Need a Plugin Coded? I'm Your Guy!

The Gaming Grunts's Avatar The Gaming Grunts12/19/13 9:36 pm
8/1/2014 8:42 pm
morganjacob987's Avatar morganjacob987
Hey everyone! So, I know there are A LOT of people who want custom plugins for their servers, but cannot find them and/or cannot find someone to make the plugin for them. So, I've decided to lend my service to the community and make plugins for anyone who wants them.

Now why should you ask me for a plugin? I have a lot of experience coding and working with the Bukkit API. I've been working with Java for a year and a solid 8ish months with Bukkit. I believe I have decent skills and can make decent plugins.

If you're interested, feel free to submit your request by replying to this thread with the following:

1. Plugin Name:
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz):
3. Any ideas for commands?:
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.:
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev:

Note: Keep in mind that I will not charge a fee if the plugin is going to be public (i.e. posted on Bukkit Dev or on my website). However, if you want the plugin to be private, I will charge a small fee, which will be reasonable and very negotiable. Also, please be reasonable with your requests. Please don't request anything as complicated as a mini-game, simply do to the fact of their sheer complexity and I'm not willing to spend a ridiculous amount of time working on them, considering that I have college applications and other schoolwork to do at the moment and I don't have a lot of free time.

EDIT Please submit your requests here: http://project-x.me/blog/request-plugins/
Posted by The Gaming Grunts's Avatar
The Gaming Grunts
Level 14 : Journeyman Pokemon

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08/01/2014 8:42 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
morganjacob987's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: Health Editor
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): Will allow you to set your max hearts. Default: 20 Example: 5 (actually 2.5 is the real hearts)
3. Any ideas for commands?: /sethearts (hearts) /resethearts (sets to 20)
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: 2 weeks
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Yes

03/27/2014 4:18 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Pokemon
The Gaming Grunts
The Gaming Grunts's Avatar
Sorry for not responding to any of the requests. I got tempbanned for a month and I simply forgot to check back.

I'm moving the requests over to this page: http://project-x.me/blog/request-plugins/

This is a much easier way to submit requests and you can be assured that you will get an immediate response
12/24/2013 3:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Motherload's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: Increment Weather.
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): Snowballs will rain from the sky and cause 1/2 heart of damage per hit. 1 snowball per chunk. It's kind of like Blizzards.
3. Any ideas for commands?: Something like /toggle on blizzard to toggle it on and off.
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: However long it takes.
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: BukkitDev
12/24/2013 3:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
TylerV's Avatar
ViperCobraI have a pretty simple request, way simpler than all the others. Any time within 2 weeks.

Maybe you should wait your turn instead of trying to get the guy to focus on your "simple" plugin, I mean why would you need your plugin in less than 2 weeks? You must be in a hurry with a deadline like that :/

Mind your own business and worry about the plugin you requested, not everyone else's requests.
12/23/2013 2:36 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Modder
GamerBah's Avatar
Sorry for the complexity...
1. Plugin Name:

2. What will the plugin do:
The plugin will serve as a minigame where players fight for objectives.

3. Any ideas for commands?:
User Commands:
Click to reveal
/mm join <ArenaName> - joins the specified game (if not in progress)
/mm leave - leaves the game
/mm stats - lists stats of the player (Too advanced?)
/mm arenas - lists all active arenas
/mm classes - shows what classes the player can select
/mmc <ClassName> - lets the user pick which class they want for the current game

Admin Commands:
Click to reveal
/mm createarena <ArenaName> - defines an area to have the game played in. Used with a World Edit Selection.
/mm setspawn <TeamName> - sets where players will respawn on death (must be inside the arena boundaries
/mm forcestart - starts the game forcefully
/mm stop - stops the current game
/mm select <ArenaName>
/mm enable - enables the selected arena
/mm disable - disables the selected arena
/mm reload - reloads the plugin
/mm addwall <ArenaName> - adds a join wall for that arena

4. When would you want it by?:
Whenever you can get it done. Take as much time as you need

5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev:
You have permission.

The more in-detail post can be found here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mismat ... st-1820548
12/23/2013 12:38 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
TylerV's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: Anything you want(or maybe EasyWorldTransport
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): I would like the plugin to teleport a player to a world using multiverse, when typing /(worldname). For example, instead of /mv tp creative, use /creative. I do not think there is already a plugin like this.(or an updated plugin like this..)
3. Any ideas for commands?: /(worldname) - configurable in config.
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: within a week if possible.
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Yes

My skype is tylerthecreeper1 if you need anything else.
12/23/2013 2:46 am
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
alj21's Avatar
1 week? Mate, you aren't the only person here trying to get plugins for a server. You can wait too.
12/23/2013 11:26 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
TylerV's Avatar
IF POSSIBLE as I said.
12/22/2013 11:31 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
alj21's Avatar
ViperCobraI have a pretty simple request, way simpler than all the others. Any time within 2 weeks.

Maybe you should wait your turn instead of trying to get the guy to focus on your "simple" plugin, I mean why would you need your plugin in less than 2 weeks? You must be in a hurry with a deadline like that :/
12/21/2013 11:20 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
ViperCobra's Avatar
I have a pretty simple request, way simpler than all the others.

1. Plugin Name: SimpleUtilities

2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): It will let players with the correct permissions access a virtual version of any of the Minecraft utility blocks with a simple command. Chest, Furnace, Enderchest, Anvil, etc. (Don't forget if someone leaves items in the virtual furnace to leave them there

3. Any ideas for commands?:
/enderchest (add a config to disable this one as it might fight with essentials)
/workbench (same with this one)
/enchantmenttable [Max-Enchant-Level] (Max-Enchant-Level means the highest level the enchantment table will go to)
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: Well the plugin sounds pretty simple to me, but I don't know if it would be simple to make, but I would like it anytime within 2 weeks.

5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Feel free
12/22/2013 12:00 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
IGuitarMastaI's Avatar
That's a pretty good plugin, I would use that!
12/21/2013 11:04 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
alj21's Avatar
1. Plugin Name:
MC Panem

2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz):
You can claim plots of land of certain sizes, or be able to use a command to choose how many blocks large. Will also include a towns feature, where you can name and edit towns, be mayor etc. As it is a Hunger Games based plugin for a Hunger Games RPG server, could it also add a command to freeze players that are in a certain radius for a minute, for example to countdown the start of a tournament so that people cannot leave their podiums. Could it also have a credits system, to allow shops and a serverwide currency, to buy town plots, etc. Could it also gift tributes items, such as food or small weapons at random points in the Hunger Game.
I know I am asking alot, but if you can do this we would be extremely grateful.

3. Any ideas for commands?:
/freeze <radius> (freeze players in a certain radius for 1 minute (only available to admins))
/plot <x> <y> (create a plot for a town (only available to admins))
/town create <name> (to create a town (only available to admins))
/town set <PVP, Flame, Mobs> <on/off> (Only available to town owner))
/plot claim (claims plot you are in, if it is for sale (available to town residents only))
/plot fs <amount of credits> (to set a plot for sale (plot owner/town mayor only))
/give <player> <amount of credits> (gives player credits (only available to admins))

4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.:
At most a few months (due to the fact we want the server up ASAP, but the plugin could be installed just before the server is made public), but as long as it is good quality I will be very happy

5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev:
Feel Free, and on the server itself full credit will be given to you

MC Panem
12/21/2013 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
IGuitarMastaI's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: XPCompressor
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): The plugin will take how much EXP you have and convert them to bottles and also to give players the privilege to sell/buy exp from other players
3. Any ideas for commands?:
/EXP compress [LVL]
/EXP give [LVL] [PLAYER]
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: Anytime you feel
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Sure, why not
12/21/2013 3:18 am
Level 47 : Master Bunny
kryMas's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: Btoom!
2. What will the plugin do: Like a mix of survival games, with bombs. A specific amount of players (Configurable) will be spawned onto a map (That you select with World Edit or something) and are scattered around the map. They each get 10 bombs, of a certain category between 7 bombs.
Loot Crates also drop every Minecraft day, which contain food and occasionally extra bombs. Loot should be configurable

The bombs are:
Timer- A timed bomb, that can be paused and picked up.
Cracker- A bomb that needs to be activated, then explodes upon impact
Gas- spawns a "gas" which will be cobwebs fanning out from the location of the bomb, and giving players the wither+poison (To give a green colored health but will still kill them) as the gas slowly spreads outwards
Tracker- Locks on to a target when right clicked (I dont even think this one is possible, if not, skip) and then flies towards the target when rightclicked again. Explodes within a 1-3 block radius of the target/entity
Flame- Creates a big flame ring (A empty fire ring, not a filled fire ring)
Imploding- When it is activated (Toss a projectile, and when punching with the held item, activates it) it will suck in blocks/mobs/players in a certain radius (Configurable) and does a TNT spazzum effect where the bomb was, (A way to make it explode in the air through timing) and kills anything caught in it.

NOTE: If you watch a anime called "Btooom!" you will understand what I am getting at :3
3. Any ideas for commands?: /bm = Basic info of Btooom!
/bm reload= Reloads configs
/bm forcestart= Forcestart a game
/bm wand= The wand to select the arena
/bm create [Name]=Create arena with that name of selected area
/bm remove [Name]= Removes that arena with that name
/bm stop= Stops a game
4. When would you want it by?: Anytime you can complete it
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Yesh
12/21/2013 12:30 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
EpicRobertA1's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: YouTuber
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): So, the players do /YouTubers, and it lists YouTubers. Make the config easy to add YouTubers please. Then they can do /youtuber goto [Name] and it redirects them to the channel.
3. Any ideas for commands?: /Youtubers /Youtuber goto
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: Any time 2 days?
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Yes
12/20/2013 11:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Cannonskullzz's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: FairyMMO
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): I am sorry, but I would like to keep this private for now and it would be too long for here most likely. So can you skype or pm?
3. Any ideas for commands?: Most will be done with /ft
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: I would like it within 4 months of whenever you can start, but seeing as how this will probably be a large plugin, I would at max like it by 7 months.
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Go ahead!
Skype: cannonskull
email: cannonskull@gmail.com
12/19/2013 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BennerWinner's Avatar
1. Plugin Name: Squid Breath
2. What will the plugin do (as descriptive as possible plz): This plugin will allow the user to do /squid and if they are underwater it will fill their oxygen level up to full.
3. Any ideas for commands?: /squid also will need permissions as I am only going to have one rank be able to do it.
4. When would you want it by? Please be reasonable, as this can be affected by the complexity of the plugin and by how many requests there are.: As long as its less than a month or so.
5. Permission to post the plugin on my website and/or on BukkitDev: Sure.
12/19/2013 11:51 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Pokemon
The Gaming Grunts
The Gaming Grunts's Avatar
Working on it now
12/19/2013 11:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Princess
classily's Avatar
I think this would be a really good idea actually.
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