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    03/14/2014 8:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    IGN Amosic3
    Age 15
    Any cases of being banned? No
    Why do you want to join? I wanna join a SMP server so bad i never liked playing single player as it gets boring as there are no friends and multiplayer has many friends and i will have people to talk to thus not get so bored easily
    Skype (if) Amosic3
    Do you record?(encouraged) No sorry i may in the future but in the meantime i have no mice
    03/14/2014 8:04 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    03/08/2014 10:38 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Post Owner?
    03/07/2014 5:52 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    How many years have you been playing minecraft?:2
    Are you good at building?:6/10
    Are you willing to be active on the server?:Yes i can try but i have school so i can only play on weekends but i will be active on weekends
    Why do you want to join the server? I wanna play on a Survival server wifout griefing and its actually fun wif people doing the same thing which u dont see alot also since its SMP i will be able to upgrade my building skills which i dont really get to do alot
    Do you acknowledge that using cheating clients will get you removed?: Yes
    Do you have skype?: If i get Accepted i tell
    Will you listen to any sort of rules that will be applied to the server if need be?: Yes
    What timezone do you live in?: +8GMT (Hong Kong Time)
    What country do you preside in?: Singapore ( Its in South East Asia)
    IGN: Amosic3
    Youtube: I have a youtube but i dont do youtube
    Pictures of work/builds (gives you a better chance): Nope none
    I hope u dont mind my flaws
    11/15/2013 10:50 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    11/15/2013 1:49 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    ▸In game name: Amosic3
    ▸Age: 14
    ▸Skype(required): Amosic3
    ▸YouTube(required): Can i not make vids? i dont really have a good mic
    ▸Will you record commentaries on this server? I cant
    ▸Why do you choose to join this server, out of all the servers out there? Erm i think tat this server will be a fun an exciting server wif only 5 players starting out at first so it will be more of a community server
    ▸Are you going to be active on the server? Yes
    11/15/2013 1:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    please do state if accepted or denied as im confused
    11/14/2013 3:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    When did you start playing minecraft: 1.5 Years
    How often could you be on: 1~3 hrs per day weekday 2~4 Weekends
    What country do you live in: Singapore
    How goods your internet: Not Good and Good as i play in 2 different locations
    Do you have skype: Yes but no Mic
    Do you have a youtube channel: Yes but i dont make vids
    Building skill: 7/10
    Redstone skill: 5/10
    Do you have a sense of humor(pranks): Duh the reason y i wanna join SMP servers
    Why do you want to join: I want to be like Etho and Docm but Single Player bores me
    Age: 14
    Able to record: No for now idk if i will in the future
    Minecraft username: Amosic3
    11/14/2013 1:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Will you follow rules? Yes
    Why do you want to play? I want to play on a survival server like Etho and Docm and not single player as it get boring
    Do you understand if you break these rules you will be unwhitelisted and maybe banned? Yes i do understand this
    11/14/2013 1:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Age 14
    Years of playing mc 1.5
    Building 1-10 6 Improving
    Redstone 1-10 5 Improving never really got into redstone
    How much per day do you play 1~3 At least
    Why should you be accepted into the server? I want to be on the server so i can play SMP Like my favourtie utubers Etho and Docm But i dont really get the chance and i dont like to play on single player as it is boring
    Skype: Amosic3 but i dont really use it that often neither do i have a good mic i might be getting 1 but idk when
    11/14/2013 12:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Name: Amos
    IGN: Amosic3
    Age: 14
    What position do you want? (eg. admin, gym leader): Admin/Elite 4
    How would the server benifit from having you?: Ive been staff on different servers and most of the servers ive been staff on have members who like me i can keep the chat clean for the children tat joins and also prevent and fights on happening
    Could you donate? (optional): nope
    Any experience?: Not much experience wif pokemon as i had no ds when i was younger but im learning thru pixelmon
    Time Zone: +8 GMT
    A player is constantly scamming new players what do you do? I will ask the guy to return the staff as new players do not know what the prices are and if scamming is no allowed i will jail/tempban/ban the player in order of offences happened
    Player A accuses player B of greifing what do you do? I will look into it and if the server has worldguard and coreprotect or that plugin is is called i will see if the person who griefed is really player B
    11/10/2013 11:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Nice Server im not a staff and Its amazing so far
    11/10/2013 11:17 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Amosic3
    Age: 14
    Are you a decent builder? Not Really i dont really do builds i play on prison servers/ pvp servers mostly as i dont really like survival as i tend to cheat on survival as i get bored easily go being on a smp multiplayer server allows me to not to cheat so i will play more often and get more chances to improve my builds
    Are you decent at survival? Yea i know most of the things needed to survive in minecraft after player for more than a year and also i always watch mindcrack episode by etho and docm i love how etho does his technical stuff and how docm does both the technical stuff and builds and i am trying to learn from them
    Have you been banned on a server before(Answer truthfully)? Yeah i think a few times but ive been since unbanned on some but there is a server where over some missing understanding and some cussing i got demoted and banned due to annoying people i faced
    11/07/2013 2:28 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    I wanna Help Build Either Spawn Or Gyms Im a pokenoob so i wana try to be a gym leader Ign is Amosic3 im not the best but i can build basic build
    08/11/2013 3:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    1. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 1 Year
    2. Why do you wish to join the server?: I have been looking for a Mindcrack like community for like every that does not require a skype as i cant use my mic often
    3. Age? (Preferably 14+): 14
    4. IGN (In-game name): Amosic3
    5. What do you excel in most? (Building, PvP, Redstone): Build,Pvping
    6. Any previous builds/contraptions? If so, What were they?: Nope
    7. Skype name? (Not needed, But recommended): Dont have 1
    8. How often/ How many hours a day are you able to get on?: Well right now right after im writing this i have to go for about 2 months as im having some serious examinations and im banned from the com for 2 months until they are over in October so i can concentrate and after the Exams i can play almost everyday until next year so thats still a long way hope server is still up by then
    9. Any additional notes? (Would be nice to hear something about yourself): I love to join a server like this and if there are no griefers it shows how nice and friendly the minecraft server is and i love this kind of server erm I'm 14 living in Asia in my country education competition is high so every parent wants their child to excel in life so thats y i cant be on these few months but after my exams i be on pretty often
    07/27/2013 4:36 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    07/27/2013 4:25 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    IGN: Amosic3
    Age: 14
    Image of one of your builds: dont have 1 i just build
    How long have you been playing minecraft?: a year
    Why should we choose you?: I always wanted to be a builder on a prison server cause i really love prison servers but i never had the chance
    Are you a creative builder?: idk im not that creative in game and IRL
    07/26/2013 8:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Can i be a tester but i gtg out can i be 1 when im back Ign Amosic3
    07/26/2013 11:08 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    Cevdet ur a GENIUS
    07/26/2013 10:54 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Amosic3's Avatar
    wow just wow best server ever

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