Ambii's Avatar
Level 39 Artisan Wolf

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  • SNekohime's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 6:44 pm to Public
    Well, this is crazy.... It appears I've had my PMC account for a whole ten years now.
    Dronko fire blaster said 2024-06-04 19:23:15
    Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
    dam thats a long time
    FireFly Foxes said 2024-06-04 19:03:41
    FireFly Foxes's Avatar
  • Drzzter's Avatar
    June 1, 2024, 12:00 am to Public
    ICanGamez said 2024-06-01 00:01:11
    ICanGamez's Avatar
  • Drzzter's Avatar
    Drzzter shared gumoholic's post
    May 30, 2024, 4:28 pm with Public
    gumoholic's Avatar
    May 30, 2024, 3:54 pm to Public
    sketch fan art for @Drzzter ! Ima only be doing sketches unless I get ambitious and wanna make full pieces LOL :3

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    Zrose90 said 2024-05-30 17:08:00
    Zrose90's Avatar
    ‘spontaneously chiswicking’
  • prairie rose's Avatar
    prairie rose
    May 27, 2024, 1:23 pm to Public
    I found out how to view my old skins- I definitely had a LOT more uploaded than I found in the drafts, think I deleted most of them years ago. Unarchived most of my old skins though just for show and comparison- maybe I'll remake some of them.
  • David's Avatar
    May 10, 2024, 1:52 pm to Public
    Hello world
    Mykei said 2024-05-10 17:29:04
    Mykei's Avatar
    Hello! What's good?
  • Drzzter's Avatar
    April 8, 2024, 3:25 pm to Public

    SatoshiHikari said 2024-04-08 15:28:49
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    so that's what being a moderator looks like
    Aelle said 2024-04-08 15:25:53
    Aelle's Avatar
  • Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 7:55 am to Public
    After 8.75 long and tireless years of begging, spying, schmoozing, being annoying, reporting, and selling my soul, it turns out all I needed to get (rightfully) promoted was to go inactive and touch grass. Who knew!
  • Noodle's Avatar
    March 27, 2024, 8:56 am to Public
    Mayhaps the Dune 2 fans have found me?🤠

    (in all seriousness i love u all)

  • Final's Avatar
    March 27, 2024, 12:28 am to Public
    been playing some vanilla with my partner and i made them a new skin. they were pleased ! (you can tell by the way they are staring off blankly into space holding a shovel)
    Noodle said 2024-03-27 09:02:00
    Noodle's Avatar
    lacuna said 2024-03-27 07:03:18
    lacuna's Avatar
    so cuteee omg <33
    autumn said 2024-03-27 05:09:44
    autumn's Avatar
    so sweet !! <3
    ScotsMiser said 2024-03-27 03:37:54
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    "(you can tell by the way they are staring off blankly into space holding a shovel)" 🤣
  • Angel Devil's Avatar
    Angel Devil
    March 17, 2024, 6:03 pm to Public
    uploaded my first skin in.... 3 years woah... ;;


    Spongie said 2024-03-17 18:06:53
    Spongie's Avatar
  • Ludicrous's Avatar
    Ludicrous shared Drzzter's post
    March 16, 2024, 2:02 am with Public
    Drzzter's Avatar
    March 9, 2024, 3:58 pm to Public
    Hi guys,

    Please, please, please do not hesitate to message me or another staff member if someone is using our site's private messaging system in such a way as to make you uncomfortable. You have every right to use our site without being subject to private messages that make you feel unsafe or uneasy. You should never feel pressured into not speaking up.

    Every private message chain has a block and report button underneath that allows you to quickly and easily block communications with a specific user, and (if you choose to) submit a report to the administrators so that they can investigate any relevant message chains and act in your best interest to keep you safe. If you'd rather talk about the situation with a site moderator, we can also forward your concerns to the admins (with your permission). Reporting a user through their profile will also put the situation on our radar so the team -- as a whole -- can put energy into investigating the situation for you.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
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  • Rox's Avatar
    Rox shared Drzzter's post
    March 13, 2024, 8:08 am with Public
    Drzzter's Avatar
    March 9, 2024, 3:58 pm to Public
    Hi guys,

    Please, please, please do not hesitate to message me or another staff member if someone is using our site's private messaging system in such a way as to make you uncomfortable. You have every right to use our site without being subject to private messages that make you feel unsafe or uneasy. You should never feel pressured into not speaking up.

    Every private message chain has a block and report button underneath that allows you to quickly and easily block communications with a specific user, and (if you choose to) submit a report to the administrators so that they can investigate any relevant message chains and act in your best interest to keep you safe. If you'd rather talk about the situation with a site moderator, we can also forward your concerns to the admins (with your permission). Reporting a user through their profile will also put the situation on our radar so the team -- as a whole -- can put energy into investigating the situation for you.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
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  • Drzzter's Avatar
    March 9, 2024, 3:58 pm to Public
    Hi guys,

    Please, please, please do not hesitate to message me or another staff member if someone is using our site's private messaging system in such a way as to make you uncomfortable. You have every right to use our site without being subject to private messages that make you feel unsafe or uneasy. You should never feel pressured into not speaking up.

    Every private message chain has a block and report button underneath that allows you to quickly and easily block communications with a specific user, and (if you choose to) submit a report to the administrators so that they can investigate any relevant message chains and act in your best interest to keep you safe. If you'd rather talk about the situation with a site moderator, we can also forward your concerns to the admins (with your permission). Reporting a user through their profile will also put the situation on our radar so the team -- as a whole -- can put energy into investigating the situation for you.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
    fumo said 2024-03-10 01:38:53
    fumo's Avatar
    i wish you could turn off private messaging
    Papa Enny said 2024-03-09 16:09:23
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    As a funfact: There was a case of a stalker, the guy kept creating accounts to harras the victim. At the end Cyprezz locked the ability for 1 levellers of contacting the victim.

    If anyone is harrassing you, report the guy. You can prevent a lot of damage or further victims
    Silabear said 2024-03-09 16:05:20
    Silabear's Avatar
    great advice!

    I’d like to add on and say that all conversations are private and us moderators can’t ever see them unless you screenshot the chat. Only the admins can check the contents of PMs, and even then it’s only ever used very rarely when we think there’s a genuine concern for another member’s safety. Even if we suspect that something fishy is happening in PMs, we won’t check. You don’t need to worry about any spying or moderating based on PM content unless we have a genuine reason to do so.

    that being said, this does mean that when you report a PM thread, we can’t view the messages or context, so in the report you should screenshot the chat or mention to us that it’s in xyz pms with xyz person.

    (the exception is the live PMC chat where all staff can check private PMs again only if it’s necessary)
  • Moon's Avatar
    January 27, 2024, 6:35 pm to Public

    Beware of animal rescue videos on YouTube. A lot of people put animals in these cruel situations just to get clout. YouTube also monetizes these videos and makes money off them. This gives people the incentive to keep making them.

    Please report that kind of content, channels and do not feed into it.
    Moon said 2024-01-27 20:26:27
    Moon's Avatar
    Thank you for spreading awareness by sharing this post, also acknowledging this is an important issue by liking. ❤️
  • Abandon3dRain's Avatar
    January 18, 2024, 8:15 pm to Public
    oh look im not dead! just extremely unhealthy and in a lot of doctor appointments, on another note i turned 23 back in november woot. im alive. woot woot
  • Fawkesy's Avatar
    January 18, 2024, 4:49 pm to Public
    hello beautiful people, it's good to be writing here once again <3

    I just wanted to take a trip down memory lane and do my once-in-a-blue-moon checks... and well, my heart is so full.
    I really want to thank everyone who has ever liked, downloaded one of my skins or just supported me in any way, shape or form. never in a million years did i think my skins would be so loved and cherished by so many people. thank you so much! this website and minecraft in general holds such a special place in my heart and they will forever. i'll see you every once and a while <3

    - F
    lacuna said 2024-01-18 17:28:18
    lacuna's Avatar
    omg ur skins are so pretty ;0; <33
  • Moon's Avatar
    January 10, 2024, 2:11 pm to Public
    I crocheted a hat 😈
    inspired from Pinterest. Can’t find the original artist tho.

    WaffleWolf- said 2024-02-10 06:58:47
    WaffleWolf-'s Avatar

    What yarn n hook size did you use?
    Moon replied to autumn's comment below 2024-01-11 15:29:30
    Moon's Avatar
    thank you!!
    autumn said 2024-01-11 00:37:59
    autumn's Avatar
    so cool!
    Moon replied to Indraft's comment below 2024-01-10 15:00:08
    Moon's Avatar
    Unfortunately not since it’s my first time making a hat like this BUT
    I can give some advice! It’s not too hard to recreate.

    there’s this video on YouTube I followed and if you search up cat ear beanie crochet there’s one by “Meldy Crochet”
    She pretty much starts off with doing 75-80 chain stitches (Making sure it fits comfortably around your head). She then attaches both ends together with a slip stitch and does double crochets for maybe 10+ rows changing color whenever necessary.

    anyway you’re basically crocheting a rectangle LOL.

    there’s also another video that I followed for the bottom part of the hat. At the end she shows you how to shape the ears too. It’s by “Cherilyn Q”
    shes doing front and back post stitches for the hat. It’s called ribbing!

    BUT FROM MY EXPERIENCE, you might want to make the hat a bit bigger on your foundation chain if you’re going to do the ribbing. Mine was a bit tight. It might be my hook size but it’s something to be cautious about. I think you might also have to decrease the amount of rows if you’re going to add the bottom part. Depends on how long you want your hat.

    for the stars I also followed some YouTube tutorial called “studio vlog| star cat beanie tutorial, how to crochet a star, days in my life” by “jonvxco.
    I chose this one because a lot of the star tutorials are kinda complicated and some have ugly gaps in the middle LOL but she does a good job of making a perfect star while also simplifying the process.

    for the strings i chained around 70 (depends on how long you want them) and single crocheted back around to the start.

    hope that helps a bit! I just followed a bunch of random crochet tutorials and mashed them together to create this hat LOL
    Moon replied to Spongie's comment below 2024-01-10 14:41:44
    Moon's Avatar
    THANK YOU! ❤️
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  • Moon's Avatar
    December 26, 2023, 12:13 am to Public

    Ash Silvershade said 2023-12-26 01:27:44
    Ash Silvershade's Avatar
    Ahhh!! so cute!!
    autumn said 2023-12-26 00:18:57
    autumn's Avatar
  • Ukiyo_E's Avatar
    December 25, 2023, 1:58 am to Public
    Every once in awhile I come back to check on this site. Good memories:)
    GoggleD0GG said 2023-12-25 02:09:29
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  • Prince Oceanus's Avatar
    Prince Oceanus
    December 14, 2023, 7:35 pm to Public
    We're live with Whispers in The Walls!
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