VoidPrisons - Staff Recruitment - Op-Prison

TizelPrison's Avatar TizelPrison5/9/15 11:09 am
5/14/2015 11:27 am
x_Zombie_x's Avatar x_Zombie_x
There is a new post!
Posted by TizelPrison's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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05/09/2015 6:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
Anyone can apply. I don't base off of age. I base Of of Professionalism.
05/09/2015 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ryan3637's Avatar
Skype:Ryan3737(just Ryan not the chris guy)
Position:Server dev
Previous Builds(Builder Only):
Past Experience:I have done many different servers owned 2 successful servers (closed due to insufficient funds) i have done my fair share of config and optimizing the server to its full potential!
Why should you receive a position?: I believe i should receive this position because i am Good with pex and group manager. I am good at debugging and error finding i can help setup in game and on FTP. I have alot of ideas i would like to put forward to the server. I am looking for a Prison server i can actually make a difference on i have been working on another prison server and the owners a complete dick and wont accept my ideas just says i am doing it my way even his co owner hates him.
05/09/2015 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
05/09/2015 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fishylongpants's Avatar
Name: Sam Purcell
Age: 15 Almost 16 Years Old
Skype: Spurcy0824
IGN: Fishylongpants
Position: Developer
Previous Builds(Builder Only):
Past Experience: I have been staff on 3 other servers. I was Co-Owner on 1 server and i was Developer on the other 2 servers.
Why should you receive a position?: I like to code and work with all the cool plugins and experiment with what cool things can happen. I like to play around with perms and commands and do cool things. I would like to help to make this server.
05/09/2015 7:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
RealSilk's Avatar
Name: Jack
Age: 13
Skype: Explicint
IGN: RealSilk
Position: Server developer
Past Experience: I've owned a few servers, and I can make a server look really good.
Why should you receive a position?: I should receive the position so you have a quality server.

I think I recognize your name from somewhere, I think you used to be staff on my server.
05/09/2015 7:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
I helped build your Hub!
05/09/2015 10:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
RealSilk's Avatar
05/09/2015 7:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
GrapeCollie's Avatar
Name: Calli
Age: 18
Skype: callidogg
IGN: Callidogg
Position: Server Dev

Past Experience: I used to be a guard for a prision server, and I helped as a builder on one!
Why should you receive a position?: Well, I used PEX before, I set it up on my own server with it, I know how the plugins work and have a good understanding of them. I am a nice person and try to help who ever I can!
05/09/2015 7:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
PhireEclipse's Avatar
Name: Ashton
Age: 13
Skype: phireeclipse
IGN: PhireEclipse
Staff Position: Moderator
Past Experiance:
I have been moderator on several servers, and have owned several as well. Most of these servers have crashed due to money loss, which is the reason I'd like to set out for some new servers. Some of the servers I've been staff on are Infernal Realms, my 5 servers. ( Phirecraft 1, Phirecraft 2, Phirecraft 3, Phirecraft 4, Phirecraft 5, Phirecraft 6. Link to most recent server is http://phirecraft2.enjin.com/)

I love moderating and having fun with staff members. I play a LOT. ( Several hours per day usually ). I love setting things up, and watching the members flow in! Thanks for reading this app!
05/09/2015 8:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
I am not looking for any mods at this moment, just Builder and Server Devs.
05/09/2015 8:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
samgotskill's Avatar
Previous Builds(Builder Only):n/a
Past Experience:Next question explains it all.
Why should you receive a position?::I would like to become staff on your server for many reasons.I can work with plugins(not code them), build great hubs,spawns,and shops,and manage players using all of my previous experience.I have played minecraft for 4 years now and have owned my own server once but couldn't find any reliable staff.It was also shut down to lack of donations.I would like to be admin because all of the time i devote to the server will deserve a higher position that mod or helper(not to be greedy.I can start out at a lower rank if you want).I will be one of you most active staff members.I also have some great server ideas and good plugins we can use to create them.I have been admin many times on other servers before but we're shut down for unknown reasons.I hope you liked my application.Thanks
05/09/2015 10:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Dabestbuilder's Avatar
IGN: Dabestbuilder
Position: Builder
Previous Builds(Builder Only): I have built LOTS! in my time of playing minecraft some of my best builds include a 100x100 skyblock spawn a medieval mansion also a futuristic faction spawn that was 250x250.
Past Experience: I have been building for 3 and a half years and ever since then I have just LOVED doing it! I am currently taking a arcitectural class and I just love doing that kind of stuff. Dont judge me by my age just try me out you wont regret it!
Why should you receive a position?:I think that I should recieve a position because (NOT TO BE COCKY!) I am a very good builder. I also have other abilities that may come in handy!

05/10/2015 1:20 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
R1dd1ed's Avatar
Name: Jake
Age: 13
Skype: futuretiger101
IGN: futuretiger

Either would work, whichever you need most.

Previous Builds(Builder Only):

Past Experience:
I've been builder on many servers, and as you can see from the site above, I have experience building. On the other hand, I am good at problem solving, Java Script, and have a good knowledge of permissions.

Why should you receive a position?:
I am a very dedicated worker, and love prison servers. Additionally, I have a good knowledge of how they work. If I am hired, I guarantee that I will be as active and as helpful as possible.
05/10/2015 8:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
I will get to everyone as soon as possible, I have a Co-Owner how wants to look throught the applications to!
05/10/2015 9:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
Anyone Applying for Mod and Admin We will get to you when we have the server finished!

Everyone else I will be contacting on skype to tell you if you have been accepted or declined!
05/10/2015 10:02 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
AMS2003's Avatar
Name: Aidan
Age: 13
Skype: CowMan377
Time Zone: EST
IGN: CowMan377
Position: Admin
Examples Of Work(Graphic Designer Only):
Previous Builds(Builder Only):
Past Experience: I used to own 1 server and I was Admin and Mod on 2 other servers. I am very good with commands
Why you should receive the position:I will help players out if it is needed. I am very flexible so if the server has a reset or staff demotion I can handle it. I love helping players out if they are having trouble with anything like commands or what to do. If a player is using a hacked client I will ban them from the server. If someone is spamming and IP I will clear chat then I will mute them. If a player is being mean to others I will give him 1/3 warnings by kicking him and if he doesn't stop I will mute him for 10 minutes. If a staff member is hacking or abusing I will either take screenshots of it. I am also very loyal and I will be dedicated to this server. If I ever get money I might buy something off this server to help it grow.I am a fun person and love to have conversations with members. But when Force needs to be applied I drop the act and get on the problem. I know what to do in situations such as dealing with Cheaters or just a person spamming in the chat. I am always willing to help someone that needs it and I am just an overall nice guy, greeting and answering questions whenever possible. I love to interact with everyone anyway I can. The experience I have had prepares me for the job that I need to do and I am always ready, I play about 4-5 hours on weekends and 2-4 hours on Weekdays. Unless I have something important to do or something personal/family related. Loyalty is one of my big traits. I always stick with people till the end, if I work for that server that's the only server that is a priority to manage.
05/10/2015 10:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TizelPrison's Avatar
Edit: We are now looking for 1 Web Designer and 1 Graphic Designer!
05/11/2015 10:04 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
We are still looking for Builders, A Graphic Designer and a Web Designer!
05/11/2015 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
Edit: We are now looking for Admins, Moderators, and Helpers!
05/11/2015 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
robertromeo2139's Avatar
Name - Robert
Age - 14
Skype- robertromeo21
IGN - bobskey79784
Position - Server Admin
Past Experience - I have administrated and moderated a significant amount of servers in the past that have thrived but due to my recent span of inactavity thanks to a lot of baseball I haven't had as much time as staff recently. But overall, I respect all players and will make sure that racism and remarks in that category are to be dealt with. I provide satisfactory builds although I am requesting to be an Admin, I profess in multiple categories. I would love to watch your Prison Server, being my favorite gamemode, to thrive before my eyes. Thank you for reading my application and considering.
05/12/2015 9:14 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
05/13/2015 9:11 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
05/13/2015 9:52 am
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
Donii's Avatar
_My Application_






TimeZone:London GMT

Previous Experience:My previous experience with staff is very good in my opinion I've Owned two of my own servers and I've currently just had to stop a server due to problems with the host but anyways...I've been staff on a lot of servers because I love to help out. The staff position i normally apply for is Co-Owner/Owner because that is the role i know a lot about but as I have owned my own servers i do know a lot about other roles.

Why You Want To Join Our Team:I want to join this team because i can see a lot of potential in this server and can see that its going to do well and i want to be apart of that. I also want to be apart of the team because I have a lot of free time and i would love to spend my free time on this server helping out and being respectful/nice/kind to the Staff&Players!:D

How Long Can You Be On For:I can be on for around 8-9 Hours a day because I don't attend school at the moment and other reasons, So I can make sure that the server is doing well and making sure the players&staff are doing their job correctly during the time I'm online.

Why Should We Accept You:You should accept me because i have a lot of experience with being staff. I'm respectful and a nice/kind person and I want to prove it to you:D I'm very good at handling bad situations with players and with staff. I cant make you accept me its your choice but I want to prove to you that i can do my best and my best only:D I really hope you think i can be a good staff member on your server:D

Other:I want to help this server out as much as i can so I hope to hear from you soon with a reply:D
05/13/2015 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
Denied Sorry I don't read applications that are copy and pasted!
05/13/2015 4:03 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
Donii's Avatar
It wasnt copied and pasted?! I wrote it myself as it includes more detail than your application?
05/14/2015 11:23 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
Sorry thought I saw it somewhere else!
05/13/2015 10:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lasercorn129's Avatar
Name: Andrew Boyd
Age: 17
Skype: none
Time Zone: EST
IGN: bigpmac
Position: admin mod or helper. anyone open
Past Experience: i was a builder for factions.stonerbros.org
Brief Description About Yourself: i am an plugin developer. i make plugins that you might know i made 1 anti fly plugin to stop people from flying with clients but can still use /fly and i also made an anti kill aura plugin that can tell when someone has kill aura on and kicks him/her. Atm i am makeing a plugin that stops lag and fame drops. i am an expert with world edit and worldgaurd. i enjoy faction and prison servers. you may be thinking he is a plugin dev! why is he not applying for dev! well its because i enjoy trying new things and expirences.
05/14/2015 12:15 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
cdawgg99's Avatar
Name: chris
Age: 15
Skype: cdawgg99 or cdawgg hacks
Time Zone: EST USA
IGN: PHRgaming
Position: Admin
Examples Of Work(Graphic Designer & Web Designer Only): I can help out with the website as long as its like enjin, other wise i would have to get used to it
Previous Builds(Builder Only):
Past Experience: I have owned a prison server, i have been head-admin, and admin in one before, in the one's where i was head-admin adn admin i was trusted with this position and i was a respectful individual that's why i was picked.
Brief Description About Yourself: I am loyal, hard working, honest, kind, caring and overall nice person
05/14/2015 11:27 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_Zombie_x's Avatar
We are really in need of Builders!
Planet Minecraft


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