xXfalseXx's Avatar xXfalseXx4/12/12 6:13 pm
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6/14/2012 6:49 am
lockyb123's Avatar lockyb123
Hey there! I own a server called LynxMC, and currently we need some staff. We are looking for someone to take the role of head-moderator.
The server is a 24/7 RPG/PVP Server, for more information go to www.lynxmc.weebly.com (We're currently white-listed, if you get the mod position you'll be whitelisted).
We need a moderator that can come on VERY frequently (more than 1 - 2 hours a day), you also must be a relatively good builder and you must have experience (i.e been moderator on other servers, know how to configure and use plugins like worldedit/essentials/permissions). We need someone who can fill in the role of HEAD-MODERATOR PERMANENTLY and is serious about this and is willing to take up a lot of time. You also need to give us your skype username so we can communicate with you easily and tell you if you got the position. My user name is ZaksApocalypse. Feel free to add me if you want, and yeah. If you feel that you can take up this role please fill in the application below:

1. Your name:
2. Your IGN:
3. Your age:
4. What country you live in:
5. How often are you able to come on?:
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?:
7. How much experience have you got?:
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it:
9. Give us a paragraph about you?:
10. Anything else you want to tell us?:
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?:

Thanks for applying, hope to see you soon. <3
Posted by xXfalseXx's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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06/14/2012 6:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lockyb123's Avatar
1. Your name: Locky
2. Your IGN: lockyb123
3. Your age: 14, But don't get me wrong, I am mature for my age.
4. What country you live in: Australia
5. How often are you able to come on?: Every day for 4 hours. Longer on weekends.
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?: Because I love to help people out and just love moderating servers. I would also like to see this server go a long way successfully.
7. How much experience have you got?: I have owned my own server with a couple of friends. I have also moderated a couple of other servers. I have a lot of experience with plugins such as WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Lockette, Factions and so many more!
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it: I am a pretty skilled builder, I can definitely wire redstone if needed.
9. Give us a paragraph about you?: My name is Locky, I live in NSW, Australia. I absolutely love minecraft. I am a friendly person and have a good sense of humour. I can keep my cool when needed and can handle situations well. I am also trustworthy.
10. Anything else you want to tell us?: I really hope I get the job, as I have been looking for a new server that i can stick with to moderate. I also promise to abide by server rules and strive to do my best.
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?: N/A I am looking to get a Skype account ASAP.
04/13/2012 1:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PaceFireRescue's Avatar
1. Your name:Robert
2. Your IGN:PaceFireRescue
3. Your age:14
4. What country you live in:USA
5. How often are you able to come on?:1-5 Hours A Day(US CST TIME)
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?:I Love Helping People and I Hate Greifing; Whenever I was server staff everyone loved me!
7. How much experience have you got?: I Own 2 servers and co-own another one;I was also a mod on !ExtortionCraft! which got shutdown BY HACKERS!
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it: I am But I Have No Photo(PM Me For My Server Ip and I will show you)
9. Give us a paragraph about you?: I am 14 and Love Minecraft. I also am learing C# and java.I Love Basketball. My Favorite Game is of course Minecraft. I Love coding websites and making simple flash games! I want to be a Film Producer For A Living. (Go Boston Celtics!)
10. Anything else you want to tell us?: No Im Good
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?: (PM me for it)
04/12/2012 6:52 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
gatheron's Avatar
am i in?
04/12/2012 6:48 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
1. Your name: Brandon
2. Your IGN: Roran234
3. Your age: 14
4. What country you live in: America
5. How often are you able to come on?: Everyday, probably for 2 hours.
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?: Well, I am quite sure this server has something to offer that none others do, and I would like to foresee that this server becomes quite successful.
7. How much experience have you got?: I currently run an RPG PVP server. Feel free to check it out. I have also been an Admin and a Moderator on countless amounts of servers. I also have much plugin experience: LWC, Lockette, Worldedit, WorldGuard, and PermissionsEx. I have worked with many more, and easily adapt to new plugins.
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you want, you can check out my RPG PVP spawn. It is pretty amazing.
9. Give us a paragraph about you?: I live in the south, but I try to keep my grammar in-line. I am very mature for my age, or so others tell me. I am extremely smart. I can fix most situations with ease. I don't hold grudges, and I am VERY patient. I LOVE to help other players, and I try to do my best with them. I never insult the players, and I treat them well, because server wise, they are more important then I am.
10. Anything else you want to tell us?:Err, Poptart?
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?:I will pm you this, as this is against the rules to publicly send it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
- Roran234
04/12/2012 6:44 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior
Dren's Avatar
1. Your name: Tyler
2. Your IGN: Dren343
3. Your age: 14
4. What country you live in: The United States of America (USA)
5. How often are you able to come on?: Alot and to be more specific a few hours a day
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?: no
7. How much experience have you got?: I have played minecraft for a year now
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it: I would say yes but that would depend on what you would say is skilled people say I am but I have seen things I can't even imagine possible
9. Give us a paragraph about you?: As you already know my name is Tyler and my hobbies are reading, writing (fantasy), minecraft, and role playing games (I have played a few different ones mainly skyrim and world of warcraft.) I have 2 brothers. I'm a guy which you could probably tell from my name. I guess that's all I really have to tell for now.
10. Anything else you want to tell us?: I know alot of rpg plug-ins that could be good for the server and If this is accepted I would like moderator
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?:I'll Private message it to you and I have a mic (I'm private messaging it because I don't want people hacking my account)
04/12/2012 6:33 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
gatheron's Avatar
1. Your name:chris warf
2. Your IGN:gatheron
3. Your age:13
4. What country you live in:U.S.A
5. How often are you able to come on?:All the time
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?:i know how to keep people to follow the rules and i am admin on other servers
7. How much experience have you got?:a lot
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it: kinda 9. Give us a paragraph about you?:i love minecraft.i play football.i have 2 siblings and im admin on other servers
10. Anything else you want to tell us?:no
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?:chris.warf
04/12/2012 6:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Ranger
darion06's Avatar
. Your name:darion
2. Your IGN:darion06
3. Your age:15
4. What country you live in:united states
5. How often are you able to come on?:a hour or two in weekdays all day on the weekend
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?:i feel i would be great help to the server
7. How much experience have you got?: i have been a mod at least three times
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it: sort of. i can build and i cant. sometimes i can make good stuff and sometimes i cant
9. Give us a paragraph about you?:in my school i am a a honor roll student i have a loving family and love to play minecraft. i have been banned from a server once(if my own server counts). i think i would really help.
10. Anything else you want to tell us?: no not really
11. Last thing, what is your skype name?:gangstacool10
04/12/2012 6:18 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
aaron5699's Avatar
1. Your name:Aaron5699
2. Your IGN:littledog5699
3. Your age:14
4. What country you live in:America
5. How often are you able to come on?:8 hours a day at the least
6. Why would you like to be Head-Moderator?:Yes
7. How much experience have you got?:Lots i am admin on a server now and been some in the past
8. Are you a skilled builder? If you have a photo of something you've built, please attach it:I am very skilled no pi
9. Give us a paragraph about you?:Hi my name is Aaron and i am a nice guy looking for a server to play on.I am a skilled build and a responsible person when it comes to the rules.I can take a joke but i also funny, you i can be on a lot and i wont stand for greifer if someone griefs it is a insta ban if i can confirm it by BB and i just wanna join
10. Anything else you want to tell1no
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