Undertale Roleplay - Needing Staff

EnergyMagick's Avatar EnergyMagick11/19/17 12:22 am
11/22/2017 1:14 am
EnergyMagick's Avatar EnergyMagick
Hello Minecraftians! Hello Undertale Trash! Hello Roleplayers!

If you happen to be all of these, an extra-special welcome to you!

So, I suppose I will just cut to the chase! We are starting up a slice-of-life, post-storyline (neutral route), Undertale-based Roleplay server. We are going to be strongly in need of players, as well as a few staffers to help keep things orderly.

The Roleplay will currently be based in Snowdin Town, as our map only includes the Ruins, Snowdin, and Waterfall, until we can expland it. Players are free to play as a human or a monster, keeping in mind that they understand the rules that come along with playing.

Also, note that this is a Literate roleplay. If you cannot roleplay with at least some grammatical skills, please do not bother with this server. See the difference in the spoiler below. If you can at least SOMEWHAT stay in that sort of zone, you are good.

Some Non-Literate RP...
imma kill u *cut*
Literate RP
Frisk manages to avoid the Trident swings Asgore had attacked her with, albeit only barely. "Please, stop! You've killed me more times than I can count..." she pleads, somewhat desperately, preparing for his inevitable next attack. ((Assumes that Frisk is female; please don't flame at me, PMC.))

As of current, ALL characters are open. But only one player can play each canon character, so hurry up and join if you want first choice! You can also choose to play an Original Character (OC), if you don't want to play a pre-made one.

We are going to be needing several Staff Members; primarily in the way of Chat-Moderators. We will, however, also be needing some Regular Moderators, and Admins, to help keep the server running smoothly. Be warned, rank-hunters, staff ranks are earned, not applied for. What's more, staff ranks do not come with many extra 'perks', but with responsibilities.

Other than that, I look forward to seeing you all! We are going to be whitelisting soon, so if you want to get in before you have to apply, join now!

I STRONGLY recommend that you install Forge, with MorePlayerModels, for use on the server. It allows you to edit the shape of your character, even to the shape of a mob, and also to see the altered models of the other players. Again, STRONGLY recommended. It helps IMMENSELY with immersion, in a server that has more races, such as non-humans.

Also, PLEASE join with a roleplay-able skin. We don't want Darth Vader, nor Fluttershy, nor the Master Chief walking around in the world of Undertale. Be realistic! Also, come with an idea of the character you are going to play; especially if you want to play an OC. And if you haven't played Undertale yet, PLEASE educate yourself on the Lore on the Undertale Wiki, before joining.

I look forward to seeing you!

Server IP:

Server Version: 1.11.2
Posted by EnergyMagick's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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precious moonbeam
11/19/2017 11:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
precious moonbeam's Avatar
This site and stuff sounds cool will look more at it later have a emerald on me^^
11/19/2017 6:29 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Collective
Curious-Ender's Avatar
Have a free bump!
11/19/2017 10:47 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
EnergyMagick's Avatar
Thanksies ^^
11/22/2017 12:47 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Collective
Curious-Ender's Avatar
11/19/2017 2:17 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Collective
Curious-Ender's Avatar
Hello Fellow Undertale trash! you're server sounds like a pretty cool idea, while was never really a fan of the whole only one player is allowed to be a certain character till the end of time thing Now I must chose between Sans and Papyrus,Tho I still would love to give you're server a vist some time Assuming I have the free time and roleplay, and even take the time to practice my Rp skills first, I'm what you would call a rp rookie of sorts. and for you're well need for expansion I'd probably be willing to help if you have a discord of some kind as a builder myself I rarely use the mic as i'm kinda *cough* "shy".
all I really have to say is cool server I guess, I'll try to check it out if I have the time.

Now if you excuse me, I'll go do some
RP practicing now as I normal just rp unseriously as I never had a good reason to before.
11/19/2017 10:37 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
EnergyMagick's Avatar

I agree, that the 'one player per character' thing can be quite annoying at times... Chances are, We'll end up making it so that extended, unexcused absence or inconsistent roleplayability results in a player's rights to play a Canon character being revoked. But, unfortunately, you must agree that it'd be kinda a difficulty, to have two players playing the same character at the same time. It would kinda become a bit... Unfair to the players of said character.

Now then, we currently do not have a discord... Frankly, @horsefly_2005 is the only player who's even joined as of yet, save for a single player who joined while I was in bed. But if you think you are up to help with expansion, it'd be extremely helpful! This map doesn't even make it to Undyne's house yet...

Now then as for joining in with RP, we'd love to have you! It's alright if you are newer to the literate RPs; so was I, about a year ago. We'd be happy to help you figure it out! Honestly, we haven't even STARTED the RP yet, because of 1) Our lack of playerbase, and 2) a few technical difficulties we had with GroupManager, EssentialsAntiBuild, and HeroChat; the last of which we are still having issues with.

If you decide to join, we'll keep Papy open for you ^^ I think we already have an old friend of mine who would play Sans. But Papy is still available ^^

Thanks for messaging!

-EnergyMagick (Sara Amicus)
11/20/2017 1:24 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Collective
Curious-Ender's Avatar
Hello again!

While I do find 'One player per character ' quite annoying at times, I still can understand why it makes sense. You don't want a bunch of undynes and frisks running around as it would ruin the flow of RP. Heck when ever I start RPing and I see someone whos the same character I normaly just switch to another person so I not disrupt things. I suppose you could have a understudy of sorts for when people I guess you can say are afk for some time.

I agree, If you are to make a discord you should probably wait till you have more players to need one. and speaking of not having much players that's quite common for starting up servers and not probably not that much of a problem. as when I joined the project Minecraft new leaf at first we hardly had 4 people while now we have about 13! And for building I'd love to help you as I was planning on doing an undertale tho never really having the time or man power map anyway. I personaly like doing this for my bigger builds is, I'll draw up basic blueprints of sorts and build away (just a small detail )

I'd love to join in with RP with you, I can picture having a great time learning with you guys while also figuring it out along the way , Besides you can't learn with out doing!

You can make sure that I'll join you're project as soon as I have the time as I'm still working on that batim map but its not like I'm losing sleep on not doing it. And I appreciate you keeping Papy open for me. I all ways did find being Papyrus more fun to play as then Sans, those trying to capture human highjinks, and all, While also considering hes more energetic then Sans no doubt.honestly the only undertale characters I'm good at rping as is Papyrus, Sans, And Flowey, as there the only ones I cared enough about too learn about them

Thanks for replying I'll be there soon no doubt, most likely tomorrow. cause that's when my internet limit resets

11/20/2017 12:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
EnergyMagick's Avatar
Alright! I look forward to seeing you! ^^ I may not be online, at all times, but I check console every few minutes. So if the server is empty, join anyways. See you there!

-EnergyMagick (Sara Amicus)
11/20/2017 10:12 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Collective
Curious-Ender's Avatar
I gave you're server a visit Late I know, I had to do something today, Anyway the server looks great! and I'm quite exited to see what it looks like in the future, I'll make sure to visit it tomorrow at a decent time  I seriously love the build

Update of sort : i'll try to join again when ever I have the chance witch is probably somehwhat often
11/22/2017 1:14 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
EnergyMagick's Avatar
Thanks you! And I am glad you like it! Though, admittedly, the current portion of the map was not built by us. All credit up to where the map currently ends goes to @GhostSpectrum ^^ we were lucky enough to find his map. Had we not, this may not have been very plausible.

https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/ghostspectrum/ (link to his page)
11/19/2017 1:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheHorseFly's Avatar
want to play on my realm?
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