andyawesomeful's Avatar andyawesomeful5/24/15 11:09 pm
5/26/2015 3:13 pm
Error_Tash's Avatar Error_Tash
Hello, us at Ausura Works are working on a faction server and we need staff. Builders, mods, and admins, If you are interested in this opportunity fill out an application using this format!!!!!!

Maturity Level:
What position do you want:
Why do you want it:
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth):
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth):
Tell me about your self:
Posted by andyawesomeful's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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05/26/2015 3:13 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Error_Tash's Avatar
Name: Raven
Age: 13
Skype: Don't have it
Maturity Level: 8.5/10 but am always up for a laugh
What position do you want: Builder/Admin
Why do you want it: I am a very good builder and love to keep myself busy, I also love building something and seeing people enjoy it.
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I have been playing mine craft since classic so am extremely experienced at it. I also get a kick out of building and helping people.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I can bring a whole new style of building, great ideas, experience, enthusiasm and a server mine craft players around the world will be meeting up on and talking about.
Tell me about your self: I am above international expectations in ICT and one day hope to be a game and software coder. I have also picked Computer science for my options.
05/26/2015 3:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
pusurdude70's Avatar
Name: Sindre
Age: 15
Skype: kroken_gutten
Maturity Level: 6
What position do you want: YouTuber
Why do you want it: i can make video
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth):
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth):
Tell me about your self:
05/26/2015 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jonathanhilljpmorgan's Avatar
Name: NuCraze
Age: 17
Skype: jonathanhilljpmorgan
Maturity Level: 8.5/10
What position do you want: Builder
Why do you want it: I am a prof builder who loves looking for work on upcoming servers such as yours. I enjoy building in depth and in detail with others and enjoy seeing the pleasure of owners and others working on the servers if it is done well. I try and help everyone to the best of my ability as that i what i do and enjoy doing. If I was offered admin on hypixel or perm builder I wouldd chose bewilder. I wouldn't have it any other way
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I have now been playing minecraft for 4 years. I remember the very first time I opened that minecraft page. I went straight into single player and selected a creative world. From then on that world was filled with my minds work and month after month things became better an better, different styles were being used. Then I discovered redsotne. I started implementing redsotne into my builds to make secret bases and huge farms. I then discovered servers. An owner asked me to make a hub and so i went away and started building. ( this is 2013) bearing in mind that this was my first build I ended up with a 5 portal hub server linked to a lava fountain as a spawn point. Ever since then I have been moving from server to server and building arenas, hubs, spawns, maps, you name it.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I can bring enthuseasm, professionalism, depth in building, detail, beauty and much more a well regarded server in terms of its builds.
Tell me about your self: Well I am 17 years old, about to move to college. I am in a relationship so will not be able to play at nights, but can play about 5-7 hours a day. I enjoy the company of others and generally like making people happy
05/26/2015 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cocoapopmonkey's Avatar
Name: Alexander (but get called Zander)
Age: 16
Skype: cocoapopmonkey
Maturity Level: 8
What position do you want: i don't mind what ever works.
Why do you want it: I used to play alot of pvp but i got board of it and i know want to try and hep sever of the ground and get them big in the minecraft world.
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I have been staff on a server that had 200+ players on everyday but know it has went down and has died i have also been a builder and head mod on my friends server.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I can bring all my knowledge of pvp servers and how to handle players in certain ways that are applied to there needs and i can bring organization and most importantly ideas.
Tell me about your self: Well i have been playing minecraft for 5 years i live in the uk and im in my 5th year of high school i have nearly finished my exams and hopefully will be passing them all i play rugby outside school and just hangout with friends when im not on my computer.
05/26/2015 1:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
halogoop's Avatar
Name: Kal
Age: 16
Skype: Kalindup
Maturity Level: 10/10 (Depends on what you want)
What position do you want: Developer
Why do you want it: I am very experienced in plugins and permissions. I have done lots of permissions codes and permissions for most plugins. I am experienced in Permissions EX (PEX), Group Manager, Bperms etc. along with servers settings files.
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I have been a previous owner of a server but closed due to Financial Issues. I have experience with past servers as a developer and staff.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I can do almost any coding for permissions plugins etc. I can make ranks fair and add the essentials permissions for each and will not abuse
Tell me about your self: I am 16 I live in Canada and I am looking for a small staff Position in Minecraft.
05/26/2015 12:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OmegaRedstoner's Avatar
IGN: OmegaRedstoner
Age: 12
Skype: Its private
Maturity Level: (what is the maturity level of building sand dicks and blowing them up?)/10
Position: I want Admin, Head Admin, or Mod.
Why I want it: I want the experience of being an important part of a server's community. I have actually never been staff on any server before, and I want that experience. I can also help the server by muting players that are spammers and cursers, or banning players like griefers, laggers, and hackers.
Myself: My name is Eric. I am 12 years old and about to go into 8th grade. I am very intelligent, and i am in all honors classes with straight-A's
05/25/2015 12:59 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
l0lzin's Avatar
IGN: l0lzin (Was lulzin But Lost That Account)
Skype: If You Accept Me ill Give It To You
Maturity Level: 5 (I Joke Around A lot But I Always Fix What I Broke or Did. Most Players Loved me As A Admin)
What position do you want: Admin or Head-Admin I Can do Mod to
Why do you want it: Ive been looking for a reason to start playing this game again I was planning to try to make another server that I should be able to finacilly support since im getting more hours at my job. and I want a server I can help with my abilitys. And Hopfully make a partnership with
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): Ive been Head-Admin, Admin, Head-Mod, Mod, And Owner To 8 different servers each have had my share of bannes and kicks most shut down cause they couldn't be supported or there was serious drama and I they shut it down. Most of the regular players loved me as a admin I didn just greet them I gave them a Faction Invite I Showed them around I helped explain what they could do in multiple factions. some didn't like my jokes so I stopped messing with them.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I Can bring Fun And Joy To Regular players while helping them with problems with grifers or modders (They Are not Hackers... Hackers Find Bugs To help The Program... Crackers Use These Bugs for evil... Modders are just script kiddys.
Tell me about your self: Ive Read A lot about hacking and I know what It looks like (I Like To use Mod Menus) I love Cod And Love to help people if they are ever in need of help I can usally play 10+ hours A day depending on my work schedule I work at a family joint so If you need me for a event pls schedule it later than a week

BTW thanks for reading this
05/25/2015 1:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ChubbyHero's Avatar
I'd think you would make a great admin
05/25/2015 12:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1847275's Avatar
05/25/2015 12:48 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
l0lzin's Avatar
Really maturity 9? your 16 and your taking collage classes shouldn't you be learning how to make these servers/games why are you here I want to see your Grade Report
05/26/2015 12:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1847275's Avatar
05/24/2015 11:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
botsy1223's Avatar
Name: Bosty
Age: 14
Skype: botsy1223
Maturity Level: 7/10
What position do you want: Admin/Mod/Artist
Why do you want it: Because i am SUPER cool and I wanna help a server and be involved in one
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I am The COOLEST person you will ever meet i will do what ever you want and listen to you and i will be fair to people and be considerate and understanding
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth): I am fair, i will care and look after the people in the server, i am also very funny so i can bring humour, and i am creative to i can bring creativity
Tell me about your self: well i am a girl I am 14 so that means i will be in school for the majority of the week and I am in love with Japanese things.
05/24/2015 11:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ChubbyHero's Avatar
Maturity Level: 8
What position do you want: Mod, Admin, or Co (any of them work)
Why do you want it: I want to help mold an shape a amazing faction server!
Why you are better then the rest (explain in depth): I think that I am because of the fact that I used to own a server with my friend and it was also factions, we had about 20-35 people on a day. Until money issues came up and we couldn't keep up the server. Plus I have experience as a mod on a pixelmon server with over 100 people on it.
What can you bring to the server(explain in depth):I can bring Discipline, like hackers will be either temp-ban or banned. I can bring joy, I defiantly know how to brighten up everybody's day.
Tell me about your self:My real name is Jake, I started a gaming channel about a year ago and closed it down and plan on making group channel called "TooDangSquad" it is based off Mortal Kombat characters. My IGN is TD_Loud, and I plan on being home schooled next year so ill have ALOT of free time
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