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    05/25/2013 10:01 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    05/25/2013 10:00 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    I agree with this guy.
    05/25/2013 9:33 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Ha ha I happen to be from Queensland, Australia as well.
    05/25/2013 9:26 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Well, as my wise martial arts teacher once said, "Grab your belt and your sword and then see if your girlfriend is ok". Then I would just see how things go from there.
    05/25/2013 9:25 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    I don't mind politics. I mean, if there was none, every country would have no order.
    05/25/2013 9:23 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Well, I myself made a 1 hour mix of my favorite nightcore songs.
    Sucks to see that people on PMC don't really seem to know what nightcore is Lol
    05/25/2013 9:19 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    There is nothing wrong with a downloadable program. If anything, they are more convenient. I would prefer just clicking on my project in my files and have it open the program for me rather than going to the website and uploading it to edit. This also would involve having to download the skin again whenever you want to save. I think it is better to just download a program once and that would be it.
    05/25/2013 9:08 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Option one would work best if you were making an HD skin, so I would say two.
    05/25/2013 9:05 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Well, as a pixel artist myself, I don't build them for people to "use". I make them for the sense of achievement that comes when you place that last block of a big project, and the respect you gain from others as a skilled artist (In that area of minecraft pixel art). Yes it is nice to see people admiring your work for a short time; but even though it just might be a glance, they will still most probably take the time you spent creating it into account and credit you for it.
    So basically, its all about the sense of achievement and the credit. Lol

    But then on the other side of the subject, if you get "too good" at pixel arts and start making huge ones. People will start throwing around the hacker accusation. I had to deal with this myself and it was most inconvenient. The only way I resolved it was by entering in that tutorial contest a while back and submitting a tutorial on how I make my pixel arts. Unfortunately there are people out there who call themselves pixel "artists" when they just use importers or some other cheap way of getting credit for absolutely no effort. If it wasn't for these people tainting the reputation of the actual pixel artists who spend hours on their projects, pixel art making would be a whole lot more rewarding than it is now. But I stick to making pixel arts anyway because it is the only thing I am actually good at in minecraft and I see it as a hobby of sorts.

    Well, I guess that's enough rambling for now. I hope you take my opinion into account. :3
    05/25/2013 8:57 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    I'd start watching the news a lot more. "This just in: a young boy has had all his money taken from some old man with a better pokemon."
    05/25/2013 8:55 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    I guess all you can do is act yourself. Getting someone to like you for the person that you're not is bound to not last. If they do not like you for who you are, they are not worth it. Find another person. However if they do end up liking you for being yourself, you have gotten lucky.
    05/25/2013 8:48 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    Well, for my skins I usually use paint.NET a lot. And a select/cut/copy/paste feature would be nice I think
    05/23/2013 5:11 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    The only way to get better is to try harder
    05/13/2013 7:43 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    I have started watching Soul Eater again, up to episode 13 Lol
    05/10/2013 10:32 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    Very creative
    05/10/2013 10:12 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    Lovely c:
    05/10/2013 10:11 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    I guess its a status symbol, In settings you can change your class to match the things you enjoy doing. Like artist for me. And as you level up your title changes. It basically is a way of showing how much of an experienced member you are and how advanced you are.

    At least that's what it is in my opinion, I hope this helps.
    05/10/2013 10:08 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
    Aeiou562's Avatar
    I just made mine up at random when I was forced to come up with a minecraft name, and I guess I stuck with it with other stuff.
    But my username means basically: Choob = A high level player who acts like a noob
    Super = Pretty self explanatory.
    I like it quite a bit ^_^
    05/10/2013 10:05 am
    Level 28 : Expert Artist
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    I live in Australia. Its quite nice.

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