Upcoming Hardocre Fantasy RPG Server: War For The West

SmokeGunner's Avatar SmokeGunner9/1/11 2:22 pm
11/29/2011 10:37 pm
Dawbsy's Avatar Dawbsy
Theres plenty of RPG servers out there but I hope to offer something diffrent. Im basing this RPG server off a real life novel I am writing. It will have tons of towns, hundreds of dungeons, quests, adventures, xp, shops, wars, sports, minigames and factions. While it is a long way from completition I am still putting up this post for you to suggest your ideas and join in the future. More details will emerge on this thread as it is made.

Unfortunately I will make it whitelist, this is only to get proper harcore roleplayers and no people talking about skype or something while your hunting down treasure.

So heres the form, If I like your application I will PM you. But please remember you will not be able to access it yet as it is not done, but the earlier you do it the more chance you have of getting in. The first 4 will become ops and be the leader of
a faction. The fith will get his own pre made house, diamonds, wolves and 1 wish he can ask for anytime.
Please Fill Out The Form To Join

Roleplay Name:(You May Ask For This To Be Your Nickname)
Roleplay Backstory:(We're looking for really creative charectors here. No rules on what type of charector it has to be except that they must come from outside
the Western Isles.)
Race:(Elf, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Talvion, Bravion... a Lizard like specious)
Past Roleplay Servers:
Why You Want To Join:

Hopefully it will be up soon!
Posted by SmokeGunner's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter

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09/01/2011 5:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hockeymad2000's Avatar
IGN: G511
role-play name: lost hero
Background story: A person shadowd in mystery people don't know much about him apart from the fact that people believe he rose up from the dead after a great battle in the lowlands the swampy area he nether did really die he got lost in the lowlands but has found his way back to his home land and has been nown as the lost hero they don't know his name as I said he is shadowed in a past when he followd good and evil know one really knows.
Race: Human
Past role-play servers: only light role-play no whitelist ones
Why do you want to join: I want to join cause this would be my first and I like role-play and Id try to go on when I can so I don't miss out and Id always stay in character

By the way you can change anything in this application to fit in with the novel or story line
09/01/2011 5:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tryhardpant's Avatar
Roleplay Name:(Herbert)
Roleplay Backstory:(I was a only child living i a cave with my pops.He was a Dwarf that worked in the local mineshaft. He use to beat me so i ran away from home. I meet this Elf that raised me and tought me all the basics to survive in the wilderness. Race:(Dwarf)
Past Roleplay Servers:Local ones
Why You Want To Join:Because i want to have fun and enjoy roleplaying. And stay in Character.
09/01/2011 5:36 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Very Nice charectors here. We could do with some Bravions though, Bravion rebels maybe. Or Elven Bravion slavers? Got 2 more spaces left for ops and the fith space left too.

The Shadowbridge Temple Is now complete and Shadowbridge itself should be done soon. Then we have to build Ironmount and its giant, so could do with some help with that. You dont have to roleplay if u come on yet as it is not done but when its finished you wil have to.
09/01/2011 6:32 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar

role-play name: Wistan

Wistan was a member of a struggling clan of Bravions and quickly learnt that the world was not fair and he was of a weak race. After spending most of their life on the run and losing his mother and influential father to slavers, he became the clan chief.

Having spent his entire life on the run Wistan realized that the Bravions skills were needed. In a daring adventure 43 brave Bravions ventured through the forest and found a town at which only 18 arrived. The town was filled with death and plague, but with the Bravions help the town recovered and now the elves and Bravions co-exist in the city.

i want to join a role play server because: they are fun and i want my games to have a story and minecraft is the perfect platform.
09/01/2011 6:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
i made a "lizardy" skin
09/01/2011 9:26 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Ducks5700's Avatar
IGN: Ducks5700
Roleplay Name:(You May Ask For This To Be Your Nickname) Gimble
Roleplay Backstory:(We're looking for really creative charectors here. No rules on what type of charector it has to be except that they must come from outside
the Western Isles.) I was raised with wolves, but one day our family was killed by creepers. I swore to avenge my family. I started to dig my way through the depths of the earth and came upon a shiny blue thing. I thought it was very interesting. I came out of my hole and started to explore near the town my family pilvaged one time. When I got in someone saw my diamond and sent me to the blacksmith. Once there I traded my diamond for tools. Then I went out and got some materials and made a house in the town. My story continues in your server.
Race:(Elf, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Talvion, Bravion... a Lizard like specious) Dwarf
Past Roleplay Servers: five
Why You Want To Join: I want to join because I have been looking for a server to have to play on and make things.
09/01/2011 9:36 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Ducks5700's Avatar
I decided to make a second chose the one you like best.

My name is Alcia

I am an elf who at the age of two had his parents killed by bravions. My parents had hidden me in a basket so that the bravions couldn't get me. Once they had left I emerged from the basket. I was taken in by an old elf warrior. He was good at both magic and sword fighting. He trained me in both, when I was 15 bravions yet again came and attacked us. This time I was ready, I slew all but one bravion who while running away turned back and shot a flaming arrow. my mentor had not been able to make it out alive, he died in the flame. I soon caught up with the bravion and slew it also. I took what I could from the house made a tomb for my mentor then traveled into town. Once there I traded what I could for tools. Then I went back into the forest and gathered loads of supplies for my house. When I got back to town I made a spot for my house then built an astounding house of wood and stone. I hate bravions. My story starts here.
I can be your bravion slaying elf if you want.
09/02/2011 2:11 am
Level 21 : Expert Button Pusher
eldergroan's Avatar
can you please tell me what area this server will be in (time zone) as i usaully play at night and lots of servers are very quiet that time...
09/02/2011 3:46 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
IGN: Brenjuku

Roleplay Name: Serenity

Roleplay Backstory: Serenity comes from a huge clan in a small Elven Village. Her clan is full of hardcore warriors who are always at war with a different clan. Serenity is different from all of them. Serenity is different from her clan mates. She has this peaceful vibe and tries to solve everything with peace. Although when the time comes to fight she is a fierce warrior. She doesn't enjoy killing but she does what she must to survive. Although she is young, she has a motherly personality and will help guide the younger elves throughout their journey protect them from any harm.

Race:(Elf, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Talvion, Bravion... a Lizard like specious) Elf
Past Roleplay Servers: I haven't been on one yet :l i have mostley just been on PVP and Creative servers.

Why You Want To Join: Roleplaying is fantastic. I have always dreamed about becoming Serenity. This server will help me live my dream and this server will help me meet people who are just like me. I think this server will help my character rise to it's full potential and I am really looking foreward to it (:
09/02/2011 5:16 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Very very nice applications here especially Brenjuku's. But I seem to have given you the wrong idea about the Bravions. Most of you seem to think they are savage monsters.

Bravions are the inhabitants of the jungles of the Lowgrounds. They are lizards but each has a diffrent shade of green according to thier personallity. In my novel the Bravion Kingdom is broken and any remaining Bravions are split into elusive tribes hidden in pockets of remaining jungle in the now war ridden swamps of the Lowgrounds. Many slavers enslave them because of thier strenghth and healing powers and thier homeland is split apart by war.

This server is set in the past, when the Bravion Kingdom was begining to break. The West and East had just begun thier war and most of the wilderness in the Lowgrounds is being torn apart. Most settlements are destroyed there but the capital still remains untouched. So you can still implement your story in. Perhaps you may decide to become a Bravion rebel leader.
And yes Bravions have Kings but clans have chiefs.
09/02/2011 5:30 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
gasyboy's Avatar

Role Play Name:Fredrick Hunlid

Background Story: Fredrick Hunlid was from a small but strong village which did not accept sickly looking baby ( A Bit Like Sparta ) but yet did they know Fredrick was no normal baby. he was a warlock yet he didn't know any spells his magic was strong and summoned wolfs what would protect him and feed him.

Race: bravion

Past Role Play Servers: i was in the obsidian role players

Why you want to join: i wish to join because i love role playing its way better than just building a house and killing mobs and getting griefed.
09/02/2011 5:40 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Just thought I would tell you some rules were thinking about setting.

1) You may grief places not claimed by world edit, so you can only grief said town if you are a member of it, but this will obviously be frowned upon and you may be hunted down by assasins and bandits.
2) You may only grief towns if your not a member when Battle is called between the West and East. That means I, the Emperor of the West must agree to do battle with Opium King of The East.
3) Stealing, Looting and Killing are ok.
4) No Hacking, mods or flying.
5)No breaking out of charector when the servers finally up.
09/02/2011 5:44 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
gasyboy's Avatar
can i be the chief of a bravion rebel villiage please?
09/02/2011 5:55 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
09/02/2011 6:00 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Right I got the 4 Op spaces taken. Here are my 4 ops.


While the ops spaces are now taken I will still op you if your application is excepetional. And we still have the fith space left.
09/02/2011 2:10 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
09/02/2011 4:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hockeymad2000's Avatar
My ingame name is G511
09/02/2011 5:06 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Thought I would give you guys my own application just so you understand my charector, the server should be up soon be open to public soon but were having a strange problem.

IGN: Smokegunner
Roleplay Name: Dwendavar Chaith
Roleplay Backstory: After Dwendavar's farther Emporer Harold Chaith was killed by a rebel Eastern Isle assasin he has allways been against the East. He decided to go to war after they breached thier Millitary access and Eastern troops entered the West. Dwendavar is the first Emporer to start the tradition of forging his armour from the Neevah caverns.
Race: Talvion
09/02/2011 9:00 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
what is a Talvion?
09/03/2011 3:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tryhardpant's Avatar
so when do u think the server will be up
09/03/2011 6:12 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
oh Brenjuku a Talvion is simmilair to a human. If you've played Oblivion thier very simmilair to Imperials.
09/03/2011 6:40 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
oh alrighty thanks
09/03/2011 12:15 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
09/03/2011 12:17 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer
craftboom's Avatar
Wow, so your taking applications for a server that may not appear for months if it appears at all.
09/03/2011 12:19 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
It's almost complete.
09/03/2011 12:23 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer
craftboom's Avatar
"Im basing this RPG server off a real life novel I am writing. It will have tons of towns, hundreds of dungeons, quests, adventures, xp, shops, wars, sports, minigames and factions."

"It's almost complete."

I've got to say I'm impressed. That's a lot of work for 24 hours.
09/03/2011 2:15 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
IGN: Year2700
Roleplay name: Jordan
Race: I made a new race, called a High elf
Background Story: Once stuck with an abusive family, Jordan escaped from home. He traveled days and nights, learning new spells along the way. Eating just raw meat, it was a wonder he survived until he found a village. The village became a town... and from this day I shall carry on his adventure.

Past Roleplay servers: I've been on one faction RPG and one REAL RPG.

Why you want to join: Well, the first reason is that whitelisted servers have a 5% chance of having a griefer, and the second reason, is that I want to find a server without half the server communicating in Skype and some new players that aren't 50 levels above me.

Please whitelist me to this awesome server. And also I just couldn't choose my race so I made a new one. If I can't have High Elf for a race then I'll go along with Elves.

09/03/2011 2:56 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
I wasnt actually expecting to get applications Craftboom. I also thought that normal players could connect but they cant for some reason. Im not forcing you to apply, I would never do that and I know theres a lot of better servers out there at the moment but people seem to like the idea of this server.
09/03/2011 8:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
xPeckAA's Avatar
i was a elf and i was attacked and so was my family and then i decided to leave my family to kill the people who hurt them, and on my Travels i met a Person called warhound2 and took cover at his town.
09/03/2011 8:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
peckaa became the leader of the elves in the town (u need a proper name like mine is wistan). so he is kind of my second in command.
09/03/2011 10:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dawbsy's Avatar
IGN: Dawbsy
Roleplay Name: Dawbsy or Dawb
Roleplay Backstory: Born into poverty and squalor in an unnamed far off human city, Dawb was just like everyone else. Except he was an elf. His father killed in a mugging, he was left to live with only his mother and his sisters. Being the only male child he took it upon himself to care for his family. Up until then Dawb was an honest hard working elf, always willing to lend a hand. But, one night a group of bigoted drunk humans attacked his family while they were returning from a restaurant. They killed his mother and stole away with his sisters. Dawb; racked with guilt, hatred, and self-loathing, set out to right the wrongs against him. He became cold and distant from his friends as he tracked down and stalked his enemies. He found them and tortured them for information only to find out that his sisters had been killed trying to escape. The mistreatment of his people had gone far enough, pushed Dawb far enough. He slew the men and took their ringleader to the roof. And dropped him. His revenge was a dish served modestly cold, and topped with blood. Dawb knew he could not stay in the city. With his dull shortsword he clipped his ears, hoping to pass off as a human to leave through its gates. He ventured out with nothing but, a sword and a past he longed to forget. Venturing out to nowhere. Now he's found a place. Will you let him in?
Race: Elf
Past Roleplay Servers: None. This will be a first for me so I hope you all will bear with it.
Why You Want To Join: I'm tired of being the guy in the back with the scar that no one really cares about. Hopefully here I'll make a name for myself, and a few friends to boot. Maybe I'll raise another town only for it to be destroyed and looted :/
09/04/2011 3:59 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Also guys I will become the leader of the high elves, since I made the clan.
09/04/2011 4:38 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar

I'm the Leader of the Divine Followers
We're an Religious Elven Clan!
09/04/2011 5:20 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
erm FOO, im afraid you cant really just add in your own races. You can have a clan called the High Elves but you cant make your own Race.
09/04/2011 5:34 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
Do you have any idea when the novel will be out and when the server will be up.
09/04/2011 7:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Ok I can change that a bit... I could make the council of high elves, with like, the co-leader of elves and the chancellor and the other high-ranked elves. Not like, a new race but a royal elf council, if you know what I mean. Similar to the jedi temple on coruscant.

Also can you answer these 2 questions for me? Tnanks!

1. Who are the 5 OPs and the extra VIP?

2. Am I whitelisted?
09/04/2011 9:27 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
gasyboy's Avatar
foo hes already named the ops on page 2 and the VIP isnt picked yet
09/04/2011 10:52 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Well that's nice to know, since I wanted to help the server, but theres no point now. Loads of noobs will come on and take the spaces. So I guess theres no point now. Pick me if you want though.
09/04/2011 10:53 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
Wont the 1.8 update mean you need to clear the server?
09/04/2011 11:06 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Warhound do you have a server we can play on until the server comes out?
09/04/2011 11:21 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Oh btw I read this topic every 1 hour in GMT so in the day I will look at this and reply, but at night, I won't.
09/04/2011 11:21 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
not really it need hamachi and has 2 run off the same machine that i play on.
09/04/2011 11:23 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
I have hamachi. Why don't we create one for a bit? My IGN is Year2700
09/04/2011 11:50 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
gasyboy's Avatar
ill play my ign gasyboy i have hamachi too
09/04/2011 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dawbsy's Avatar
When the server comes out, will we need to build a spawn village/town/city/ area? Or are you guys handling that before it's released? Because I can help with that.
09/04/2011 7:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Princess
BrenjukuLove's Avatar
I think smoke has made the spawn already im not quite sure xD
09/05/2011 3:39 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
Ive made the spawn building but still working on Spawn town, you are free to help if you want.
09/05/2011 3:54 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
gasyboy's Avatar
smokegunner is the server up because i will help (send me the i.p if it is)
09/05/2011 8:30 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
warhound2's Avatar
i will help aswell just send me the i.p.
09/05/2011 12:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tryhardpant's Avatar
can i helpp
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