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An Anime Artist's Club!
  • About

    A fun group where you can draw to your heart's content in: Anime! Whether it's from Naruto to Demon Slayer, Komi Can't Communicate to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, we draw all the Anime character's and style! Feel free to share your art, as long as it's Anime themed. Please follow our guildlines and rules as well:

    -PMC's regular rules
    -No intense gore/violence
    -No profanity/innapropriate content
    -No Tracing other people's work, as long as you get their permission.
    Please be kind and respectful to other artists and their work, so no mimicking or making fun of other artists unless they allow you to do so.

    Please follow these rules, and then you're good to go!
  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • FAQs

    Common FAQ

    Why Anime?
    There are many different types of art and styles, as well as there are artists. Every artist has a different style, and anime art is just a mere category. There will be other groups for different styles of art, but this group is specifically for cartoon characters.
    How do i join?
    The answer is simple! Please present some of your work in the guestbook (We're really not picky as long as it's Anime themed) and state that you will not betray any of our rules. Then you may be invited into the group!
    What are 'The rules'?
    I'm glad you asked!

    -PMC's regular rules
    -No intense gore/violence
    -No profanity/innapropriate content
    -No Tracing other people's work, as long as you get their permission.
    -Please be kind and respectful to other artists and their work, so no mimicking or making fun of other artists unless they allow you to do so.

    Failure to obey these rules may result in being kicked from the group.
    Are you inclusive?
    Yes! I'll hope you understand, but Anime Artists does not tolerate any homophobia, racism, or bigotry towards other people. We strive to make people feel welcome in this virtual world, and hope you will feel safe and respected. As always, normal PMC rules apply.

    Roles FAQ

    What roles are there/what do they do?
    The roles we currently have to offer are

      Everyone who joins get's the member role! You are able to create wall posts & add content towards the group!
      Mod's are the spectator's of the group, as they watch for any posts not validating the groups' rules. They can also post content, wall posts, and add content to collections.
    -Sr. Mod
      Sr. Mod's are very important. They can do almost anything with the group, including
        -add content
        -post wall posts
        -edit the group's profile & FAQ's
        -Manage collections
        -monitor people in the group
    How do I apply for Mod?
    Mod is a very difficult role to apply for, because people who apply for this role have to be trustworthy. Here are the requirements:

      -Must have been active on the group for at least 2 weeks
      -Must dedicate some of their time towards the group (can't be inactive for more than a month)
      -Must have posted at least 3 pieces of art/wall posts
      -Must not have a record for breaking the rules within Anime Artists

    How to apply:
    -Directly message B e c c a
    -Please explain why you would want to apply for mod
    -Please accept rejection if it so comes your way
    -Be sure to include why you would be essential to have you on the monitoring team (just for this group ! Just because you are a mod for this group does not mean anything more.)

    That's it! Thank you!
  • Wall Posts

    • Anime Artists's Avatar
      Anime Artists post by B e c c a's Avatar B e c c a
      November 16, 2022, 8:48 pm to Public
      Hey! This is anime artists again!

      We haven't gotten any applications for our group (It's getting kind of lonely but fine I'm not forcing anyone to join) but if you think there's something I can do to make this group better for anyone else, I'm happy to do so! The application process isn't difficult, and although we only accept anime art, you don't have to be amazing at it. As long as you can put something on the page, it's good enough :)

      Thank you!
    • Anime Artists's Avatar
      Anime Artists post by B e c c a's Avatar B e c c a
      November 3, 2022, 5:22 am to Public
      I am creating this wallpost to introduce my group; Anime Artists!
      We are a fun group where you can draw to your heart's content in: Anime! Whether it's from Naruto to Demon Slayer, Komi Can't Communicate to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, we draw all the Anime character's and style! Feel free to share your art, as long as it's Anime themed.

      I'd like to spotlight some art, but currently we have 0 members (other than me but I don't count). If anyone would like to join/show their art, please reach out in our guest book!

      Thank you!
  • Group Members

    B e c c a's Avatar
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