Anthony_Brah's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    04/30/2015 5:22 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Anthony_Brah's Avatar
    My name is Anthony Sanchez.



    15, almost 16, but I am very mature for my age.

    Position/Rank Wanted:
    I would like any, but Admin is a preferred choice.

    Position/Rank Experience:
    I used to own my own server, it was build amazingly, we had everything, just lacked donations, therefore we could not keep it running. I am also a Administrator on a server that gets about 70-80 prime time and about 300-400 on the Hub. I wont post the IP but if you want I can give it in Skype or show proof of my rank. I am also helping my friend with his own server and it's come quite a long way.

    How can you benefit other staff-members/players by joining our staff-team?:
    I think my main benefit would be experience and knowledge. I am quite good with permissions, being an Australian Air Force Cadet, I know discipline. I know rules, know my limits and I'm not all serious, just like everyone, there's a funny side to me too. I like helping! In fact I love it. I am good with spelling, punctuation, grammar and I can defiantly set a good role model for other staff and players.

    How much time can you dedicate towards the server per day?:
    Everyday I can dedicate about 3-4 hours, depending on how much homework I have or if my girlfriend/friends want me to go out. I try to be as active as possible but being in a accelerated program at school, I tend to get a lot of homework.

    Why do you want to become staff on our server?:
    Because I understand that you are in need of staff, and it would be a great pass time for me. It will also allow me to broaden my skills and learn new things. I can also meet some really nice people.

    Any other things you want us to know about you?:
    Sure, why not right? I am currently living in Australia, I've lived here my whole life! That's right, the land down under. I come from a French/Irish decent, French on my fathers side and Irish on my mothers. I play Indoor Soccer (Football) for my school and we are doing quite good so far, we could improve, just like everything. I love to hang out with my friends, go to the movies, shopping and I also like school. I have high hopes and dreams so I need a good education to for fill them. Currently I am a Leading Cadet (LCDT) in the Australian Air Force Cadets and when I am older I am hoping to be a Ground Mechanical Engineer in the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force). I love meeting new people and making friendships with who ever.

    I hope to be apart of your staff team,


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