Remnants of Eldgammel ((OOC))

i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar i was like 11 PlsNoBully8/31/13 1:39 pm
9/4/2013 7:03 am
Cyndus's Avatar Cyndus

The continent of Pruana (Proo-on-a) is full of mighty civilizations each one exceeds in many subjects, all exceed in the aspect of war. There are three countries all on the western side of the continentent The eastern side is inhabitable by humans. Each country has a large border with the badlands. The badlands are actually a beautiful area of Pruana but are full of mutated animals and beasts. Recently some of the scouting parties have dissapeared, and scouting parties are being organized. The scholars encounter for the first time that undead masses are starting to rise up and are pushing towards the kingdoms. The growing threat forces the kingdoms to form a short term alliance. However, the kingdoms still don't trust eachother and are on the brink of war. As the undead army encroaches on the humans, the Elsione military marches on Fatharin and ignites a war once again between the three kingdoms. The kingdoms are having very large problems with killing the undead, due to only half their armies going to fight the dead.


Click "Spoiler" for detailed info about each race.

Eldgammel (Non-playable race)
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The Eldgammel were an ancient race of humans they were distinctly known for their wonderful civilization, and incredible magic powers. The Eldgammel had a special triat that allowed them almost limitless power, this trait was their golden eyes. Their golden eyes are composed of pure magic energy, giving them the ability to create words that affect the world around them.

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The humans are living in the three kingdoms of Pruana, they are respected among all the races for being direct descendants of teh Eldgammel, which is very ironic because humans aren't naturally good at magij like the Eldgammel or Elves. However to make up for their lack of magic with the wonderful sword combat.

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Elves are a respected race among the habitants of the world. Their species is older than the Eldgammel themselves, however they did not have such gifts nor did they advance their civilization themselves. Elves are poor marksman and swordsmen however they make up for these flaws by being exceptional in the school of magic and being incredible spearsmen. Elves are taller than humans and also have much more dexterity, making all elves wonderful instrument players. However elves very much enjoy the company of humans and it is very likely to see elves in Pruana.

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The descendants are derived from the Eldgammel. They have only a fraction of the power regularly because they don't have the golden eyes. Descendants have a gold ring around their eyes giving them power to cast more advanced spells than elves. Most descendants don't use large weapons and prefer to use daggers or bows. When in a life threatening situation the real power kicks in and the Descendants can harness the full energy and become much more powerful. Descendants are hated by all for "disgracing the name of the Eldgammel" So descendants have no allies. YOU ARE LIMITED TO ONE DESCENDANT CHARACTER

Please know that the weapons suggested for each race is just a suggestion. However don't expect to have a human who is god moded with magic. This doesn't mean they can't be good.

If you wish to create your own race you must fill out the following race application:

Race Name:
General Appearance:
Allies and Enemies:
Weapons of choice:
Race Backstory:

How Magic Works

In the roleplay magic is energy. Depending on how difficult the spell is it uses more energy. To cast magic spells you must speak the words in the language of Eldgammel. The whole study of magic is trying to figure out how to word your spells in other ways to reduce energy cost as well as making the spells more effective.Finding wrods to a forgotten language is extremely hard so no characters can be really good at it.


The Gildari Alliance
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A professional group of skiled mercenaries that will fight for whoever pays more gold. It is looked upon as an honorable faction. Many sellswords, thieves, bandits, and assassins looking to redeem themselves find their way to joining the Gildari Alliance.

The Dominion
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The largest human kingdow with a large military. Known for their amazing smiths. The Dominion kingdom has very little supplies or combat vantage points, so they have to make up for it with more soldiers. Great swords are smithed in Dominion cities.

Elsione (El-see-own)
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Elsion is the smallest kingdom in Pruana, with it's very mountainous and foresty region they are very smart on how they use the landscape to their advantage, and live by the code: An archer on the wall is worth 10 soldiers on the ground. With the surplus of birds and yew trees they are able to make very high quality bows. Elsione has a decent military, but not enough to play very much offense. however they are very good at defending their kingdom.

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Fatharin has the smallest military among the three human kingdoms. They also are unfortunately placed in the middle of Elsione and Dominion. most of Fatharin is rolling hills and farmlands. Fatharin are known for being incredible horse breeders, and as such they have fantastic cavalrie.

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The Scholars spend they're days wandering Eldgammel ruins in search of adventure and knowledge. They don't belong to any kingdom, however they are a well organized group and they share their reasearch with all the kingdoms. They are neutral with all kingdoms and have little care for politics.

No Faction
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If you aren't part of a faction, maybe you were hired for money, or just wandering the world. That or you are an honorless cutthroat that is killing for the money.


1. No god moding I.E. "(My character) shoots an arrow at (your character) and hits him/her right in the face and instantly kills them
2. No controlling anyone elses characters.
3. No fighting with other roleplayers (out of character)
4. Keep it clean
5. Your character may get into a situation very hard to survive situation, let it happen. It makes the RP more interesting.
6. No complaining
7. Have fun!


You can have as many characters as you want, create as many apps as you want, however you can only haveone descendant (remember, variety adds fun!)
Application Acceptors:


Character Application :
You can apply for personal characters that only you can use, or enemy characters such as mutated animals or specific undead that everyone can use and fight in the badlands.

Personal Character:

Age(Be realistic):
Appearance (Picture or description):
Weapon of choice (No legendary weapons):

Enemy Character:

Species Name:
Appearance(Picture or description)
Approximate size:
Weapons(I.E. Tusks, claws teeth poison):
How common it is to see in the badlands:


Name: Lyon
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Descendant
Apearance: Grey hair, grey eyes with gold ring around. Pale skin.
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Faction: Scholars
Weapon of choice: Advanced shadow/lunar magic spell tomes.
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As a child Lyon wasn't the most sociable person. He rarely spoke or played with any of the other kids. Of course, the other kids didn't want to play with him because he was scum. A disgusting descendant child living alone on the streets in a small town in Elsione. The only friend Lyon ever had was Leonardo. A handsome Brown haired blue eyed boy, who was the most likable kid in his village. Lyon loved the company of Leo and they would always go out to practice hunting in the forest. Lyon knew he was a descendant and knew he was skilled with magic, but didn't know any of the ancient words to cast spells. He was once told by some beggar on the street of this group called the scholars, and how they could teach him magic, so he ran away to join them. Leonardo decided to come along as well. Although Lyon was decent with a bow, Leonardo was much better. They were eleven years old and walking through the badlands. After a few months of walking Lyon finally found the scholars and devoted the next 15 years of his life to learning the ancient language. Lyon was a quick study.

Name: Leonardo
Gender: Male
Age(Be realistic): 27
Race: Human
Appearance (Picture or description):
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Faction: Elsione
Weapon of choice (No legendary weapons): Yew bow and arrows. Dagger at close quarters combat.
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Leonardo grew up in a small village in Elsione. He lived with his loving parents and older sister. Leonardo had plenty of friends to play with but he always preferred the company of Lyon. Lyon was always kind and thoughtful, plust the fact that he liked to listen instead of talk. Leonardo's dad was too old to be a soldier anymore, so now was an archery instructor. For years Leonardo trained for hours upon end with his personal instructor on how to get better with a bow. All that effort paid off well. At the age of 12 Lyon told him of a group called the scholars and it looked oh so very fun and adventurous. Leonardo decided to tag along with Lyon, becuase there was no way Lyon would be able to survive alone in the badlands. After two years with the Scholars, Leonardo got bored and said his farewells to Lyon. Leonardo went back to his father then joined the Elsione military. Leonardo still visits Lyon very often, despite the large distance seperating them.

Species Name: Hel Wolves
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Approximate size: about a foot larger than normal wolves
Weapons(I.E. Tusks, claws teeth poison): Claws, teeth
How common it is to see in the badlands: Very common

Species Name: Undead Pikeman
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Approximate size: Size of an elf
Weapons: Lance and shield
How Common: Uncommon, but increasingly more common as the undead mass approaches
Posted by i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer

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09/04/2013 7:03 am
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
09/03/2013 9:22 pm
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
Whoops I just took it out of the app, my bad >.>
09/02/2013 4:11 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
My two apps are alike, sorry for that, don't know how to mix it up.

Lotr pictures for the win.

Name: Johnathan Steel.
Gender: Male.
Age(Be realistic): 24.
Race: Human.
Appearance (Picture or description):
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Faction: No faction.
Weapon of choice (No legendary weapons): A two-handed sword, forged in one of The Dominions cities.
Backstory: Johnathan was raised in a humble home in on of the Dominion cities. His father was a guard captain, while his mother was a merchant. Johnathan took after his father, and it wasn't long before he went to the walls with him. Of course, Johnathan was only twelve at the time, but he enjoyed the walls more than the bustling marketplace, where you had to shout to be heard. His father began giving him lessons with the sword, and it wasn't long before Johnathan was able to wield swords with ease.

When he turned sixteen his father presented him with a gift – It was a valuable two-handed sword forged in a neighboring Dominion city. The blade was well-made, better than most guard-swords and something you would hang on your wall. Johnathan planned to be a soldier, but then a fire arose in the city.

His mother was taken as she tried to escape the burning marketplace, and Johnathan thought to himself, “What good will I do in the ranks of the military? My place is protecting the people not on the front lines.”

When he turned eighteen, Johnathan left the city and went around the factions. He trained for three years in the Fatharin borders learning how to ride a horse skillfully, purchased a fine mount for his own use, then rode to Elsione and spent two years there, learning how to use the bow and surviving in the wild.

Finally he ran in with a group of men like he. Rangers. He joined their ranks, and with his sword, bow, and skills protected the borders of various faction realms. Few knew of them, but without the rangers, the factions would all be pressed by bandits, rogues, ruffians, and worst of all, undead.

But eventually the Company of Rangers broke apart. Some guarded trade routes, others took their own path and became lone wolfs.

But Johnathan guarded the borders of simple lands faithfully.

Now that the undead are rising, Johnathan dons his wolf-skin cloak again, riding once more to protect.
Key word (Word hidden in the post saying "Answer (word): …?! Where has it gone!

Name: Elladan Séregon
Gender: Male.
Age(Be realistic): Between 500 And 3000. ( I'm basing this off LOTR elf age. )
Race: Elvish.
Appearance (Picture or description):
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Just forget the bows are there.
Faction: No faction.
Weapon of choice (No legendary weapons): Elven Naginata.
Backstory: Elladan was the son of an Elven prince. He was the youngest of three, the other two being his eldest brother and sister. Elladan was treated well, but not as well as them. This was because his brother would eventually be king of the Woodland, while Elladan would be nothing of that importance.

Instead of entering the life of politics that his brother was stuck in, Elladan decided to become a ranger. From the day he took the ranger oath, Elladan pledged to protect the good people of Pruana from the darkness for twenty years..

But instead of glorious battles with evil, and protecting fair maidens, Elladen found that being a ranger was difficult. The borders he patrolled were constantly under attack, and he was scarce without a wound. Finally, he asked for more reinforcements using one of the beacons.

And then he met Johnathan's company. Fourteen of some of the best rangers in the world answered his call. Clad in wolf skin pelts, with beautiful swords and weapons of destructions, the rangers annihilated the troublemakers of the border, then rode back to patrol their own.

See, Rangers would guard each border. For example, let's say the farm land of Zlandar had four sides. Four rangers would guard all four sides and make sure no harm would come to the people of the country. If a spy, or some evil force were to slip into the country without them being killed, the rangers would notify another ranger who would stay in the country.

Many people did not know of the rangers, but those who did were thankful of their guardians.

When his oath was finished, Elladan left his border to continue his work of fighting darkness, and now a new threat has arrison; Undead soldiers. Donning his cloak, Elladan is off once more to fight the darkness.
Key word (Word hidden in the post saying "Answer (word): Nope.
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
09/02/2013 9:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
Accepted and accepted. I removed the keyword so that's why you might've had some trouble finding it. Sorry
09/01/2013 10:54 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Shvinkly's Avatar

Why do all of the roleplays I want to join have these -snip-ING GIMMICKS.

"Why am I so hated.."
( The ball of light, her Janus Sword, is actually blue. That was as accurate as I could make it. )
Name: Alexis Eldenzd ( Pronounced, Eld-in. zd are silent, :3 )
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Descendant
Faction: None.
Weapon of choice: Magic Sword she named the Janus sword, in a sense it's a magic ball that when she moves leaves a razor sharp trail of fairy dust ( huehuehue )
Backstory: -coming soon-
Key word: No

What gimmicks do you speak of?!

And also, May or may not app. Not sure yet.

The -snip-ing "key word"
Put "-insert" in your anything else.

I used to hate them. Then I took an arrow to the knee.
Then I made my own roleplay, and half the people didn't read the rules.
09/01/2013 4:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Will app soon.
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
09/01/2013 1:10 am
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
Fine, I got rid of that, however I would greatly appreciate it if people fully read my post. c:
08/31/2013 6:20 pm
Level 25 : Expert Miner
zane6200's Avatar
Yeah, Cyndus does hate that, well a lot do.
08/31/2013 6:09 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar

Why do all of the roleplays I want to join have these -snip-ING GIMMICKS.

"Why am I so hated.."
( The ball of light, her Janus Sword, is actually blue. That was as accurate as I could make it. )
Name: Alexis Eldenzd ( Pronounced, Eld-in. zd are silent, :3 )
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Descendant
Faction: None.
Weapon of choice: Magic Sword she named the Janus sword, in a sense it's a magic ball that when she moves leaves a razor sharp trail of fairy dust ( huehuehue )
Backstory: -coming soon-
Key word: No

What gimmicks do you speak of?!

And also, May or may not app. Not sure yet.

The -snip-ing "key word"
Put "-insert" in your anything else.
08/31/2013 6:02 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar

Why do all of the roleplays I want to join have these -snip-ING GIMMICKS.

"Why am I so hated.."
( The ball of light, her Janus Sword, is actually blue. That was as accurate as I could make it. )
Name: Alexis Eldenzd ( Pronounced, Eld-in. zd are silent, :3 )
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Descendant
Faction: None.
Weapon of choice: Magic Sword she named the Janus sword, in a sense it's a magic ball that when she moves leaves a razor sharp trail of fairy dust ( huehuehue )
Backstory: -coming soon-
Key word: No

What gimmicks do you speak of?!

And also, May or may not app. Not sure yet.
08/31/2013 5:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar

"Why am I so hated.."
( The ball of light, her Janus Sword, is actually blue. That was as accurate as I could make it. )
Name: Alexis Eldenzd ( Pronounced, Eld-in. zd are silent, :3 )
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Descendant
Faction: None.
Weapon of choice: Magic Sword she named the Janus sword, in a sense it's a magic ball that when she moves leaves a razor sharp trail of fairy dust ( huehuehue )
Backstory: Alexis had no friends when she was born, no mother, no father, no brother. Just a small baby Gryffin and her ring, two men were walking around the desert where she was born when they saw Alexis and her Gryffin, as a descendant she was intelligent enough to already name the Gryffin, she named him Honu. She just couldn't speak, or move. The Two men felt bad for Alexis and took her into their care. Honu too.
Alexis grew up with the men and they and Honu were all she could remember.
She was 20 when the Undead started rising, they had killed the two men, named Jarry and Herry. -lol- Honu by then was full size, and rammed the undead out of the house. He... Howled? For Alexis, and she ran out of her room. She saw Jarry and Herry, she wanted to cry but couldn't. She rode Honu outside and started to fly.
Honu soared over mobs and mobs of undead, whilst Alexis had thought of new names for herself. Alex she thought, this way she could act like a guy in certain situations. Alex had landed near a kingdom in front of the gates, the guards said "Halt! State your name and buisness."
Alex rolled her eyes and said "I'm Alex, I have no where else to go. Please let me in."
The Guards eyes quickly scanned her body and saw the ring.
They quickly cursed in some other language "Go away, Descendant Scum."
Of course, Alexis had no idea what they were talking about. She was angry, the blue ball named Janus had started forming in her hand. She growled and quickly killed the Guards.
"Oh I can come in? How sweet of you."

NOTE: The kingdom she's going into is Fatharin, she will however get her faction to be the Gildari Alliance. And the reason why I put none, is because of that.
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
09/02/2013 12:32 am
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
Accepted! We'll wait till we get a few more accepted applications in!
09/01/2013 8:50 am
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
Done! Finally!
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
08/31/2013 1:50 pm
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
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