_Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
Level 1
New Explorer

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    11/24/2013 9:57 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Thanks for the feed back guys, if you find an error or think something should be added let me know.
    11/24/2013 1:14 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Applying for: Moderator (Admin is something earned)

    What is your FULL Minecraft name? _Phantom_ICE_

    What is your Skype Name? phantomice1

    What is your real name? Philip (last name will be given over skype if wanted)

    How old are you? I am 15 years of age.

    What can you offer the Server? I have some experience with being an admin on a previous a server. I can also offer my help with moderating the server and being a friend to the community.

    Timezone? (UTC -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    How would you protect someones home using WorldGuard? Honestly, watch youtube and read about it but I will surely learn how before I need to use it.

    How would you rollback a griefed home using CoreProtect? Same as above, but I will surely learn how before I need to use it.

    Do you have any experience with plugins? If so, which plugins? Mostly PEX, I know how to create groups, color the titles, add premissions, and stuff along that line. I also know a little bit about Essentials.

    Give some examples where it is okay to kick or temp-ban somebody. Racism, spamming, hacking, constant crying, excessive swearing, stuff along the lines of that.

    Would you be able to donate, if so how much? 20 US dollars may be the most if that. I wish I could donate more and often but I have parents, and well we are far from rich.

    How many strikes can somebody get before being banned? I believe 2, depending on the severity of the offense.

    Any other information you think will help your chances of getting Staff. I have a owner that I worked for who may vouch for me, I have some experience, and I can get along with players. I can also control my self in high-annoyance situations that may occur.
    11/24/2013 12:03 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Name: Philip

    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age: 15

    Experience: Been playing Minecraft since early beta. I am a few versions behind due to a new love with the new mod-packs from the Feed-The-Beast team.

    Applying For: I am applying for an Admin position.

    What Makes You Different: What makes me different is well, me. I feel that I can give great advice from being an admin for another server, now I will say this, you may not like my advice but what I will tell you will be the truth.

    Plugin Knowledge 1-10: I feel confident with a strong 7. Now, I can not code plugins as much as I wish I could but I most certainly know how to configure them.

    Plugin Creation 1-10: Never created a plugin and I doubt I will any time soon. So 0.

    Building 1-10: 6 seems like a nice number, a medium 6. I have built nice things but they can be FAR from something a professional can do.

    Creativity: Sadly, very little (I blame the government), very few of my creations that were decent were original.

    Maturity 1-10: I don't feel I have the right to judge my maturity, but I can say that I am not a immature brat.

    Other Info (Optional): Now, I know my application doesn't seem all that great but i'm not applying to be a nobody with a title, i'm applying to give you advice and some of it will be harsh. I am wanting to join to share with you my little experience in hopes of letting your server live until the end of Minecraft. P.S: One of my little advices actually got me banned from a server because the owner was ignorant. I hope I get to talk to you soon and even see you on your server.
    11/23/2013 11:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    I would be more than happy to get on and lend a hand, but your server seems to be down.
    06/08/2013 1:15 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar

    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age(Optional): 14 (Don't worry, I know how to follow rules and do what I am told)

    Skype(Needed): phantomice1

    Rp experience: Extremely little on minecraft, however I am a fast learner, just need a pointer in the right direction.

    Staff experience: I have been an admin on two severs, Solar Chaos and RedHawksDown, unfortunately they have both shut down
    What does meta-gaming mean?: Wiki: metagaming can be defined as any out of character action made by a player's character which makes use of knowledge that the character is not meant to be aware of

    What does power-gaming mean?: Wiki: Powergaming (or power gaming) is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie.

    OOC: Out of character
    IC: In character

    Plugin/perms app:

    Plugin/Perms experience: I have a list of plugins and configs pre-configured (this was for the tekkit servers that I was an admin of). I can't code a plugin but I know how to configure one and if you choose to use PEX (PermissionsEX) I am well acquainted with it.

    What does meta-gaming mean?: Above
    What does power-gaming mean?: Above

    Builder app:

    Rp experience(If you wish to play on server): Above

    Building level(out of 10): 5/6 I am not a very skilled builder but however I am more than happy to assist you or someone else in building. I might not be able to build very nice things alone but I can sure speed on the process on somethings like walls and simple houses.

    Proof of builds: None

    Sorry I can't be of great help, but I do look forward to working with you.
    06/01/2013 11:36 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Your minecraft name: _Phantom_ICE_

    Skype (REQUIRED): phantomice1

    Age: 14

    Maturity (1/10): 7.5 possibly 8 (There is no way in the world I am a 10)

    Experience (list server names and ips. Server must be online for it to count as a part of your experience): They are both shut down...

    Building skills (1/10): 6 possibly 7 (Saying that it mostly depends on what it is)

    Experience in theme park servers: I don't have any previous experiences with any sort of theme park/entertainment server.

    How long can you be on per day: Generally AT LEAST an upwards of 2 hours on weekdays. (School is about to end so that will go up quite a bit, also my time might never be the same due to the fact I have a life)

    Post building pictures (optional, but encouraged) (YOU MUST HAVE BUILT THEM BY YOURSELF, WITHOUT HELP): N/A
    06/01/2013 1:10 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    Minecraft name: _Phantom_ICE_

    Age: 14

    How long you've played on Minecraft: Since beta, although I am a bit behind on the newer versions since I've mostly played Tekkit, but I am a fast learner.

    Any server experience: Yes, RedHawksDown and Solar Chaos.

    Previous work Of builds and previous servers: I haven't built anything impressive.

    Would you say that you meet all the requirements that are needed for the position? I fit them all except I am not a excellent builder.

    What is your skype? phantomice1

    Can you do permissions? Yes (If it is PEX then I am pretty good with premissions)

    Do you know how to install Mods and plugins? You upload them into the plugins folder, restart the server and modify the config.

    Can you make kits for the server? Yes, through essentials.
    05/31/2013 11:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    _Phantom_ICE_'s Avatar
    What position are you applying for: Moderator
    IGN: _Phantom_ICE_
    AGE: 14
    Experience(maybe list the servers): RedHawksDown and SolarChaos (Both are shutdown due to lack of funds and life)
    Have you ever been banned?: Well, not for a good reason that I know of. (At least i am honest)
    Why should we pick you: I can be a great help to moderating you server from filthy vermin like glitches and hackers. Along with taking care of some problems.
    Evidence of work(for builders): N/A
    What is your special quality: Mostly with the console and plugins. *Not a coder but I know how to run a server*
    Skype: phantomice1

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