ProjectPilot Engineering - Recruiting Staff and Builders!

UberPilot's Avatar UberPilot5/29/15 10:27 pm
6/2/2015 9:05 pm
UberPilot's Avatar UberPilot


A small server looking for active staff, builders and players!


[b][center][color=#777777]Application Status:[/color] [color=#008000]Open[/color][/b]
[color=#777777]Positions Open:[/color][/center]
[*][b]Unlimited[/b] [color=#008000]Builders[/color][/*]
[*][b]4[/b] [color=#008000]Helpers[/color][/*]
[*][b]1[/b] [color=#FFCC00]Moderator[/color][/*]
[*][b]0[/b] [color=#FF9999]Junior Admin[/color][/*]
[*]0 [color=#FF5555]Admins[/color][/*]
[*]0 [color=#FF0000]Co-Owners[/color][/*]
[*]0 [color=#0000FF]Developers[/color][/*][/list]

[b][center][size=150][color=#777777]About Us[/color][/size][/center][/b]
Currently, we're a small server of about 15 dedicated players, with a few who join now and then. We're looking to grow in many ways, including playerbase, and staff size, as well as in the sense of worlds. Currently, we have a normally generated world, but we would like to create one that works slightly differently than our normal one. To do this, we'll need a larger team of Builders and Staff.

One of the main features of our server is its mechanics. We were one of the first servers to be using Sensible Toolbox and SlimeFun, and we have created a small community with a large understanding of the mods. We have custom plants, weapons, armor, tools, and much more. But making sure that all of this works requires more active staff than we currently have.

Therefore, we are recruiting for most positions on staff. If you think you meet the requirements and adaptability that is required to help on a server like this, there are applications below.


[*]Respect other players, their creations, and their belongings.[/*]
[*]Use common sense.[/*]
[*]Keep controversial topics out of chat, and in private messages.[/*]
[*]Do not abuse chat in ways such as spamming, scamming, advertising, or the such. This includes posting links to Screamers, IP Collectors, and other abusive or harmful websites.[/*]
[*]Chat should remain relatively curse-free. Be aware of the rest of the audience of the server. [/*][/list]

[b][center][size=150][color=#777777]Roles of Staff, by Rank[/color][/size][/center][/b]

[*]Guide new players through the server[/*]
[*]Notify higher ranks of concerns and conflicts[/*]
[*]Watch out for rule breakers[/*]
[*]Monitor chat[/*][/list]
[*]Solve minor conflicts and concerns[/*]
[*]Investigate rule breaking[/*]
[*]Notify Administrators of large concerns[/*]
[*]Assist in advertisement and recruiting.[/*][/list]

[size=120][center][i][color=#FF9999]Junior Admin[/color][/i][/center][/size]
[*]Resolve issues such as Griefing, Stealing, and exploitation[/*]
[*]Direct lower ranks in solving lesser problems[/*]
[*]Manage Bans and rankup issues[/*][/list]


[*]Adaptability and ability to learn quickly[/*]
[*]Basic plugin knowledge, especially in the use thereof[/*]
[*]A Skype account[/*]
[*]Knowledge of English grammar and spelling, especially in the application and ingame chat[/*]
[*]A degree of maturity depending on the rank being applied for[/*]
[*]Composure under pressure[/*]
[*]A relatively clear ban history[/*][/list]


[b]Ingame Name:[/b] (Response)
[b]Skype:[/b] (Response, put "PMed" here if you have personal messaged your Skype name to UberPilot and would not like to post it here.)
[b]Introduction:[/b] (Introduce yourself)
[b]Experience (if any):[/b] (Response, including IPs and Supervisors)
[b]Building Portfolio:[/b] (Imgur format is preferred, PMC profile is second, other is third.)
[b]Focus:[/b] (Terraforming, Detail, Exterior, Interior, Landscaping, Infrastructure, etc.)
[b]Anything else:[/b] (Response, optional)
I, (username), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.

[b]Ingame Name:[/b] (Response)
[b]Skype:[/b] (Response, put "PMed" here if you have personal messaged your Skype name to UberPilot and would not like to post it here.)
[b]Introduction:[/b] (Introduce yourself)
[b]Experience (if any):[/b] (Response, including IPs and Supervisors)
[b]Why I want to be staff:[/b] (Response)
In my mind, the purpose of a Helper is (response)
[b]Anything else:[/b] (Response, optional)
I, (username), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.

[b]Ingame Name:[/b] (Response)
[b]Skype:[/b] (Response, put "PMed" here if you have personal messaged your Skype name to UberPilot and would not like to post it here.)
[b]Introduction:[/b] (Introduce yourself)
[b]Experience (if any):[/b] (Response, including IPs and Supervisors)
[b]Why I want to be staff:[/b] (Response)
In my mind, the purpose of a Moderator is (response)
[b]A player is reacting poorly to an action of another player, such as building too close to them. How do you respond:[/b] (Response)
[b]A player has done a large scale grief to another player. How do you respond:[/b] (Response)
[b]Anything else:[/b] (Response, optional)
I, (username), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.

[size=120][center][i][color=#FF9999]Junior Admin[/color][/i][/center][/size]
[b]Ingame Name:[/b] (Response)
[b]Skype:[/b] (Response, put "PMed" here if you have personal messaged your Skype name to UberPilot and would not like to post it here.)
[b]Introduction:[/b] (Introduce yourself)
[b]Experience (if any):[/b] (Response, including IPs and Supervisors)
[b]Why I want to be staff:[/b] (Response)
In my mind, the purpose of a Moderator is (response)
[b]A player is reacting poorly to an action of another player, such as building too close to them. How do you respond:[/b] (Response)
[b]A player has done a large scale grief to another player. How do you respond:[/b] (Response)
[b]A member of staff equal to your power is acting out of line. How do you respond:[/b]
[b]A player has done something that is on the borderline of against the rules. How do you respond:[/b] (Response)
[b]Anything else:[/b] (Response, optional)
I, (username), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.

[b][center][size=150][color=#777777]Final Notes[/color][/size][/center][/b]

Please join the server and notify the Owner that you are applying before you apply. This way, applications can be checked quickly, and processed as such.

I don't require experience of you, and this is a great place to get it.

I also don't have an age limit, as I know some very mature 8-year-olds, and I know some very immature 25-year-olds.

[size=150][color=#777777][center][b]IP: mc-projpi.zapto.org[/b][/center][/color][/size]
Posted by UberPilot's Avatar
Level 30 : Artisan uwu

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06/02/2015 9:05 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
06/02/2015 5:12 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Once again, applications are still open for all positions with openings, as can be seen in the original post. Keep them coming, I'm accepting them!
06/01/2015 7:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Ravensky -snip-

Accepted - Junior Moderator. If you prove yourself during the trial period, you'll be awarded full Moderator.
06/01/2015 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ravensky's Avatar
Ingame Name: Ravensky15. (Response)
Skype: Ronja5000. (Response, put "PMed" here if you have personal messaged your Skype name to UberPilot and would not like to post it here.)
Introduction: Hello, My name is Verónika Lind and i'm from iceland. I am currently fifteen years of age and am born in the year 2000 on 15th february, I like helping as it is my hobby and my favourite animal is a cat. I'm very shy but will open up to anyone by time, I like to write stories and poems with creative thinking. That is all i can say, But if you want more information please ask me. (Introduce yourself)
Experience (if any): I only have experience in using commands for moderator and admin for example: What do i Kick for? Command?: /kick <playername> <reason> This particular forcibly removes a player from the server, Normally as a punishment. You can add a reason to this command, which shows up on their disconnect message. For example:
/kick RuleBreaker Griefing This would kick the player RuleBreaker, and on his/her disconnect message screen, it would show ''Griefing''.
What do i TempBan for? Command?: /tempban <playername> <datediff> This command kicks a player from the server, and also bans them, preventing them from rejoining for an amount of time mentioned. Unfortunately, you cannot add a reason to the end of this command. The format for the temporary ban times are as follows: /tempban RuleBreaker 1m This would ban them for a total of 1 minute.
/tempban RuleBreaker 1h This would ban them for a total of 1 hour.
/tempban RuleBreaker 1d This would ban them for a total of 1 day.
/tempban RuleBreaker 1w This would ban them for a total of 1 week. It’ll show up as 7 days.
What do i ban for? Command?: /ban <playername> <reason> This command forcibly removes a player from the server, But, Also prevents them from re-joining… Permanently. (Response, including IPs and Supervisors)
Why I want to be staff: Because i want to help the server grow more popular, Help advertise and make the server clean from rule breakers and hackers etc, Solve problems that players can't do on their own, Encourage them to come back when available, Welcome the players to the server if new example ''Welcome to the server, Enjoy the fun and if you get bullied or see rule breakers report immediately. Remember to read the rules! '' I like helping and building so it's no problem at all (Response)
In my mind, the purpose of a Moderator is: To moderate the chat, Ensuring player's safety and also keeping the server clean from rule breakers, Being nice to all people is important no matter how annoying or you don't like them, Helping players with issues, Solving problems. That is all i can think of right now thank you. (response)
A player is reacting poorly to an action of another player, such as building too close to them. How do you respond: I would step into the conversation and say: Please respect other player's privacy, If you do not listen to these lines you will get a warning. Please do not continue to disobey as it might result in punishments, Thank you. (Response)
A player has done a large scale grief to another player. How do you respond: I would firstly tell the griefing person to promise that this will never happen again if they really want to play on this server but will have to be punished depending on how large it is but if they should get banned i'd advise staff to give them a second chance if they really love this server, But if they hate the server or dislike it they will be banned immediately. Thank you for reading this detailed application. (Response)
Anything else: Yes, I really am lucky to meet such people on this server. I hope for a great future ahead of the server and us. (Response, optional)
I, (username), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply: Agreed.
06/01/2015 5:48 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
The issues have been solved. Please join before applying.
06/01/2015 5:29 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Edit: Server is experiencing some issues. Go ahead and apply, just join later.
05/30/2015 11:40 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Applications and slots are still open. Apply now for better chances!
05/30/2015 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ModelJulie's Avatar
ModelJulie -snip-

I'd be happy to have you as a helper on my server. Just hop on, and check if I'm online!
Accepted - Helper.

Will do!
05/30/2015 8:04 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
ModelJulie -snip-

I'd be happy to have you as a helper on my server. Just hop on, and check if I'm online!
Accepted - Helper.
05/30/2015 7:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ModelJulie's Avatar
Ingame Name: ModelJulie
Skype: ModelJulieHowe
Introduction: I'm 17 years old and live in New Jersey. I've been playing Minecraft for the last couple of years, but I've lost touch with many of my previous servers. I'm looking to get back into a community, meet new friends, and help a community grow and foster.
Experience (if any): Moderator on mc.ecocitycraft.com, a large economy based server. Responsible for handling of player reports, helping players, and assisting superior staff members with any issues that may have arisen.
Why I want to be staff: I would like to join the staff team to help the community grow. I'm more or less without a server I want to call home yet, and the best way to meet the players of a server is from the inside, in a position like that of a helper.
In my mind, the purpose of a Helper is to be a positive role member in the community. Answer questions, help newer players, always be a positive influence. A helper should always act in a mature/responsible manner, and should treat all players equally.
Anything else: Can't seem to find the server website, I'd love to join the website. (I've already joined the server and looked around). I also couldn't find you on the server to inform you I had applied.
I,ModelJulie, agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.
05/30/2015 6:30 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Toxic_Swagg101 -snip-

Sorry, your application for Jr. Admin was very plain and not quite as specific as I would have liked, therefore it has been Denied.

Try for another rank, or wait a week and try again.
05/30/2015 6:23 pm
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Tioga99 -snip-

You are now under consideration. Expect a Skype request in the next few days.
05/30/2015 3:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tioga99's Avatar
Jr. Admin Application

Ingame Name: Tioga99
Skype: Connor.f01
Introduction: Hey guys! As you probably know by now my in game name is Tioga99 but my real name is Connor. My passion in life right now is music. I play the upright bass and electric bass but can fiddle around on some guitar lol. Family is very important to me and I would do anything for them. Speaking about minecraft... Its something I enjoy playing and is a fun way to let loose, be creative and build whatever my imagination can think of. While I do enjoy building I love player interactions and having something like minecraft as a common median is a great way to bond and make friends.
Experience (if any): I have experience in running a few servers myself and even more experience staffing on others. I know how to work and modify plugins to a basic extent but where I flourish is with people. I understand and work with almost anyone very well and being able to do this is something I pride myself on.
Why I want to be staff: I want to help the server grow. The server looks like it has great potential and I am sure it could go great places.
In my mind, the purpose of a Moderator is to hand more player interactions while the admins and owners deal with running the server. However this is not an excuse for the admins to not handle player issues. The moderator just takes a bit of the stress off the admins and owners.
A player is reacting poorly to an action of another player, such as building too close to them. How do you respond: Well it depends on how heated things are right now. The first thing I would do is to try to calm both players down and hear their side of the story. Having played on many servers and having new players build to close to me I can understand that this can be a frustrating thing. So I would most likely work with the new player to find a place for their home and move it so it benefits both players because in the end I want to work every situation out so all players come out happy and satisfied.
A player has done a large scale grief to another player. How do you respond: I would ban them. Having played minecraft for so many years now I have learned that once a griefer does his/her work he is almost definitely going to come back again and repeat it. But also many times these players aren't good players to keep around and don't benefit the community/server. It sounds harsh but when you are trying to build a good community or server do we really have time for people who are just going to destroy it?
A member of staff equal to your power is acting out of line. How do you respond:I would contact them on skype and try to fix it first and talk about their reasoning behind their actions. I truly do believe that these sort of interactions between staff only strengthens the staffing team. If that staff member is not willing to work things out then I would contact owners or co-owners so they can figure things out from there.
A player has done something that is on the borderline of against the rules. How do you respond: I would talk to them to get a better understanding of why they are doing what they are doing. If it ends up disrupting other players experiences I would give them a few warnings before kicking them to send a message that I am not messing around and if it persists I would talk to any other available staff online and probably ban them for an hour or two so they can think about what they did wrong in the course of their actions.
Anything else: I am very very skilled at building and if you end up contacting me on skype I would be happy to attach some images of my builds. I also enjoy it so any chance I get to help is a chance I would happily accept. I look forward to hearing from you guys and even maybe the chance at bettering your server to the best of my abilities!
I, Tioga99, agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.
05/30/2015 9:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Toxic_Swagg101's Avatar
[color=#00FFFF][color=#80FFFF][color=#80FFFF][/color][/color]App For Jr.Admin

Ingame Name:(Toxic_Swagg)
Introduction:Hello My Name Is Cameron In real Life I Am Staff on many server and I owned Many Servers I owned A skyblock kitpvp factions and creavite
]Experience: I have Many Experience with servers and mc I know how to Add perms to ranks and a lot more
[b]Why I want to be staff: I Want To Be Staff To Help Out The Server If its under attack or anything else like building and Many more. I Am a very good Staff member.
[b]A player is reacting poorly to an action of another player, such as building too close to them. How do you respond: I will Say Please Stop he Doesn't want you to so IF you do it any more I will kick you or jail you for 10 seconds then if you still don't stop I will do a minute And Even more I will ban you I am sorry.
[b]A player has done a large scale grief to another player. How do you respond:[/b] Do Not Grief its mean to do to players they waste a lot of time building and you just destroy it that's mean so if you don't stop I will ban you.
[b]A member of staff equal to your power is acting out of line. How do you respond:[/b]
I will tell a higher staff and get some pictures and send them.
[b]A player has done something that is on the borderline of against the rules. How do you respond:[/b] I will tell him to stop [b]Anything else:[/b] p.s I am good at seeing hackers
I, ( Toxic_Swagg), agree that I meet all of the requirements listed above, and will not complain based on the response to the application. I have also logged into the server already, and await my reply.[/color]
05/30/2015 12:35 am
Level 30 : Artisan uwu
UberPilot's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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