owe05's Avatar owe056/24/14 7:50 am
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6/24/2014 8:13 am
shasshen's Avatar shasshen
Hello guys, its me Speedy, owe, owe005, Ole or whatever you wanna call me.
And I just started my minecraft server again, and I need staff.
So lets just jump to the applications:
Previous moderation skills:
Building skills: 0-10
Ban record:
Previous admin skills:
Building skills: 0-10 + a personal opinion
Thank you. IP is dedicated with DdoS protection
Posted by owe05's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner

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06/24/2014 8:13 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
IGN: joelchan00
Ban record: never been banned before
Age: 16
Name: Joel
Previous admin skills: I have been an admin on various servers and I am very familiar with all the commands and plugins.
Building skills: 0-10 + a personal opinion 7-8
06/24/2014 8:02 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
TheWaySir's Avatar
IGN: Dalalsaad.

Age: 19.

Skype: Dalal Saad (US).

Email: Dalalsaad1@yahoo.com .

Reason: Because I can help the server with a lot of stuff, like configurations, ranks, permissions, prefixes & suffixes, site, donations, advertising, players, developing, suggestions, etc. (I'll explain how will I do all that stuff in the next question)

How will you help: For configurations, I would enable stuff that we need now, or later, or what's helpful for us, what will add something good to the server, etc. For ranks, I can manage them, fix their issues, promoting players that have accepted applications, demote inactive staff, create ranks, inherit them, etc. For permissions, I would get for a person a permission node that he needs & he/she doesn't know it, I would add the permissions to the ranks, permissions what dees each rank fits, delete permissions that that rank shouldn't have, etc. For prefixes & suffixes, I would add for each rank a suffix/prefix that's it's name, colored with what colors that rank fits for, put bold/etc to it if it's suffix/prefix for a rank that does deserve it. For site, in forums, I would post server news, report threads, hackers, players, rules breakers, griefers, & post suggestions for plugins, games & mini-games, post giveaways, discuss about people's ideas & stuff, etc, in admin panel, I would put for every player his/her tag that her/his rank in the server is, promote who should be a administrator in the site to administrator (In the website/site), make inactive staff or staff who's demoted to the default tag, or the person's demotion rank he's/she's in now, update plans for the website to make it better, etc. For donations, I would be fixing them, doing donator ranks or donation staff, manage the donstions, discuss someone's problem if he/she didn't get his/her rank or what did he/she did donated for, etc. For advertising, I would advertise for the server to get players in the following places: MC server's lists, Minecraft Forums, PMC, etc). For players, I would be polite to them, nice, kindness, using good grammar in speaking with them, etc, & I would welcome & help new players for like telling them the rules, let them join my faction for an example if we have factions, let him/her join the faction if he's/she's trusted at least to join it, or if she/he would or can help the faction with our faction's stuff, etc. For suggestions, I would suggest plugins, buildings, mods, games & mini-games, etc.

Thank you!

- Dalalsaad.
06/24/2014 7:57 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
TheWaySir's Avatar
Can I use my own format?
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