Should I buy a DSLR camera or GAMING pc?

Fetch me's Avatar Fetch me10/3/13 4:04 pm
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10/7/2013 3:59 am
Rany's Avatar Rany
Should I buy a DSLR camera or GAMING pc?

Simple! Need advice, I really don't know what would I most use, or what would I enjoy the most. What would I get bored with fast. Well I would probably never get bored with any of these but..

I want to pick 1 hobbie, either gaming or photography. Well atm Im doing alot graphic designing and I could see myself doing that or photography in a couple of years.

The camera I would get is a Nikon d5100, and with the gaming pc Im not 100% sure.
Really want some advice, you point of view and such.

Posted by Fetch me's Avatar
Fetch me
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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10/07/2013 3:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rany's Avatar
How about getting a canon 70D? Look at here
10/07/2013 3:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rany's Avatar
What budget have you allocated for buying this camera?
What will you generally use the camera for?
Are there particular brands or models you already have in mind?
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:34 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Fetch me
constructer105I just want to state that having photography as a hobby is kind of a big money pit aswell.

Let's say you buy that d5100 (500-600€?) ofcourse, after a year, you want a better lens (=+500€). After a while you notice that everything would go smoother with a tripod (+400€). But ofcourse, you get invited to parties sometimes so you would like to take some decent pictures over there, so you search a decent flash (+200-400€). But we are a couple of years further and well, that d5100 just doesn't fit anymore, you have outgrown it in every way possible so you buy a new body (+600-1200€). Now you notice that that little detail you want to capture just doesn't show up big enough on you picture, so you buy a tele or a macro (600-1000-2000-...€)

Oh, and by the way. Earning cash with photo's is getting harder as we speak. You have to reach an outstanding level to really make a living out of it.

And yes, I say this with my own experience in the back of my head being a hobbiest photographer myself.
I know, but I know aswell that gaming isn't that cheap either. But Im not asking for costs. Im asking for advice of enjoyment. Both the computer and camera costs around the same but do they give me the same?

Taking pictures definitely gets boring fast. I got a £400 camera for my b-day one year. Entertained me for 2 weeks.

Thanks, thats what I think will happend but also not. Im not sure, still thinking about it. First I'll see how much money I will get on my b-day that is up soon. After that I'll pick Thanks for commenting btw.
10/05/2013 7:18 am
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
RustyTurkeyBrain's Avatar
Fetch me
constructer105I just want to state that having photography as a hobby is kind of a big money pit aswell.

Let's say you buy that d5100 (500-600€?) ofcourse, after a year, you want a better lens (=+500€). After a while you notice that everything would go smoother with a tripod (+400€). But ofcourse, you get invited to parties sometimes so you would like to take some decent pictures over there, so you search a decent flash (+200-400€). But we are a couple of years further and well, that d5100 just doesn't fit anymore, you have outgrown it in every way possible so you buy a new body (+600-1200€). Now you notice that that little detail you want to capture just doesn't show up big enough on you picture, so you buy a tele or a macro (600-1000-2000-...€)

Oh, and by the way. Earning cash with photo's is getting harder as we speak. You have to reach an outstanding level to really make a living out of it.

And yes, I say this with my own experience in the back of my head being a hobbiest photographer myself.
I know, but I know aswell that gaming isn't that cheap either. But Im not asking for costs. Im asking for advice of enjoyment. Both the computer and camera costs around the same but do they give me the same?

Taking pictures definitely gets boring fast. I got a £400 camera for my b-day one year. Entertained me for 2 weeks.
10/03/2013 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Doom_Kitten's Avatar
Which one are you certain you'd get more use out of?
Thar be your answer.
10/03/2013 7:32 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
I guess you could try splitting it in the middle? Get an above average computer (Not necessarily for gaming) and a pretty good camera?
Fetch me
10/04/2013 9:35 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Well to get a decent camera, I could go lower yes. But they are just cheap built*
And with the gaming pc, thats how cheap It can get. Don't need a normal pc, already got a laptop..
10/03/2013 7:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Optix_'s Avatar
Camera. Trust me you'll get hooked with the computer, and you'll regret it. And I'm talk of past experiences here...
10/03/2013 7:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Yowziyowza2013's Avatar
look at me?? i love the computer. but i am doing good in school, i do sports, i have friends, a pet, i know how to play many instruments and i work with children in my schools safety patrol. you just gotta learn to limit your computer time
Fetch me
10/04/2013 9:30 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Well I am bad at limiting myself on anything. If I do something I love, I'll never stop
Doesn't matter gaming or photography .
10/03/2013 7:30 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Yowziyowza2013's Avatar
NO YOU WON'T!!!!! YOU SHOULD JUST GET A LAPTOP WITH A BUILT IN CAMERA SO YOU CAN DO BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fetch me
10/04/2013 9:33 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Well I can't take the laptop outside and take good quality pictures with a inbuilt camera that is on the inside of the laptop
10/03/2013 7:24 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar
If you're not a gaming addict like me, I would recommend the camera. The camera will also make you want to go out more to take pics.
Fetch me
10/05/2013 6:23 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Thank for the reply, Im still thinking about it
10/03/2013 7:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Yowziyowza2013's Avatar
you know what? don't get either of them. INSTEAD GET A LAPTOP WITH A BUILT IN CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/03/2013 7:05 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Yowziyowza2013's Avatar
DEFINETLY GAMING PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC!!!! PC!!!!!!! PC FOR MAYOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fetch me
10/03/2013 4:41 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
constructer105I just want to state that having photography as a hobby is kind of a big money pit aswell.

Let's say you buy that d5100 (500-600€?) ofcourse, after a year, you want a better lens (=+500€). After a while you notice that everything would go smoother with a tripod (+400€). But ofcourse, you get invited to parties sometimes so you would like to take some decent pictures over there, so you search a decent flash (+200-400€). But we are a couple of years further and well, that d5100 just doesn't fit anymore, you have outgrown it in every way possible so you buy a new body (+600-1200€). Now you notice that that little detail you want to capture just doesn't show up big enough on you picture, so you buy a tele or a macro (600-1000-2000-...€)

Oh, and by the way. Earning cash with photo's is getting harder as we speak. You have to reach an outstanding level to really make a living out of it.

And yes, I say this with my own experience in the back of my head being a hobbiest photographer myself.
I know, but I know aswell that gaming isn't that cheap either. But Im not asking for costs. Im asking for advice of enjoyment. Both the computer and camera costs around the same but do they give me the same?
10/03/2013 4:39 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Amles123's Avatar
You say you won't earn any money doing photography - true. However, starting early helps. I'm 16, and got a Nikon D3100 last year. At school, I use it as I am part of the school film and media teams. It is also useful personally (When I went to the recent DigitalNationz expo in Auckland (I live in NZ), I was one of the only people with an SLR, and all my pictures look way better than any of the others i've seen). An old friend of mine now sells his photos at local markets for money, and has won lots of competitions. He got into photography at around 14.

At the same time, I also have a decent gaming computer, that my parents and I have sunk around 2500 NZD into. It is totally worth it, and I am a proud member of the PC Master Race. However, it is a huge money pit.

I don't have lots of gear, just the camera, and my mother's old Minolta 200mm lens (Nikon-Minolta converter was 30 bucks). If I wanted to, I could sink more money in, but I see no reason.

My only other comment is - if you get a SLR, go for one that has good manual settings, and video. That way, you have a video camera and photo camera that is good for both. (Only other problem is audio)

Just my 10 cents (NZ got rid of 5 cent coin years ago, as well as 1 and 2 cents)
Fetch me
10/03/2013 4:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Thanks for the comment.
10/03/2013 4:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
constructer105's Avatar
I just want to state that having photography as a hobby is kind of a big money pit aswell.

Let's say you buy that d5100 (500-600€?) ofcourse, after a year, you want a better lens (=+500€). After a while you notice that everything would go smoother with a tripod (+400€). But ofcourse, you get invited to parties sometimes so you would like to take some decent pictures over there, so you search a decent flash (+200-400€). But we are a couple of years further and well, that d5100 just doesn't fit anymore, you have outgrown it in every way possible so you buy a new body (+600-1200€). Now you notice that that little detail you want to capture just doesn't show up big enough on you picture, so you buy a tele or a macro (600-1000-2000-...€)

And yes, I say this with my own experience in the back of my head being a hobbiest photographer myself.

Oh, and by the way. Earning cash with photo's is getting harder as we speak. You have to reach an outstanding level to really make a living out of it.
10/03/2013 4:18 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
socksmusicalcat's Avatar
Well, from a financial perspective, if you know how to effectively use a camera, you have some potential to make a fair amount of cash for a simple hobby. However, a gaming PC is basically a money pit. Unless you end up becoming a popular Youtube gamer, chances are that the only thing you'll get out of that purchase is a nice diversion. Does that mean I think gaming PCs are a total waste? Not necessarily, considering that I'm typing this on one, but if you're trying to consider which one will be "worthwhile" in the grand scheme of things, I offer that one perspective.
10/03/2013 7:20 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Yowziyowza2013's Avatar
Fetch me
10/03/2013 4:21 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Thank you nice perspective, but I would probably not earn any cash by photography these years. (14 years old) But later on, it possible could, yes.
10/03/2013 4:07 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
NuclearManx's Avatar
Like you said, it really depends what you want. With a gaming PC you will be able to play impressive games such as Battlefield 3, Black Ops 2, Skyrim, etc. However, if you are in to hobbies such as graphics design, then you may as well the with the photography.
Fetch me
10/03/2013 4:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
kinda hard to pick, but i lean towards a camera.
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