StazoCraft Now Hiring Staff

dazzer1305's Avatar dazzer13058/17/13 11:03 am
8/26/2013 8:18 pm
anonpmc1279828's Avatar anonpmc1279828

StazoCraft is a NEW Minecraft Server, that will offer numerous events and challenges for its members along with rewards. At the moment its just starting up and is in the development stage ie Server builds, Website Design and Plugins added. The server will be one of few that will introduce the Citizens Plugin offering Missions from NPCs given to any member that wishes to take on the challenge, not only will there be Missions but there will also be Survival and Adventure games. We also need staff to help with a Tekkit Server we have too.

Whats to do:
As the server itself is at the development stage alot is needing to be done, that is why we require dedicated staff to help build the server into a successful community. Below is a list of areas that needs to be covered.
Server Builds - Building of Towns, Gardens, Arenas, Missions, Challenges, Shops Ect
Web Design - Server Website with Forums and Server Info along with Player of the Month and Reward offers.
Youtube Channel - Server Youtube Channel offering Videos of the server and play throughs.


We are looking for dedicated to staff to help build and also looking for people to help with other areas of production.
If you are interested please copy and paste back with your details below:

What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design :
Why should we choose you? :
Posted by dazzer1305's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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08/26/2013 8:18 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1279828's Avatar
08/26/2013 5:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iKittyx3's Avatar

I have been staff on a few other servers


What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design :
I would like to me a mod, admin, or something like that! but i would also be interested in building too!

Why should we choose you? :
I could be a good mod because i like to listen to others, im very focused (most of the time), but at the same time im very fun I dont want to be the kind of mod that is funereal, unsmiling, self-important, and over-serious!
08/26/2013 4:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
tekushikume's Avatar
heres my application

What do you want to apply for?:Co-Owner Admin
Real name (optional): Derek do not wish to reveal my last name
Skype (optional/if you even have one):tekushikume feel free to add me
In-Game Name:derekdjcool
What can you do for our server?:I can help out with plugins . I will welcome new players i can build i'm pretty good with redstone. I can advertise for the server. ANd just plain out have a lot of fun.
Experience:I have owned two servers but they costed an insane amount of money and i had no players I have been an admin on 7 servers and moderated on 12 I have also CO Owned 3 i now that's not a crazy amount but i think its quite a bit
Why should we pick you or even trust you?:to be honest you cant trust anyone on the internet so why should you pick me . I will help out , build , I have good grammar so people will understand me , I have owned two of my own servers I think all that's good enough
Why do you want to be an staff on our server?: I lost my old two and the other ones are constantly down
If you see an member break any rules, what will you do?: Tell to stop breaking the rules and tell them to re read them if the continue to kick if they then continue to temp ban 1 day if they continue to perm ban
Building skills 0-10: 7.5
Redstone skills 0-10:4.5
Extra: I love to play minecraft I can be on 1-3 hours a day other ways of contacting me are by pm or steam if you have it i'm [FROST]Twister
08/26/2013 3:48 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Commander2412's Avatar
IGN: Commander2412
Experience: I was admin on a server, mod on a server, and admin on a server right now.
Age: 12 (mature)
What do you want to help with? Builder or Admin
Why should we choose you? You should choose me because I am friendly, trustworthy, kind and will enforce the rules and will follow the rules.
08/26/2013 3:32 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
RosemanFTW123's Avatar
Experience: I have been staff over 5 times (no complaints).
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design :I am very good at keeping people ocupied and making sure no one has problems.
Why should we choose you? :I know a great deal about most admin/staff plugins such as world edit,factions etc. I also know how to keep people occupied with games that I create (mini games).

08/26/2013 3:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dazzer1305's Avatar
Ok Still need a few more staff as we will be increasing in slot size very soon so need to get all builds ready, looking for builders to help with plots and land, along with shops and fountains ect.
08/20/2013 12:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
BloodyWalrus's Avatar
IGN: JJsquirrel
Experience: I've been playing minecraft for 3+ years and I currently own a server, I'm admin on 5, Moderate around 4+, I'm also OP on a few others, plus I've had a ton of other ranks in the past as well.
Age: 15
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design : I would like to help do the youtube channel, and build.
Why should we choose you? : I am an extremely advanced builder in any area (redstone, pixel art, houses, arenas, ext.) and I'm willing to put in at least 1.5 hours a day to help make your server great.

Thank you for your consideration.
08/17/2013 12:55 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Pony
TheButterGodzCrafted's Avatar
IGN: ojw8
Experience: Admin (x3) Mod (x5) Co Owner (x2) Owner (x1)
Age: 14
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design : Admin
Why should we choose you? : Because i am friendly helpful and reliable and trust worthy all the time and always considerate!
08/17/2013 12:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nilo_Kilo12's Avatar
Experience:I was admin 2 times, moderator twice, and i used to own a server.
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design :design
Why should we choose you? :I have had experience in many other servers i was always a helpful admin and moderator and i can help web design for you.
08/17/2013 12:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
c25689's Avatar
IGN: c25689
Experience: im a co_owner on a server and staff on a few, been playin minecraft since it was released
Age: 17
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design : building, helping to run the server
Why should we choose you? : im very mature and have staff experience aswell as building
08/17/2013 12:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dogw00f59's Avatar
IGN: Dogw00f59
Experience: Ive Been Playing Since 2011
Age: 16
What do you want to help with? :Semi-Mod because I also Wanna Help With The Builds
Why should we choose you? : Well I Dont Abuse Power I Have Sense Of Humor And Im Always Sure to make people feel WELCOME
08/17/2013 11:26 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Hunter
Ciberg's Avatar
IGN: Xtremebrawler_X
Experience: I have been owner, co-owner, admin, and many other ranks, I am very experienced.
Age: 12, but please don't judge me by this, I act mature and am very smart and literate.
What do you want to help with?: Anything really, I could set up permissions, build, but not website. I am not good with HTML, and only know a little.
Why should we choose you? : I am a friendly, nice, player, that can make players feel welcome to a server, I can set up stuff, and like helping out. I do not abuse power, and I have a sense of humor.

- Thank you for reviewing my application, and I understand if you do not accept me.
08/17/2013 11:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
Useless_Paul's Avatar
IGN: paulsys
Experience: I have been staff on several other servers but most of them have shut down or such so I am able to dedicate all of my time on here
Age: 16
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design : Building, and I can also be a moderator or administrator for your server
Why should we choose you? : People say that I am very witty but I will let you decide that for yourself. When the time comes, I can be dead serious on my assigned job. If you need any more information just feel free to ask!
08/17/2013 11:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tommy1boy's Avatar
IGN: tommy1boy
Experience: Was a mod for a while on another server and have been playing for a few years now
Age: 15
What do you want to help with? ie Builder, Web Design : I could probably create a good website and I am also good and keeping order.
Why should we choose you? : I am not afraid to take some stick to enforce order on a server and making sure everyone complies with the rules.

msg me please If I get accepted.


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