Starting New Prison Server, Looking for help!

sammy3597's Avatar sammy35976/17/12 10:30 pm
7/10/2012 6:24 pm
mini mitch's Avatar mini mitch
Hello, I am starting a new Prison server name, "PrisonLeague". I am expierienced with running servers. I can host the initial server from my computer w/ 2g RAM 1-64 Players. Reserved spots for staff.
Contact me for more info via skype: PrisonLeagues.
Server IP:
Website Adress: leaguecraft.org

Teams Wanted:
  • •Moderators(3-5)
  • •Builders(6-10)
  • •Website Builders/Managers(3-6)
  • •Plugin Developers(4-8)
  • •Youtube Team(2+)
  • •Server Managers(1-3)
  • •Redstone Team(2-4)

I also need money to get a dedicated hosting for website and server. Contact me on skype about donations.
If you would like to help out my cause, please submit an application below.
(Use the app format given)
The Following will void your application:
  • •Bumping your app
  • •Lying on your app
  • •Copying another app
  • •Multiple app's withing 3 days on other servers
  • •Being a power whore
  • •Deviating from app format

Please don't just apply for admin.
Make your app lengthily and thorough for better shot at getting position.
Time Zone:
Work/School Hours:
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):
Position(If full please don't apply):
Prior Experience:
How can you help:
Why do you want to help:
Additional Info:

Thank you for your time! - Sammy3597
Posted by sammy3597's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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mini mitch
07/10/2012 6:24 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
mini mitch's Avatar
Name: Kyran
IGN: LoopyJr
Age: 15
Time Zone: easten standed time
Work/School Hours: Scool 8am-4pm
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes(i will toll you in game so know one else adds me)
Position(If full please don't apply): anywere
Prior Experience: Op1
How can you help: i can fix anyproblems build and find glitchs
Why do you want to help: because i am a very nice person and like to help
References: none
Additional Info: none
07/02/2012 12:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wdws's Avatar
Name:Cody Custer
Time Zone:eastern standard
Work/School Hours:not right now but in college. work 4-8or9 thurs-sun
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):yes, cody.custer93
Position(If full please don't apply):Guard
Prior Experience: never really liked a prison server this much to apply
How can you help: Patrol jail and enforce the rules
Why do you want to help: i love the server and like to have control
Additional Info: pretty easy goin. dont take insult to heart.
06/22/2012 12:35 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
pbrassat17recremend just joining a server that is done, and just trying to help players ***

Posting your server on a Server rectuing is not recommened as it gives off a bad reputation to your server, it makes you look desperate for players. Please do not advertise your server or another persons server on other players Topics, Server Avertising does not belong in this forum section. please edit your post so your ip is not preset.
06/22/2012 10:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Artist
pbrassat17's Avatar
recremend just joining a server that is done, and just trying to help players

06/22/2012 10:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RickJames2016's Avatar
Name: Rick
IGN: RickJames2016
Time Zone: Central
Work/School Hours: 7am-3pm
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): yes Rick James Hemion
Position(If full please don't apply): Mod/Guard
Prior Experience: yes Admin, Mod, Guard, Trusted
How can you help: Reset mines when needed, enforce rules, and make sure people have their needs tended to.
Why do you want to help: I have done an excellent job as guard/mod on many other servers.
References: --
Additional Info: --
06/22/2012 3:32 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Caxer's Avatar
Hope you dont mind my own format for application.

Why Am I Applying?:Really.. It's somewhat hard to find a server that lasts long, and a staff that is actually dedicated and not in it for "powers" I find owners that are really bad at spelling and have a lot of grammatical errors, and don't put that much time to support their own server. With you, on the other hand, I find this as a great opportunity to expand my experience into a server that will last long and a server that I'll enjoy in.

Questions & Answers: (More Info Posted Below)
1. What is a perfect Minecraft Server for you? Basically, I prefer a faction-based, economy server, that relies on the survival aspect. I do love the classic minecraft, and I enjoy playing in a great environment. A pefect minecraft server would include every aspect of the game, filled with all modes that possibly combines all servers' ideas in different worlds. (I doubt there is one existing)

2. Have you been a Staff member of any server before? No, but have owned and moderated Runescape private servers before i transfered to minecraft, i am now seeking to help the minecraft community.

3. What is your Minecraft Username? XgNoMeX
4. Why do you want to be a Staff member of this server?: I wish to help the community and server grow, and help you become the owner of a well know server.
5. Which rank would you apply for: (Moderator, or Admin?) Moderator or Head Moderator if that is possible.

What rank are you applying for?: (Moderator/Head Moderator).
What is your IGN (In game name): XgNomeX
Are you good with plugins:Not 100% but can learn if needed
How Long Have You Been Playing?: Around 2 years
Do you agree to the rules and agree to follow them honestly?: Yep. Breaking a rule wouldn't be the best option as an administrator/moderator, as it would set off a bad example.
Age: 15
Will you help players when they need it: Yes I would, it's my job as an operator to keep a safe, comfortable enviorment, and I'm open to any suggestions or to help if needed.
Why should I be Moderator?: Overall, I would think of myself as a great position as an Operator as I've handled the job quite nicely in the past.
Have you ever been banned for griefing? Would you grief?: I wouldn't think so. No I wouldn't grief at all. As an operator, it wouldn't be best to grief the server for several reasons. First, it would put off a bad reputation, and trying to apply for operator just to grief isn't really the right thing to do.

What is your server managing experience?: I have previously owned a runescape private server and moderated several others, although minecraft and runescape are completely different, the managerial roles are quite similar.

Are you trustable? 1-10?: 10. I would say so. If anything, tell me what I need to do to gain your trust .
How mature are you? 1-10?: 9.5. I'm mostly in a serious mood when it comes to problems related to the server, but I do have a funny side as well.

Do you have a skype?: RyanXG

How often do you play?: 3-5 Hours daily.

Can you advertise?: Of course, whatever is needed to populate the server.

If there was a hacker/griefer, what steps would you take before,during and after? Usually, I would notice a griefer/hacker right away, depending on the actions they do in the server. I usually tp to people often, to check on them on daily periods. If there is a chance that there is a situation of a hacker, I'l immediately re-act according to the situation. Usually, I'll temporary ban them depending on bad they griefed. If it was something too paramount, I would immediately ban, and find a way to fix the situation. I suggest using NoCheat+ or any other plugin that can reduce the amount of griefers/hackers.

Thanks XgNoMeX

(took me agessss to write this)
06/22/2012 3:26 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
trimus's Avatar
Name: Jesper
Age: 14
Time Zone: Europe
Work/School Hours: Summer vacation!!!
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes Jyttring
Position(If full please don't apply): Moderator, redstone team or Server manager
Prior Experience: I have owned a quite big server myself sadly it had to close PAROEX-Craft!
How can you help: I know quite much in running servers but i would mostly want to help out like a mod! I know quite much about redstone too
Why do you want to help: I thought it would be fun too help Lol
References: Paroex craft you may ask co-owner MINEFREAK177 or YAMADA!
Additional Info: I will be very VERY dedicated!
06/22/2012 3:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cheesefacer's Avatar
Time Zone: Mountain Time -7
Work/School Hours:No work, 7am-3pm (not now in summer)
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):Yes
Position(If full please don't apply):Moderator
Prior Experience: Ive owned my own prison server, been a mod on 2 others and a admin on 1
How can you help:I know all the plugins and commands i can do worldguard, worldedit, and im very active. I Check on people take suggestions can make a forum im active on server forums and will ban spammers keep chat organized. Everything you need already was playing got 30k
Why do you want to help:Id like a server to play on i dont have the money to run my own
References:Velocity Pennentiary, others i forgot
Additional Info:Im cool
06/21/2012 8:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kijo98's Avatar
Name: (PM if i get accepted)
IGN: kijo98
Age: 13
Time Zone: CST
Work/School Hours: Summer time.
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): No
Position(If full please don't apply): mod/admin
Prior Experience: I am an excellent builder, and have spent a lot of time on prison servers.
How can you help: Building perimeters.
Why do you want to help: I need something to do in minecraft.
Additional Info:
06/21/2012 8:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Server is now OPEN for everyone to join!
06/21/2012 8:43 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
I am in dire need of builders!!!!
06/20/2012 11:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nemssi12's Avatar
Name:I dont feel Confortable giving my name out
Time Zone:Easter canada
Work/School Hours:school hours are 7 hours weekend hours (SUMMER HOLIDAY!!!! IS COMING!!!!!) Will be all day maybe
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):Yes I do have skype no mic tho intell i get a mic i will have to wait till i get the money
Position(If full please don't apply):Server Managers
Prior Experience:Alot i own alot of server i am admin on alot of server and mod on alot of servers
How can you help:By banning rule breakers muting spammers kicking people who are racist jailing and muting people for disrespecting staff and alot of other stuff you name it
Why do you want to help:Because i love servers and like i said i own lots of servers
References:Alot but i dont know how to start
Additional Info:Ill do my best
06/20/2012 11:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SpongebobFriends's Avatar
Name:Alonzo Anderson
Time Zone:pst
Work/School Hours:when school starts 8:30am to 3:30 pst usa
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):yes
Position(If full please don't apply):Mod
Prior Experience:Co-owner-1 Mod-2 Admin-3
How can you help:im a great person to enforce the rules
Why do you want to help:i want to help make this server to be the best it can be:)
References:Any1 from PhoenixCraft server
Additional Info:Im a great person and a even better minecrafter im not the best builder but u give me a building ill plan it out and ill try my best and ill learning more about redstone :]
I hope u accept me ill pm u my skype if i get accepted
06/20/2012 11:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Still looking for more staff. I am still reviewing applications. I need more!!!
06/20/2012 8:43 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
DuSxeMan's Avatar
This is how You Make the Post btw we aren't accepting Admins right now

Click to reveal
Name: David
Age: 14
Time Zone: Chicago
Work/School Hours: Im in school for highschool, and i have football
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes _______
Position(If full please don't apply): Moderator but if you need some like a hack speacialist
Prior Experience: Whynotcraft, Head Admin of League Craft, Head Warden of Prison League
How can you help: I know stuff about hackers
Why do you want to help: I like helping in general but I like league craft and you then recommend prisonleauge
References: League Craft, Prison Craft
Additional Info: I'm have knowledge of Hackers and Hack Clients as well as i know how to track that.
06/20/2012 8:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
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MrMethiacalName: Methiacal
IGN: Methiacal
Age: 17
Time Zone: (USA)Arizona GMT
Work/School Hours: None
Skype: Yes, Methiacal
Position: Admin/Redstone Team/Moderator/Builder/Server Manager
Prior Experience: 2.5 years of minecraft, Admin of many servers, Owner of own server
How can you help: Able to construct useful structures and insert redstone power into many machines, very helpful of the server players
Why want to help: Love helping new servers grow and thrive
References: -----
Additional info: Youll learn more in time

Methiacal- Accepted for Builder (Maybe Moderator and Maybe Redstone, We will see. Add me on skype. And join server.
06/20/2012 8:17 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
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president cheezName:josh
Timezone: not sure but I think eastern standard or something
Skype: yes presidentcheez5793
Position: YouTuber
Prior experience: I'm making my own server at the time and am going to start posting videos on it
How can you help: I got a fair amount of people that help me with my videos.and we have some pretty good ideas
Why do you want to help: i just love prison servers
References: none
Additional info: I am yet to post a video on YouTube xD but I will soon

cheezburgur5793- Accepted for YouTuber. You are whitelisted. Add me on skype and join the server.
06/20/2012 8:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
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zekesonxxName: Zeke
IGN: zekesonxx
Age: 12
Time Zone: -5:00
Work/School Hours: I am online schooled, and the schedule changes each year
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes ipodtapper I sent you a FR
Position(If full please don't apply): Website Builder
Prior Experience: Look in my signature
How can you help: Making a website
Why do you want to help: Because I like prison servers. They're interesting.
References: Every hat in America.
Additional Info:

zekesonxx- You have been accepted as a website builder. You can join server and talk to me. Add me on skype also.
president cheez
06/20/2012 12:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
president cheez's Avatar
Timezone: not sure but I think eastern standard or something
Skype: yes presidentcheez5793
Position: YouTuber
Prior experience: I'm making my own server at the time and am going to start posting videos on it
How can you help: I got a fair amount of people that help me with my videos.and we have some pretty good ideas
Why do you want to help: i just love prison servers
References: none
Additional info: I am yet to post a video on YouTube xD but I will soon
Pickle Puncher
06/20/2012 12:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pickle Puncher's Avatar
Its in the spoiler due to length
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Name: Cameron
Do you have Skype: Yes i do
Where do you live: Scotland
Timezone: GMT
Do you have a working microphone: Yes i do

How many hours a day will you spend on this server: 4-5 hours, depending on homework and assignments

Why do you want to become a Member of staff?
I want to become a Staff Member because many people break offences, and there are no mods or admins online when they do. I witness people spamming, combat logging and glitching, but i feel weak and i cannot do anything, i try to inform them of their offences but they refuse to listen. If i become a part of staff i will try my 100 percent best to upgrade the server into one of the most fairest environments to play in. There are no Guards on when i'm online, therefore it would be great to stop those CRIMINALS
I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance and that everyone is a NOOB at one stage of their MC life. My job, when i become staff, is to stop that noobishness in the server by answering questions and queries.

What assets do you have to provide for this server?
I have good leadership,persistance, intergrity, helpfulness, co-operation and kindness (sometimes). I am not bad tempered, cocky and selfish. I always listen to people and never lose the faith of who i am.

How i would like people to judge my application:
I want people to leave the things i have done to them (raids, pvp, grief) and i promise i will start over with you and be fair and not bias to anyone. Comment on my application without the thoughts of hatred in your mind please. Thank you.

Spammers: If people are spamming on the server i will tell them to stop, if they refuse i will mute them and jail them. If they spam with a client, i will take a screenshot and i will have to ban them.

Disrespect / Abusing Mods: IF someone abuses me, i will tell them to stop. If they don't i will mute them for some time (10-15 minutes). If they continue the next day or after the mute, i will jail them for at least 1 hour.

Glitchers: I will need satisfactory evidence before making my judgement. I will not accuse and i WILL be fair. If i catch someone Glitching, it will be an instant jail time for at least 1-2 hours.

Hackers: I will also need satisfactory evidence, if i receive it, i will tell them to remove the hacks and jail them for 1 hour minimum for not reading the rules at spawn, which clearly states it.

Combat Loggers: If someone combat logs, i will give them a warning, also forcing him to give back his stuff to the other player. If he constantly does it over and over again, it will be a jail for 2 hours.

Racism: I will not tolerate racism, it is one of the most cruel things on Earth to do. I will do my best to put a stop to it, i will tell them to stop, if they don't i will jail them for 1 hour no questions asked.

Advertising: If people advertise other servers i will jail them, because it won't work giving them a warning, they will keep on doing it, no matter what. If it is a genuine player telling his real life friend a server, i will tell him not to type in chat, but on Skype, /msg or facebook etc. I will release him and fine him one warning, making sure he does not do it again.

Note: The jail time for these offences depends on how severe they commited it. Also if i ban someone, on a MAJOR incident, i will take really good evidence and present it to Owner, to prevent false accusations agaisnt me. I will try to be kind and considerate to people if i get the staff position because i'll be new and i don't want to ruin the first days of my new job.

Thank You
06/20/2012 7:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Next time actually put some time into your app, instead of copying and pasting it. Because as i read through it, it mentions stuff about you playing on my server. Even though its not public. So therefor you are lazy and power hunger whore. Also read the rules to the applications. You didn't abide by the application format. So you have been.... DENIED!
Pickle Puncher
06/20/2012 12:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pickle Puncher's Avatar
if i post you can deside what rank i get if i get accepted ok
06/20/2012 12:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
anymore apps?
06/19/2012 12:23 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
zekesonxx's Avatar
Name: Zeke
IGN: zekesonxx
Age: 12
Time Zone: -5:00
Work/School Hours: I am online schooled, and the schedule changes each year
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes ipodtapper I sent you a FR
Position(If full please don't apply): Website Builder
Prior Experience: Look in my signature
How can you help: Making a website
Why do you want to help: Because I like prison servers. They're interesting.
References: Every hat in America.
Additional Info:
06/18/2012 11:59 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Looking for more applications!!!
06/18/2012 2:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
paragonnov4's Avatar
my skype name callumarkwright
06/18/2012 2:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
paragonnov4's Avatar
Time zone: All UK times
Skype: Yes!!
Prior Exp: I have Been an op on a server before and they said i did a good job
How can i help:Im the best with world edit
Why do u want me to help: I want to see a prison server like no other
Additional: i cant be on all the time
06/18/2012 1:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
asb1230's Avatar
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asb1230Name: Andrew
IGN: asb1230
Age: 16
Time Zone: US Eastern Time
Work/School Hours: None after Wednesday June 20th!
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): yes
Position(If full please don't apply): Redstone team

Prior Experience: I run a private server where I do a lot of redstone work with friends.

How can you help: I am a valuable team player, and I believe I can provide valuable insight into the redstone team's work. I am an Eagle Scout and a straight A student, and I love every aspect of minecraft. I am currently learning to write java because I love taking on challenges.

Why do you want to help: I have a private server, but I don't have the computing power to make it public. I would love to be part of a public server team.

References: none

Additional Info: I am very mature, I love computers, I live a well-rounded life, I'm a triplet, I won the Louis Armstrong high school jazz award on trumpet, stuff like that. Thanks for the opportunity!

Asb1230: You are added to Redstone Team. Add me on skype "PrisonLeagues"

Done! Thanks!
06/18/2012 1:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
RoboSharks's Avatar
Time Zone:EST
Work/School Hours:Skool is done its summer
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):techno_geek12
Position(If full please don't apply):Admin or Mod or Server Manager
Prior Experience:I have been CO Owner all the way to Mod. I helped with the plugins and stuff. They all shut down due to cant pay.
How can you help:I can help manage the server. Fix errors. Solve disputes. Help with plugins
Why do you want to help:I am bored and need some place to dedicate my time and effort and this seems a legit place. I can really help and tell you my experiences on alot of servers
References:LeacyCraft. my server, and others that idk the name
Additional Info:I am learning JavaScript just started. I host servers, and love to help out
Team FaKeY
06/18/2012 1:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Warrior
Team FaKeY's Avatar
Age:12 and a half
Time Zone:Right now 1:32 PM
Work/School Hours:School hours im in middle school and ours ends at 4:30 PM
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):No i have a youtube channel WastedCorn
Position(If full please don't apply):Server Managers or Admin
Prior Experience:Admin,Mod,Co-Owner,Owner
How can you help:Build and the commands
Why do you want to help:Cause idk im a helpful person.
References:Me you ? idk ......
Additional Info:Im great at building,mining,surviving
06/18/2012 1:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Needmcbfimtheguy's Avatar
Time Zone:Est utc- 6
Work/School Hours:none
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):noah.viper
Position(If full please don't apply): Admin
Prior Experience: I owned a server which was pretty popular
How can you help:I can help by enforcing the rules and helping you with things about server
Why do you want to help:I would like to help your server because i believe i can make your server better and make it popular so people can enjoy your server. I am pretty skilled with a lot of plugins (i own a server thats run on my computer and have many plugins). I am very helpful and can build some pixel art and make cool stuff. The final thing i can do to make your server better is by making sure that griefers wont be able to grief. I have a sense when someone is a griefer mostly how the act in game. I also can be on about 5-10 hours a day because i have no life.
Additional Info:I dont grief and wont cheat by giving ppl like free man or somthing like that
06/18/2012 1:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Still reviewing applications
06/18/2012 1:10 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
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asb1230Name: Andrew
IGN: asb1230
Age: 16
Time Zone: US Eastern Time
Work/School Hours: None after Wednesday June 20th!
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): yes
Position(If full please don't apply): Redstone team

Prior Experience: I run a private server where I do a lot of redstone work with friends.

How can you help: I am a valuable team player, and I believe I can provide valuable insight into the redstone team's work. I am an Eagle Scout and a straight A student, and I love every aspect of minecraft. I am currently learning to write java because I love taking on challenges.

Why do you want to help: I have a private server, but I don't have the computing power to make it public. I would love to be part of a public server team.

References: none

Additional Info: I am very mature, I love computers, I live a well-rounded life, I'm a triplet, I won the Louis Armstrong high school jazz award on trumpet, stuff like that. Thanks for the opportunity!

Asb1230: You are added to Redstone Team. Add me on skype "PrisonLeagues"
06/18/2012 12:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
asb1230's Avatar
Name: Andrew
IGN: asb1230
Age: 16
Time Zone: US Eastern Time
Work/School Hours: None after Wednesday June 20th!
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): yes
Position(If full please don't apply): Redstone team

Prior Experience: I run a private server where I do a lot of redstone work with friends.

How can you help: I am a valuable team player, and I believe I can provide valuable insight into the redstone team's work. I am an Eagle Scout and a straight A student, and I love every aspect of minecraft. I am currently learning to write java because I love taking on challenges.

Why do you want to help: I have a private server, but I don't have the computing power to make it public. I would love to be part of a public server team.

References: none

Additional Info: I am very mature, I love computers, I live a well-rounded life, I'm a triplet, I won the Louis Armstrong high school jazz award on trumpet, stuff like that. Thanks for the opportunity!
06/18/2012 11:40 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
FineCrafting78's Avatar
Name: Ryan
IGN: FineCrafting
Age: 13
Time Zone: Dunno exactly I live in NY in the USA though
Work/School Hours: I finish school this Wednesday
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes will tell u if accepted
Position(If full please don't apply): Admin/Mod
Prior Experience: I've been head admin, admin, and mod before...I am rather experienced
How can you help: I am very creative, good at building, active, can bring many people to this server, and help keep it safe from spammers and hackers.
Why do you want to help: I love helping out on servers. It's fun to get to know the people on them too. I've never actually been staff on a prison server but you have to start somewhere. I believe that experience on different servers may be able to help a lil here too. I hope you let me help out.
References: Can't think of many ATM
Additional Info: Said most of it in the (Why Do You Want To Help) tab lol. But yes I will help in every way possible.
06/18/2012 11:34 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
oscar555's Avatar
06/18/2012 11:31 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
oscar555's Avatar
Name: Connor
IGN: oscar555
Age: 14
Time Zone: EST
Work/School Hours: None Now
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): oscar555123 (PM ME UR USERNAME)
Position(If full please don't apply): admin, server manager, server moderator, plugin manager (im an expert on plugins!(
Prior Experience: own my own server and am admin on 2 and mod on 3.
How can you help: i can bring people and fun to your server by advertizing and i will get you some great plugins.
Why do you want to help: i know that if i help, the server will be more known that obsideon craft (which is a really popular server.)
References: Me and my awesome skills.
Additional Info: Any position will do but the ones that i picked out, i would like.
06/18/2012 11:21 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
Need more applications!!!!!!
06/18/2012 2:20 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xpokemonx's Avatar
Time Zone:(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Work/School Hours:none for now
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):yes i,ll pm u if accepted
Position(If full please don't apply):redstone team
Prior Experience:none but i have gm on a another server
How can you help:im good with restone and i can work good in teams.
Why do you want to help:i want to see a prison server grow and prosper and ill help stop griefing.
Additional Info:i,ll do my best.
06/18/2012 1:50 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
EZBoy487's Avatar
IGN: EZBoy487
Age: 13
Time Zone: Arizona Time
Work/School Hours: Any Time
Skype: Yes Jacob.Escobar4
Position: Youtube Team or Admin
Prior Expirience: Im admin, mod and co owner in 3 servers.
How can you help: by making great vids on why you should join the server.
Why do yo want to help: So i can make myself more known to minecraft then just another player who plays the game.
Additional Info: I cant be on all the time but ill try to work things out.
06/18/2012 1:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
goodnews2012's Avatar
Name: goodnews2012
Age: old enough
Time Zone: arizona time zone, really thats the time, i have no daylight savings either
Work/School Hours:8:00 - 5:00,
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): broscast2
Position(If full please don't apply): Youtube Team,Server Managers
Prior Experience: My server,w hich you help with
How can you help: Well i am starting to do lets plays and can include you saying join this server an d make awesome comerricals.
Why do you want to help: You helped me, so i will help you. I owe you, i mean your the best. You just do the servers perfectly, you know i can help too.
References: You
Additional Info: I will work my @$$ off for you!
06/18/2012 1:12 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
pbrassat's Avatar
nevermind, i have my own prison server now, i have to work on.
06/18/2012 1:03 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
sammy3597's Avatar
I will accept applications after 24 hours
06/17/2012 10:38 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
wen372's Avatar
Name: Titus
IGN: wen372
Age: 12
Time Zone: Eastern time GMT -5
Work/School Hours: 8 am - 3 pm
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Titus.wen (though im not a skype fan)
Position(If full please don't apply): Admin
Prior Experience: Im admin and mod on 2 servers and used to be an owner of one
How can you help: I'll enforce the rules and punish, im also a creative redstoner.
Why do you want to help: i wanna help stop griefing and help out with servers to help get them to where the owners want them to be.
References: what......
Additional Info: i can be on for 2-4 hours a day depending if i have plans also im ok with redstone but i wanna be an admin
06/17/2012 10:37 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
MrMethiacal's Avatar
Name: Methiacal
IGN: Methiacal
Age: 17
Time Zone: (USA)Arizona GMT
Work/School Hours: None
Skype: Yes, Methiacal
Position: Admin/Redstone Team/Moderator/Builder/Server Manager
Prior Experience: 2.5 years of minecraft, Admin of many servers, Owner of own server
How can you help: Able to construct useful structures and insert redstone power into many machines, very helpful of the server players
Why want to help: Love helping new servers grow and thrive
References: -----
Additional info: Youll learn more in time
06/17/2012 10:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
pbrassat's Avatar
Age: 13
Time Zone: est
Work/School Hours: i have school but got 3 month off for now
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): yes
Position(If full please don't apply): Any
Prior Experience: I have done it all, owned servers, managed plugins, managed websites and so on.
How can you help: What ever you need.
Why do you want to help: Because i want to just make people happy and make sure that whatever they want they get.
References: look at my server, its new, and needs setting up but i have one again.
Additional Info: not much
06/17/2012 10:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
OtterCade's Avatar
i can also do some redstone
06/17/2012 10:35 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
OtterCade's Avatar
Name:ill pm u if i get job im applying for admin
Time Zone:central
Work/School Hours:none
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable):yes OtterCade
Position(If full please don't apply):ADMIN
Prior Experience:mod6 times im looking to rank up
How can you help:ill help make the building
Why do you want to help:i like prison servers
Additional Info:none really
06/17/2012 10:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Alex_Andrew's Avatar
Name: Alex or Aj is my nickname
IGN: Alex_Andrew
Age: 14
Time Zone: Central
Work/School Hours: I am out of school
Skype(Yes/No, If so please post username if comfortable): Yes alexj0111
Position(If full please don't apply): Admin if you still have a spot that needs filling
Prior Experience: Admins and Mods on some other servers
How can you help: I am an creative builder as you can say and if i am promoted i will enforce the server rules
Why do you want to help: I love to build on servers its my favirate thing to do
References: Anyone if you can conntact a snowserver mod
Additional Info: I am normally on everyday for about 3 hours
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