Aaronjrbot's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    06/03/2013 11:54 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Aaronjrbot's Avatar
    IGN: Orbita2k2
    Age: 19
    Why us?: Always loved Elder Scrolls series and I love RPing on minecraft
    Have you voted for us at Planet Minecraft?: Yes
    Define Role-Playing in your words: An escape from the real world to pretend you are someone else with other people who do the same.
    Define Meta-gaming in your words: Using info your character wouldn't have
    Define Power-gaming in your words: Pretty much god mode-ing and controlling someone else's character

    Name: Dromm Doomwhisper
    Nickname: N/A
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dunmer
    Appearance: Black Iris, White Hair, Dark Skin, Scar over Left eye
    Personality: Friendly, yet reserved. Keeps to himself.
    In-game RP Fight example:
    The human points in the distance and whispers into Dromm's ear.
    "That's him, the one walking in the middle."
    Dromm nods his head and crawls through the brush, taking aim with his bow.
    "This'll be a piece of cake" Dromm whispers back as he smirks and pulls back an arrow against his bow's drawstring and then fires, attempting to hit his target.

    Background: I need some help with this part

    "Skooma kills!"

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