Wildcraft - Anything But Normal

SassySanta's Avatar SassySanta7/10/11 9:13 pm
10/8/2011 12:36 pm
Henri1122's Avatar Henri1122
We are back with a brand new bag of tricks!
If you don't like to have fun then we suggest you don't join this server and quit minecraft.
Those are the only people we don't like... and communists.

Your current admins are: SassySanta and Booty_Sauce.

I promise you, we aren't sex offenders.. registered that is. ;D

If you have any comments or concerns feel free to give us a holler at support@wildcraftmc.com

Wildcraft is a free build server where anyone can join to create new ideas.

Don't worry, we know our server is addicting and we know you will miss 2 out of your 3 meals a day, so we provide complimentary snacks. Just send us your address, we aren't sex offenders.

(But seriously don't send us your address, we have no use for it.)

We also do not support griefing.

Some plugins we currently use are:
LWC (Lock chest)
Multiple home points (up to 3, yeah that's right)
Citizens (Up and running)
IConomy (Up and running)
KeepGrowing (Scrapped due to lag issues)
pvp/karma system
wurkit (0.05 per block mined. payday every minute)
cookiemonsta (killing monsters give items and new items)
cenotaph (dying with chest in inventory saves items)
craftbook (soon to return)

And many more I gave up on mentioning

If you have questions or comments please check out our official site at:


Hop on in and see what the Wildcraft is all about!

Vote for us here

Also we don't like exploding creepers so we tweaked them a little bit.. if you know what I mean. There was a little bit of rape involved..

We now have our very own mumble voice server. Check it out: voice.fragnet.net:64748

Server IP: play.wildcraftmc.com
Posted by SassySanta's Avatar
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn

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07/13/2011 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TimothyXF's Avatar
This is my user Review for the Wildcraft server, and my experience is based on playing this server for the last two weeks. This is not an official review from the website itself, but my opinion.

Wildcraft is the first major server I’ve joined. My past multiplayer experience was a vanilla server run by friends, but this is the first PvP server in which I didn’t know anyone. I’ve heard positive things about this server with people claiming it was the best server on planet Minecraft. The question I had was: Is it really the best public Minecraft server? Well, that depends on what side of the fence you’re on.

If you’re the type of person that likes to go around and grief other people’s stuff, this server is a haven for you. You’ll be hearing time and time again of users complaining in the chat that their stuff is destroyed or taken, and the majority of the griefers get away with it. I’m not sure how much of this is true, because it seems the users scream for admins over the most trivial things. Speaking of chat, it’s by far the biggest downfall of this server. Countless spam bots, player using caps ALL THE TIME, and constant bickering is what you’ll be seeing in the chat. Now granted, this server doesn’t have a whitelist, so a majority of these issues are expected in a non-whitelist server, but the amount of it is still alarming and needs to be addressed.

Most of the creativity is centered around the spawn town (which is where all the advertisement pictures are taken), but even parts of that area have been griefed by users that had permission to build there. However, that’s nothing compared to the railroad area in which most users build their homes. A majority of these buildings have been griefed to some extent, and it looks more like ruins than actual buildings (unless they're going for a Fallout theme). The only way to minimize any griefing is to get far away from major population centers as possible. Even then, it doesn’t guarantee your buildings will be 100% safe, unless you ask an admin to put Worldguard around your house, or donate to the server to get it yourself (the latter I wouldn’t recommend to anyone).

Despite all the negative things I have to say about this server, there’s a few good things that stood out to me. The mobs have had a nice modification including the creeper. I’ve always hated the default creeper, and this server changes the creepers attack to where it will still hurt you, but not destroy any nearby blocks. Instead, a bolt of lightning comes down when he explodes (with nearby players hearing the thunder), leaving behind a small little fire where the creeper once stood. The fire doesn’t spread, but will still hurt you if you’re in it. Creepers aren’t the only mob that had a change, zombies and skeletons drop leather armor, bows, and arrows. The only negative thing I see in this change is that skeletons no longer drop bones, which reduces the available number of dyes you can make. It’s a nice change for those who are starting out, but not for those who are creative in their buildings.

PvP is what you expect in this server or any online game for that matter. Several users hang around where players warp in and they constantly get owned. I like PvP for the fact that I can defend my home if some unwanted guest decides to break in. Quite possibly one of the more satisfying things you can do in this server, but expect some drama to follow if the person is a drama queen or is friends with one of the higher ranked players.

Wildcraft’s claim of no lag should be taken with a grain of salt. I experienced the server lagging and it was pretty bad, but those were few and far in between. You also get lag for about 15-30 seconds when the server saves and backs up. While this is expected, it can still be annoying for some (especially when the server does this every 10-15 minutes). In regards to the server being on 24/7, I did experience a couple server restarts but I would say that claim is accurate. If there is downtime, it doesn’t last long. The people who run the server do a pretty good job to ensure it stays up.

So back to the question I asked in the beginning. Is Wildcraft the best public server on Minecraft? The answer is no, not even close. The negatives far outweigh any positives I experienced in Wildcraft. The community is very immature and not appealing for anyone looking for a server with mature players. However, this is a non-whitelist server, so a majority of these issues are expected for a server with few limitations. If you need a quick multiplayer fix, this server might help you out, but you’re better off playing with friends. If you still want to join this server after reading this, leave any high expectations you had at the door, and if you’re one of those immature kids that love creating internet drama, you’ll fit right in. For everyone else including myself, you’ll get tired of this server after a week or two.

Overall Score: 4/10 (Below Average)


- Mob hunting was fun on this server thanks to the modifications (although no bonemeal might be a problem for future plans)

- Dedicated server. Props to the people running this server. No problem getting in thanks to the 100 player limit.


- The community. Very immature. Always asking admins for stupid things.
- Griefing is very rampant here. No building protection unless you donate or bug an admin.
- Excessive use of CAPS LOCK, spamming, and overall drama in the chat.
- While a non-whitelist, free build server sounds like a good idea at first, it brings in a bunch of trashy players that have no regard for other people's work.
07/13/2011 5:56 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
psneh21's Avatar
ONE THING I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS SERVER... IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/14/2011 1:48 am
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
SassySanta's Avatar

Hey this is Booty_Sauce owner of the server along with SassySanta. I read all of your review and despite all the negative comments I really enjoyed reading it. Everything you have said is true. I don't know if you have been on the server recently, but I have already taken the initiative to crack down on some of the issues you have pointed out. First problem that i started to address is the griefing. Now every time someone claims they have been griefed, and I confirm it, instead of jailing the griefers i now ban them with zero tolerance. I know there is no way to catch them all but I am sure trying to reduce the issue, and i believe I have been doing a great job. Second issue, the community. There is nothing I can do to prevent the community asking a lot of stupid questions, anywhere you go on the internet there are stupid questions. As far as the CAPS problem, we have taken your criticism as a way to improve our server, so we are going to install a plugin to prevent this. As far as no whitelist bringing in trashy players. Trust me you can't be more right on this issue. We are planning in the near future to go whitlist to weed out the trouble-sum players. Please keep in mind that we are a new server and have only been up for a month. I'm sure no server that is as new as us was considered perfect in the first month. We can only tackle so many issues at once and are improving each day. I urge you to come back in a week, and write another review on the server. Some new things that have already been fixed:
1) New in game mall has opened up where players can buy items with their money that they have earned mining and killing monsters. Along with the ability to spend the money on any colored wool in the basement of the mall. (opened up literally an hour ago)
2) I have fixed the spawn and region locked more land around it to prevent the ugly look it once had.

07/14/2011 5:57 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
BloodShock101's Avatar
TimothyXF I'm sorry but this review is horrible , this is the best server on wildcraft . There are a few griefers and spammers but the problem is always fixed ASAP. PvP sometimes gets annoying but its still fun, you can carry chests so when you die they all transfer into the chest and no-one but you can open it.
07/14/2011 9:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sourcream098's Avatar
I write my opinion on the server after playing it for a few weeks. After reading Timothy's review I think that this server is not as bad as you have portrayed it by TimothyXF i do agree with a couple of your points but i disagree with your statement "Is Wildcraft the best public server on Minecraft? The answer is no, not even close." Wildcraft may not be the best server but it still a big contender. You mentioned about the lag issues. When i first joined the server there was a lot of lag but most of that has gone now that the server has changed its host, it is now a very quick and fast moviing server with the occasional bit of lag as you mentioned the fact of the server restarting is not a big problem for me as its only lasts a short amount of time even on my old laptop.

I will also agree with you about the spamming this is a very annoying issue but the server does have a built in way to deal with the problem you just type /ignore (name) until a admin is on to ban the player/player. Both you and the owners mentioned that the server is not white listed and therefore a lot of unwanted people join the server, those people either grief, moan or advertise different servers. I think the solution to this that i am sure the owners have thought of is to get more people into positions of responsibility, but not just anyone only people who prove themselves and don't ask to have a position of responsibility. Getting people from different timezones might also helps, I am from the UK and I will admit to being slightly addicted to Minecraft, I have broken up from school and have been for a while and while I've been on the server and theirs hardly ever a admin on or moderator even some lower ranked donators. A lot of griefing happens while i have been on and I cant do anything about it so i beg that the owners find someone who will be on most the time like me to stop these problems.

I have agreed with your negative points but i think there are far more positive points such as:
The wildcraft website community online; where the owners have set up a trailer competition in which i have entered in hope of getting the position of responsibility up for grabs. The website is also a place to resolve problems as is the Planet Minecraft page.

The modified monsters was a ingenious idea and I'm sure many servers will learn from what you did. The fact that there is no bones means you cant have legitimate pets (admins spawning bones) and farms take ages to grow.

I 100% agree with you on your statement about dedicated servers "Props to the people running this server. No problem getting in thanks to the 100 player limit." the owners SassySanta and Booty_Sauce have done a very good job with the server and i have seen tons of people on the server at one time and little if any lag.

As for the cons:

I think there is only a few cons this server has that any non - white listed server would get. those problems are as you said:

"- The community is Very immature. Always asking admins for stupid things.
- Griefing is very rampant here. No building protection unless you donate or bug an admin.
- Excessive use of CAPS LOCK, spamming, and overall drama in the chat.
- While a non-whitelist this server attacts a bunch of trashy players that have no regard for other people's work. "

The solution as you said is simple White Listing. The server is new and so you can moan to much to the owners. In time i am sure the server will be one of the top planet Minecraft servers if not the best.

I do not think there are any cons that will not be fixed in time and i hope TimothyXF that they will earn a higher score in your opinion.

As for any new player I strongly recommend giving the server a chance as the overall community (including admins and owners) is excellent.

I give the sever a 8 out of 10 (Great but a few floors)

The reason for this mark is the concept of the server and how it runs is excellent but a few problems need to have attention drawn to them and so i think a 8 is a more appropriate mark than the four you gave them and i understand your reasoning's but I think the server deserves more praise.


This is not a official review only my opinion just as TimothyXF shared his.
I do not claim rights to Minecraft, Planet Minecraft or Wildcaft.
07/15/2011 12:46 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Geek
Darkitect's Avatar
About the kids screaming for admins (I am one of the Admins), I've begun letting them know that if I'm busy and their problem isn't omgomgomg*sobsob*theypaintedmymotherblue important that I'll mute them for wasting my time.

We're like the police of the server, you'd get a ticket for wasting police resources, you get punished for wasting our time (or at least mine).

Caps gets you nowhere, neither does language. I regularly mute and kick players for both of those.

I've taken a very hard hammer to griefers recently as well. It's sad because we have players that are friends with the griefers, and now no longer have a friend to play with.

The worst part is lying to an admin. If your house was griefed 4 days ago, don't tell me it was 30 minutes ago. We have our ways to find out and you're not being clever. Also, don't get mad at the admin when our tools bring up nothing. The only reason griefers don't get reprimanded is because you waited too long to tell us (the tools rely on history, and it's usually only about 3 days worth). I also don't reprimand players when they were technically doing no wrong. For example: putting a chest in a cave and calling it your home and not locking the chest or actually *gasp* making a full fledged home out of it. Don't complain when someone comes along and takes all of your mining spoils, that was YOUR fault.

Everyone here should play with a good sense of reasoning. And everyone needs to read the rules. The latter is the biggest problem and is the cause of every single one of the negative's you reviewed.
07/15/2011 1:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Toddster70's Avatar
Indeed, I dont agree, I havent played on any other server, i hopped on Wildcraft and loved it as soon as i started, I was welcomed by the admins (Booty) had my questions answered and was happy so I donated and i enjoyed the perks alot. I have since moved out in the back and started a Town with a couple friends (Visit Cobble Cove Resort) and have had no issues with other players with the exception of a another town that i may have moved in a bit to close for thier liking, but, we chatted on the chatroom and solved it and havent had an issue since.

As for no admins or mods answering in the chat, again a big disagree, i find there all helpfull as well as the players. Face it people its a ton of work running these servers, ever thingk the admins and mods just want to enjoy thier time on the server too. For crying out loud, there is a you tube video on everything for this game, quit being lazy and look for yourself
07/15/2011 3:59 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
cuteygirl's Avatar
dont go to this server cause after all my hardwork they destroy my house and the gey owner booty takes away my diamonds and resets my account from 50k to 5k? WTF serousley unless u wanna get screwed around dont come to this server its a living helll within hell added the fact i did nothing fking WRONG so screw u booty and ur stupid little server=.= hope it gets hacked
07/15/2011 4:46 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
SassySanta's Avatar
Cuteygirl, its people like you that i am trying to weed out to make the game fair to everyone else. the fact that you have been on the server for only a few days and had an enormous amount a diamond and over 50 thousand dollars is unheard off. I play my own server legitly every once in awhile just to have fun and i don't glitch items for myself when doing so. I found that i only made 500 dollars in 3 hours and only 9 diamond. There is no way that you can tell me that you got all that money and items within a day. Proof being that you have been on the server for only a day is that you claimed your whole house being gone because of the server issue. well the server backup was only a half a day old. How would you feel if you were playing on my server like you were supposed to be doing and you see all these other players running around with glitched money and items. that would make you mad. well i owe it to my players to police the server and get rid of the cheaters like yourself.

As Far as the "almighty Timothy XF" Now that i think of it, disregard everything I have said in my reply back to your "Review". Everything you have said is narrow minded and a cheap shot. Obviously you have no clue on how hard it is to run a server and maintain everything in order. You are just a negative person in general and can not see the good things in my server. You keep saying smart Alick remakes like "wow, that's surprising that some of my sugar cane is still here." Well, I could assure you that if you would have asked for help by my many server helpers, that they would have solved the problem for you. All you had to do is ask, and you did not. So that is not a "server issue" ,but your failure to communicate to the authority players. You have your mind set that this server sucks and are not willing to see changes being made to improve the server. For that, I am made to believe you are just a little kid trying to get attention on the internet because your mother won't give it to you. So do me a favor and go trash talk another server because this one is just fine.
Love Booty_Sauce : )
07/16/2011 1:00 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
I don't want to get into anything here, but there is kind of no reason to talk like this. The guy pointed out a few problems, and even if he acted like a dirtbag afterwards doesn't mean you have to be rude to him. Just take the criticism and use that to make your server better.
07/24/2011 7:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
justinsells~76's Avatar
i agree with sassy i was banned from this server but ill admit that i cheated but this server is awsome and staff it fun.so

+9 for all sassys hard work

also if this server sucked then why would it be on MOST POPULAR SERVERS.

Sincerely, Justinsells76
07/15/2011 10:51 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
psneh21's Avatar
Booty good job on the server. I am one of the mods and know how it works. It is great except the occasional idiot who tries to ruin the game for everyone. They have been dealt with accordingly and it is a great server.

07/16/2011 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
goldgod12's Avatar
Ive only been on for a while and its very fun. my friend bfit is a mod here but he doesnt treat me like someone special. he treats me like the next guy. he toured me around spawn along with 2 others. Now the only problem i have with this server is the chatting.
Alot of the chatting in immature. but every thing else is just great. i highly disagree with Timothy on this server. Itis a great server. Its just said there are people out there cheating and hacking to get stuff. A;ong with all the chat noobs.

All in all i give the server a
7 out of 10= A great concept by all means. Just the flaws do pull it down.
07/16/2011 9:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sourcream098's Avatar
Booty i know you have read my review i hope i haven't been to negitive please may you write a response to my review your server is a great server and as i mentioned the flaws are all problems all none white listed servers would have so good job.
07/16/2011 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
smiley_j's Avatar
Just wondering, why am I all of a sudden banned? Yeah, I griefed Glass Pass Village last night, but I was jailed, and admitted/apologized for the griefing. I also killed the members of Glass Pass Village multiple times, but last I checked PvP is allowed on this server. Their spawn point is right next to wilderness, so it was easy to fight with them. There was an Admin on when all this was going on, and even he was fighting over at Glass Pass Village spawn, so I don't see what the big deal is. If towns don't want PvP conflict, the mayors need to disable it. I like this server, and would like to keep playing on it, but maybe my aggressive "Bandit" style isn't jiving?
07/17/2011 2:38 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
motomonkey28's Avatar
Hey guys it Motomonkey28
I am also and admin on the server and me and ehandrew are only 2 people we cant help everyone all at once so if we say we are busy then we are busy just wait 10 15 minutes then ask for our help and not in caps cause i give one warning and one warning only then i will mute you. It may sound like im bein a jerk but we have rules for a reason and when you join this server they should be read not disregarded. Another thing that was mentioned in the review is greifing all the admins and owners ave decided to have a ZERO tolerance for greifing if we catch u greifing or have proof that you did greif someone we will ban u with no hesitation. thank you guys for playin the server if u give it time it really gets alot of booty and sassy both have big plans for the server so keep playing and see where it goes
07/17/2011 10:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sourcream098's Avatar
Motomonkey, EHAndrew, SassySanta and Booty_Sauce do a very good job policing the server i am sure they play Minecraft in there spare time and so cant always be online there are mod's to assist them so don't complain if no ones on for you to moan to, just be patient and they will do there job when there on.
07/17/2011 10:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TimothyXF's Avatar
Well I must say Sassy, your recent post has surprised me to say the least, but not in a good way.

SassySantaAs Far as the "almighty Timothy XF" Now that i think of it, disregard everything I have said in my reply back to your "Review". Everything you have said is narrow minded and a cheap shot.

Didn't I state in my earlier post that Wildcraft was my first major server review or did you just completely disregard those first two sentences? I came into this server with a neutral state of mind, and my information was based off of 2 weeks of being on the server, which is a lot longer than most new people will ever give a server. Also if everything I said was cheap and narrow minded, why has there been so many changes to the server after I posted my review?

Obviously you have no clue on how hard it is to run a server and maintain everything in order.

You're right, I don't. However, you made that decision to run such a large server and create a minecraft empire, and by making the decisions you did early on to build a community that's mostly strangers, it seems you weren't prepared to face the negativity or adversity that comes with it. Case in point, this post that I'm currently dissecting.

You are just a negative person in general and can not see the good things in my server.

Way to completely disregard paragraph three in my review when you posted this response. It also seemed you ignored the props I gave to the owners in keeping the server up despite the negative things I saw about it.

You keep saying smart Alick remakes like "wow, that's surprising that some of my sugar cane is still here." Well, I could assure you that if you would have asked for help by my many server helpers, that they would have solved the problem for you. All you had to do is ask, and you did not.

It seems like you need some explanation to this because I guess my hints were not good enough. Basically what I did with all the extra saplings and sugar cane that I stored away in my chests is I simply planted them back into the world (near the railroad area and giant pokeball). I usually come back about 24-48 hours to see if any of this stuff is gone, just for **** and giggles. I recently planted about 20 sugar canes in this general area, and when I returned, about half of the sugar canes were still around. That is where I made my "smart aleck" response. I guess next time I should say "I PLANTED FREE STUFF NEAR POKEBALL" in all caps, but from the sound of it, there won't be a next time.

So that is not a "server issue" ,but your failure to communicate to the authority players. You have your mind set that this server sucks and are not willing to see changes being made to improve the server.

I believe I posted in a response that I would give Wildcraft another week or two and maybe do another review based on the changes I saw. You also invited me to come back in a week to see how much Wildcraft improved (btw, your response and mine is now mysteriously deleted....hmm). In terms of addressing issues in game and failure to communicate, I'd rather address the issues on the forums because Minecraft doesn't have the best IG chat in the world, and people have a tendency to overlook things unless you scream in caps. This place is a way to express my opinions about Wildcraft without making myself look like a spamming idiot.

For that, I am made to believe you are just a little kid trying to get attention on the internet because your mother won't give it to you. So do me a favor and go trash talk another server because this one is just fine.
Love Booty_Sauce : )

This is where my respect towards you just died. You KNEW that I was spot on in my review, because it got the attention of upper management and you're doing everything in your power to improve the overall experience (the shop was a nice addition btw). I wonder what would of happened if I didn't say in my review that the community was immature, griefing was atrocious, and spam was out of control? I wonder how long it would of taken before someone else would of spoken up and publicly said the exact same things I did?

What really surprises me most of all is that your opinion about what I said went from supportive to crap. Your first response made me believe that the server was indeed going into the right direction, but now that I know your true colors, why would I want to play on a server in which the owners can't take any negative criticism whatsoever? I was getting pretty close to take back what I said because I was starting to see the turnaround, but I'm not going to waste my time in writing a second opinion, and I'm not going to waste your time on giving you suggestions to improve the overall experience.

After this rebuttal, I'm done with Wildcraft. I refuse to support upper management that's hypocritical, arrogant, and can only see one side of the spectrum instead of the whole thing.
07/18/2011 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sourcream098's Avatar
To TimothyXF and Booty_Sauce

You should not end your experience with wildcraft just because booty_sauce said some mean things to you (they were harsh) give it another chance the server have become white listed and therefore I would now like to give the server a

10 out of 10 rating (Amazing almost no flaws and still lots more on its way)

Thanks to Booty and Sassy for making the server and please everyone give Wildcraft a chance. I can tell you that this server is worth your time and now (thanks to admins and mods) got a better community and little or no annoying players.
07/24/2011 7:04 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
SassySanta's Avatar
TimothyXFWell I must say Sassy, your recent post has surprised me to say the least, but not in a good way.

SassySantaAs Far as the "almighty Timothy XF" Now that i think of it, disregard everything I have said in my reply back to your "Review". Everything you have said is narrow minded and a cheap shot.

Didn't I state in my earlier post that Wildcraft was my first major server review or did you just completely disregard those first two sentences? I came into this server with a neutral state of mind, and my information was based off of 2 weeks of being on the server, which is a lot longer than most new people will ever give a server. Also if everything I said was cheap and narrow minded, why has there been so many changes to the server after I posted my review?

Obviously you have no clue on how hard it is to run a server and maintain everything in order.

You're right, I don't. However, you made that decision to run such a large server and create a minecraft empire, and by making the decisions you did early on to build a community that's mostly strangers, it seems you weren't prepared to face the negativity or adversity that comes with it. Case in point, this post that I'm currently dissecting.

You are just a negative person in general and can not see the good things in my server.

Way to completely disregard paragraph three in my review when you posted this response. It also seemed you ignored the props I gave to the owners in keeping the server up despite the negative things I saw about it.

You keep saying smart Alick remakes like "wow, that's surprising that some of my sugar cane is still here." Well, I could assure you that if you would have asked for help by my many server helpers, that they would have solved the problem for you. All you had to do is ask, and you did not.

It seems like you need some explanation to this because I guess my hints were not good enough. Basically what I did with all the extra saplings and sugar cane that I stored away in my chests is I simply planted them back into the world (near the railroad area and giant pokeball). I usually come back about 24-48 hours to see if any of this stuff is gone, just for **** and giggles. I recently planted about 20 sugar canes in this general area, and when I returned, about half of the sugar canes were still around. That is where I made my "smart aleck" response. I guess next time I should say "I PLANTED FREE STUFF NEAR POKEBALL" in all caps, but from the sound of it, there won't be a next time.

So that is not a "server issue" ,but your failure to communicate to the authority players. You have your mind set that this server sucks and are not willing to see changes being made to improve the server.

I believe I posted in a response that I would give Wildcraft another week or two and maybe do another review based on the changes I saw. You also invited me to come back in a week to see how much Wildcraft improved (btw, your response and mine is now mysteriously deleted....hmm). In terms of addressing issues in game and failure to communicate, I'd rather address the issues on the forums because Minecraft doesn't have the best IG chat in the world, and people have a tendency to overlook things unless you scream in caps. This place is a way to express my opinions about Wildcraft without making myself look like a spamming idiot.

For that, I am made to believe you are just a little kid trying to get attention on the internet because your mother won't give it to you. So do me a favor and go trash talk another server because this one is just fine.
Love Booty_Sauce : )

This is where my respect towards you just died. You KNEW that I was spot on in my review, because it got the attention of upper management and you're doing everything in your power to improve the overall experience (the shop was a nice addition btw). I wonder what would of happened if I didn't say in my review that the community was immature, griefing was atrocious, and spam was out of control? I wonder how long it would of taken before someone else would of spoken up and publicly said the exact same things I did?

What really surprises me most of all is that your opinion about what I said went from supportive to crap. Your first response made me believe that the server was indeed going into the right direction, but now that I know your true colors, why would I want to play on a server in which the owners can't take any negative criticism whatsoever? I was getting pretty close to take back what I said because I was starting to see the turnaround, but I'm not going to waste my time in writing a second opinion, and I'm not going to waste your time on giving you suggestions to improve the overall experience.

After this rebuttal, I'm done with Wildcraft. I refuse to support upper management that's hypocritical, arrogant, and can only see one side of the spectrum instead of the whole thing.

Timothy that was Booty, not me. Please read the posts thoroughly
07/24/2011 7:35 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
justinsells~76's Avatar
TimothyXFWell I must say Sassy, your recent post has surprised me to say the least, but not in a good way.

SassySantaAs Far as the "almighty Timothy XF" Now that i think of it, disregard everything I have said in my reply back to your "Review". Everything you have said is narrow minded and a cheap shot.

Didn't I state in my earlier post that Wildcraft was my first major server review or did you just completely disregard those first two sentences? I came into this server with a neutral state of mind, and my information was based off of 2 weeks of being on the server, which is a lot longer than most new people will ever give a server. Also if everything I said was cheap and narrow minded, why has there been so many changes to the server after I posted my review?

Obviously you have no clue on how hard it is to run a server and maintain everything in order.

You're right, I don't. However, you made that decision to run such a large server and create a minecraft empire, and by making the decisions you did early on to build a community that's mostly strangers, it seems you weren't prepared to face the negativity or adversity that comes with it. Case in point, this post that I'm currently dissecting.

You are just a negative person in general and can not see the good things in my server.

Way to completely disregard paragraph three in my review when you posted this response. It also seemed you ignored the props I gave to the owners in keeping the server up despite the negative things I saw about it.

You keep saying smart Alick remakes like "wow, that's surprising that some of my sugar cane is still here." Well, I could assure you that if you would have asked for help by my many server helpers, that they would have solved the problem for you. All you had to do is ask, and you did not.

It seems like you need some explanation to this because I guess my hints were not good enough. Basically what I did with all the extra saplings and sugar cane that I stored away in my chests is I simply planted them back into the world (near the railroad area and giant pokeball). I usually come back about 24-48 hours to see if any of this stuff is gone, just for **** and giggles. I recently planted about 20 sugar canes in this general area, and when I returned, about half of the sugar canes were still around. That is where I made my "smart aleck" response. I guess next time I should say "I PLANTED FREE STUFF NEAR POKEBALL" in all caps, but from the sound of it, there won't be a next time.

So that is not a "server issue" ,but your failure to communicate to the authority players. You have your mind set that this server sucks and are not willing to see changes being made to improve the server.

I believe I posted in a response that I would give Wildcraft another week or two and maybe do another review based on the changes I saw. You also invited me to come back in a week to see how much Wildcraft improved (btw, your response and mine is now mysteriously deleted....hmm). In terms of addressing issues in game and failure to communicate, I'd rather address the issues on the forums because Minecraft doesn't have the best IG chat in the world, and people have a tendency to overlook things unless you scream in caps. This place is a way to express my opinions about Wildcraft without making myself look like a spamming idiot.

For that, I am made to believe you are just a little kid trying to get attention on the internet because your mother won't give it to you. So do me a favor and go trash talk another server because this one is just fine.
Love Booty_Sauce : )

This is where my respect towards you just died. You KNEW that I was spot on in my review, because it got the attention of upper management and you're doing everything in your power to improve the overall experience (the shop was a nice addition btw). I wonder what would of happened if I didn't say in my review that the community was immature, griefing was atrocious, and spam was out of control? I wonder how long it would of taken before someone else would of spoken up and publicly said the exact same things I did?

What really surprises me most of all is that your opinion about what I said went from supportive to crap. Your first response made me believe that the server was indeed going into the right direction, but now that I know your true colors, why would I want to play on a server in which the owners can't take any negative criticism whatsoever? I was getting pretty close to take back what I said because I was starting to see the turnaround, but I'm not going to waste my time in writing a second opinion, and I'm not going to waste your time on giving you suggestions to improve the overall experience.

After this rebuttal, I'm done with Wildcraft. I refuse to support upper management that's hypocritical, arrogant, and can only see one side of the spectrum instead of the whole thing.

Timothy that was Booty, not me. Please read the posts thoroughly

but i also agree with timothy cause he makes a very very good point sassy you kinda overreacted to his "help"
08/01/2011 11:40 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
SassySanta's Avatar
Booty >_> and yeah I know. He just kept acting all high and mighty afterwards though. I've witnessed it. I don't agree with either side, but it does get annoying when we say give us time and next time he logs on he criticizes. We're only human and we can't make huge changes that fast and if you think you can then go run a large server and try it for yourself. Ain't easy Sassy out.
08/02/2011 4:03 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
justinsells~76's Avatar
lol amen
10/08/2011 12:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Henri1122's Avatar
this server sucks what ever you do someone destroys it and after a time u hate minecraft
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