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    04/05/2015 8:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    blake8523691. Minecraft IGN: DoYouEvenDev
    2. Age: (DOB: ) 14
    3. What position do you wish to obtain?: Plugin Developer or Some sort of managing role

    Please add phantomice1 on skype.
    04/05/2015 7:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    If there is any questions you would like to ask add phantomice1 on Skype saying that you seen this message.
    04/05/2015 6:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    I am still in need of about 2 Admins and about 4 Moderators.
    04/05/2015 4:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    TooGood4_Nae1. Minecraft IGN: Netraxle
    2. Age: (DOB: ) 14
    3. What position do you wish to obtain?: Developer / Website Developer.

    Please, explain what you mean by Developer.

    cody34331. Minecraft IGN: Jimmy_Rustles
    2. Age: (DOB: ) 15
    3. What position do you wish to obtain?: Developer / Website Developer

    Accepted....But being you are already my Web Developer, this was pointless...
    03/25/2015 3:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Someone who doesn't lie about their age. Nice quality. I wish I would see you around, but it doesn't seem it is going to happen. Wish you luck buddy!
    03/25/2015 1:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    1. Minecraft IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    2. Age: 16

    3. Played Since: Early Beta

    4. Play any modpacks?: Yes, I played FTB Ultimate, Custom modpack (Parsonage), Direwolf20, and some of Unleashed, and Tekkit Classic (before it was classic).

    5. Average daily on time: Weekdays: I am quite busy between school, gym, and work. So Honestly, not sure. I will be on as much as I can if I have a reason to be on. Weekends: If I don't work I should have around five or more hours to toy around with.

    6. Previous experiences on other servers(If no skip to 19): Yes, I have worked for two servers, one of them I was an permissions & plugin manager, the other a moderator.

    7. If so, names of these servers: The first, RedHawkDown, the second Prognosis.

    8. What happened to these servers?: RedHawkDown shutdown to money/family issues. Prognosis, is no more as the owner decided he didn't have the time to develop a professional server.

    9. Are you currently staff of any other servers? (If no skip to 12): No.

    10. If so, names of these servers: N/A

    11. Why are you applying for another server?: N/A

    12. Building skill (1-20): I am not that great of a builder, I am more than capable of giving a helping hand. But when it comes down to me building something nice and complex by myself is rare, so I would rate myself about a 10/20.

    13. Plugin Knowledge (1-20): Well, I used to think that I was pretty good at this, as I did set up the server RedHawkDown for the owner, but as I have grown older and more mature I have seen that it was functional at best. So I would rate myself at about an 10/20

    14. Coding Knowledge (1-20): I have no knowledge of coding (0/20 is what I am rated). However I do need to sit down and start learning since I play on being a Computer Engineer.

    15. Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): I do have some experience as being a moderator and admin of Parsonage and RedHawkDown, while it has been A WHILE (infact probably two or three years) I have forgotten some so I would rate myself at about a 11/20. However, you should keep in mind that I am quite a quick learner.

    16. Fluent Languages: English and only English.

    17. Why are you applying?: I am applying to help the Server's community and staff. By helping it is not only a learning experience for them but for me as well. I enjoy working with individuals and learning how to manage the situation.

    18. What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: Hopefully I can enhance the community's gaming experience on the server. I would do this by answering any questions they have in a timely and efficient manner. I also hope to help the server gain and/or keep a good reputation which will in turn bring in more players. If I were to obtain a high authority position, with permission, I would host events that would gather all of the players together on the server.

    19. What can you bring that others can't?: I can bring experience. I have been a part of many servers that have failed, and I have learned from them mistakes. I can bring knowledge. I am a quick learner and I am familiar with PermissionsEX and Essentials. I can also bring some Advice to new server owners; while I may not have quite the same amount of experience as some adults, I do have some. My background knowledge of certain things and experiences with other servers could prove useful to you and me.

    20: Anything else you may want to add? (Etc. Skype, Email): Some contact info perhaps, my skype name is: Phantomice1. Any more personal info such as my name can be given over skype. If you are interested or have any more questions about me, please contact me by skype.

    Application was developed by myself, answered by myself and is up to date as of 3/25/2015.
    02/08/2014 8:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age: 15

    Owned MC server? If so, what is/was it called?: No, I never owned one, however I did manage one and gained co-owner after some time, it was called: RedHawkDown. The owner of it decided to shut down due to some money and family issues.

    Mature?[y/n]: Yes, I would say I am fairly mature, now if this was on a 0-10 scale, I would not be a 10, maybe along the lines of 8.

    Intelligent?[y/n]: Yes, I am not no super genius prodigy but I feel pretty intelligent. I am in the ninth grade, I will be taking the ACT in April and with good luck start college/dual-enrollment next year.

    What plugins do you have experience with?: PEX, Essentials, WorldEdit, Citizens, WorldGuard, and quite a few more.

    What can you bring to my server?: Experience, I have been apart of a few servers and have learned from there mistakes. Loyalty, I will never purposefully do you wrong. Honesty, I will tell you what I think, however I do apologize if I come off rude. Along with some other great qualities.

    Building Skill 0-10: I would estimate along the lines of 5, with 10 being a professional level.

    Why should I pick you?: As I stated above, I have experience. On top of that, I will never do you wrong and I will do my best to help the staff and other members. I enjoy helping people, when I help someone it is a learning experience for me and them. Every time I help someone with an issue, I learn how to deal with that situation in the future.

    Prove your intelligence any way possible here: Well, academically, I make good grades, Mostly A's with a B or two. With good luck i'll start college in my 10th grade year. If I get catch the owner of RedHawkDown when he is online he said he is willing to throw in a word for me.

    Any info i need to know: I can't code, as in writing a plugin or mod, I have intentions on learning, but I am a very busy person. My timezone is: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) , during the weekdays I leave for school around 6:30 AM and usually don't get back home until 6:00 - 6:30 PM, sometimes I don't have too much gaming time. Now on the weekends, I usually log around 8 hours sometimes more, however if you do decide to accept me, I will try to make time when needed.
    01/26/2014 9:19 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age: 15

    Experience with PEX: I was the plugin & permissions manager for a server called RedHawkDown. That is the only server that I have done permissions but I am well familiar with PEX, I'll admit i'm a bit rusty. Give me a few minutes and i'll have it back down pat. If I can catch the owner of RedHawkDown when he is online he said he is willing to pit in a word for me.

    Skype: Phantomice1

    E-Mail: If you decide to add me on skype, i'll give you my email.

    For a slightly more detailed questionnaire see here: topic-t353708.html
    01/25/2014 12:56 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Staff Application

    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age: 15

    Skype: phantomice1

    Maturity: Personally, I feel that I am more than mature enough to be apart of your staff, but that is something for you to decide. Everyone judges maturity a bit differently.

    Country, Timezone: I live is the U.S.A, my timezone is (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    Plugin experience: I am familiar with PEX and Essentials, I can set up/configure plugins, however I cannot code them.

    Staff experience: I have had staff experience on two servers, RedHawkDown, and Prognosis. On RedHawkDown I was the plugin/permissions manager. On Prognosis I was a moderator.

    Management 1/10: When I am on, I will always be doing my job. Saying that I would estimate it to be about a 8/10.

    Are you trustworthy?: Yes, when I worked for RedHawkDown I had full console access, if you need this to be verified I have contacted the owner and he said he would be more than happy to pit in a word for me.

    Why should we choose you?: I feel I can bring a fresh and friendly face into the mix. Not only that I enjoy working with players and helping them solve issues. Every time a player has a issue, it is a learning experience for both of us.

    How can you help the server?: I can help the server by providing a authoritative figure and moderating the server from nasty trolls and people of them sorts.

    Extra information: I have another application here on PMC, it is slightly more detailed and consists of twenty questions. Please, take a look at it: topic-t353708.html
    01/25/2014 12:38 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Proof of me working on the server may be provided, I had contacted the owner of RedHawkDown and he has agreed to verify that I worked for him during the coarse of his server.
    01/19/2014 8:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Eye color is needed
    01/19/2014 8:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Unicornish and Derpy98 you have been DENIED.
    You guys don't meet the requirements.
    01/19/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Ze2026 and Ethan_56, You have been DENIED.
    01/18/2014 12:59 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Skype: phantomice1
    01/18/2014 12:06 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Username/Minecraft IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Your Age: 15

    Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    When are you most often online?: During the weekends, I am very busy during the weekdays. I usually can log around 1-2 hours weekdays (sometimes more) and an easy 4+ on weekends.

    Are you multilingual? (If yes, explain.): No, I am not multi or bilingual.

    When did you first play Minecraft? (Version): Beta, I don't remember the version but it was early Beta.

    Have you ever been Temp-Banned / Banned from a Server?: Yes, I have been banned, but the reason is unknown, I was never given a reason to why, I was just randomly banned.

    What was your previous experience of any Server Coding?: No, If you are looking for a person to write plugins, then I sadly do not qualify. However, if you need a person for permissions or configuring plugins I can help.

    Are you able to record?: Record, as in video, no, I do not have the internet speed or the computer to record a decent video. If you Record as in files, I can do that.

    How many PvpCraft Network applications have you submitted before?: One, counting this one.

    Other interesting facts: None that come to mind at this time.
    01/17/2014 11:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Name: Philip (Last can be given over Skype or in-game)

    Age: 15

    Ign: _Phantom_ICE_

    Skype: phantomice1

    Time zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    Time on server: N/A

    Experience other servers: I am currently a Moderator on a inactive server, the owner is building a custom modpack so basically I am on vacation from the server. I have been an Admin on another server that closed down to money issues. I also have been staff on a few others but they aren't worth mentioning, say the least, 13 year olds ran them.

    What position are you aiming for? Helper, staff etc.: I am aiming for staff, or an admin. But I am very willing to earn your trust to get their.

    Maturity level: That is for you to judge. Personally, I feel that I am more than mature enough to handle a high level position.

    How often are you on the server a day? : Well, absolutely 0 at this moment. With good luck that will change, I should be able to log 1-2 hours weekdays and 4+ on weekends. I have a busy life during the weekdays, so I do apologize.

    YouTube account or accounts: N/A

    Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes, I agree with the rules on the Bloxic forums and other rules that may apply.

    Additional Info: I enjoy helping people, when I help someone it is a learning experience for me and them. If I don't know a players question I will go out of my way to find the answer. It takes quite a bit to upset me, so I don't throw tantrums of any sort. I am also always open for corrections, so if you feel or know I am doing something wrong, please, point it out to me. One last thing, I also have experience with permissions, mostly PEX. and I am a fairly quick learner. Thanks, I hope I get to see you soon.
    01/15/2014 7:41 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    If you need or want to watch the anime I highly recommend AnimeFushigi.
    01/14/2014 7:33 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Beta Tester :O
    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_
    Age: 15
    Why you want to join: Well, SAO is quite an amazing anime, in fact one of the best I have ever seen. Secondly, I would love to be apart of an SAO server, again, the anime itself is quite amazing. Third, I was dreaming of this day to come, playing on a server, based upon SAO. Also, I hope to one day acquire enough trust and become a moderator, maybe be even earn a bit more.
    Will you be active: Yes and no, I will play when I can I will guarantee you that. I am in the ninth grade with an honors class (technically two) and this week is semester exams, on top of that during the week days (Monday-Friday) I go to the gym after school and normally don't get home until around 6pm CST. Depending on the amount of homework I have I can usually play around an hour maybe two. The weekend are another story, I usually get to play most of the expect when I have cleaning the house or working with my dad on his car. Saying all of that, I do hope I get to see and play on your server, thanks!

    --This was typed in a hurry, I do apologize for any mistakes.--
    01/12/2014 8:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Use this application when applying, it may make you look good .
    01/10/2014 11:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the links to your post(s). (HORRIBLY late) Made a minor change. Again, anything I should add to improve let me know.

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