I need opinions.

_Hellcat_'s Avatar _Hellcat_7/7/15 9:17 pm
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7/9/2015 4:07 pm
anonpmc1231920's Avatar anonpmc1231920
I've created a plan for my life and I want to see what people think of it.

1. Get $25,000.
2. Buy an old convertible Corvette and paint it hot pink.
3. Take it from there.

Personally, I think this is a great plan, but what do you guys think?

Hopefully there's someone out there who believes this is the most amazing plan in the world.
Posted by _Hellcat_'s Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Toast

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07/09/2015 4:07 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
07/09/2015 1:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Neptonic's Avatar
Dude, just let your life flow man. Plans are for people who are scared of the curve balls life throws your way, even though they are bound to happen.

Just my opinions.
07/08/2015 7:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
SillyPandas's Avatar
Damn! You got a life plan! All I got in my life plan is to study hard and then idk what happens after that. I'm picturing your hot pink Corvette looking very nice.

If you really want to do this, do it! You don't need the opinions of other people to do it if you really want to do it. Its your life and you decide how to control it. So either way opinions of others won't really matter, unless its something horrible.

Anyways hope you enjoyed that strange speech of mine and good luck on getting your Corvette
07/07/2015 9:33 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Kioki's Avatar
My plan in life is:

1. Graduate 4 years of college
2. Apply to a small job such as a computer store.
3. Save up for an apartment
4. Apply to a cartoon company,
now this next part depends on whether or not I get a job from the cartoon company.

A: I get the job
1. Save up for a car
2. Save up for a computer
3. Get drawing tablet, start practicing my animations more
4. Save up for a house (to rent)
5. Save up to start up my own company to make animations

B: I don't get the job
1. Cry
2. Apply to a random job, something better than the current one
3. Save up for a car
4. Buy a garage/ save up for one
5. Make the garage like a house
6. Apply to a different cartoon place

Thats all for now
07/07/2015 9:24 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
These are the main points in my life. You see, if I had a pink corvette, I could do anything. Think of the POSSIBILITES!
I'm not actually serious. Well, sort of.
07/07/2015 9:21 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
Are you being sarcastic...? That's not very big of a plan...

So far, you have part of a plan. This handles vehicle ownership, and you have a goal of saving up $25 000 so that you can buy an old convertible Corvette and paint it hot pink, getting a smoking vehicle.

What will you do with it, then? What's the purpose of this?
What are you going to do with the money left behind?

And if you're going to save $25 000, you'll have A LOT more things to be worried about than a Corvette by that time. You'll probably seek to invest elsewhere.

Otherwise, that's an awesome goal. Don't make it your primary, but that's a good goal.
07/07/2015 9:26 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
What will I do with it?
Duh, drive it.

What's the purpose?
It's a pink corvette. What's NOT the purpose?

With the money left?
Save it. I'm not THAT dumb.

I have a feeling you're assuming I'll do this all when I'm 18. I won't. I might. But I probably won't.

Your questions have been answered.
07/07/2015 9:20 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
EmeraldEclipse's Avatar
Ummmmmmm..... No offense, but thats your whole life plan?

My life plan is: Non-Existent. Yet.
07/07/2015 9:20 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Programmer
deadrecon98's Avatar
You might want to re-organize your priorities.
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