[CCPvP ] [KitPvP With Guns] Staff Recrutment!

chaybobb's Avatar chaybobb7/14/14 7:09 pm
1 emeralds 119 3
8/20/2014 3:02 pm
CCYT's Avatar CCYT
Anser This TO Apply
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Past Experiance:
Why You Want Staff?:

I Really Need A DEV With Experiance Of Groupmanager
Posted by chaybobb's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Network

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08/20/2014 3:02 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
CCYT's Avatar
IGN: Blue_Viper98
Age: 16
Skype (Optional): kuio98
Past Experience: Many plugins, lots of programming languages.
Why You Want Staff?: I would like to be your Dev. I can make custom plugins, fix current ones, and help you set up new ones.
08/20/2014 12:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
rileycn's Avatar
IGN: nlealand
skype: zachary morneau
past exsperiance:none (but i heve to start somewhere)
why i want to join: well ive played for maby 3 years now i i think ive become very skilled
at this game i like to play alot and have fun but play hard an dhelp others to:D
thats about it plz let me join
ps i dont want paid
07/14/2014 8:08 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
IGN: My Ign is GingerTheEpic123

Age: 15

Skype (Opinal): yes I have Skype my id is gingertheepic135981.

Past Experiance:I have been staff on a few servers and I have an Head-Admin position on Legendary Mc which is currently under construction, a 30 slot faction server in the U.S.A. I was also Head-Admin on Vortex Pvp, a 50 slot server which usually had 5 users on at a time. It was a good experience. The server was shut down do to lack of leadership skills of the honor and lack of staff (There was two other staff members who were highly abusive spawning in op items which I informed the owner of multiple times and he refused to do anything and when something needed to be done it was placed on me to do it not anyone else.)I have also been admin on Tads pvp/faction server, it was hosted on the owners own computer and held 15 slot but I quit due to the fact the server was only up for 2 hours a day and we had no players. I’m also currently admin on Crystal Mc a 30 slot op survival server. Im also currently staff on another server but the rank has not yet to be decided I have also been mod on a couple other 3 times and admin about 4 this is not confirmed but it is not lower due to the fact I didn’t keep track of it when I first started to become staff on minecraft servers.

Why You Want Staff?: I love playing minecraft and helping people so why not put the two together and enjoy them both at the same time? I’m not one to grief a server if you would ever demote me, I would just calmly leave and accept the fact I was demoted and for whatever reason I was demoted for.
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