Whitelisted Mindcrack Style Server 1.7.2 (Decraft)

MarkEdIT's Avatar MarkEdIT1/3/14 3:48 pm
3/22/2014 3:20 pm
[]Levi08[]'s Avatar []Levi08[]
To get in you must simply fill out the application below.


Why you want to join:
What are you good at:
Anything else you want to say:

The server is 24/7 1.7.2 and White-listed so you must be accepted to join. I will try my hardest to reply to most applications we get within 24hrs. Thanks and good luck!
Posted by MarkEdIT's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/22/2014 3:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
[]Levi08[]'s Avatar
Name: Levi Priestley
Age: 11 (Don't judge)
YouTube:www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDJhk6-twzqYZjfdgvbKrg, Im a new channel.
Why you want to join: I'd love to post a mindcrack-style server on my channel and I'd think the viewers and I would enjoy it.
What are you good at: Building,Learning redstone and command blocks,helping people out, designing
Anything else you want to say:Although I am only 11 I did 6 questions out of a GCSE paper and got every single one correct, I am also VERY mature.
03/17/2014 9:38 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
cacciato100's Avatar
Skype Name:Cacciato4

In Game Name:Cacciato

Youtube Channel: Currently do Not have one. I'd Love to start Though. I just recently upgraded my computer and i think this would be a great opportunity to start YouTube!

will you post videos on this server: Yes at least once every two days




Skills:Building(Sometimes Medieval, Sometimes factories

Why do you want to be on the server:I used to own a server similar to this, I loved playing on it but sadly i had to shut it down. The reason it was shut down was because members weren't active enough. Here I'm assuming players will be on more and may the fun will last. I think i could contribute a lot. On the last server we had both a ender grinder and a iron foundry. In addition i think i could bring some pretty awesome pranks to the server (Of course with leaving some kind of message). I also really want to start building again. It gets old just playing minigames and such and here i will be active almost every day. I'd also love to make a shop if there is to be a spawn town(and start to make the Moola)

A little about you:(optional) I'm a 14 years old, I love rock climbing and playing Minecraft. I really enjoy joking around and talking with others. I also am in love with reading(Right now I'm reading the game of thrones.) I mostly Read Fantasy

Do you swear(if so how much):(this wont judge if your accepted or not just want to know what to expect)Im not gonna deny i swear a bit, But if its a problem i can always keep it in check. When i swear its never meant towards anyone or to make them feel bad.
Ps. If i get accepted cant wait to check out the server
03/16/2014 5:30 am
Level 44 : Master Batman
CyberGiga's Avatar
Name: Michael

Age: 16

IGN: cxwrules

Skype: michael_josia9

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cybergigaminecraft

Why you want to join: I want to join the server is because i really like whitelisted vanilla mindcrack style server because in small community we can have fun and we can know others better

What are you good at: I'm pretty good at redstoning and also building

Anything else you want to say: I hope that i can be accepted here because i'm a mindcrack-style server lover and I'm willing to make a new series on my channel in this server if you are going to accept me
03/15/2014 10:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IWumbo's Avatar
Name: Ean
Age: 16
IGN: Wumbos
Skype: Wumbominecraft or zyphergraphics
YouTube: Wumbosway or Zyphergraphics
Why you want to join: I really want to find a server with a bunch of people that respect each other and do not feel the need to be mean and just have fun.
What are you good at: Building(Specifically Modern), Farm building(Construction/Automation), and large builds.
Anything else you want to say: I hope that you consider me, for I really need a server with a true family.
02/22/2014 4:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXSwizzleGamerXx's Avatar
YouTube: SwizzleGames
Why you want to join: I want to play with a good community socializing and just hanging out and sharing ideas and concepts to make things as easy as possible by end game in vanilla minecraft.
What are you good at: Giving a self evaluation isnt my strong point but i would say im an okay builder i love resource collecting i know weird and i know designs to make things automated in minecraft.
Anything else you want to say: thnx for at least considering me for the server
02/06/2014 8:43 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
wraithjuggler's Avatar
Name:Zach Tede
YouTube:Coming soon!
Why you want to join: I really enjoy basic vanilla minecraft, and enjoy the community buildings and socializing we mindcrackers love to do! I also had recently lost my own popular mindcrack server(67+ people whitelisted), so I decided to move on and find something else.
What are you good at: Building and mining in minecraft.
Anything else you want to say: Have a nice day.
02/06/2014 8:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nickelspickles's Avatar
Name: Nicholas
Age: 14
IGN: nickelspickles
Skype: Nicholas Bauer
YouTube: Don't have one currently
Why you want to join: Because I want to have a fun vanilla server to play on with a good community.
What are you good at: Gaming and Basketball
01/04/2014 10:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DeadsCast's Avatar
Name: Mavrick
Skype: mavrickking
YouTube: Might be getting one soon
Why you want to join: well I have always wanted to play on a mndcrack server cause I want a small little community to work together with other people and have fun not to get raided
What are you good at: Building modspawners ify at redstone good pvper and good farmer
Anything else you want to say: Thanks for letting me try to get and hope I can join Thanks
01/04/2014 8:38 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
iSkittles_'s Avatar
Name: Bailey
Age: 13
IGN: bailey565656
Skype: Dukefan1889
YouTube: Don't record
Why you want to join: I want to join, because I want to build in the vanilla format of Minecraft, I don't like griefs all over the place when I join a server and have to travel far. I want to play on a server with a medium sized community.
What are you good at: Building
Anything else you want to say: Nopr
01/04/2014 12:13 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
kyle_stewart18's Avatar
Name: Kyle stewart
Age: 15
IGN: justanetherminer
Skype: kyle.stewart.37266
YouTube: dont have one at the moment
Why you want to join: to play survival with some cool guys
What are you good at: building
Anything else you want to say: please consider me
01/03/2014 11:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MiningKK22's Avatar
Name: Kapri
Age: 14
IGN: MiningKK
Youtube: TheMiningVideos (May not be able to record for a bit, having some uploading and downloading problems so uploading videos is almost impossible at the moment but will be fixed soon).
Why you want to join: I really just want to play on a server where everyone is a tightly packed community and everyone knows everyone almost like the MindCrack server.
What are you good at: I am well rounded in everything! Building, Redstone, etc.....I can do it all under some conditions .
Anything else you want to say: All I want to say is hopefully I can get on and thank you for reading my application . Have a great day.
01/03/2014 4:26 pm
Level 40 : Master Modder
Booshwookei's Avatar
Name: Nick
Age: 14
IGN: Spitman2
Skype: Nickarobinson99
YouTube: user/mrbushwookay (I have been looking for a server to record on, i have everything setup)
Why you want to join: I have been looking for a good community server for a really long time now, and i really hate minigames/factions server because of all of the children and griefers. Also, im an experienced builder so i think i would be great on the server
What are you good at: This is very cliche, but im proficient in just about everything in mincraft, i'm especially good at building though
Anything else you want to say: Just wondering, who is hosting the server, and how much ram is dedicated to the server..

Thank you
01/03/2014 4:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MyNameIsDustooo's Avatar
Name: Dustin
Age: 14
IGN: Dustooo12
Skype: superfingerdecker
YouTube: DustoooGaming
Why you want to join: I love to play with others! I have been looking for an awesome SMP server forever now! I will record on it too!
What are you good at: Building, surviving.
Anything else you want to say: GOML. Just kidding I am fun to play with though
01/03/2014 4:20 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Elbling's Avatar
Age:12 (Do not say anything)
IGN: Elbling
Skype: daren.mills1
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TheElbling1
Why you want to join: I want a nice Vanilla private server where I can record standard survival gameplay whilst having fun with the other players.
What are you good at:Although I am only 12, I have quite a lot of knowledge about Minecraft and general life.
Anything else you want to say: 12 year olds can be mature.
01/03/2014 3:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
PheonixFlames's Avatar
Name: Hayden
Age: 15
IGN: PheonixFlames
Skype: hayden.johnson59
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/theflamincabbage
Why you want to join: I really want to work with other people and record on a nice vanilla server with mature players.
What are you good at: I build a lot of sci-fi and medieval structures and i am very good with redstone.
Anything else you want to say: I admire what you are doing fine Sir and i wish you luck.
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