PyroRealms looking for Builders and Moderators!!

Nikoshka's Avatar Nikoshka4/5/16 2:58 am
4/14/2016 6:28 am
EchoFX's Avatar EchoFX
Currently, we need builders to build some stuff on our prison server. We are looking to open up the server on the 10th and we still need mines (It is a Prison server). We are looking for lots of builders and also we do have a position of Head Builder so do mention below if you also want to apply for Head Builder. Use the format down below when applying for builder:

Title - [player's] Trial Builder Application
Your in-game name:
Which timezone are you in?
Have you ever been banned? (if yes, why?)
Why do you want to become a builder on PyroRealms?
How long can you be active on the server every day?
Do you have any past experience as a Builder ON SERVERS?
Do you know how to use WorldEdit?
Have you got Skype? (If Yes, Name?)
Posted by Nikoshka's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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UNDT Punisher
04/13/2016 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
UNDT Punisher's Avatar
Your in-game name: 123kingbeast
Which timezone are you in? CTZ
Have you ever been banned? (if yes, why?) No
Why do you want to become a builder on PyroRealms? Your server seems like it has a great idea behind it and i wish to be apart of that idea
How long can you be active on the server every day? i can only play on the weekends i can probably dedicate close to 10 hours during those 3 days (or days i do not have school)
Do you have any past experience as a Builder ON SERVERS? yes i do.
Do you know how to use WorldEdit? yes i'm experienced in world edit
MUST ATTACH SCREENSHOTS OF PREVIOUS BUILDS http://undauntedbuilds.wix.com/undauntedbuildteam (The last build team i owned my builds are free now)
Have you got Skype? (If Yes, Name?) yes beastking1231
04/14/2016 6:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EchoFX's Avatar
HI i need a good build team and it looks like you guys do a vary Good job. i wold like it if you can help with my server spawn. Thank you Please reply On PMC i will give the Ip to you if i get a reply
04/13/2016 3:01 am
Level 1 : New Network
xAmz's Avatar
Trial Moderator Application:
What is your IGN (In-Game Name)?
What is your real name?
Cranzis Mark
What Timezone are you in?
What languages do you speak?
English and Spanish
Do you have Skype, Discord or Teamspeak?
I have skype. but I'm not posting it here because it's too public. You'll have to PM me about that information.
Have you received any punishments at any other server? (If yes, why?)
Nope. I always follow the rules and I won't cause any trouble at all.
Have you had experience in being a staff member on any other server?
As far as staff experience I've jumped all over. From Helper to Co-Owner I've consecutively been every rank a Minecraft Server could possibly have or need. Most of these servers were very small (Usually 5-10 players) and sadly none of them lasted but, I still gained experience from the servers I've taken part in.
Why do you want to become a Trial Moderator on PyroRealms?
I love playing small servers. I then realized that I was fitting in with the community very well on each server I played on. I realized that I was good at staff member when I was being promoted very quickly on all the servers I've applied on in the past. The reason I want to apply here is because I like small servers. Small servers like these usually start with a nice little community and grows. I like to have an effect on how that community grows. That is why I put a lot of my time and effort to help these servers. Most servers these days are owned by 10-12 year olds who do not know a thing about how to make a server. Although I am not the "owner" type, I am the "staff" type. Most staff members look at me and know I am the type of person who would be a good staff member due to my proper grammar and my intention to always help people. I want to help the server because I have been looking for a server to help out, but most of them are, as I said, owned by young kids. I also love to see the look on peoples face after I helped them. I wish to continue my staff career on your server and I hope to be chosen as I will put all my effort into it.
Why should we accept you as a Trial Moderator on PyroRealms?
I am very mature and I can handle situations the right way. I do not abuse my commands by giving players things that they cannot normally get like bedrock. I am very patient with players that are annoying. I like to help out new players and give them tips on how to play the game. I know every type of server that there is in minecraft. There are a few minigames I am not aware but I have a lot of knowledge in factions. I am very trustworthy. I have never abused and am not planning on ever abusing commands that a owner gave me. Abusing is out of the questions for me. It makes me so angry that some staff members give special treatments to some of their friends and gives them some items for free.
04/13/2016 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
Accepted! Add me on skype: Olina2 (Nikoshka Khutor)
04/13/2016 2:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
still searching
04/11/2016 4:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Princeneil007's Avatar
hey i want to apply for moderator can u send format plz ?
04/11/2016 9:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
Trial Moderator Application:
What is your IGN (In-Game Name)?
What is your real name?
What Timezone are you in?
What languages do you speak?
Do you have Skype, Discord or Teamspeak?
Have you received any punishments at any other server? (If yes, why?)
Have you had experience in being a staff member on any other server?
Why do you want to become a Trial Moderator on PyroRealms?
Why should we accept you as a Trial Moderator on PyroRealms?
04/11/2016 4:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
Just to let everyone else know we are still searching for Moderators and Builers!
04/06/2016 10:18 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
RedVoxelMC's Avatar
Title - RedVoxel's Trial Builder Application
Your in-game name: RedVoxelMC
Which timezone are you in? Im in +1
Have you ever been banned? No
Why do you want to become a builder on Render? Render? Well, Im kinda bored and want to show off my building skills.
How long can you be active on the server every day? Cant say, it can be from 1 hour to 4 hours. Sometimes maybe more
Do you have any past experience as a Builder ON SERVERS? Yes
Do you know how to use WorldEdit? Not so much, just a ittle bit.

Have you got Skype? Yes, RedVoxel.
04/11/2016 4:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
Accepted! Will send you a message on Skype. Sorry for taking this long to reply.
04/06/2016 3:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
still searching
04/05/2016 7:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nikoshka's Avatar
Also if you want a moderating position then apply here!
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