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Level 1 New Network

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    11/17/2015 6:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    AmyEnderGurl_'s Avatar
    Position Applying for: Admin

    I.g.n Amyendergurl

    Skype live:amyendergurl


    Name: Amy DeBi

    Experience: I am experienced with servers, I have had my own in the past but decided I prefer Working on other servers better. I have been Admin on a server that got shut down called endercricket, and I have been helper on thehenryninja server and that is it.

    Things you could bring to the server: I am kind, I think I can help a lot, with ideas for the server to make it better, building the spawn, Kicking, tempbanning, muting, banning and stuff like that to protect the server, and making the server known and the best it can be!

    Time you can play on the server: I can play 1-5 hours a day. Sometimes I more do every other day though. The only times I would play every other day would be when I am taking a break from my computer

    Knowledge: I am in 6 grade but know how to program, How to do trig, How to do Algebra, How to do calculus, and more
    Anything Extra (The more here the better!) I have only once been banned/kicked/muted from a server and that was my own, some staff members decided to goof around so I ended up losing my server. I will donate every time I also have team speak
    11/17/2015 6:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    AmyEnderGurl_'s Avatar
    Rank: Admin
    Skype:live: amyendergurl
    Age: 12 (I am more mature though)
    Have you been staff before? Yes I did own a server but it didn't work out. I prefer working on other servers.
    Why do you want to be staff on our server? To be honest, I would like to be staff on any server. The reason why is because I love interacting, having fun, working with other people, and following rules.
    Maturity(1-10): 9
    How do you react to trolls? I would ban/temp ban them except if I was told otherwise
    How can you handle a bad/stressful situation? Well If it was on minecraft I would say to the person you are stressing me out can you please consider my feeling, but in real life I would probably get a bit upset.
    (Thanks for reading this hope you like my application)
    11/17/2015 6:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    AmyEnderGurl_'s Avatar
    Your name Amy
    -Your Minecraft name amyendergurl
    -Age 12
    -Skype name live:Amyendergurl
    -Skills My skills are singing, drawing, minecraft, programming, and writing. I love doing all of these things and people say I am very talented at them that is why I put them down as my skills.
    -About yourself I am a girl and live in New Jersey. When I was in fourth grade I got bullied, I ended up going to a private therapeutic school. I am a lot better now and don't hope to be perfect.
    -What you want to be I want to be a builder or an Admin if possible.
    -Banned from servers? I have only been banned from one server. It was my own
    -Your experience with being a staff on a server I had my own server, and I was admin on a server called endercricket.
    -Your country United States of America
    -Timezone Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    -Languages you speak French(Not fluently), English (main language) , Spanish (not fluently)
    -What would you do when you see a hacker? If I saw a hacker I would, temp ban or ban depending how bad it it.
    -What would you do when you see a griefer? I would ban them right away, then tell the owner of the server who it is.
    -What would you do when you see a spammer? kick the spammer the first time, mute the spammer the second time, the third time temp ban, and fourth time ban for doing it multiple times and not listening to staff
    11/12/2015 2:01 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    AmyEnderGurl_'s Avatar
    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application - YES... Please keep this in mind I'm giving you a second chance but don't do it again.
    11/12/2015 12:00 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    AmyEnderGurl_'s Avatar

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