-PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
Level 16
Journeyman Architect

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    07/15/2012 11:02 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    Admin Application:

    Age: 15

    What country your from:

    Why you would make a good Admin:
    I know how to make people follow the rules, i'm always polite and i never abused the commands i get for admin and i will never abuse them. I'd like to help a new server to start and i want to be part of a growing community.

    Previous Experience:
    I had my own server for 9 months until it got hacked down, and all the people that were on it are sad because they said that i was the best owner they have ever seen.

    How you will help make the server better:
    I will make people following the rules, i know how to solve problems between players and with griefers/hackers. I'm from germany that means i can be on while you are sleeping, so you will have an admin on it to keep it running while you are away

    06/24/2012 6:56 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    IGN: PhantomMiner
    Age: 15
    Country: Germany
    Skype: I'll tell you with PM or Ingame
    Reason for Moderator: I know how to run a server on my own and was very succesfull with that. But i'd like to be in a team with others. I'm trustable and mature.
    I never abused the powers i got with a rank.
    Evidence/Proof of previous moderator: I'm next to get promoted to Moderator on another server. I can tell you the IP ingame if you want. There you can meet some people that will proof that i was Owner of a cool server for 3 months.
    Good with plugins: Hell, yeah
    Will you be dedicated: Another Hell, yeah
    Time a Day: 2-3h Mon-Fri, Weekend 5+
    Anything Else: I think i said everything important about me
    06/21/2012 5:32 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    And i would really like to help you, achilliess.
    I'm good with Redstone, a great builder, i'm trustable, mature and not a mc-pyromaniac
    06/21/2012 5:31 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    Evil, you were co owner on 16 servers and quit them.
    You should stay at 1 server and not switch all the time.
    05/19/2012 11:25 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    Invite me to the faction please
    05/19/2012 7:25 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
    -PhantomMiner-'s Avatar
    Rome sounds cool

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