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Level 19 Journeyman Artist

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    09/28/2013 9:11 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    I have found that this is a perfect way to ban people on lan servers.
    11/23/2012 2:30 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    apology accepted
    11/23/2012 2:23 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    convince me, and I've got your back. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to them. I believe in you. But the question is, should I? For the last time, No more mistakes
    11/23/2012 2:20 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    tell me : how long has this website been a work in progress? can I trust you to follow up with your idea? because I am willing to do so. But this is the internet. And you cant trust this sort of stuff as a general rule.

    And to anyone else reading the tread, bear with him, he may prove himself yet. but he is indeed on thin ice. he may as well do everything he can to gain our favor, otherwise you are completely correct. X- you have my attention. screw this up and away I go, and, if I am not mistaken, I am not alone in my opinion, though feel I am more forgiving than some
    11/23/2012 2:12 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Developer_X96Hello sir, I have a company but I am currently without employees. I now seek said employees. I would like to ask what is wrong with my grammar, as I would like to improve it for professional standards.


    But on a more serious note, with the original post, I'm quite sure you lost whatever shred of hope you had finding support on this website. I didn't like the idea to begin with, but as the thread progressed, you proved yourself unprofessional. If you continue acting in such a way, you will lose support. From what I have seen so far, I will personally never even consider touching the abomination you seek to create. It is also clear that the title of the "song" "I'm a big Kid now", is not appropriate to you, as it seems that you have the maturity of a twelve year old who's mother is gone.
    Now, onto the actual concept. It seems... atrocious. A sandbox MMO? What would you even do? Would it be like one big faction server that you have to pay to log into? I personally hate the concept already.
    Now, I'm sure if you were much more polite, and professional, you could have a chance at making the game. But with your current stance, I personally hope you are not funded, due to this. If you do get funded, then I shall lose all hope in humanity for funding an immature developer, who calls people "Dumb ----s". Seriously, this is horrible, and I'll be surprised if people actually support and then fund you.

    ok fair

    Do I sense humility? And Acceptance of one's actions? Hmm... Well thats a start

    You're getting there, perhaps if you work hard you can still win someone over. If you continue progressing as such, you may even have yourself a team before you know it! But who will be funding you?
    11/23/2012 2:11 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Developer_X96Hello sir, I have a company but I am currently without employees. I now seek said employees. I would like to ask what is wrong with my grammar, as I would like to improve it for professional standards.


    But on a more serious note, with the original post, I'm quite sure you lost whatever shred of hope you had finding support on this website. I didn't like the idea to begin with, but as the thread progressed, you proved yourself unprofessional. If you continue acting in such a way, you will lose support. From what I have seen so far, I will personally never even consider touching the abomination you seek to create. It is also clear that the title of the "song" "I'm a big Kid now", is not appropriate to you, as it seems that you have the maturity of a twelve year old who's mother is gone.
    Now, onto the actual concept. It seems... atrocious. A sandbox MMO? What would you even do? Would it be like one big faction server that you have to pay to log into? I personally hate the concept already.
    Now, I'm sure if you were much more polite, and professional, you could have a chance at making the game. But with your current stance, I personally hope you are not funded, due to this. If you do get funded, then I shall lose all hope in humanity for funding an immature developer, who calls people "Dumb ----s". Seriously, this is horrible, and I'll be surprised if people actually support and then fund you.

    That is exactly where I'm coming from- though I can picture the opportunity of having a sandbox mmo
    11/23/2012 2:10 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    site seems legit, but there are three things- first of all, the site could have been put up in a matter of minutes, #2- does not explain much, and three, the site mentions java, but you said you needed people with c++ coding experience Explanation please? *cough excuse *cough
    11/23/2012 2:04 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    I want to believe you, I really do, this sounds like it would be a nice addition to the gaming world, but I'm finding it hard to place my faith in you, and therefore invest my time in your corporation
    11/23/2012 2:02 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Developer_X96Hey ******** look I have a company but i was a one man company. I now need employees. What is wrong with my grammar on Developer X? Oh by the way i can cuss if i choose. its kinda like the song "I'm a big Kid now"! BTW **** ****!

    -.- and you claim to be professional... If you are a business you should have a website, chuck us a link to the website if you want to prove you're professional.

    EDIT: I did a quick google search on 'Developer X' and I couldn't find anything.

    Ooohh, owch, nice research there, I did the same thing with the same results. I'm serious, X, you are treading in deep waters here, come clean, or show stuff, but watch out, the forum sharks are ready to pounce

    tread carefully......
    11/23/2012 1:58 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Developer_X96Hi i am Developer X. Founder of Developer X Inc. I am writhing to find developers. I need some people to help me with a new game called RealForge. A game that combines Minecraft,Wow,Guild Wars and many other game aspects. I need some people to code and design. We are coding in c++. Also I need people to design characters and other items in 3D. Anyone else can be beta testers. Anyone that help with code or design will get a lifetime mebership and anything on the game they want. Even come to the launch party. (Must pay airfare). Thank You!
    Developer X

    Although I have not much to add in the way of coding, if that is what you need, may I place a suggestion? My father has spent several years as a programmer, and knows several languages, including java and c++. I Know not how much free time he has, but he has successfully made a very nice client mod for minecraft, and is a mod on a very popular server, realmcraft, though he does not get on as much as some moderaters. his in game name is scarletjester

    Cool can you tell him about this.

    Well, I must say, these guys have got me convinced, I'd like to know a little more before I start spreading the word. If you don't trust this lot with your ideas, perhaps send me a pm? I'd like to know more than it is a mashup of a sandbox building type game, and a battle/quest mmo

    What are your credentials? What qualifies you to do this? What experience do you have?

    Also, where/why do you have 2million? Who are your sponsors?
    11/23/2012 1:52 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    y'know, if you want support, you might want to make a good impression on the people of the forums, seriously, try to win them over, not blow them away
    11/23/2012 1:48 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Perhaps, if we need some convincing, prove to us you have a worthwhile and at least semi-developed idea, developer x
    11/23/2012 1:47 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    Developer_X96Hi i am Developer X. Founder of Developer X Inc. I am writhing to find developers. I need some people to help me with a new game called RealForge. A game that combines Minecraft,Wow,Guild Wars and many other game aspects. I need some people to code and design. We are coding in c++. Also I need people to design characters and other items in 3D. Anyone else can be beta testers. Anyone that help with code or design will get a lifetime mebership and anything on the game they want. Even come to the launch party. (Must pay airfare). Thank You!
    Developer X

    Although I have not much to add in the way of coding, if that is what you need, may I place a suggestion? My father has spent several years as a programmer, and knows several languages, including java and c++. I Know not how much free time he has, but he has successfully made a very nice client mod for minecraft, and is a mod on a very popular server, realmcraft, though he does not get on as much as some moderaters. his in game name is scarletjester
    11/23/2012 1:46 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    True. This all does seem rather fishy. Perhaps something happened to the company? In all honesty, if he is lying, and is just some kid, he's got a lot to be ashamed for. Of course, if I am to be ever the defendant, he could have said what he said to attract attention, or perhaps he lied and that was the only way out of it? I can only hope that this is not just some idiot pulling our leg
    11/23/2012 1:31 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    what specs are needed? I've got a relatively up to date windows 7 hp 4 month old computer..... sooo...... what kind of computer would you be looking for in a guy? Because although I will be taking some programming after Christmas, I would not be able to effectively contribute, I would love to spread the word and help test
    03/09/2012 8:51 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    maybe redstone ore- I used to be hard
    03/09/2012 8:47 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    leaves.... i dsappear easily, love nature, and can drop goodies. (apples)
    02/23/2012 8:59 am
    Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
    AlephNull's Avatar
    once on a server, I was getting killed by pigmen and teleported out, but landed in another section of the nether, and fell in lava and lost my stuff

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