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    03/11/2014 11:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    *Username: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    *Timezone: Mountain Time Zone (No Daylight Savings Time)
    *Why I want to become a pre-mod: I want to make everyone happy and make everything right. And also, I like helping.
    *On average, how long I can get online a day: Weekdays: 2-4 hours ; Weekends: As long as a can! (3-8 hours)
    *Do I have skype/teamspeak along with a working mic: Yes
    Skype Name: annie.ong327
    *My experience (This can be none, don't lie!): Not much, but I learn quickly.
    Any other thoughts: Thank you for your consideration!!
    07/07/2013 11:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    ShuktuBossWelcome there wanderer-who-may-have-just-stumbled-upon-this! I'm here to offer you something that will be revolutionary in the minecraft community. I'm so confident, that I think you'd have to be a fool to turn it down!

    So let me explain. We're going to be working on creating a Minecraft Game Show! Ever hear of the Nox Crew? If not, GO look at their game show, and I'll let you start after that.

    Click to reveal
    Now in order to actually figure out what ideas I'm looking for you're going to have to make the team, to make sure no one... steals... anything... *Ehem* Anywhooo! Why am I so overjoyed and happy go lucky? Oh, well- because I'm so happy I was the genius with this idea! [Not that self centered, just being comical-]

    Down to buisness. Here's a list of the people we need!

    [1 Moderator] - Person to be on the server as much as possible (more than I) to monitor the progress and report any mishaps or problems.

    [2 Camera Crew] - Atleast 2 people (more allowed) With a good PC, recording software, and the ability to fly smoothly around and know where the attention is needed so we can capture both points of view.

    [Server Host] - We need a server located in the NA or EU that is able to run mods and especially WE. (Bukkit) This is one of the most important members! You will be credited FIRST in the description as well as credits. Server must support bukkit and must be stable.

    [2 Builders] - You *must* be able to build at a great standard. I'm not looking for mozart or anything like that- just someone who is an advanced builder. You have to have proof. If you've entered a building contest here on PMC- Goodie! Link me up, show pictures, do whatever you have to do. If it's not from a contest that I can view HERE on the site, you must provide a screenshot with you in it. I will assist with building, as I am a proud member of the voxel box as well as team mithrintia.

    [ 2 Commentators]
    - The only requirement is your age is atleast 14 years or older. Limit is 18 years. Must be enthusiastic and NOT shy. This is to keep the audience engaged. Your youtube names, minecraft names, and channels will be the star of the series, so you must be top notch. <--- Notch, get it? No... okay.

    [1-2 Redstoners/Command Blockers] - You MUST have skill. All our special effects will be dependent on you. It will open opportunities if you can perform well that will help you in the future join other teams. My recommendation. Command blocks honestly aren't necessary but are great to know how to spawn and work them. ESSENTIAL CATEGORY.

    [3 Background Actors] - You will be more important than you think. You will not have a speaking role most of the time, but you'll be asked to (lets say) get into a skin of a girl in a dress and pull a lever. (Like the wheel of fortune lady.) You'll do the odd jobs, but be nearly in every episode.

    [1-2 Skinners] You must make clothing and customize skins in order to fit the show. You must be able to {lets say} change an original skin and put extra clothing on it. Shading is not necessary. Need proof of your skins.

    WOW. That was A LOT. So you better get cracking! There are only so many spots and yes- this WILL go fast. We have a huge production here that will be REVOLUTIONARY. So snag your positions before they go!

    Click to reveal
    Now for the Applications part. Yippe! All you need to do is copy the base application and the job/posistion you want to apply for's application.




    Have you seen the NoxCrew Gameshow before?:

    Why do you want to join us? What appeals to you?:

    Any experience with working on a team?:

    Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:

    Do you have a youtube chanenl? If so, link it!:

    Maturity Level 1-10 Explain:


    Moderator Application:

    Do you have any Moderation Experience?:

    What server if so?:

    Are you Mature? Rate from 1-50:

    Describe yourself: [Nice, Mean, Friendly, Helpful, Strict]:


    Camera Crew Application:

    Do you have recording software?::

    If so, what is it called?:

    What does F8 do in minecraft?:

    What about F1?:

    Do you have a youtube channel?:

    If so, please link it here:


    Server Host Application:

    Where do you live? (Country/Continent):

    Do you have a stable computer?:

    Are you on often, and is the server 24/7?:

    Is it a Bukkit Server, and can you implement World Edit?:

    How many players does your server hold?:


    Builder Application:

    Are you on any Build Team?:

    If so, what Team?:

    PICTURES OF BUILD (With you in it):

    How many years have you been building? (Honest):

    Rate your Building Abilities (1-50) and Explain:


    Commentator Application:


    What Accent do you have?:

    Can you speak English Well?:

    Do you have a good Mic?:

    Do you sound Enthusiastic? (Or can you?):


    Redstoners Application:

    Link me one of your Redstone Builds (With you in it) Here!:

    How long have you been redstoning?:

    Name 1 youtuber who is a redstoner:

    What is Mindcrack?:

    Can you use Command Blocks?:

    Rate your Skills (Cmnd. Blocks + Redstone) From 1-50:


    Background Actor Application:

    Have you acted before?:

    Do you understand you might not speak at all?:

    Are you mature? Rate yourself, 1-50:


    Skinner Application:

    Show me your skins! Link here:

    Have you participated in any skin contests here on PMC?:

    If so, have you won any?:

    Can you Shade (Not needed):

    What program do you use to make skins?:


    SHEZUS. That was hard! Grab your posistions boys and girls! It's time to get our hands dirty, so buckle up and enjoy the ride we call this forum post!


    Moderator (1)
    Server Host (1)
    Camera Crew (1)
    Builders (1)
    Skinners (1-2)



    Ninja Crouton- Minor Moderator
    GG50- Head Moderator, Builder, Commentator
    Doctor_ANI - Background Actor
    Ssandis- Background Actor
    YogscastLover- Background Actor
    SovericAxiom- Commentator
    Sir Spectral - Camera Crewman
    ShuktuBoss - Director

    Annnd that concludes my little parade of sunshine and opportunity for you all. I hope to have people fill these posistions up as I really do believe this will be a great way to have fun and get out there. That's the most important thing- Fun! Don't take a job if you won't like it!


    I'd like to also remind you this isn't like the Nox Crew Gameshow, but they are what inspired this. It's more of a... themed game show. That's all I can give away! Bye for now!

    Moderator Application:

    Do you have any Moderation Experience?: Yes, about twice.

    What server if so?: They both closed down i think, but they're called RandomnessCraft and Hazecraft

    Are you Mature? Rate from 1-50: 45

    Describe yourself: [Nice, Mean, Friendly, Helpful, Strict]: Nice, strict, helpful, smart, quick, and loyal.
    07/07/2013 6:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Helper & Admin Application

    Minecraft Name: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    Skype: live:annieong123
    What can you do to help?: I'll do everything I can to make the server GRAET!
    Experience: I've been an Admin twice and a Mod three times before, but I don't mind being a helper. I helped with some builds before, I made the time progress a lot shorter, but all credit goes to the original builders.
    Spot Applying For: Admin or Helper(maybe Mod, if you want)
    07/03/2013 12:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I'm going to be filling out two applications today

    Mod App:
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    M/F: Female
    Country: USA
    Skype Name (NEEDED): live:annieong123
    Previous Experience (Server IP'S Needed): I use to be a mod on one, but the server closed down and I don't have the ip... sorry
    Why should we accept you: I'm very honest , loyal, and kind
    Tell us about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for about a year now and I LOVE IT! I'm that shy, quiet girl in school, who does what she is told, never talks back, has straight A's. Basically, I'm a goodie-two-shoes.
    Any information we should know about you (Included's Bans): I've been a Mod before. No mutes, temp bans, bans.

    Admin App:
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    M/F: F
    Country: USA
    Skype Name (NEEDED): live:annieong123
    Previous Experience (Server IP'S Needed): nope
    Why should we accept you: I have leadership! I'm also loyal, honest, and kind.
    Tell us about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for about a year now and I LOVE IT! I'm that shy, quiet girl in school, who does what she is told, never talks back, has straight A's. Basically, I'm a goodie-two-shoes.
    What can you do to improve us: I'll everything I can to inprove us.
    Any information we should know about you (Included's Bans): I've been a Mod before. No mutes, temp bans, bans.

    Thank you~
    07/03/2013 12:20 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I am applying for the position: Moderator
    Why we should select you for this position: I'm very mature, honest, and loyal
    Name + IGN: Annie (IGN: AGamerForLife)
    Area of the world(E.G China, Cuba, America (state), Australia, South Ameristralia, New Zanada): America (Arizona)
    language: English and I can only speak Vietnamese
    Are you mature: Yes, Very much
    Age: 13
    Past experience: Been a Mod once and an Admin once
    Success: Been successful in some builds, but not as great as some other peoples'. Been a great leader and Mod/Admin.
    Evidence (pictures or videos specific to the position that you are applying for): ?
    Cake or pie? Cake^^ I still like pie! But like Cake a little more
    Additional Info(anything else you think we should know while considering you for this position?): I have AT LEAST the basic knowledge of most things in minecraft.
    Do you have any experience playing MMO's? if yes please list which ones: Flyff and Luna
    Additional skills: Building
    Any past experience with plugins/ Voxel: none

    Thank you~
    07/03/2013 12:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    1.Name: Annie (IGN: AGamerForLife)
    2.Age: 13
    3.Location: USA
    4. Minecraft Experience: Been playing minecraft for about a year
    5. Maturity: Very Mature, on a scale of 10, I would be a 8.9
    6. Hours you can come on: At least 3 hours
    7. Server Experience: Been a Mod on a server once and an Admin once
    8. What can you do for the server: Anything I have AT LEAST basic knowledge everything in minecraft(like building,commands, etc)
    9. Do you know basic commands for punishment: Yes, I've been a Mod before.
    10. Create Scenarios in which you would A.Ban someone B.Mute Someone
    A. If a player is griefing, cyber-bullying. won't obey staff, or breaking rules.
    B. If a player is spaming, over-cursing, or advertising.
    06/21/2013 8:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    Skype: (Yes or No): Yes
    PvP skill: (1-10) 9
    Raid skill: (1-10) 9
    Spy skill: (1-10) 8
    Experience with factions: Being in a lot of factions before, so I know what to do and when to do it.
    Why would you be a good new member for the faction?: I'm very responsible and I'm very competitive. I like being in the best faction.
    06/21/2013 8:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Moderator Application:
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    Skype: live:annieong123
    Can you help pay: I'm broke, I promise if I could I would
    Rate your building skills 1-10: 8
    How often can you play: Everyday, alot
    What skills can you bring to the server(be specific): I can make the server the best I can make it(with the power I have)! I can make sure everything is in order and there is no un-friendly things happening. I can also help with building, if you want.
    What experience do you have being staff on servers: I've been a Mod on a server twice and a Admin once.
    Will you be dedicated to our server: Of course I will
    How many times have you been banned? What for? (Do NOT lie): Never, I'm a goodie-two-shoes

    2 players are having a dispute on server it is getting things are getting tense what do you do: I would tell them to stop, if they don't stop, mute, if after the mute they still don't stop, temp ban or ban.

    A player is being very rude and insulting staff what do you do: Tell them to stop, then mute, if it still continue temp ban or ban.
    06/07/2013 10:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Please post the IP on this topic/forum thing(: We would all love that
    06/07/2013 8:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I'd like to be a Moderator
    Can I have I ip to your server?
    My IGN is AGamerForLife
    06/07/2013 7:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    IGN*: AGamerForLife
    Position applying for: Head-Moderator or Moderator (your choice)
    Age: 13
    Maturity (1/100)*: 92
    Previous servers worked on*: I've been a Moderator on a server 9 times. Admin: 3
    Why you want to help us*: I like helping players who need it.. I really dislike griefer, spammers,and players who over swear. They are annoying. So, I want to help out. I love Minecraft, but the griefers, and spammers are kinda ruining it So, If I get accepted I will do my best to make the server great! I will put the needs of the server before me and do everything I can to improve the server.
    How long can you play each day*: At least 3 or 4 hours
    Other Information: I'm not the best builder, but if you need help building, I will be glad to help! Good Luck with your server!
    06/07/2013 12:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Head services app:

    1 Minecraft username: AGamerForLife

    2. Skype(Required): live:annieong123

    3. YouTube(Optional): iAmAGamer25 (no videos)

    4. From a scale of 1/10 How's your maturity: 9

    5. From a scale of 1/10 how active would you be?: 8.5

    6. What position would you be the head of?: (In the info it says all) I guess, Builder or Guest Services(both maybe?)?

    7. Extra info: This is a really good idea!


    Guest services app:

    1. Minecraft username: AGmaerForLife

    2. Skype(required): live:annieong123

    3. YouTube (Optional): iAmAGamer25 (no videos)

    4. From a scale of 1/10 how good is your Player relation skill?: 9

    5. From a scale of 1/10 how good are you at moderating servers?: 8.8

    6. How would you deal with a spammer?: Mute, if they still spam, ban.

    7. From a scale of 1/10 How's your maturity? 9

    8. Can I trust you?: Of Course you can!

    9. Extra info: I'm very organized, which makes me great for this position!
    06/07/2013 12:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I would love to be apart of an awesome build!
    My IGN: AGamerForLife
    06/04/2013 5:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Name: Annie
    Minecraft Name: AGamerForLife
    Skype Name: live:annieong123
    Age: 13
    How serious do you take this? Very seriously
    Building Skill (Scale 1-10): 7
    Knowledge of Plugins (Scale 1-10): 8
    Knowledge of Factions (Scale 1-10): 9
    Knowledge of Prison Servers (Scale 1-10): 7.5
    If not accepted, what are your plans? Probably, Apply for other servers.. And keep playing Minecraft and check out your server.
    How many other servers are you active in? I play on about 6 servers.
    What can you bring? I can bring my kindness, loyalty, and Order. I can keep things in order.
    Can you provide screenshots of your builds? No
    Story about yourself? I live in slightly poor family... And my mom bought me minecraft when I was 11 years old. Too me.. That was a big deal. I got kinda bullied for my race. And playing minecraft, or even any other game was my escape. So, life went on for a few years and here I am. A person who does well in school, and at home a gamer(: Things are going great now, because I have friends who accept me for who I am. So, things are going well for me
    Story about your minecraft life? I started playing minecraft at 11 years old, and when I was 12 years old, I was Moderator for a small server for the first time! Yay! I did really well, keeping unruly players in control. But soon that server shut down due to te lack of players But after I few months I got my second Moderator job for a bigger server. About 500 players were on(average). It was a little harder.. BUT soon I got use to it and got a good grip on unruly players. But then my family said they we were going on a 1 1/2 vacation. So, with common sense I told the owner. The owner said I can't be way that long, so he fired me. For awhile, I was like Why????? But I got over it and now I'm looking for a Moderator job again (or another job it fine)!
    Hacked clients? Never
    06/04/2013 5:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    Mod App
    How long are you willing to play per day? It all Depends
    Sunday? At least 3hours.
    Monday? At least 3 hours.
    Tuesday? At least 3hr.
    Wednesday? At least 3 hr.
    Thursday? At least 3 hrs.
    Friday? At least 3hrs.
    Saturday? At least 3 hours
    Reason? I LOVE PLAYING MINECRAFT! And I also like being on servers, being a apart of being the staff, and being helpful
    Will you donate? I don't think I have the money available to me
    Which country do you live in? USA
    Age? 13
    IGN? AGamerForLife
    Are you good with WorldEdit? Sorry, I seen people use it, but I never used it myself
    Are you good with plugins? I have seen I tutorial on how to download a plugin and how to put it on multiplayer server.
    Have you been Mod, Admin, Owner on another server? Yes, I have been a Moderator for 3 servers before.
    Will you abuse? No!
    Are you good with Command Blocks? Yes
    Will you follow the rules? Of Course!
    Will you good with World Guard? Sorry, never used it before.
    Will you rage/spam bad things about players? No! That is not being a good Moderator!
    Can I trust you? Of Course you can!
    06/03/2013 6:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I would love to be a Moderator!
    You can PM me if I get an opening or if there is an application I need to fill out.
    06/03/2013 6:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    1) Ever been staff before? If so where? I have been a Moderator about 3 or 4 times, I have been looking for a Moderator job for months, but no one needs Moderators!!! So, I don't really remember where..
    2) What do you believe the Moderators job is? To get rid/Keep control of unruly players(spammers,people who over swear, etc.) To make sure everyone is playing fair and by the rules.
    3) Do you believe you could enforce these rule stated above? Absolutely
    4) Tell me a time when you was a moderator and had to handle a situation? There was this really bad griefer on one of the servers I use to work as a Moderator... He was over swearing and using all CAPS, so, I give him a warning. He didn't listen, so I muted him. And he started griefing! I told him to stop, he didn't. So, I gave him a temp. ban. When his time is up, he came back... And guess what he did... HE STARTED GRIEFING!! I have had enough with him at this point, so I gave him no warning and... PERMANENTLY BANNED HIM.. And then, everything was at peace.
    5) Give me a list of plugins you are familiar with. Towny, ChestShop, McMMO, Factions, BuyCraft, MobArena, PlayersHeads...(i think that's it)
    6) Tell me a why you would be perfect for this job above everyone else? What make you different from other applicants? I'm very mature and responsible. I like things done right and fair! If you give me a task... I do it right away! I believe actions have consequences irl AND in game!
    06/03/2013 5:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    I would love to become apart of the staff! You can PM me(:
    06/03/2013 5:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Age: 13
    Maturity Level (be honest, 1/10): 8 1/2 to 9
    Have you ever been staff on another server? If so, what rank: I have been I Moderator about 4 times so far/.
    How much can you be on in the week (do not say a lot, give a rough estimate): At least 3 hours(most likely more) everyday.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: About a year
    Do you know a lot of commands, especially when it comes to towny: Yeah, most of them at least
    Do you have Teamspeak (if no, are you able to get it if accepted?): No, but I probably can get Teamspeak, beacuse my laptop was built with a mic.(As long as the download doesn't destroy my laptop )
    06/03/2013 5:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AGamerForLife's Avatar
    First Name: Annie
    IGN: AGamerForLife
    Days you could work: Everyday
    Time you could work per day: Depends, but at least 3 1/2 hours
    Experience?: I've been a Moderator about 4 times so far
    Age(not required):

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