistic things, having unfair or unrealistic things, or doing unrealistic things that make game-play unfair.

Meta-Gaming: Cheating. Using OOC knowledge ingame. An example is someone tells you on skype that these guys are going to attack a town. At this,you and a whole bunch of others travel to that town and pretend to drink beer but you are actually waiting for the attack.

Please use this in your own words, not mine when making the application.
05/01/2012 7:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
If you want.
05/01/2012 7:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
Awww.... My entire app was for an orc.... better go re-write it.... what about a half human half orc?
05/01/2012 7:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Human. Orcs go Gar blu me her Human. Literally! I am already accepted so I've visited all 4 races.
05/01/2012 7:01 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
Ok, So... What race should we be? Cuz Orcs are warlike but spartans are human... or we could try to be half breeds.... or we could be full Orcs and create our own Ork Clan...
oh and spartan is only temp-banned for 24 hours... I asked

Edit: Oh another idea would be to have our own characters and have us meet and create a party/ warband of warriors and we will crusade together. I really want to be an orc... and if you guys want to be humans we could be allies and we could have a dwarf ally to do our mining and an elf archer and stuff
05/01/2012 2:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Ok everyone apply...

Edit - Meh, I'm sorry your banned spartan. The admin overreacted I think. First offense for 1 curse word should only be a warning or jail (as said in the punishments). He kinda went against his own punishments. Since this is your first time just saying a curse word (against rules) you should've only gotten a warning.
05/01/2012 1:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
spartansoldier9's Avatar
i think this is an awesome idea
05/01/2012 1:03 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
Oh... Well I am making an application rght now. Some people might object but I am all for it. Whatever you want, leo! And I think it is a great idea. RPing as spartans or even knight crusaders? How is that not fun? "Back foul heathen beast, BACK i tell you. Taste my blades!" "Fair Juliet, They call me Romeo" and all that fun stuff!
05/01/2012 12:59 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
First, I want everyone's opinion on if this is a good idea.
05/01/2012 12:49 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
LordofNight2's Avatar
Cool. Should we fill out an app then?
05/01/2012 11:59 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Hey guys. I've had an idea that we should move to a server called LordoftheCraft.

Lordofthecraft.net is the forum.

The problem is you got to be a good Rper. The good thing is we will actually be able to rp everything and act like Spartans once we create a town (but not litterally. We got to make our history part of the server's history so we would have to name our town something like Hammerfall or somethin stupid).

We will get to rp formations and rp charges (which means we can all yell while charging).

We are warned 5 days in advance where the enemy is coming from and who they are so we can easily R*pe our enemy.

We lose our tower and work in monolith.

If we move, it would not be immediately though. We would wait till most of us got accepted and inside.

The entry test is TOUGH. You must read the lore, rules, and give full paragraphs for each question nearly.
05/01/2012 11:37 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
spartansoldier9's Avatar
04/29/2012 4:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Good. Accepted.
04/28/2012 10:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
XxGSuSxX's Avatar
1. IGN: XxGSuSxX
2. Do you want to be in the military, a hunter, or an engineer: military
3. What is your Timezone: GMT +1
4. Country: The Netherlands
5. What is your age: almost 18
6. Do you have Teamspeak 3: I do have skype and I can download teamspeak
7. Any Suggestions: nice recruiting system
8. If you are a Spartan or Engineer, can you wear the required skins below (need better one for Engineer): Sure
04/28/2012 3:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Yes. It is a good one isn't it? Denied. You forgot something -_-
04/29/2012 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxGSuSxX's Avatar
woops forgot that. GODS
04/28/2012 10:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Primus 369
04/27/2012 4:57 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Primus 369's Avatar
1. IGN: pourtugueseguy
2. Do you want to be in the military, a hunter, or an engineer: Milatary
3. What is your Timezone: London Time Uk
4. Country: The United Kingdom
5. What is your age: 12
6. Do you have Teamspeak 3: Yes
7. Any Suggestions: No Sorry
8. If you are a Spartan or Engineer, can you wear the required skins below (need better one for Engineer): Yes
04/27/2012 3:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
kk. see you ingame.
04/27/2012 12:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
graskarper's Avatar
I got teamspeak now
04/27/2012 8:37 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Denied! You need teamspeak3!
04/27/2012 5:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
graskarper's Avatar

1. IGN: graskarper
2. Do you want to be in the military, a hunter, or an engineer: engineer
3. What is your Timezone: Amsterdam - The Netherlands
4. Country: The Netherlands
5. What is your age: 13
6. Do you have Teamspeak 3: No
7. Any Suggestions: No
8. If you are a Spartan or Engineer, can you wear the required skins below (need better one for Engineer): Yes
04/26/2012 10:20 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
I'll be back on on Friday. Sry for not being on.

Also, all inactives removed.
04/23/2012 9:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jalal_Hussaini's Avatar
04/23/2012 9:35 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Apply jalal.
04/23/2012 9:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jalal_Hussaini's Avatar
can i enter the server? my user name is jalal12
funny bunny
04/23/2012 9:26 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny's Avatar
i raided the 9th legion in secret but can i join the spartans i have no idea where i am and i am supposed to be a lieutenant
04/23/2012 10:29 am
Level 24 : Expert Prince
dtddwd96's Avatar
Lol no way in haha. Also posting this in server forums for lol's
04/23/2012 9:16 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
Ok. Now stop spamming our thread. Btw, thanks for another set of armor + diamonds.
04/22/2012 9:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Prince
dtddwd96's Avatar
Plus, all our materials are in MY LAND OWNER PERK. Not accessiable unless exploiting whch is a ban
04/22/2012 9:44 pm
Level 24 : Expert Prince
dtddwd96's Avatar
Lol rage? I had to post for bma

Plz dont lie to make "spartans" feel better. You are being slaughtered.
04/22/2012 9:36 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Leonidas8227882's Avatar
*Sighs* Plz stop raging on our thread. Don't rage that each of your members got killed 3 times at least except for the new guy viros and we gained so many materials from you that has basically stopped us from using our diamond stores.
04/22/2012 8:50 pm
Level 24 : Expert Prince
dtddwd96's Avatar
Hey leo, whydont you post this on our forum page of the server ehh?
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